Repository for the paper "Improving Attention Interpretability with Task-specific Information in Text Classification", G.Chrysostomou and N.Aletras, to appear at ACL2021. Pre-print available at this link
Install necessary packages by using the files conda_reqs.txt and pip_reqs.txt
conda create --name tasc --file conda_reqs.txt
conda activate tasc
pip install -r pip_reqs.txt
python -m spacy download en
You can run the jupyter notebooks found under tasks/task_name/*ipynb to generate a filtered, processed csv file and a pickle file used for trainining the models.
You can train and save the models with script with the following options:
- dataset : {sst, twitter, mimicanemia, imdb, agnews}
- encoder : {lstm, gru, mlp, cnn, bert}
- data_dir : directory where task data is
- model_dir : directory for saved models
- experiments_dir : direcrory to save experiment results
- mechanisms: selection of attention mechanism with options {tanh, dot}
- operation : operation over tasc score generation with option {sum-over, max-pool, mean-pool}
- lin : apply Lin-TaSc
- feat : apply Feat-TaSc
- conv : apply Conv-TaSc
- speed_up : In case of low resource scenarios, you can use this option to speed up the fraction of token experiments by searching every 2% of the sequence instead of every token, with results being similar (almost identical) to those of the paper.
Example script (without TaSc):
python -dataset sst
-encoder lstm
-mechanism dot
-data_dir data/
-model_dir models/
Example script (with Lin-TaSc):
python -dataset sst
-encoder lstm
-mechanism dot
-data_dir data/
-model_dir models/
Following the evaluation for multiple models / attention mechanisms , with and without TaSc, you can use to create tables in latex and as csv for the full stack of results (as a comparison), a table for comparing with other explanation techniques, results across attention mechanism, encoder and dataset.
The script can be run with the following options:
- datasets: list of datasets with permissible datasets listed above
- encoders: list of encoders with permissible encoders listed above
- experiments_dir: directory that contains saved results to use for summarising followed by /
- mechanisms: selection of attention mechanism with options {Tanh, Dot}
- tasc_ver : tasc version with options {lin, feat, conv}
To generate radar plots you can run python