Repository for my undergraduate project for FAPESP. The project was to add semantic information to feature extraction methods. This was done in two approaches: a handmade descriptor that uses semantic segmentation (SORB) and by mutli-task learning using the SuperPoint model.
All models were implemented using the ORB SLAM2 as framework.
git clone
cd Semantic_ORB_SLAM2
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive --jobs 0
ORB SLAM2: Original implementation of the ORB_SLAM2 forked from the official repository.
SORB SLAM2: Fusion of the ORB descriptor with a handmade semantic descriptor. First a CNN model extracts the semantic segmentation predictions and each class of certain surrounding pixels is used to calculate the distance between KeyPoints. It is similar to this paper.
ORB SLAM2 SuperPoint: Uses the SuperPoint model to extract the features from each frame.
For a more detailed explanation of each method, please see the README file from the repository you are interest in.
At the moment the scripts only work for the KITTI dataset.
: Builds all versins of the ORB_SLAM2. Change "make -j2" parameter in each file for faster builds (my desktop only handles 2).extract_pred_*.py
: Runs the ORB and SORB versions and saves the keyframe trajectory in a results folder with the specifc
: Evaluates all trajectories in the results folder according to the APE and RPE metric using the evo lib. The results are saved in a .csv
: From the .csv file from each sequence calculates the mean APE or RPE and prints a LaTeX table and plots a box plot. To get the p-values, add two models to the models_to_compare list.
In the results_10 are the results obtained for my report. To generate another folder and evaluate the results (change the parameters in code to fit your needs):
python3 # or python3
Mean APE obtained from 10 runs in each sequence. P-values are between Sp and SSp (ORB is only for reference porpuses)
Sequence | ORB | Sp | SSp (ours) | p-value |
00 | 5.539 | 6.767 | 6.651 | 0.705 |
01 | 439.985 | 286.709 | 209.985 | 0.131 |
02 | 16.739 | 22.459 | 22.314 | 0.821 |
03 | 1.006 | 1.319 | 1.630 | 0.003 |
04 | 1.177 | 0.840 | 0.905 | 0.940 |
05 | 4.361 | 5.803 | 6.315 | 0.821 |
06 | 13.327 | 11.953 | 11.833 | 0.406 |
07 | 2.281 | 3.388 | 2.124 | 1.000 |
08 | 37.679 | 31.324 | 26.700 | 0.000 |
09 | 20.527 | 35.945 | 31.788 | 0.001 |
10 | 5.071 | 5.515 | 4.953 | 0.023 |
This repository was a byproduct of the paper: Semantic SuperPoint: A Deep Semantic Descriptor. If this was repository was useful to you, please cite:
Not published yet