This release of GEOS ADAS is nearly zero-diff to GEOSadas-5.29.4. The important additions are:
- handle for SPIRE RO (non zero diff from 5.29.4, when used)
- lowered top for RO assimilation (from 60 to 55 km; non-zero diff).
- change in orbital parameters (in radiation) cause minor changes to model integration (non-zero diff)
- introduced convinfo data base controlling in/out conventional observations (as sat-info; (zero-diff)
This release also fully supports GEOS-IT and it is used to start the actual cycling with that system. For convenience, in its GEOS-IT configuration this released is used under tag name: GEOSadas-5.29.4-p3.
The base line experiments for this release are: x0046a and x0046d - refer to GEOSadas/Wiki for details.