Repository for the paper "Enjoy the Salience: Towards Better Transformer-based Faithful Explanations with Word Salience", G.Chrysostomou and N.Aletras, to appear at EMNLP2021. Pre-print available at this link
Install necessary packages by using the files conda_reqs.txt and pip_reqs.txt
conda create --name saloss --file conda_reqs.txt
conda activate saloss
pip install -r pip_reqs.txt
python -m spacy download en
You can run the jupyter notebooks found under tasks/task_name/*ipynb to generate a filtered, processed csv file used then by the dataloader to train the models.
We include an example_script.txt were by you can see how to run experiments for baseline and saloss (ours). For more details see the sections below.
You can train the models on full text using the following options:
- dataset : {"sst", "agnews", "evinf", "multirc", "semeval"}
- data_dir : directory where task data is
- model_dir : directory for saved models
- saliency_scorer : {None, "textrank", "tfidf","chisquared", "uniform"}
and running the following script:
for seed in 100 200 300
python -dataset $task_name \
-data_dir $data_dir \
-model_dir $model_dir \
--seed $seed
python -dataset $task_name \
-data_dir $data_dir \
-model_dir $model_dir \
simply add --saliency_scorer $sal_scorer
if you want to add a particular saliency scorer in the above and ANY of the following.
- extracted_rationale_dir : directory where to store extracted rationales and importance scores
python -dataset $task_name \
-data_dir $data_dir \
-model_dir $model_dir \
-extracted_rationale_dir $extract_rat_dir
- evaluation_dir : directory where to save frac of results
python -dataset $task_name \
-data_dir $data_dir \
-model_dir $model_dir \
-evaluation_dir $evaluation_dir
It is important to train on rationales using the following argument --train_on_rat
- importance_metric : {"attention", "scaled_attention", "gradients", "ig"}
- thresholder : {topk, contigious}
for seed in 100 200 300
python -dataset $task_name \
-data_dir $rat_data_dir \
-model_dir $rat_model_dir \
--seed $seed \
--train_on_rat \
--importance_metric "attention" \
--thresholder $thresh
python -dataset $task_name \
-data_dir $rat_data_dir \
-model_dir $rat_model_dir \
--train_on_rat \
--importance_metric "attention" \
--thresholder $thresh \
To create the tables and figures seen in the paper you can run the script.