#Commands To Compile and Run
- Open Terminal on Folder of Project
- run command: ionic serve
- Install npm
- Open Terminal on Folder of Project
- run command: npm install -g ionic
- run command: npm install -f
#Extra Info The behaviour of the 5 tabs will be: First tab - Go to Main Page Second tab - Filtered Search Third tab - Check which bets are still open (and more) Forth tab - Discount possibilities (ex: 100 bids = 5%-15% discount in some shop) Fifth tab - Ads (If the user watchs 5 min of ads = 20 tokens to bid in the app) ( Acho que 5 minutos é muito, acho que ganhamos mais com pequenas publicidades) (20 segundos - 1 token) (5 minutos: 300 segundos = 15 tokens)
https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/layout/grid/ Nos elementos
Ver este exemplo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOINTOJxswg