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Cocoapods Compatible Supported Platforms Build Status

See GEOSwift for full details


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Swift 5.1+
  • CocoaPods 1.4.0+
  • MapboxGL 6



  1. Follow the Mapbox Maps SDK installation instructions to configure your ~/.netrc file.

  2. Update your Podfile to include:

     pod 'GEOSwiftMapboxGL'
  3. Run $ pod install


import GEOSwift
import Mapbox
import GEOSwiftMapboxGL


let point = Point(longitude: 10, latitude: 45)
let polygon = try! Polygon(wkt: "POLYGON((35 10, 45 45.5, 15 40, 10 20, 35 10),(20 30, 35 35, 30 20, 20 30))")

let annotations = [
    MGLShape.make(with: point),
    MGLShape.make(with: polygon)
self.mapView.showAnnotations(annotations, animated: true)


In this table you can find which annotation class you should expect when using MGLShape.make(with:):

GEOSwift MapboxGL
Point MGLPointAnnotation
LineString MGLPolyline
Polygon MGLPolygon
MultiPoint MGLPointCollection
MultiLineString MGLMultiPolyline
MultiPolygon MGLMultiPolygon
GeometryCollection MGLShapeCollection

You can also use MGLShape.makeFeature(with:):

GEOSwift MapboxGL
Point MGLPointFeature
LineString MGLPolylineFeature
Polygon MGLPolygonFeature
MultiPoint MGLPointCollectionFeature
MultiLineString MGLMultiPolylineFeature
MultiPolygon MGLMultiPolygonFeature
GeometryCollection MGLShapeCollectionFeature

Each of these MapboxGL types also receive convenience initializers that accept the corresponding GEOSwift type.


To make a contribution:

  • Fork the repo
  • Start from the main branch and create a branch with a name that describes your contribution
  • Follow the Mapbox Maps SDK installation instructions to configure your ~/.netrc file.
  • Run $ pod install
  • Open GEOSwiftMapboxGL.xcworkspace and make your changes.
  • Run $ swiftlint from the repo root and resolve any issues.
  • Push your branch and create a pull request to main
  • One of the maintainers will review your code and may request changes
  • If your pull request is accepted, one of the maintainers should update the changelog before merging it.
  • Due to the need for a secret Mapbox token to install the Mapbox SDK, CI will not run for PRs from forks. Maintainers should be sure to run the test suite locally before accepting any changes.


Past Maintainers


  • GEOSwiftMapboxGL was released by Andrea Cremaschi (@andreacremaschi) under a MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
  • GEOSwift was released by Andrea Cremaschi (@andreacremaschi) under a MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
  • GEOS stands for Geometry Engine - Open Source, and is a C++ library, ported from the Java Topology Suite. GEOS implements the OpenGIS Simple Features for SQL spatial predicate functions and spatial operators. GEOS, now an OSGeo project, was initially developed and maintained by Refractions Research of Victoria, Canada.