Problem Statement -
Given that sites like Patreon have blocked donations for Ukraine,
it is necessary to have a decentralized platform that allows for
donations to verified hospitals or humanitarian organizations.
The people who will donate will be able to verify that the hospital
is genuine and they can know how the money was spent in order
to maintain transparency. Individuals in need can verify their
digital ID with the organization and verify that they are
Ukrainians in need without the need for any additional
We aim to develop a software which is seamless and interactive, thereby resolving a real world problem. Considering the currennt situation in Ukraine we propose a solution to the problem statement such that the individuals in need can verify their identity with a Uid (Unique Identification) as per the country norms and regulations. For implementing the concept we use blockchain technology effectively with minimal paper work.
To deploy this project run
truffle migrate
Client: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Server: NodeJs, Ganache, MetaMask Chrome extension, Solidity,MongoDB