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Gabriel Jacinto edited this page Jun 14, 2015 · 31 revisions


Basic requirements

To use ShouldPHP you must have this requirements:

  • PHP >= 5.5


Via Composer:

$ composer require gabrieljmj/should-php:dev-dev

How it works?

The tests are written with a simple syntax, easy to understand, based in "should". Basically "should be" and "should have". You can test classes, objects, methods, methods arguments and properties.

Creating an ambient

Ambient in ShouldPHP are basically test suites. To create a standard ambient you have to instaciate the class Gabrieljmj\Should\Ambient\Ambient. Like that, simply:

use Gabrieljmj\Should\Ambient\Ambient;

$ambient = new Ambient('my_ambient');

and have as return in the file the instance:

return $ambient;

You can also create ambients objects extending Gabrieljmj\Should\Ambient\Ambient. It will provides to you all assertion types methods. Each test from ambient must have the preffix test.

use Gabrieljmj\Should\Ambient\Ambient;
use MyApp\User;

class UserAmbient extends Ambient
    public function testIfTheGetterForNameReturnsTheCorrectValue()
        $name = 'Gabriel';
        $user = new User();
        $this->theMethod($user, 'getName')->should->have->asReturn($name);

Creating an assertion

All the assertions types are provided by an ambient. You can see an example here:

Ambient method Arguments Description
Ambient::theClass $class Provides assertions for classes and objects.
Ambient::theMethod $class, $method Provides assertions for classes methods.
Ambient::theParameter $class, $method, $parameter Provides assertions for methods parameters.
Ambient::theProperty $class, $property Provies assertions for classes/objects properties.

Assertions for classes and objects

Assert Arguments Description
be.equal object $class[, $message = null] Tests if an object is equal another.
be.instance $class[, $message = null] Tests if a object is of the a class or has this class as one of its parents.
have.theProperty $property[, $message = null] Tests if a class has certain property.
have.theMethod $method[, $message = null] Tests if a class has certain method.

Assertions for methods

Assert Arguments Description
be.visible $as[, $message = null] Tests if the visibility is the same as the determined. Is recommended to use the constants of Gabrieljmj\Should\Options\Visibility. Check it here.
have.argumentsEqual array $args[, $message = null] Tests if the arguments of the method are equal expected.
have.asReturn $return, array $args[, $message = null] Tests if the return of a method is equal expected.

Assertions for properties

Assert Arguments Description
be.equal $value[, $message = null] Tests if a class has a property with a certain value. If the property is not public, the default value will be used.
be.visible $as[, $message = null] Tests if the visibility is the same as the determined. Is recommended to use the constants of Gabrieljmj\Should\Options\Visibility. Check it here.

Assertions for methods parameters

Assert Arguments Description
have.acceptOnly $type[, $message = null] Tests if certain parameter accept determined value type. Recommended to use the contants of Gabrieljmj\Should\Options\TypeHinting. Check it here
have.asDefaultValue $value[, $message = null] Tests if certain parameter of a method has the default value equals determined one.



Constant What means?
Visibility::AS_PUBLIC Public visibility
Visibility::AS_PROTECTED Protected visibility
Visibility::AS_PRIVATE Private visibility

Type Hinting

Constant What means?
TypeHinting::ARR Array type
TypeHinting::CALL Callable type
TypeHinting::VARIADIC Variadic type
TypeHinting::INSTANCE_OF Instance of some class or interface determined by the static method TypeHinting::anInstanceOf($class).

Executing tests

The execetion of all tests are made with a console command. After executing, in the console will appear a little report. If some test fail, the report will explain why.

vendor/bin/should excute test.php
*Yes, I use Windows. Judge me.*


The should.json is a collection of tests, where you can indicate what tests should be executed. The file, in the truth, may have any name, but have to be JSON and to have ambients index.

    "ambients": [


You can define rules for the execution tests like just test files from a directory with certain suffix or preffix. To it, indicate the rules on JSON file.

"rules": {
    "directory": {
        "suffix": [

Rules list

Rule Category What means?
Sufix Directory Execute all ambient files with determined sufix in the name.
Prefix Directory Execute all ambient files with determined prefix in the name.


vendor/bin/should execute should.json

Explaining by the example

Local Description
test.php Executes a file that return an instance of an ambient.
Test\\UserAmbient Executes all test methods from an ambient custom object. In the console you must to use / instead \. Like that: php vendor/bin/should excute Test/Ambient.
tests/ Executes all ambient files of a directory. You must to put / in the end of the directory name both console and JSON.

Saving the report logs

To save the report logs, add the option -s|--saveto the execution follow by the logs file:

vendor/bin/should execute should.json -s "tests.log"

Showing the report with console colors

Add the option -c|--colors:

vendor/bin/should execute should.json -c
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