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Chrome Policies
- Chrome Version History
- API documentation
- Notes
- Definitions
- Display a specific Chrome policy schema
- Display all or filtered Chrome policy schemas
- Display Chrome policy schemas in same format as Legacy GAM
- Create a Chrome policy image
- Update Chrome policy
- Delete Chrome policy
- Display Chrome policies
- Copy simple policies set directly in one OU to another OU
- Copy simple and complex policies set directly in one OU to another OU
- Copy simple and complex policies set directly in one OU to multiple other OUs
- Copy simple policies in one Group to another Group
- Copy simple and complex policies in one Group to another Group
- Copy simple and complex policies in one Group to multiple other Groups
- Create Chrome network
- Delete Chrome network
- Chrome Policy Schema Table
To use these features you must add the Chrome Policy API
to your project and authorize
the appropriate scope: Chrome Policy API (supports readonly)
gam update project
gam oauth create
<AppID> ::= <String>
<JSONData> ::= (json [charset <Charset>] <String>) | (json file <FileName> [charset <Charset>]) |
<Namespace> ::= <String>
<OrgUnitID> ::= id:<String>
<OrgUnitPath> ::= /|(/<String>)+
<OrgUnitItem> ::= <OrgUnitID>|<OrgUnitPath>
<PrinterID> ::= <String>
<SchemaName> ::= <String>
<NamespaceList> ::= "<Namespace>(,<Namespace>)*"
<ChromePolicySchemaFieldName> ::=
<ChromePolicySchemaFieldNameList> ::= "<ChromePolicySchemaFieldName>(,<ChromePolicySchemaFieldName>)*"
gam info chromeschema <SchemaName>
<ChromePolicySchemaFieldName>* [fields <ChromePolicySchemaFieldNameList>]
By default, all schema fields are displayed.
- Specify individual fields -
fields <ChromePolicySchemaFieldNameList>
- Specify a list of fields
By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.
- Display the fields in JSON format.
gam show chromeschemas
[filter <String>]
<ChromePolicySchemaFieldName>* [fields <ChromePolicySchemaFieldNameList>]
By default, all Chrome policy schemas are displayed.
filter <String>
- Display schemas based on fields like its resource name, description and additionalTargetKeyNames.
By default, all schema fields are displayed.
- Specify individual fields -
fields <ChromePolicySchemaFieldNameList>
- Specify a list of fields
By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.
- Display the fields in JSON format.
gam print chromeschemas [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
[filter <String>]
<ChromePolicySchemaFieldName>* [fields <ChromePolicySchemaFieldNameList>]
[[formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]
By default, all Chrome policy schemas are displayed.
filter <String>
- Display schemas based on fields like its resource name, description and additionalTargetKeyNames.
By default, all schema fields are displayed.
- Specify individual fields -
fields <ChromePolicySchemaFieldNameList>
- Specify a list of fields
By default, Gam displays the information as columns of fields; the following option causes the output to be in JSON format,
- Display the fields in JSON format.
By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote "
. The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain
the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled.
When using the formatjson
option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output.
The quotechar <Character>
option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output.
defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char
. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote "
should be used.
gam show chromeschemas std
[filter <String>]
By default, all Chrome policy schemas are displayed; use filter <String>
to display a particular schema based on fields like its resource name, description and additionalTargetKeyNames.
Schemas are formatted based on their field types; a schema may have multiple fields.
SchemaName: description
Value1: description
Value2: description
true: description
false: description
You must upload an image file in order to use it in Chrome policies.
- The file must be MIME type image/jpeg and the file size cannot exceed 16384kb bytes.
The data returned by the command can be used in subsequent gam update chromepolicy
<ChromePolicyImageSchemaName> ::=
chrome.devices.managedguest.avatar |
chrome.devices.managedguest.wallpaper |
chrome.devices.signinwallpaperimage |
chrome.users.avatar |
gam create chromepolicyimage <ChromePolicyImageSchemaName> <FileName>
You can update a policy for all devices/users within an OU, users with a group or for a specific printer or application within an OU.
gam update chromepolicy [convertcrnl]
(<SchemaName> ((<Field> <Value>)+ | <JSONData>))+
((ou|orgunit <OrgUnitItem>)|(group <GroupItem>))
[(printerid <PrinterID>)|(appid <AppID>)]
You update a schema by specifying its name and one or more fields and values or by using JSON data to specify the field values.
Here is a schema with an TYPE_ENUM field.
Chrome Policy Schema: customers/C03kt1m66/policySchemas/chrome.users.DefaultPrintColor (143/279)
name: DefaultPrintColorEnum
number: 0
number: 1
number: 2
name: printingColorDefault
number: 1
typeName: DefaultPrintColorEnum
name: DefaultPrintColor
When specifying a value for this field you can enter the value in one of two ways:
- The full value -
- The text following..._ENUM_
Use the convertcrnl
option to properly handle these characters
in value strings entered on the command line in the <Field> <Value>
gam update chromepolicy convertcrnl chrome.devices.DisabledDeviceReturnInstructions
deviceDisabledMessage "Please return device to:\nSchool\n123 Main Street\nAnytown US" ou /Path/to/OU
Restrict use of Chromebooks in an OU to a specific list of users.
gam update chromepolicy chrome.devices.SignInRestriction deviceAllowNewUsers RESTRICTED_LIST userAllowlist "[email protected],[email protected]" ou "<Path/To/Ou>"
Restrict use of Chromebooks in an OU to users in a specific domain.
gam update chromepolicy chrome.devices.SignInRestriction deviceAllowNewUsers RESTRICTED_LIST userAllowlist "*@domain.com" ou "<Path/To/Ou>"
Restrict student users from adding additional printers and set default printing to black and white.
gam update chromepolicy chrome.users.UserPrintersAllowed userPrintersAllowed false chrome.users.DefaultPrintColor printingColorDefault MONOCHROME orgunit "/Students"
gam update chromepolicy chrome.users.UserPrintersAllowed userPrintersAllowed false chrome.users.DefaultPrintColor printingColorDefault DEFAULT_PRINT_COLOR_ENUM_MONOCHROME orgunit "/Students"
For student users, specify that Chrome browsers should be updated to the latest stable Chrome browser version.
gam update chromepolicy chrome.users.chromeBrowserUpdates targetVersionPrefixSetting stable-0 orgunit "/Students"
Restrict students from accessing Blocked URLs.
gam update chromepolicy chrome.users.UrlBlocking urlBlocklist "https://socialmedia.com,https://videowebsite.com" orgunit "/Students"
For managed browsers, specify that users can only sign into managed accounts belonging to company/school domains.
gam update chromepolicy chrome.users.SecondaryGoogleAccountSignin allowedDomainsForApps company.com,company.net orgunit "/Managed Browsers"
Set bookmarks for student users; use JSON data.
{"fields": [{"name": "managedBookmarks", "value": {"bookmarks": [{"link": {"name": "GMAIL", "url": "https://gmail.com"}}, {"link": {"name": "DRIVE", "url": "https://drive.google.com"}}, {"folder": {"entries": [{"link": {"name": "DOMAIN1", "url": "https://domain1.com"}}, {"folder": {"entries": [{"link": {"name": "DOMAIN2", "url": "https://domain2.com"}}], "name": "Sub Folder"}}], "name": "Top Folder"}}]}}]}
gam update chromepolicy chrome.users.ManagedBookmarksSetting json file bookmarks.json orgunit "/Students/
You can delete a policy for all devices/users within an OU, users with a group or for a specific printer or application within an OU.
For policies within an OU, you can only delete direct policies where the same policy exists in the parent OU; the direct policy in the sub OU is replaced with the inherited policy from the parent OU.
gam delete chromepolicy
(<SchemaName> [<JSONData>])+
((ou|orgunit <OrgUnitItem>)|(group <GroupItem>))
[(printerid <PrinterID>)|(appid <AppID>)]
You can display policies for all devices/users within an OU, users with a group or for a specific printer or application within an OU.
gam show chromepolicies
((ou|orgunit <OrgUnitItem> [show all|direct|inherited])|(group <GroupItem>))
[(printerid <PrinterID>)|(appid <AppID>)]
[filter <StringList>] [namespace <NamespaceList>]
By default, all Chrome policies for the OU or group are displayed.
filter <String>
- Display policies based on fields like its resource name, description and additionalTargetKeyNames. -
show all
- For OUs, display policies regardless of where set; this is the default -
show direct
- For OUs, display policies set directly in the OU -
show inherited
- For OUs, display policies set in a parent OU
These are the default namespaces; use namespace <NamespaceList>
to override.
- When OU specified- chrome.users
- chrome.users.apps
- chrome.users.appsconfig
- chrome.devices
- chrome.devices.kiosk
- chrome.devices.kiosk.apps
- chrome.devices.managedguest
- chrome.devices.managedguest.apps
- chrome.networks.cellular
- chrome.networks.certificates
- chrome.networks.ethernet
- chrome.networks.globalsettings
- chrome.networks.vpn
- chrome.networks.wifi
- chrome.printers
- chrome.printservers
- When group specified- chrome.users
- chrome.users.apps
- chrome.users.appsconfig
- chrome.printers
- chrome.printservers
appid <AppID>
- chrome.users.apps
- chrome.devices.kiosk.apps
- chrome.devices.managedGuest.apps
printerid <PrinterID>
- chrome.printers
By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.
- Display the fields in JSON format.
gam print chromepolicies [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
((ou|orgunit <OrgUnitItem> [show all|direct|inherited])|(group <GroupItem>))
[(printerid <PrinterID>)|(appid <AppID>)]
[filter <String>] [namespace <NamespaceList>]
[[formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]
By default, all Chrome policies for the OU or group are displayed.
filter <String>
- Display policies based on fields like its resource name, description and additionalTargetKeyNames. -
show all
- For OUs, display policies regardless of where set; this is the default -
show direct
- For OUs, display policies set directly in the OU -
show inherited
- For OUs, display policies set in a parent OU
These are the default namespaces; use namespace <NamespaceList>
to override.
- chrome.users
- chrome.users.apps
- chrome.devices
- chrome.devices.kiosk
- chrome.devices.managedGuest
appid <AppID>
- chrome.users.apps
- chrome.devices.kiosk.apps
- chrome.devices.managedGuest.apps
printerid <PrinterID>
- chrome.printers
By default, Gam displays the information as columns of fields; the following option causes the output to be in JSON format,
- Display the fields in JSON format.
By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote "
. The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain
the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled.
When using the formatjson
option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output.
The quotechar <Character>
option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output.
defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char
. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote "
should be used.
Display direct policies, update all
gam redirect csv ./ChromePolicies.csv print chromepolicies ou "/Path/To/OU1" show direct
gam config num_threads 1 csv ChromePolicies.csv gam update chromepolicy "~name" "~fields.0.name" "~fields.0.value" "~fields.1.name" "~fields.1.value" ou "/Path/To/OU2"
Display all policies, select direct on update
gam redirect csv ./ChromePolicies.csv print chromepolicies ou "/Path/To/OU1"
gam config num_threads 1 csv_input_row_filter "direct:boolean:true" csv ChromePolicies.csv gam update chromepolicy "~name" "~fields.0.name" "~fields.0.value" "~fields.1.name" "~fields.1.value" ou "/Path/To/OU2"
Display direct policies, update all
gam redirect csv ./ChromePolicies.csv print chromepolicies ou "/Path/To/OU1" show direct formatjson quotechar "'"
gam config num_threads 1 csv ChromePolicies.csv quotechar "'" gam update chromepolicy "~name" json "~JSON" ou "/Path/To/OU2"
Display all policies, select direct on update
gam redirect csv ./ChromePolicies.csv print chromepolicies ou "/Path/To/OU1" formatjson quotechar "'"
gam config num_threads 1 csv_input_row_filter "direct:boolean:true" csv ChromePolicies.csv quotechar "'" gam update chromepolicy "~name" json "~JSON" ou "/Path/To/OU2"
Display direct policies, update all
gam redirect csv ./ChromePolicies.csv print chromepolicies ou "/Path/To/OU1" show direct formatjson quotechar "'"
Make a batch file (SetPolicies.bat) with a line for each target OU
gam config num_threads 1 csv ChromePolicies.csv quotechar "'" gam update chromepolicy "~name" json "~JSON" ou "/Path/To/OU2"
gam config num_threads 1 csv ChromePolicies.csv quotechar "'" gam update chromepolicy "~name" json "~JSON" ou "/Path/To/OU3"
Execute batch
gam redirect stdout ./SetPolicies.log multiprocess redirect stderr stdout tbatch SetPolicies.bat
Display all policies, update all
gam redirect csv ./ChromePolicies.csv print chromepolicies group [email protected]
gam config num_threads 1 csv ChromePolicies.csv gam update chromepolicy "~name" "~fields.0.name" "~fields.0.value" "~fields.1.name" "~fields.1.value" group [email protected]
Display all policies, update all
gam redirect csv ./ChromePolicies.csv print chromepolicies group [email protected] formatjson quotechar "'"
gam config num_threads 1 csv ChromePolicies.csv quotechar "'" gam update chromepolicy "~name" json "~JSON" group [email protected]
Display all policies, update all
gam redirect csv ./ChromePolicies.csv print chromepolicies group [email protected] formatjson quotechar "'"
Make a batch file (SetPolicies.bat) with a line for each target group
gam config num_threads 1 csv ChromePolicies.csv quotechar "'" gam update chromepolicy "~name" json "~JSON" group [email protected]
gam config num_threads 1 csv ChromePolicies.csv quotechar "'" gam update chromepolicy "~name" json "~JSON" group [email protected]
Execute batch
gam redirect stdout ./SetPolicies.log multiprocess redirect stderr stdout tbatch SetPolicies.bat
See: Chrome Policy Schema Table for the allowed network settings.
- chrome.networks.ethernet.Details: Ethernet network configuration details.
- chrome.networks.vpn.Details: Vpn network configuration details.
- chrome.networks.wifi.Details: Wifi network configuration details.
gam create chromenetwork
<OrgUnitItem> <String> <JSONData>
$ more network.json
{"settings": [
{"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.AllowForChromeUsers",
"value": {"allowForChromeUsers": true}},
{"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.AllowForChromeDevices",
"value": {"allowForChromeDevices": true}},
{"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.Details",
"value": {"details": {"allowIpConfiguration": false,
"allowNameServersConfiguration": false,
"automaticallyConnect": false,
"hiddenSsid": false,
"nameServerSelection": "NAME_SERVERS_ENUM_AUTOMATIC",
"passphrase": "pw1234",
"proxySettings": {"type": "Direct"},
"security": "WPA-PSK",
"ssid": "Test Wifi"}}}
$ gam create chromenetwork /Test Test file network.json
The JSON data is in a single column surrounded by single quotes.
/Staff,Staff,'{"settings": [{"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.AllowForChromeUsers", "value": {"allowForChromeUsers": true}},{"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.AllowForChromeDevices", "value": {"allowForChromeDevices": true}}, {"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.Details", "value": {"details": {"allowIpConfiguration": false, "allowNameServersConfiguration": false, "automaticallyConnect": false, "hiddenSsid": false, "nameServerSelection": "NAME_SERVERS_ENUM_AUTOMATIC", "passphrase": "pw1234", "proxySettings": {"type": "Direct"}, "security": "WPA-PSK", "ssid": "Staff Wifi"}}}]}'
/Students,Students,'{"settings": [{"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.AllowForChromeUsers", "value": {"allowForChromeUsers": true}},{"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.AllowForChromeDevices", "value": {"allowForChromeDevices": true}}, {"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.Details", "value": {"details": {"allowIpConfiguration": false, "allowNameServersConfiguration": false, "automaticallyConnect": false, "hiddenSsid": false, "nameServerSelection": "NAME_SERVERS_ENUM_AUTOMATIC", "passphrase": "pw1234", "proxySettings": {"type": "Direct"}, "security": "WPA-PSK", "ssid": "Student Wifi"}}}]}'
$ gam csv network.csv quote_char "'" gam create chromenetwork "~orgUnitPath" "~name" "~JSON"
The JSON data is in a single column; there are not surrounding single quotes.
Google sheet
/Staff,Staff,{"settings": [{"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.AllowForChromeUsers", "value": {"allowForChromeUsers": true}},{"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.AllowForChromeDevices", "value": {"allowForChromeDevices": true}}, {"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.Details", "value": {"details": {"allowIpConfiguration": false, "allowNameServersConfiguration": false, "automaticallyConnect": false, "hiddenSsid": false, "nameServerSelection": "NAME_SERVERS_ENUM_AUTOMATIC", "passphrase": "pw1234", "proxySettings": {"type": "Direct"}, "security": "WPA-PSK", "ssid": "Staff Wifi"}}}]}
/Stndents,Students,{"settings": [{"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.AllowForChromeUsers", "value": {"allowForChromeUsers": true}},{"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.AllowForChromeDevices", "value": {"allowForChromeDevices": true}}, {"policy_schema": "chrome.networks.wifi.Details", "value": {"details": {"allowIpConfiguration": false, "allowNameServersConfiguration": false, "automaticallyConnect": false, "hiddenSsid": false, "nameServerSelection": "NAME_SERVERS_ENUM_AUTOMATIC", "passphrase": "pw1234", "proxySettings": {"type": "Direct"}, "security": "WPA-PSK", "ssid": "Student Wifi"}}}]}
$ gam csv gsheet [email protected] <FileID> id:<SheetID> gam create chromenetwork "~orgUnitPath" "~name" "~JSON"
gam delete chromenetwork
<OrgUnitItem> <NetworkID>
chrome.devices.AdvancedBatteryChargeMode: Advanced Charge battery mode.
advancedBatteryChargeModeEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: None
false: None
startTime: TYPE_INT32
endTime: TYPE_INT32
chrome.devices.AllowedBluetoothServices: Bluetooth services allowed.
deviceAllowedBluetoothServices: TYPE_LIST
Only allow connection to Bluetooth services in the list. Any services represented by the UUIDs in this list will be allowed. UUIDs can be in short form ('abcd' or '0xabcd') or long form 'aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee'. A list of standard service UUIDs is available at the https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/service-discovery/ Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers site. When the list is empty, all services are allowed.
chrome.devices.AllowRedeemChromeOsRegistrationOffers: Redeem offers through ChromeOS registration.
allowRedeemChromeOsRegistrationOffers: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to redeem offers through ChromeOS registration.
false: Prevent users from redeeming offers through ChromeOS Registration.
chrome.devices.AnonymousMetricReporting: Metrics reporting.
metricsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Always send metrics to Google.
false: Never send metrics to Google.
chrome.devices.AppToPinOsVersion: App-controlled updates.
appToPinOsVersion: TYPE_STRING
Allows the admin to control auto update version by choosing an app whose manifest will govern update behavior.
chrome.devices.AutoUpdateSettings: Auto-update settings.
updateDisabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Block updates.
false: Allow updates.
rebootAfterUpdate: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow auto-reboots.
false: Disallow auto-reboots.
autoUpdateAllowedConnectionType: TYPE_ENUM
WIFI_AND_ETHERNET: Allow automatic updates over Wi-Fi and Ethernet only.
ALL_CONNECTIONS: Allow automatic updates on all connections, including cellular.
deviceRollbackToTargetVersion: TYPE_ENUM
ROLLBACK_DISABLED: Do not roll back OS.
deviceMinimumVersionAueMessage: TYPE_STRING
Final automatic update alert message. When a device reaches its last automatic update(https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/6220366)automatic , an alert is sent to the user. This text overrides the default message that will be shown on the device.
autoUpdateHttpDownloadsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use HTTP for update downloads.
false: Use HTTPS for update downloads.
releaseChannelWithLts: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_USER_CHOICE: Allow user to configure.
STABLE_CHANNEL: Stable channel.
BETA_CHANNEL: Beta channel.
LTS_CHANNEL: Long-term support channel.
LTC_CHANNEL: Long-term support candidate channel.
DEV_CHANNEL: Dev channel (may be unstable).
deviceAutoUpdatePeerToPeerEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow peer to peer auto update downloads.
false: Do not allow peer to peer auto update downloads.
scatter: TYPE_ENUM
days: TYPE_INT32
percentage: TYPE_INT32
dayOfWeek: TYPE_ENUM
hours: TYPE_INT32
minutes: TYPE_INT32
displayName: TYPE_STRING
chromeosVersion: TYPE_STRING
aueWarningPeriodDays: TYPE_INT64
warningPeriodDays: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.Bluetooth: Bluetooth.
allowBluetooth: TYPE_BOOL
true: Do not disable Bluetooth.
false: Disable Bluetooth.
chrome.devices.BootOnAc: Boot on AC.
bootOnAcEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable boot on AC.
false: Disable boot on AC.
chrome.devices.ContentProtection: Allow web services to request proof that the device is running an unmodified version of ChromeOS that is policy compliant.
contentProtectionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Ensures ChromeOS devices in your organization will verify their identity to content providers.
false: Does not ensure ChromeOS devices in your organization will verify their identity to content providers. Some premium content may be unavailable to your users.
chrome.devices.DeviceAllowEnterpriseRemoteAccessConnections: Enterprise remote access connections.
deviceAllowEnterpriseRemoteAccessConnections: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable remote access connections from enterprise admins.
false: Prevent remote access connections from enterprise admins.
chrome.devices.DeviceAuthenticationUrlAllowlist: Blocked URL exceptions on the sign-in / lock screens.
deviceAuthenticationUrlAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Blocked URL exceptions. Any URL that matches an entry in this exception list will be allowed, even if it matches a line in the blocked URLs. Wildcards ("*") are allowed when appended to a URL, but cannot be entered alone. Maximum of 1000 URLs.
chrome.devices.DeviceAuthenticationUrlBlocklist: Blocked URLs on the sign-in / lock screens.
deviceAuthenticationUrlBlocklist: TYPE_LIST
Blocked URLs. Any URL in this list will be blocked, unless it also appears in the list of exceptions in the corresponding allowlist.
chrome.devices.DeviceAutofillSamlUsername: Autofill username on SAML IdP login page.
deviceAutofillSamlUsername: TYPE_STRING
URL parameter name. Specify the URL parameter name which will be used on IdP login page to autofill the username field. See the help center article for some examples of fitting URL parameters. Warning: ChromeOS user's email will be used to autofill the username field, so do not use this policy if a different username should be used on IdP login page. This policy is only relevant if SAML SSO has been configured for Chrome Devices.
chrome.devices.DeviceBatteryCharge: Primary battery charge configuration.
batteryChargeMode: TYPE_ENUM
STANDARD: Standard.
ADAPTIVE: Adaptive.
EXPRESS_CHARGE: Express Charge.
CUSTOM: Custom.
customBatteryChargeStart: TYPE_INT64
min 50; max 95. Start charging when the battery drop below (% available charge).
customBatteryChargeStop: TYPE_INT64
min 55; max 100. Stop charging when the battery goes above (% available charge).
chrome.devices.DeviceChargingSoundsEnabled: Charging Sounds.
deviceChargingSoundsEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable charging sounds.
TRUE: Enable charging sounds.
chrome.devices.DeviceDebugPacketCaptureAllowed: Debug network packet captures.
deviceDebugPacketCaptureAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow user to perform network packet captures.
false: Do not allow user to perform network packet captures.
chrome.devices.DeviceDlcPredownloadList: Preload peripheral drivers.
deviceDlcPredownloadList: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'scanner_drivers', 'description': 'Scanners.'}
chrome.devices.DeviceExtendedAutoUpdateEnabled: Extended auto-updates.
deviceExtendedAutoUpdateEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow updates during extended auto-update period.
false: Disallow updates during extended auto-update period.
chrome.devices.DeviceExtensionsSystemLogEnabled: Extensions system logging.
deviceExtensionsSystemLogEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable enterprise extensions system logging.
false: Disable enterprise extensions system logging.
chrome.devices.DeviceFlexHwDataForProductImprovementEnabled: Additional hardware data on ChromeOS Flex.
deviceFlexHwDataForProductImprovementEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Send additional hardware data on ChromeOS Flex.
false: Do not send additional hardware data on ChromeOS Flex.
chrome.devices.DeviceHardwareVideoDecodingEnabled: Hardware video acceleration.
deviceHardwareVideoDecodingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable hardware video decoding.
false: Disable hardware video decoding.
chrome.devices.DeviceInternationalizationShortcutsEnabled: International keyboard shortcuts mapping.
deviceInternationalizationShortcutsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: International keyboard shortcuts are mapped to the location of the keys on the keyboard.
false: International keyboard shortcuts are mapped to the glyph of the keys.
chrome.devices.DeviceKeyboardBacklightColor: Default keyboard backlight color.
deviceKeyboardBacklightColor: TYPE_ENUM
chrome.devices.DeviceKeylockerForStorageEncryptionEnabled: Enable Key Locker.
keylockerForStorageEncryptionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use Key Locker with the encryption algorithm for user storage encryption, if supported.
false: Do not use Key Locker with the encryption algorithm for user storage encryption.
chrome.devices.DeviceLoginScreenAutocompleteDomainGroup: Autocomplete domain.
loginScreenDomainAutoComplete: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use the domain name set in the field 'loginScreenDomainAutoCompletePrefix' for autocomplete at sign-in.
false: Do not display an autocomplete domain on the sign-in screen.
loginScreenDomainAutoCompletePrefix: TYPE_STRING
Autocomplete domain prefix. Specifies the domain name to autocomplete on a managed ChromeOS device.
chrome.devices.DeviceLoginScreenAutoSelectCertificateForUrls: Single sign-on client certificates.
deviceLoginScreenAutoSelectCertificateForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Automatically select client certificate for these single sign-on sites. Please refer to the support url for the format of this setting.
chrome.devices.DeviceLoginScreenExtensionManifestVTwoAvailability: Manifest v2 extension availability on sign-in screen.
deviceLoginScreenExtensionManifestVTwoAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Default device behavior.
DISABLE: Disable manifest V2 extensions on the sign-in screen.
ENABLE: Enable manifest V2 extensions on the sign-in screen.
ENABLE_FOR_FORCED_EXTENSIONS: Enable force-installed manifest V2 extensions on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.DeviceLoginScreenPrivacyScreenEnabled: Privacy screen on sign-in screen.
deviceLoginScreenPrivacyScreenEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Always disable the privacy screen on sign-in screen.
TRUE: Always enable the privacy screen on sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.DeviceLoginScreenPromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates: Prompt when multiple certificates match on the sign-in screen.
deviceLoginScreenPromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates: TYPE_BOOL
true: Prompt the user to select the client certificate whenever the auto-selection policy matches multiple certificates on the sign-in screen.
false: Do not prompt the user to select a client certificate on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.DeviceLoginScreenSystemInfoEnforced: System info on sign-in screen.
deviceLoginScreenSystemInfoEnforced: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Do not allow users to display system information on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Always display system information on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.DeviceLoginScreenWebHidAllowDevicesForUrls: WebHID API allowed devices on sign-in screen.
device: TYPE_LIST
chrome.devices.DeviceLoginScreenWebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls: WebUSB API allowed devices on sign-in screen.
devices: TYPE_LIST
chrome.devices.DeviceLowBatterySoundEnabled: Low Battery Sound.
deviceLowBatterySoundEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable low battery sound.
TRUE: Enable low battery sound.
chrome.devices.DevicePciPeripheralDataAccessEnabled: Data access protection for peripherals.
devicePciPeripheralDataAccessEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Enable data access protection.
TRUE: Disable data access protection.
chrome.devices.DevicePostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled: Post-quantum TLS.
devicePostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not allow post-quantum key agreement in TLS connections.
TRUE: Allow post-quantum key agreement in TLS connections.
chrome.devices.DevicePowerwashAllowed: Powerwash.
devicePowerwashAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow powerwash to be triggered.
false: Do not allow powerwash to be triggered.
chrome.devices.DevicePrintingClientNameTemplate: Internet Printing Protocol client-name attribute.
devicePrintingClientNameTemplate: TYPE_STRING
Template for the client-name attribute. Set the 'client-name' value to be passed to IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) print destinations in print job creation requests.The following variables can be used: ${DEVICE_DIRECTORY_API_ID}, ${DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER} ${DEVICE_ASSET_ID} and ${DEVICE_ANNOTATED_LOCATION}.
chrome.devices.DeviceRebootOnUserSignout: Reboot on sign-out.
deviceRebootOnUserSignout: TYPE_ENUM
NEVER: Do not reboot on user sign-out.
ARC_SESSION: Reboot on user sign-out if Android has started.
ALWAYS: Always reboot on user sign-out.
VM_STARTED_OR_ARC_SESSION: Reboot on user sign-out if Android or a VM has started.
chrome.devices.DeviceReportXdrEvents: Report extended detection and response (XDR) events.
deviceReportXdrEvents: TYPE_BOOL
true: Report information about extended detection and response (XDR) events.
false: Do not report information about extended detection and response (XDR) events.
chrome.devices.DeviceRestrictedManagedGuestSessionEnabled: Shared kiosk mode.
deviceRestrictedManagedGuestSessionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable shared kiosk mode.
false: Disable shared kiosk mode.
chrome.devices.DeviceScheduledReboot: Scheduled reboot.
deviceScheduledRebootEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable scheduled reboots.
false: Disable scheduled reboots.
deviceScheduledRebootFrequency: TYPE_ENUM
DAILY: Reboot daily.
WEEKLY: Reboot weekly.
MONTHLY: Reboot monthly.
deviceScheduledRebootDayOfWeek: TYPE_ENUM
MONDAY: Reboot on Mondays.
TUESDAY: Reboot on Tuesdays.
WEDNESDAY: Reboot on Wednesdays.
THURSDAY: Reboot on Thursdays.
FRIDAY: Reboot on Fridays.
SATURDAY: Reboot on Saturdays.
SUNDAY: Reboot on Sundays.
deviceScheduledRebootDayOfMonth: TYPE_INT64
Sets a day of the month for device scheduled reboots to occur.
hours: TYPE_INT32
minutes: TYPE_INT32
seconds: TYPE_INT32
nanos: TYPE_INT32
chrome.devices.DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenEnabled: Screen saver.
deviceScreensaverLoginScreenEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Display screen saver when idle.
false: Don't display screen saver when idle.
deviceScreensaverLoginScreenImages: TYPE_LIST
Screen saver image URLs. Enter one URL per line. Images must be in JPG format(.jpg or .jpeg files.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.DeviceScreenSettings: Screen settings.
allowUserDisplayChanges: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to overwrite predefined display settings (recommended).
false: Do not allow user changes for predefined display settings.
externalUseNativeResolution: TYPE_BOOL
true: Always use native resolution.
false: Use custom resolution.
externalDisplayWidth: TYPE_INT64
External display width (in pixels). Specifies the preferred width (in pixels) of any external monitor connected to a managed Chromebook.
externalDisplayHeight: TYPE_INT64
External display height (in pixels). Specifies the preferred height (in pixels) of any external monitor connected to a managed Chromebook.
externalDisplayScale: TYPE_ENUM
internalDisplayScale: TYPE_ENUM
chrome.devices.DeviceSecondFactorAuthentication: Integrated FIDO second factor.
secondFactorAuthentication: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
DISABLED: Disable integrated second factor.
U2F: Enable integrated second factor.
chrome.devices.DeviceShowNumericKeyboardForPassword: Show numeric keyboard for password.
deviceShowNumericKeyboardForPassword: TYPE_BOOL
true: Default to a numeric keyboard for password input.
false: Default to a standard keyboard for password input.
chrome.devices.DeviceSwitchFunctionKeysBehaviorEnabled: Function keys behavior.
deviceSwitchFunctionKeysBehaviorEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Prevent the launcher/search key from changing the behavior of function keys.
TRUE: Allow the launcher/search key to change the behavior of function keys.
chrome.devices.DeviceSystemWideTracingEnabled: System-wide performance trace collection.
deviceSystemWideTracingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to collect a system-wide performance trace.
false: Prevent users from collecting a system-wide performance trace.
chrome.devices.DeviceUpdateDeviceAttributes: Asset identifier input after zero touch enrollment.
allowToUpdateDeviceAttributes: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow asset ID and location to be entered for devices enrolled via zero touch enrollment.
false: Do not allow asset ID and location to be entered for devices enrolled via zero touch enrollment.
chrome.devices.DeviceVerifiedMode: Verified mode.
deviceVerifiedModeRequired: TYPE_BOOL
true: Require verified mode boot for verified access.
false: Skip boot mode check for verified access.
servicesWithFullAccess: TYPE_LIST
Services with full access. Service accounts which are allowed to receive device ID.
servicesWithLimitedAccess: TYPE_LIST
Services with limited access. Service accounts which can verify devices but do not receive device ID.
chrome.devices.DeviceWebBasedAttestationAllowedUrls: Single sign-on verified access.
deviceWebBasedAttestationAllowedUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allowed IdP redirect URLs. Enter the list of URLs that you want to be able to perform a verified access check during SAML authentication.
chrome.devices.DeviceWilcoDtc: Dell SupportAssist.
deviceWilcoDtcAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Dell SupportAssist.
false: Disable Dell SupportAssist.
ackNoticeForDeviceWilcoDtcAllowedSetToTrue: TYPE_BOOL
installSupportAssistApp: TYPE_BOOL
true: Force-install the Dell SupportAssist app for Dell devices.
false: Do not automatically install the Dell SupportAssist app.
downloadUri: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.DisabledDeviceReturnInstructions: Disabled device return instructions.
deviceDisabledMessage: TYPE_STRING
Disabled device return instructions. Custom text to display under the device locked message. We recommend including a return address and contact phone number in your message.
chrome.devices.DockMacAddress: MAC address pass through.
dockMacAddressSource: TYPE_ENUM
DEVICE_DOCK_MAC_ADDRESS: Use pre-assigned MAC address.
DEVICE_NIC_MAC_ADDRESS: Use Chromebook built-in MAC address.
DOCK_NIC_MAC_ADDRESS: Use dock built-in MAC address.
chrome.devices.EnableGranularDeviceHardwareReporting: Report device hardware information.
reportingHardwareInfoBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
REPORTING_DISABLE_ALL: Disable all hardware information reporting.
REPORTING_ENABLE_ALL: Enable all hardware information reporting.
reportHardwareInfoCustomAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'report_vpd_info', 'description': 'Device vital product data info.'}
chrome.devices.EnableGranularDeviceOsReporting: Report device OS information.
reportingOsInfoBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
REPORTING_DISABLE_ALL: Disable all OS reporting.
REPORTING_ENABLE_ALL: Enable all OS reporting.
reportOsInfoCustomAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'report_version_info', 'description': 'OS version info.'}
chrome.devices.EnableGranularDeviceTelemetryReporting: Report device telemetry.
reportingTelemetryBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
REPORTING_DISABLE_ALL: Disable all telemetry reporting.
REPORTING_ENABLE_ALL: Enable all telemetry reporting.
reportTelemetryCustomAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'report_hardware_status', 'description': 'Hardware status (deprecated).'}
chrome.devices.EnableReportDeviceKioskSession: Report kiosk session status.
reportDeviceSessionStatus: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable kiosk session status reporting.
false: Disable kiosk session status reporting.
chrome.devices.EnableReportDevicePrintJobs: Report device print jobs.
reportDevicePrintJobs: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable print jobs reporting.
false: Disable print jobs reporting.
chrome.devices.EnableReportDeviceRunningKioskApp: Report the running kiosk app.
reportDeviceRunningKioskApp: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable the running kiosk app reporting.
false: Disable the running kiosk app reporting.
chrome.devices.EnableReportDeviceUsers: Report device user tracking.
reportDeviceUsers: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable tracking recent users.
false: Disable tracking recent users.
chrome.devices.EnableReportUploadFrequency: Device status report upload frequency.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.EnableReportUploadFrequencyV2: Device status report upload frequency.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.ExtensionCacheSize: Apps and extensions cache size.
value: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.ForcedReenrollment: Forced re-enrollment.
reenrollmentMode: TYPE_ENUM
AUTO_REENROLLMENT: Force device to automatically re-enroll after wiping.
MANUAL_REENROLLMENT: Force device to re-enroll with user credentials after wiping.
NO_REENROLLMENT: Device is not forced to re-enroll after wiping.
chrome.devices.GuestMode: Guest mode.
guestModeEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow guest mode.
false: Disable guest mode.
chrome.devices.HostnameTemplate: Device network hostname template.
deviceHostnameTemplate: TYPE_STRING
Device network hostname template. Select the hostname that is passed to the DHCP server with the DHCP request. Possible variables are ${ASSET_ID}, ${SERIAL_NUM}, ${MAC_ADDR}, ${MACHINE_NAME}, and ${LOCATION}.
chrome.devices.Imprivata: Imprivata login screen integration.
imprivataIntegrationEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use the Imprivata extension on the login screen.
false: Do not use the Imprivata extension on the login screen.
ackNoticeForImprivataIntegrationEnabledSetToTrue: TYPE_BOOL
imprivataVersion: TYPE_ENUM
IMPRIVATA_EXTENSION_VERSION_M81: Pinned to v1 (Compatible with Chrome 81+).
IMPRIVATA_EXTENSION_VERSION_M86: Pinned to v2 (Compatible with Chrome 86+).
IMPRIVATA_EXTENSION_VERSION_3: Pinned to v3 (Compatible with Chrome 97+).
IMPRIVATA_EXTENSION_VERSION_4: Pinned to v4 (Compatible with Chrome 118+).
downloadUri: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.InactiveDeviceNotifications: Inactive device notifications.
notificationEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable inactive device notifications.
false: Disable inactive device notifications.
numDaysConsideredInactive: TYPE_INT64
Inactive range (days). Devices that have "Last Sync" time beyond this range are considered inactive.
cadence: TYPE_INT64
Notification cadence (days). Send me an inactive device report with this frequency.
emailsToNotify: TYPE_LIST
Email addresses to receive notification reports. Enter a list of email addresses to receive inactive device reports (one address per line). This field requires at least one element.
chrome.devices.kiosk.AccessibilityShortcutsEnabled: Kiosk accessibility shortcuts.
accessibilityShortcutsEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED: Disable accessibility shortcuts.
ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED: Enable accessibility shortcuts.
chrome.devices.kiosk.AcPowerSettings: AC Kiosk power settings.
acIdleAction: TYPE_ENUM
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.kiosk.AcPowerSettingsV2: AC Kiosk power settings.
acIdleAction: TYPE_ENUM
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.kiosk.Alerting: Kiosk device status alerting delivery.
deviceStatusAlertDeliveryModes: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'EMAIL', 'description': 'Receive alerts via email.'}
chrome.devices.kiosk.AlertingContactInfo: Kiosk device status alerting contact info.
alertingEmail: TYPE_LIST
Alerting emails. Email addresses (e.g. [email protected]).
alertingMobilePhone: TYPE_LIST
Alerting mobile phones. Phone numbers (e.g. +1XXXYYYZZZZ, +1AAABBBCCCC).
chrome.devices.kiosk.apps.ForceInstall: Force installs the app. Note: It's required in order to add an App or Extension to the set of managed apps & extensions of an Organizational Unit.
forceInstall: TYPE_BOOL
true: Force install the app.
false: Do not force install the app.
chrome.devices.kiosk.apps.FunctionKeys: Allows setting Function Keys.
allowFunctionKeys: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.kiosk.apps.InstallationUrlV2: Specifies the url from which to install a self hosted Chrome Extension.
installationUrl: TYPE_STRING
The url from which to install a self hosted Chrome Extension.
chrome.devices.kiosk.apps.ManagedConfiguration: Allows setting of the managed configuration.
managedConfiguration: TYPE_STRING
Sets the managed configuration JSON format.
chrome.devices.kiosk.apps.Plugins: Allows setting Plugins.
allowPlugins: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.kiosk.apps.PowerManagement: Allows setting Power Management.
allowPowerManagement: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.kiosk.apps.UnifiedDesktop: Allows setting Unified Desktop.
enableUnifiedDesktop: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.kiosk.apps.VirtualKeyboard: Allows setting Virtual Keyboard.
allowVirtualKeyboard: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.kiosk.appsconfig.AutoLaunchApp: Allows setting of the auto-launch app.
Id of the app prefixed with one of either "chrome:" or "web:", depending on the app type. For Chrome apps, the app id can be found on the Chrome Web Store, example: "chrome:aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb". For Web apps, the app id is simply the URL, example: "web:https://translate.google.com".
enableHealthMonitoring: TYPE_BOOL
screenRotation: TYPE_ENUM
ROTATE_0: Rotate by 0 degrees.
ROTATE_90: Rotate by 90 degrees.
ROTATE_180: Rotate by 180 degrees.
ROTATE_270: Rotate by 270 degrees.
UNSET: Allow the device to set screen rotation.
enableSystemLogUpload: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enables system log upload of the auto launch app.
false: Disables system log upload of the auto launch app.
ackNoticeForEnableSystemLogUploadSetToTrue: TYPE_BOOL
enableAutoLoginBailout: TYPE_BOOL
promptForNetworkWhenOffline: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.kiosk.AutoclickEnabled: Kiosk auto-click enabled.
autoclickEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
chrome.devices.kiosk.BatteryPowerSettings: Battery Kiosk power settings.
batteryIdleAction: TYPE_ENUM
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.kiosk.BatteryPowerSettingsV2: Battery Kiosk power settings.
batteryIdleAction: TYPE_ENUM
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.kiosk.CaretHighlightEnabled: Kiosk caret highlight.
caretHighlightEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED: Disable caret highlight.
ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED: Enable caret highlight.
chrome.devices.kiosk.CursorHighlightEnabled: Kiosk cursor highlight.
cursorHighlightEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED: Disable cursor highlight.
ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED: Enable cursor highlight.
chrome.devices.kiosk.DeviceWeeklyScheduledSuspend: Device sleep mode.
hours: TYPE_INT32
minutes: TYPE_INT32
seconds: TYPE_INT32
nanos: TYPE_INT32
chrome.devices.kiosk.DictationEnabled: Kiosk dictation.
dictationEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
chrome.devices.kiosk.EnterpriseHardwarePlatformApiEnabled: Enterprise Hardware Platform API.
enterpriseHardwarePlatformApiEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API.
false: Do not allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API.
chrome.devices.kiosk.HighContrastEnabled: Kiosk high contrast.
highContrastEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED: Disable high contrast.
ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED: Enable high contrast.
chrome.devices.kiosk.KeyboardFocusHighlightEnabled: Kiosk keyboard focus highlighting.
keyboardFocusHighlightEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED: Disable keyboard focus highlighting.
ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED: Enable keyboard focus highlighting.
chrome.devices.kiosk.KioskAllowedInputMethods: Kiosk allowed input methods.
allowedInputMethods: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'xkb:jp::jpn', 'description': 'Alphanumeric with Japanese keyboard.'}
chrome.devices.kiosk.KioskTroubleshootingToolsEnabled: Kiosk troubleshooting tools.
kioskTroubleshootingToolsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable troubleshooting tools.
false: Disable troubleshooting tools.
chrome.devices.kiosk.KioskVirtualKeyboardFeatures: Kiosk virtual keyboard features (websites only).
virtualKeyboardFeatures: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'AUTO_SUGGEST', 'description': 'Auto suggest.'}
chrome.devices.kiosk.LargeCursorEnabled: Kiosk large cursor.
largeCursorEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED: Disable large cursor.
ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED: Enable large cursor.
chrome.devices.kiosk.LidCloseAction: Action on lid close.
lidCloseAction: TYPE_ENUM
SHUTDOWN: Shutdown.
DO_NOTHING: Do nothing.
chrome.devices.kiosk.ManagedGuestSession: Managed guest session.
managedGuestSessionAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
NOT_ALLOWED: Do not allow managed guest sessions.
ALLOWED: Allow managed guest sessions.
AUTO_LAUNCH: Auto-launch managed guest session.
autoLaunchDelaySeconds: TYPE_INT64
Auto-launch delay. Number of seconds to delay before launching the managed guest session. During this time the sign-in screen will be visible.
deviceHealthMonitoring: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable device health monitoring.
false: Disable device health monitoring.
systemLogUploadEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable device system log upload.
false: Disable device system log upload.
displayRotation: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: No policy set (allow the device to keep its current display rotation).
ROTATE_0: 0 degrees.
ROTATE_90: 90 degrees.
ROTATE_180: 180 degrees.
ROTATE_270: 270 degrees.
chrome.devices.kiosk.MonoAudioEnabled: Kiosk mono audio.
monoAudioEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
chrome.devices.kiosk.PrimaryMouseButtonSwitch: Kiosk primary mouse button.
primaryMouseButtonSwitch: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED: Left button is primary.
ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED: Right button is primary.
chrome.devices.kiosk.RemoteAccessHostAllowEnterpriseFileTransfer: Allow remote access admins to transfer files to/from the host.
remoteAccessHostAllowEnterpriseFileTransfer: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Chrome Remote Desktop File Transfer.
false: Disable Chrome Remote Desktop File Transfer.
chrome.devices.kiosk.ScreenMagnifierType: Kiosk screen magnifier.
screenMagnifierType: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED: Disable screen magnifier.
ACCESSIBILITY_FULL_SCREEN: Enable full-screen magnifier.
ACCESSIBILITY_DOCKED: Enable docked magnifier.
chrome.devices.kiosk.SelectToSpeakEnabled: Kiosk select to speak.
selectToSpeakEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED: Disable select to speak.
ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED: Enable select to speak.
chrome.devices.kiosk.SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls: Web Serial API allowed devices.
device: TYPE_LIST
chrome.devices.kiosk.ShowAccessibilityMenu: Kiosk floating accessibility menu.
showAccessibilityMenu: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show the floating accessibility menu in kiosk mode.
false: Do not show the floating accessibility menu in kiosk mode.
chrome.devices.kiosk.SpokenFeedbackEnabled: Kiosk spoken feedback.
spokenFeedbackEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED: Disable spoken feedback.
ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED: Enable spoken feedback.
chrome.devices.kiosk.StickyKeysEnabled: Kiosk sticky keys.
stickyKeysEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED: Disable sticky keys.
ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED: Enable sticky keys.
chrome.devices.kiosk.UrlBlocking: URL blocking.
urlBlocklist: TYPE_LIST
Blocked URLs. Any URL in the URL blocklist will be blocked, unless it also appears in the URL blocklist exception list.
urlAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Blocked URLs exceptions. Any URL that matches an entry in the blocklist exception list will be allowed, even if it matches an entry in the URL blocklist. Wildcards ("*") are allowed when appended to a URL, but cannot be entered alone.
chrome.devices.kiosk.UrlKeyedAnonymizedDataCollectionEnabled: URL-keyed anonymized data collection.
urlKeyedAnonymizedDataCollectionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Send anonymized URL-keyed data for kiosk sessions.
false: Do not send anonymized URL-keyed data for kiosk sessions.
chrome.devices.kiosk.VirtualKeyboardEnabled: Kiosk on-screen keyboard.
virtualKeyboardEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED: Disable on-screen keyboard.
ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED: Enable on-screen keyboard.
chrome.devices.kiosk.WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls: WebUSB API allowed devices.
devices: TYPE_LIST
chrome.devices.KioskAppControlChromeVersion: Kiosk-controlled updates.
allowKioskAppControlChromeVersion: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow kiosk app to control OS version.
false: Do not allow kiosk app to control OS version.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenAccessibilityShortcutsEnabled: Accessibility shortcuts.
loginScreenAccessibilityShortcutsEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable accessibility shortcuts on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable accessibility shortcuts on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenAutoclickEnabled: Auto-click enabled.
loginScreenAutoclickEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable auto-click on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable auto-click on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenCaretHighlightEnabled: Caret highlight.
loginScreenCaretHighlightEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable caret highlight on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable caret highlight on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenCursorHighlightEnabled: Cursor highlight.
loginScreenCursorHighlightEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable cursor highlight on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable cursor highlight on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenDictationEnabled: Dictation.
loginScreenDictationEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable dictation on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable dictation on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenHighContrastEnabled: High contrast.
loginScreenHighContrastEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable high contrast on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable high contrast on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenKeyboardFocusHighlightEnabled: Keyboard focus highlighting.
loginScreenKeyboardFocusHighlightEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable keyboard focus highlighting on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable keyboard focus highlighting on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenLargeCursorEnabled: Large cursor.
loginScreenLargeCursorEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable large cursor on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable large cursor on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenMonoAudioEnabled: Mono audio.
loginScreenMonoAudioEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable mono audio on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable mono audio on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenNamesAndPhotos: Show user names and photos on the sign-in screen.
showUserNames: TYPE_BOOL
true: Always show user names and photos.
false: Never show user names and photos.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenPrimaryMouseButtonSwitch: Primary mouse button.
loginScreenPrimaryMouseButtonSwitch: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Left button is primary on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Right button is primary on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenScreenMagnifierType: Screen magnifier.
loginScreenScreenMagnifierType: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
DISABLED: Disable screen magnifier on the sign-in screen.
FULL_SCREEN: Enable full-screen magnifier on the sign-in screen.
DOCKED: Enable docked magnifier on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenSelectToSpeakEnabled: Select to speak.
loginScreenSelectToSpeakEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable select to speak on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable select to speak on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenSpokenFeedbackEnabled: Spoken feedback.
loginScreenSpokenFeedbackEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable spoken feedback on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable spoken feedback on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenStickyKeysEnabled: Sticky keys.
loginScreenStickyKeysEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable sticky keys on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable sticky keys on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LoginScreenVirtualKeyboardEnabled: On-screen keyboard.
loginScreenVirtualKeyboardEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable on-screen keyboard on the sign-in screen.
TRUE: Enable on-screen keyboard on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.LogUploadEnabled: Device system log upload.
logUploadEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable device system log upload.
false: Disable device system log upload.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AbusiveExperienceInterventionEnforce: Abusive Experience Intervention.
abusiveExperienceInterventionEnforce: TYPE_BOOL
true: Prevent sites with abusive experiences from opening new windows or tabs.
false: Allow sites with abusive experiences to open new windows or tabs.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AccessControlAllowMethodsInCorsPreflightSpecConformant: CORS Access-Control-Allow-Methods conformance.
accessControlAllowMethodsInCorsPreflightSpecConformant: TYPE_BOOL
true: Do not uppercase request methods except for DELETE/GET/HEAD/OPTIONS/POST/PUT.
false: Always uppercase request methods.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AccessibilityImageLabelsEnabled: Image descriptions.
accessibilityImageLabelsEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Do not use Google services to provide automatic image descriptions.
TRUE: Use an anonymous Google service to provide automatic descriptions for unlabeled images.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AccessibilityShortcutsEnabled: Accessibility shortcuts.
accessibilityShortcutsEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable accessibility shortcuts.
TRUE: Enable accessibility shortcuts.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AdditionalDnsQueryTypesEnabled: DNS queries for additional DNS record types.
additionalDnsQueryTypesEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow additional DNS query types.
false: Prevent additional DNS query types.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites: Sites with intrusive ads.
adsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_ADS: Allow ads on all sites.
BLOCK_ADS: Block ads on sites with intrusive ads.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AllowBackForwardCacheForCacheControlNoStorePageEnabled: No-store header back/forward cache.
allowBackForwardCacheForCacheControlNoStorePageEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow pages with CCNS header to be stored in back/forward cache.
false: Disallow pages with CCNS header from being stored in back/forward cache.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AllowDinosaurEasterEgg: Dinosaur game.
allowDinosaurEasterEgg: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow users to play the dinosaur game when the device is offline on Chrome browser, but not on enrolled ChromeOS devices.
FALSE: Do not allow users to play the dinosaur game when the device is offline.
TRUE: Allow users to play the dinosaur game when the device is offline.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AllowedInputMethods: Allowed input methods.
allowedInputMethods: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'xkb:jp::jpn', 'description': 'Alphanumeric with Japanese keyboard.'}
chrome.devices.managedguest.AllowedLanguages: Allowed ChromeOS languages.
allowedLanguages: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'ar', 'description': 'Arabic - \u202bالعربية\u202c.'}
chrome.devices.managedguest.AllowPrinting: Printing.
printingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable printing.
false: Disable printing.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AllowWakeLocks: Wake locks.
allowScreenWakeLocks: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow screen wake locks for power management.
false: Demote screen wake lock requests to system wake lock requests.
allowWakeLocks: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow wake locks.
false: Do not allow wake locks.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AllowWebAuthnWithBrokenTlsCerts: Web Authentication requests on sites with broken TLS certificates.
allowWebAuthnWithBrokenTlsCerts: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow WebAuthn API requests on sites with broken TLS certificates.
false: Do not allow WebAuthn API requests on sites with broken TLS certificates.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AlwaysOnVpn: Always on VPN.
alwaysOnVpnApp: TYPE_STRING
Activate Always-on VPN for all user traffic with an app from a list of force installed Android VPN apps. Please make sure the configured app is force installed.
vpnConfigAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow user to disconnect from a VPN manually (VPN will reconnect on log in).
false: Do not allow user to disconnect from a VPN manually.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AlwaysOnVpnPreConnectUrlAllowlist: Always on VPN URL exceptions.
alwaysOnVpnPreConnectUrlAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
URL exceptions. Allow the user to navigate to any URL in this list while an Android Always on VPN is set to strict mode and the VPN is not connected. Maximum of 1000 URLs.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AppCacheForceEnabled: AppCache.
appCacheForceEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow websites to use the deprecated AppCache feature.
false: Do not allow websites to use the deprecated AppCache feature.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AppRecommendationZeroStateEnabled: Previously installed app recommendations.
appRecommendationZeroStateEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show app recommendations in the ChromeOS launcher.
false: Do not show app recommendations in the ChromeOS launcher.
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.AccessToKeys: Allows setting of whether the app can access client keys.
allowAccessToKeys: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.AppInstallationUrl: Specifies the url from which to install a self hosted Chrome Extension.
installationUrl: TYPE_STRING
The url from which to install a self hosted Chrome Extension.
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.CertificateManagement: Allows setting of certificate management related permissions.
allowAccessToKeys: TYPE_BOOL
allowEnterpriseChallenge: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.DefaultLaunchContainer: Allows setting of the default launch container for web apps.
defaultLaunchContainer: TYPE_ENUM
TAB: Tab.
WINDOW: Window.
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.EnterpriseChallenge: Allows setting of whether the app can challenge enterprise keys.
allowEnterpriseChallenge: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.IncludeInChromeWebStoreCollection: Specifies whether the Chrome Application should appear in the Chrome Web Store collection.
includeInCollection: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.InstallationUrl: Specifies the url from which to install a self hosted Chrome Extension.
installationUrl: TYPE_STRING
The url from which to install a self hosted Chrome Extension.
overrideInstallationUrl: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.InstallType: Specifies the manner in which the app is to be installed. Note: It's required in order to add an App or Extension to the set of managed apps & extensions of an Organizational Unit.
appInstallType: TYPE_ENUM
NOT_INSTALLED: Not Installed.
FORCED: Force Install.
FORCED_AND_PIN_TO_TOOLBAR: Force Install + pin.
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.ManagedConfiguration: Allows setting of the managed configuration.
managedConfiguration: TYPE_STRING
Sets the managed configuration JSON format.
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.OverrideInstallationUrl: Allows overriding of the url from which to install a self hosted Chrome Extension.
overrideInstallationUrl: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use URL provided by AppInstallationUrl.
false: Use URL provided in the extension manifest.
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.PermissionsAndUrlAccess: Allows setting of allowed and blocked hosts.
blockedPermissions: TYPE_LIST
{'value': '', 'description': 'Allow all permissions. If empty string is set, it must be the only value set for the policy.'}
allowedPermissions: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'activeTab', 'description': 'Active tab.'}
blockedHosts: TYPE_LIST
Sets extension hosts that should be blocked.
allowedHosts: TYPE_LIST
Sets extension hosts that should be allowed. Allowed hosts override blocked hosts.
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.SkipDocumentScanConfirmation: Allows the app to skip the confirmation dialog when using the Document Scan API.
skipDocumentScanConfirmation: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.SkipPrintConfirmation: Allows the app to skip the confirmation dialog when sending print jobs via the Chrome Printing API.
skipPrintConfirmation: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.devices.managedguest.AssistantWebEnabled: Allow using Google Assistant on the web.
assistantWebEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Do not allow using Google Assistant on the web.
TRUE: Allow using Google Assistant on the web.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AudioCaptureAllowedUrls: Audio input allowed URLs.
audioCaptureAllowedUrls: TYPE_LIST
URL patterns to allow. URLs that will be granted access to the audio input device without a prompt. Prefix domain with [*.] to include subdomains.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AudioInput: Audio input (microphone).
audioCaptureAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Prompt user to allow each time.
false: Disable audio input.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AudioOutput: Audio output.
audioOutputAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable audio output.
false: Disable audio output.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AuthenticationServerAllowlist: Integrated authentication servers.
authServerAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Allowed authentication servers. Enter a list of servers for integrated authentication.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AutoclickEnabled: Auto-click enabled.
autoclickEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable auto-click.
TRUE: Enable auto-click.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AutofillAddressEnabled: Address form Autofill.
autofillAddressEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow user to configure.
false: Never Autofill address forms.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AutofillCreditCardEnabled: Credit card form Autofill.
autofillCreditCardEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow user to configure.
false: Never Autofill credit card forms.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AutomaticFullscreen: Automatic fullscreen.
automaticFullscreenAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow automatic fullscreen on these sites. Supersedes users' personal settings and allows matching origins to call the API without a prior user gesture.
automaticFullscreenBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block automatic fullscreen on these sites. Supersedes users' personal settings and blocks matching origins from calling the API without a prior user gesture.
chrome.devices.managedguest.AutoOpen: Auto open downloaded files.
autoOpenAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Auto open URLs. If this policy is set, only downloads that match these URLs and have an auto open type will be auto opened. If this policy is left unset, all downloads matching an auto open type will be auto opened. Wildcards ("*") are allowed when appended to a URL, but cannot be entered alone.
autoOpenFileTypes: TYPE_LIST
Auto open files types. Do not include the leading separator when listing the type. For example, use "txt", not ".txt".
chrome.devices.managedguest.AutoplayAllowlist: Autoplay video.
autoplayAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Allowed URLs. URL patterns allowed to autoplay. Prefix domain with [*.] to include all subdomains. Use * to allow all domains.
chrome.devices.managedguest.Avatar: Custom avatar.
downloadUri: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.managedguest.BeforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefaultEnabled: Behavior of event.preventDefault() for beforeunload event.
beforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefaultEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not show cancel dialog when event.preventDefault() is called for beforeunload event.
TRUE: Show cancel dialog when event.preventDefault() is called for beforeunload event.
chrome.devices.managedguest.BookmarkBarEnabled: Bookmark bar.
bookmarkBarEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable bookmark bar.
TRUE: Enable bookmark bar.
chrome.devices.managedguest.BrowserHistory: Browser history.
savingBrowserHistoryDisabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Never save browser history.
false: Always save browser history.
chrome.devices.managedguest.BrowsingDataLifetime: Browsing Data Lifetime.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.managedguest.BrowsingDataLifetimeV2: Browsing Data Lifetime.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.managedguest.BuiltInDnsClientEnabled: Built-in DNS client.
builtInDnsClientEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Never use the built-in DNS client.
TRUE: Always use the built-in DNS client if available.
chrome.devices.managedguest.CaptivePortalAuthenticationIgnoresProxy: Ignore proxy on captive portals.
captivePortalAuthenticationIgnoresProxy: TYPE_BOOL
true: Ignore policies for captive portal pages.
false: Keep policies for captive portal pages.
chrome.devices.managedguest.CaretHighlightEnabled: Caret highlight.
caretHighlightEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable caret highlight.
TRUE: Enable caret highlight.
chrome.devices.managedguest.Cecpq2Enabled: CECPQ2 post-quantum key-agreement for TLS.
cecpq2Enabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable default CECPQ2 rollout process.
false: Disable CECPQ2.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ChromeAppsWebViewPermissiveBehaviorAllowed: Restore permissive Chrome Apps behavior.
chromeAppsWebViewPermissiveBehaviorAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow permissive behavior.
false: Use default navigation protections.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ClientCertificates: Client certificates.
autoSelectCertificateForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Automatically select for these sites. If a site matching a pattern specified here requests a client certificate, Chrome will automatically select one for it. More information and example values can be found in https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/2657289#AutoSelectCertificateForUrls.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ClipboardSettings: Clipboard.
defaultClipboardSetting: TYPE_ENUM
BLOCK_CLIPBOARD: Do not allow any site to use the clipboard site permission.
ASK_CLIPBOARD: Allow sites to ask the user to grant the clipboard site permission.
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
clipboardAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow these sites to access the clipboard. Urls to allow clipboard access.
clipboardBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block these sites from accessing the clipboard. Urls to block clipboard access.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ColorCorrectionEnabled: Color Correction.
colorCorrectionEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable color correction accessibility.
TRUE: Enable color correction accessibility.
chrome.devices.managedguest.CompressionDictionaryTransportEnabled: Compression dictionary transport support.
compressionDictionaryTransportEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow to use previous responses as compression dictionaries for future requests.
false: Do not allow to use compression dictionary transport.
chrome.devices.managedguest.CpuTaskScheduler: CPU task scheduler.
schedulerConfiguration: TYPE_ENUM
USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
CONSERVATIVE: Optimize for stability.
PERFORMANCE: Optimize for performance.
chrome.devices.managedguest.CssCustomStateDeprecatedSyntaxEnabled: CSS custom state deprecated syntax.
cssCustomStateDeprecatedSyntaxEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow deprecated syntax.
false: Do not allow deprecated syntax.
chrome.devices.managedguest.CursorHighlightEnabled: Cursor highlight.
cursorHighlightEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable cursor highlight.
TRUE: Enable cursor highlight.
chrome.devices.managedguest.CustomTermsOfService: Custom terms of service.
downloadUri: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.managedguest.DataLeakPreventionReportingEnabled: Data controls reporting.
dataLeakPreventionReportingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable reporting of data control events.
false: Disable reporting of data control events.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DataUrlInSvgUseEnabled: Data URL support for SVGUseElement.
dataUrlInSvgUseEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Data URL support in SVGUseElement.
false: Disable Data URL support in SVGUseElement.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DefaultInsecureContentSetting: Control use of insecure content exceptions.
defaultInsecureContentSetting: TYPE_ENUM
BLOCK_INSECURE_CONTENT: Do not allow any site to load blockable mixed content.
ALLOW_EXCEPTIONS_INSECURE_CONTENT: Allow users to add exceptions to allow blockable mixed content.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DefaultPrintColor: Default color printing mode.
printingColorDefault: TYPE_ENUM
COLOR: Color.
MONOCHROME: Black and white.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DefaultPrintDuplexMode: Default page sides.
printingDuplexDefault: TYPE_ENUM
SIMPLEX: One-sided.
SHORT_EDGE_DUPLEX: Short-edge two-sided printing.
LONG_EDGE_DUPLEX: Long-edge two-sided printing.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DefaultPrinters: Print preview default.
specifyDefaultPrinter: TYPE_BOOL
true: Define the default printer.
false: Use default print behavior.
printerTypes: TYPE_ENUM
CLOUD_AND_LOCAL: Cloud and local.
CLOUD: Cloud only.
LOCAL: Local only.
printerMatching: TYPE_ENUM
MATCH_BY_NAME: Match by name.
MATCH_BY_ID: Match by ID.
defaultPrinterPattern: TYPE_STRING
Default printer. Enter a regular expression that matches the desired default printer selection. The print preview will default to the first printer to match the regular expression. For example, to match a printer named "Initech Lobby", use "Initech Lobby". To match any of {print "initech-lobby-1"}, {print "initech-lobby-2"}, etc. you could use {print "initech-lobby-.$"}. To match {print "initech-lobby-guest"} or {print "initech-partner-guest"}, you could use {print "initech-.*-guest"}.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DefaultSensorsSetting: Sensors.
defaultSensorsSetting: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_SENSORS: Allow sites to access sensors.
BLOCK_SENSORS: Do not allow any site to access sensors.
UNSET: Allow the user to decide if a site may access sensors.
sensorsAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow access to sensors on these sites. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
sensorsBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block access to sensors on these sites. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DeleteKeyModifier: Control the shortcut used to trigger the Delete "six pack" key.
deleteKeyModifier: TYPE_ENUM
NONE: Setting a shortcut for the "Delete" action is disabled.
ALT: Delete shortcut setting uses the shortcut that contains the alt modifier.
SEARCH: Delete shortcut setting uses the shortcut that contains the search modifier.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DeletePrintJobHistoryAllowed: Print job history deletion.
deletePrintJobHistoryAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow print job history to be deleted.
false: Do not allow print job history to be deleted.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DeveloperTools: Developer tools.
developerToolsAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
ALWAYS_ALLOW_DEVELOPER_TOOLS: Always allow use of built-in developer tools.
ALLOW_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_EXCEPT_FORCE_INSTALLED: Allow use of built-in developer tools except for force-installed extensions and component extensions.
NEVER_ALLOW_DEVELOPER_TOOLS: Never allow use of built-in developer tools.
extensionDeveloperModeSettings: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use 'developer tools availability' selection.
ALLOW: Allow use of developer tools on extensions page.
DISALLOW: Do not allow use of developer tools on extensions page.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DeviceAllowMgsToStoreDisplayProperties: Persist display settings.
deviceAllowMgsToStoreDisplayProperties: TYPE_BOOL
true: Display settings set in a managed guest session will persist across sessions.
false: Display settings set in a managed guest session will not persist across sessions.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DictationEnabled: Dictation.
dictationEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable dictation.
TRUE: Enable dictation.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DisableSafeBrowsingProceedAnyway: Disable bypassing Safe Browsing warnings.
disableSafeBrowsingProceedAnyway: TYPE_BOOL
true: Do not allow user to bypass Safe Browsing warning.
false: Allow user to bypass Safe Browsing warning.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DisplayCapturePermissionsPolicyEnabled: Insecure Media Capture.
displayCapturePermissionsPolicyEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Deny insecure requests to access display.
false: Allow requests to access display from non-allowlisted contexts.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DnsInterceptionChecksEnabled: DNS interception checks enabled.
dnsInterceptionChecksEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Perform DNS interception checks.
false: Do not perform DNS interception checks.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DnsOverHttps: DNS over HTTPS.
dnsOverHttpsMode: TYPE_ENUM
OFF: Disable DNS over HTTPS.
AUTOMATIC: Prefer DNS over HTTPS, allow insecure fallback.
SECURE: Require DNS over HTTPS.
UNSET: Use system default behavior.
dnsOverHttpsTemplates: TYPE_LIST
DNS over HTTPS templates. URI templates of desired DNS over HTTPS resolvers. If the URI template contains a '{?dns}' variable, requests to the resolver will use GET; otherwise requests will use POST.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DnsOverHttpsTemplatesWithIdentifiers: DNS-over-HTTPS with identifiers.
dnsOverHttpsSalt: TYPE_STRING
Salt for hashing identifiers in the URI templates. Salt used for hashing user and device identifiers in the template URIs. Optional starting Chrome version 114.
dnsOverHttpsTemplatesWithIdentifiers: TYPE_LIST
DNS-over-HTTPS templates with identifiers. URI templates of desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolvers which contain user or device identifiers. If the URI template contains a '{?dns}' variable, requests to the resolver will use GET; otherwise requests will use POST. If both DNS-over-HTTPS templates and DNS-over-HTTPS templates with identifiers are set, ChromeOS will default to DNS-over-HTTPS templates with identifiers.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DownloadBubbleEnabled: Download bubble.
downloadBubbleEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable download bubble.
false: Disable download bubble.
chrome.devices.managedguest.DownloadRestrictions: Download restrictions.
safeBrowsingDownloadRestrictions: TYPE_ENUM
NO_SPECIAL_RESTRICTIONS: No special restrictions.
BLOCK_ALL_MALICIOUS_DOWNLOAD: Block malicious downloads.
BLOCK_DANGEROUS_DOWNLOAD: Block malicious downloads and dangerous file types.
BLOCK_POTENTIALLY_DANGEROUS_DOWNLOAD: Block malicious downloads, uncommon or unwanted downloads and dangerous file types.
BLOCK_ALL_DOWNLOAD: Block all downloads.
chrome.devices.managedguest.EmojiPickerGifSupportEnabled: GIF Support in Emoji Picker.
emojiPickerGifSupportEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not allow GIFs to be selected in the Emoji picker.
TRUE: Allow GIFs to be selected in the Emoji picker.
chrome.devices.managedguest.EmojiSuggestionEnabled: Emoji suggestions.
emojiSuggestionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable emoji suggestions when users type.
false: Disable emoji suggestions when users type.
chrome.devices.managedguest.EnableCaptureAllowedSettings: Screen video capture allowed by sites.
screenCaptureAllowedByOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Allow tab, window, and desktop video capture by these sites. Sites set in this list will be ignored in the 'screenCaptureAllowed' field.
windowCaptureAllowedByOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Allow tab and window video capture by these sites. Sites set in this list will be ignored in the 'screenCaptureAllowedByOrigins' and 'screenCaptureAllowed' fields.
tabCaptureAllowedByOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Allow tab video capture by these sites. Sites set in this list will be ignored in the 'windowCaptureAllowedByOrigins', 'screenCaptureAllowedByOrigins', and 'screenCaptureAllowed' fields.
sameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Allow tab video capture (same site only) by these sites. Sites set in this list will be ignored in the 'tabCaptureAllowedByOrigins', 'windowCaptureAllowedByOrigins', 'screenCaptureAllowedByOrigins', and 'screenCaptureAllowed' fields.
chrome.devices.managedguest.EnableDeprecatedPrivetPrinting: Deprecated privet printing.
enableDeprecatedPrivetPrinting: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable deprecated privet printing.
false: Disable deprecated privet printing.
chrome.devices.managedguest.EncryptedClientHelloEnabled: TLS encrypted ClientHello.
encryptedClientHelloEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable the TLS Encrypted ClientHello experiment.
false: Disable the TLS Encrypted ClientHello experiment.
chrome.devices.managedguest.EnhancedNetworkVoicesInSelectToSpeakAllowed: Select-to-speak.
enhancedNetworkVoicesInSelectToSpeakAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow sending text to Google servers for enhanced Select-to-speak.
false: Do not allow sending text to Google servers for enhanced Select-to-speak.
chrome.devices.managedguest.EnterpriseHardwarePlatformApiEnabled: Enterprise Hardware Platform API.
enterpriseHardwarePlatformApiEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API.
false: Do not allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API.
chrome.devices.managedguest.EventPathEnabled: Re-enable the Event.path API until Chrome 115.
eventPathEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Enable Event.path API until Chrome 108.
FALSE: Disable Event.path API.
TRUE: Enable Event.path API until Chrome 115.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ExplicitlyAllowedNetworkPorts: Allowed network ports.
explicitlyAllowedNetworkPorts: TYPE_LIST
{'value': '554', 'description': 'port 554 (expires 2021/10/15).'}
chrome.devices.managedguest.ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls: Extended background lifetime.
extensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls: TYPE_LIST
Origins that grant extended background lifetime to connecting extensions. Enter a list of origins. Extensions that connect to one of these origins will be be kept running as long as the port is connected. One URL per line.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ExtensionManifestVTwoAvailability: Manifest V2 extension availability.
extensionManifestVTwoAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Default browser behavior.
DISABLE: Disable manifest V2 extensions.
ENABLE: Enable manifest V2 extensions.
ENABLE_FOR_FORCED_EXTENSIONS: Enable force-installed manifest V2 extensions.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ExternalStorage: External storage devices.
externalStorageDevices: TYPE_ENUM
READ_WRITE: Allow external storage devices.
READ_ONLY: Allow external storage devices (read only).
DISALLOW: Disallow external storage devices.
chrome.devices.managedguest.FastPairEnabled: Fast Pair (fast Bluetooth pairing).
fastPairEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable Fast Pair.
TRUE: Enable Fast Pair.
chrome.devices.managedguest.FeedbackSurveysEnabled: Google Chrome surveys.
feedbackSurveysEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable in-product surveys.
false: Disable in-product surveys.
chrome.devices.managedguest.FElevenKeyModifier: Control the shortcut used to trigger F11.
fElevenKeyModifier: TYPE_ENUM
DISABLED: F11 settings are disabled.
ALT: F11 settings use the shortcut that contains the alt modifier.
SHIFT: F11 settings use the shortcut that contains the shift modifier.
CTRL_SHIFT: F11 settings use the shortcut that contains the modifiers ctrl and shift.
chrome.devices.managedguest.FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins: File/directory picker without user gesture.
fileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Allow file or directory picker APIs to be called without prior user gesture. Urls to allow file or directory pickers without user gesture.
chrome.devices.managedguest.FileSystemRead: File system read access.
defaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
ASK_FILE_SYSTEM_READ: Allow sites to ask the user to grant read access to files and directories.
BLOCK_FILE_SYSTEM_READ: Do not allow sites to request read access to files and directories.
fileSystemReadAskForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow file system read access on these sites. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see URL patterns at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
fileSystemReadBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block read access on these sites. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see URL patterns at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
chrome.devices.managedguest.FileSystemSyncAccessHandleAsyncInterfaceEnabled: File System Access API async interface.
fileSystemSyncAccessHandleAsyncInterfaceEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Re-enable the deprecated async interface for FileSystemSyncAccessHandle.
false: Disable the deprecated async interface for FileSystemSyncAccessHandle.
chrome.devices.managedguest.FileSystemWrite: File system write access.
defaultFileSystemWriteGuardSetting: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
ASK_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE: Allow sites to ask the user to grant write access to files and directories.
BLOCK_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE: Do not allow sites to request write access to files and directories.
fileSystemWriteAskForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow write access to files and directories on these sites. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see URL patterns at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
fileSystemWriteBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block write access to files and directories on these sites. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see URL patterns at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ForceEnablePepperVideoDecoderDevApi: PPB_VideoDecoder(Dev) API support.
forceEnablePepperVideoDecoderDevApi: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable PPB_VideoDecoder(Dev) API.
false: Let the browser decide.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ForceMajorVersionToMinorPositionInUserAgent: Freeze User-Agent string version.
forceMajorVersionToMinorPositionInUserAgent: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Default to browser settings for User-Agent string.
FORCE_DISABLED: Do not freeze the major version.
FORCE_ENABLED: Freeze the major version as 99.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ForceMaximizeOnFirstRun: Maximize window on first run.
forceMaximizeOnFirstRun: TYPE_BOOL
true: Maximize the first browser window on first run.
false: Default system behavior (depends on screen size).
chrome.devices.managedguest.ForcePermissionPolicyUnloadDefaultEnabled: Unload event handlers.
forcePermissionPolicyUnloadDefaultEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable unload event handlers.
false: Do not enable unload event handlers.
chrome.devices.managedguest.FTwelveKeyModifier: Control the shortcut used to trigger F12.
fTwelveKeyModifier: TYPE_ENUM
DISABLED: F12 settings are disabled.
ALT: F12 settings use the shortcut that contains the alt modifier.
SHIFT: F12 settings use the shortcut that contains the shift modifier.
CTRL_SHIFT: F12 settings use the shortcut that contains the modifiers ctrl and shift.
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
chrome.devices.managedguest.FullscreenAllowed: Fullscreen mode.
fullscreenAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow fullscreen mode.
false: Do not allow fullscreen mode.
chrome.devices.managedguest.GloballyScopeHttpAuthCacheEnabled: Globally scoped HTTP authentication cache.
globallyScopeHttpAuthCacheEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: HTTP authentication credentials entered in the context of one site will automatically be used in the context of another.
false: HTTP authentication credentials are scoped to top-level sites.
chrome.devices.managedguest.GoogleCast: Cast.
showCastIconInToolbar: TYPE_BOOL
true: Always show the Cast icon in the toolbar.
false: Do not show the Cast icon in the toolbar by default, but let users choose.
enableMediaRouter: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to Cast.
false: Do not allow users to Cast.
mediaRouterCastAllowAllIps: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Enable restrictions, unless the CastAllowAllIPs feature is turned on.
FALSE: Enable restrictions.
TRUE: Disable restrictions (allow all IP addresses).
chrome.devices.managedguest.GoogleSearchSidePanelEnabled: Side Panel search.
googleSearchSidePanelEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Side Panel search on all web pages.
false: Disable Side Panel search on all web pages.
chrome.devices.managedguest.HighContrastEnabled: High contrast.
highContrastEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable high contrast.
TRUE: Enable high contrast.
chrome.devices.managedguest.HighEfficiencyModeEnabled: High efficiency mode.
highEfficiencyModeEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable high efficiency mode.
TRUE: Enable high efficiency mode.
chrome.devices.managedguest.HomeAndEndKeysModifier: Control the shortcut used to trigger the Home/End "six pack" keys.
homeAndEndKeysModifier: TYPE_ENUM
NONE: Home/End settings are disabled.
ALT: Home/End settings use the shortcut that contains the alt modifier.
SEARCH: Home/End settings use the shortcut that contains the search modifier.
chrome.devices.managedguest.HomeButton: Home button.
showHomeButton: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Never show "Home" button.
TRUE: Always show "Home" button.
chrome.devices.managedguest.Homepage: Homepage.
homepageIsNewTabPage: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Homepage is always the URL set in 'homepageLocation'.
TRUE: Homepage is always the new tab page.
homepageLocation: TYPE_STRING
Homepage URL. Specifies the URL that should be used as the home page in managed Chrome.
chrome.devices.managedguest.HstsPolicyBypassList: HSTS policy bypass list.
hstsPolicyBypassList: TYPE_LIST
List of hostnames that will bypass the HSTS policy check . Enter a list of hostnames that will be exempt from the HSTS policy check.
chrome.devices.managedguest.IdleSettingsExtended: Idle settings.
lidCloseAction: TYPE_ENUM
SLEEP: Sleep.
LOGOUT: Logout.
SHUTDOWN: Shutdown.
DO_NOTHING: Do nothing.
idleActionAc: TYPE_ENUM
SLEEP: Sleep.
LOGOUT: Logout.
SHUTDOWN: Shut down.
DO_NOTHING: Do nothing.
idleActionBattery: TYPE_ENUM
SLEEP: Sleep.
LOGOUT: Logout.
SHUTDOWN: Shut down.
DO_NOTHING: Do nothing.
lockOnSleepOrLidClose: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow user to configure.
FALSE: Don't lock screen.
TRUE: Lock screen.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.managedguest.IncognitoMode: Incognito mode.
incognitoModeAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
AVAILABLE: Allow incognito mode.
UNAVAILABLE: Disallow incognito mode.
FORCED: Force incognito mode.
chrome.devices.managedguest.InsecureContentAllowedForUrls: Allow insecure content on these sites.
insecureContentAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
URL patterns to allow. Specifies which sites should allow insecure (HTTP) content to be shown.
chrome.devices.managedguest.InsecureContentBlockedForUrls: Block insecure content on these sites.
insecureContentBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
URL patterns to block. Specifies which sites should block insecure (HTTP) content from being shown.
chrome.devices.managedguest.InsecureFormsWarningsEnabled: Insecure forms.
insecureFormsWarningsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show warnings and disable autofill on insecure forms.
false: Do not show warnings or disable autofill on insecure forms.
chrome.devices.managedguest.InsecureHashesInTlsHandshakesEnabled: Insecure hashes in TLS handshakes.
insecureHashesInTlsHandshakesEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not allow insecure hashes in TLS handshakes.
TRUE: Allow insecure hashes in TLS handshakes.
chrome.devices.managedguest.InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed: Requests from insecure websites to more-private network endpoints.
insecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Insecure websites are allowed to make requests to any network endpoint.
false: Allow the user to decide.
insecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
URL patterns to allow. Network requests to more-private endpoints, from insecure origins not covered by the patterns specified here, will use the global default value.
chrome.devices.managedguest.InsertKeyModifier: Control the shortcut used to trigger the Insert "six pack" key.
insertKeyModifier: TYPE_ENUM
NONE: Setting a shortcut for the "Insert" action is disabled.
SEARCH: Insert shortcut setting uses the shortcut that contains the search modifier.
chrome.devices.managedguest.IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingEnabled: Javascript IntensiveWakeUpThrottling.
intensiveWakeUpThrottlingEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Force no throttling of background JavaScript timers.
TRUE: Force throttling of background JavaScript timers.
chrome.devices.managedguest.IntranetRedirectBehavior: Intranet Redirection Behavior.
intranetRedirectBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Use default browser behavior.
DISABLE_INTERCEPTION_CHECKS_DISABLE_INFOBAR: Disable DNS interception checks and did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars.
DISABLE_INTERCEPTION_CHECKS_ENABLE_INFOBAR: Disable DNS interception checks; allow did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars.
ENABLE_INTERCEPTION_CHECKS_ENABLE_INFOBAR: Allow DNS interception checks and did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars.
chrome.devices.managedguest.JavaScriptJitSettings: JavaScript JIT.
defaultJavaScriptJitSetting: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_JAVA_SCRIPT_JIT: Allow sites to run JavaScript JIT.
BLOCK_JAVA_SCRIPT_JIT: Do not allow sites to run JavaScript JIT.
javaScriptJitAllowedForSites: TYPE_LIST
Allow JavaScript to use JIT on these sites. Specifies the site allowlist for JavaScript to use JIT.
javaScriptJitBlockedForSites: TYPE_LIST
Block JavaScript from using JIT on these sites. Specifies the site blocklist for JavaScript to be blocked from using JIT.
chrome.devices.managedguest.KeepFullscreenWithoutNotificationUrlAllowList: Fullscreen after unlock.
keepFullscreenWithoutNotificationUrlAllowList: TYPE_LIST
Keep full screen after unlock without warning for the following URLs. Enter a list of URL patterns, one per line.
chrome.devices.managedguest.KerberosCustomPrefilledConfigSettingGroup: Kerberos ticket default configuration.
kerberosCustomPrefilledConfig: TYPE_STRING
Custom configuration. Kerberos ticket prefilled config.
kerberosUseCustomPrefilledConfig: TYPE_BOOL
true: Customize Kerberos configuration.
false: Use recommended Kerberos configuration.
chrome.devices.managedguest.KerberosDomainAutocomplete: Autocomplete Kerberos domain.
kerberosDomainAutocomplete: TYPE_STRING
Kerberos domain. Autocomplete Kerberos domain.
chrome.devices.managedguest.KerberosTickets: Kerberos tickets.
kerberosEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable kerberos.
false: Disable kerberos.
chrome.devices.managedguest.KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled: Keyboard focusable scrollers.
keyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow scrollers to be focusable by default.
false: Do not allow scrollers to be focusable by default.
chrome.devices.managedguest.KeyboardFocusHighlightEnabled: Keyboard focus highlighting.
keyboardFocusHighlightEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable keyboard focus highlighting.
TRUE: Enable keyboard focus highlighting.
chrome.devices.managedguest.KeyboardFunctionKeys: Keyboard.
keyboardDefaultToFunctionKeys: TYPE_BOOL
true: Treat top-row keys as function keys, but allow user to change.
false: Treat top-row keys as media keys, but allow user to change.
chrome.devices.managedguest.LargeCursorEnabled: Large cursor.
largeCursorEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable large cursor.
TRUE: Enable large cursor.
chrome.devices.managedguest.LensDesktopNtpSearchEnabled: New Tab page Google Lens button.
lensDesktopNtpSearchEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show the Google Lens button in the search box on the New Tab page.
false: Do not show the Google Lens button in the search box on the New Tab page.
chrome.devices.managedguest.LensOnGalleryEnabled: Lens Gallery App integration.
lensOnGalleryEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Lens integration.
false: Disable Lens integration.
lensOnGalleryEnabledSettingGroupPolicyMode: TYPE_ENUM
MANDATORY: Do not allow users to override.
RECOMMENDED: Allow users to override.
chrome.devices.managedguest.LensRegionSearchEnabled: Google Lens region search.
lensRegionSearchEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Google Lens region search.
false: Disable Google Lens region search.
chrome.devices.managedguest.LoadCryptoTokenExtension: Re-enable CryptoToken component extension until Chrome 107.
loadCryptoTokenExtension: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable the CryptoToken component extension until Chrome 107.
false: Enable the CryptoToken component extension until Chrome 105.
chrome.devices.managedguest.LockIconInAddressBarEnabled: Lock icon in the omnibox for secure connections.
lockIconInAddressBarEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use the lock icon for secure connections.
false: Use default icons for secure connections.
chrome.devices.managedguest.LookalikeWarningAllowlistDomains: Suppress lookalike domain warnings on domains.
lookalikeWarningAllowlistDomains: TYPE_LIST
Allowlisted Domains. Enter list of domains where Chrome should prevent the display of lookalike URL warnings.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ManagedBookmarksSetting: Managed bookmarks.
toplevelName: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.managedguest.ManagedGuestSession: Managed guest session.
userDisplayName: TYPE_STRING
Session name to display on login screen. Specifies the name of a managed guest session on the login screen.
managedGuestSessionAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
NOT_ALLOWED: Do not allow managed guest sessions.
ALLOWED: Allow managed guest sessions.
AUTO_LAUNCH: Auto-launch managed guest session.
autoLaunchDelaySeconds: TYPE_INT64
Auto-launch delay. Number of seconds to delay before launching the managed guest session. During this time the sign-in screen will be visible.
deviceHealthMonitoring: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable device health monitoring.
false: Disable device health monitoring.
systemLogUploadEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable device system log upload.
false: Disable device system log upload.
displayRotation: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: No policy set (allow the device to keep its current display rotation).
ROTATE_0: 0 degrees.
ROTATE_90: 90 degrees.
ROTATE_180: 180 degrees.
ROTATE_270: 270 degrees.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ManagedGuestSessionV2: Managed guest session.
userDisplayName: TYPE_STRING
Session name to display on login screen. Specifies the name of a managed guest session on the login screen.
managedGuestSessionAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
NOT_ALLOWED: Do not allow managed guest sessions.
ALLOWED: Allow managed guest sessions.
AUTO_LAUNCH: Auto-launch managed guest session.
autoLaunchDelaySeconds: TYPE_INT64
Auto-launch delay. Number of seconds to delay before launching the managed guest session. During this time the sign-in screen will be visible.
deviceHealthMonitoring: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable device health monitoring.
false: Disable device health monitoring.
displayRotation: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: No policy set (allow the device to keep its current display rotation).
ROTATE_0: 0 degrees.
ROTATE_90: 90 degrees.
ROTATE_180: 180 degrees.
ROTATE_270: 270 degrees.
chrome.devices.managedguest.MaxInvalidationFetchDelay: Policy fetch delay.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.managedguest.MaxInvalidationFetchDelayV2: Policy fetch delay.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.managedguest.MonoAudioEnabled: Mono audio.
monoAudioEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable mono audio.
TRUE: Enable mono audio.
chrome.devices.managedguest.MutationEventsEnabled: Mutation Events.
mutationEventsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Temporarily re-enable mutation events.
false: Mutation events stop firing after the removal date.
chrome.devices.managedguest.NativeClientForceAllowed: Allow Native Client (NaCl).
nativeClientForceAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Native Client to run even if it is disabled by default.
false: Use default behavior.
chrome.devices.managedguest.NetworkFileShares: Network file shares.
networkFileSharesAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow network file shares.
false: Block network file shares.
netBiosShareDiscoveryEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use NetBIOS discovery.
false: Do not allow NetBIOS discovery.
ntlmShareAuthenticationEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use NTLM authentication.
false: Do not use NTLM authentication.
chrome.devices.managedguest.NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehaviorAllowed: Enable the feature NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior.
newBaseUrlInheritanceBehaviorAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior feature available.
false: NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior feature disabled.
chrome.devices.managedguest.NewTabPageLocation: New tab page.
newTabPageLocation: TYPE_STRING
New tab URL (leave empty for default). Specifies the URL of the page that should load when Chrome opens a new tab.
chrome.devices.managedguest.Notifications: Notifications.
defaultNotificationsSetting: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
ALLOW_NOTIFICATIONS: Allow sites to show desktop notifications.
BLOCK_NOTIFICATIONS: Do not allow sites to show desktop notifications.
ASK_NOTIFICATIONS: Always ask the user if a site can show desktop notifications.
notificationsAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow these sites to show notifications. Urls to allow notifications. Prefix domain with [*.] to include all subdomains.Maximum of 1000 URLs. .
notificationsBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block notifications on these sites. Urls to block notifications. Prefix domain with [*.] to include all subdomains.Maximum of 1000 URLs. .
chrome.devices.managedguest.OptimizationGuideFetchingEnabled: Optimization Guide Fetching.
optimizationGuideFetchingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable fetching of page load metadata and machine learning models to enhance the browsing experience.
false: Disable fetching of page load metadata and machine learning models that enhance the browsing experience.
chrome.devices.managedguest.OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled: Origin-keyed agent clustering.
originAgentClusterDefaultEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use origin-keyed agent clusters.
false: Use site-keyed agent clusters.
chrome.devices.managedguest.OsColorMode: ChromeOS color mode.
osColorMode: TYPE_ENUM
LIGHT: Recommend the light theme.
DARK: Recommend the dark theme.
AUTO: Recommend auto mode.
chrome.devices.managedguest.OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin: Override insecure origin restrictions.
overrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin: TYPE_LIST
Origin or hostname patterns to ignore insecure origins security restrictions. Specifies the origin or hostname patterns for which restrictions on insecure origins should not apply.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PageUpAndPageDownKeysModifier: Control the shortcut used to trigger the PageUp/PageDown "six pack" keys.
pageUpAndPageDownKeysModifier: TYPE_ENUM
NONE: PageUp/PageDown settings are disabled.
ALT: PageUp/PageDown settings use the shortcut that contains the alt modifier.
SEARCH: PageUp/PageDown settings use the shortcut that contains the search modifier.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PaymentMethodQueryEnabled: Payment methods.
paymentMethodQueryEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow websites to check if the user has payment methods saved.
false: Always tell websites that no payment methods are saved.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PdfLocalFileAccessAllowedForDomains: Local file access to file:// URLs in the PDF Viewer.
pdfLocalFileAccessAllowedForDomains: TYPE_LIST
Allowed URLs. List of file URLs with local access enabled in the PDF viewer.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PdfUseSkiaRendererEnabled: Renderer for PDF files.
pdfUseSkiaRendererEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Use AGG renderer for PDF files.
TRUE: Use Skia renderer for PDF files.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PhysicalKeyboardAutocorrect: Physical keyboard autocorrect.
physicalKeyboardAutocorrect: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable physical keyboard autocorrect.
false: Disable physical keyboard autocorrect.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PhysicalKeyboardPredictiveWriting: Physical keyboard predictive writing.
physicalKeyboardPredictiveWriting: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable physical keyboard predictive writing.
false: Disable physical keyboard predictive writing.
chrome.devices.managedguest.Popups: Pop-ups.
defaultPopupsSetting: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
ALLOW_POPUPS: Allow all pop-ups.
BLOCK_POPUPS: Block all pop-ups.
popupsAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow pop-ups on these sites. Urls to allow pop-ups.
popupsBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block pop-ups on these sites. Urls to block pop-ups.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled: Post-quantum TLS.
postQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not allow post-quantum key agreement in TLS connections.
TRUE: Allow post-quantum key agreement in TLS connections.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PpapiSharedImagesForVideoDecoderAllowed: Allow Pepper to use shared images for video decoding.
ppapiSharedImagesForVideoDecoderAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow new implementation.
false: Force old implementation.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PpApiSharedImagesSwapChainAllowed: Modern buffer allocation for Graphics3D APIs PPAPI plugin.
ppApiSharedImagesSwapChainAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow new implementation.
false: Force old implementation.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrefixedStorageInfoEnabled: Re-enable window.webkitStorageInfo API.
prefixedStorageInfoEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable window.webkitStorageInfo.
false: Disable window.webkitStorageInfo.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrefixedVideoFullscreenApiAvailability: Prefixed video fullscreen API.
prefixedVideoFullscreenApiAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
RUNTIME_ENABLED: Use the default Chrome setting.
DISABLED: Disable prefixed video fullscreen API.
ENABLED: Enable prefixed video fullscreen API.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrimaryMouseButtonSwitch: Primary mouse button.
primaryMouseButtonSwitch: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Left button is primary.
TRUE: Right button is primary.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrinterTypeDenyList: Blocked printer types.
printerTypeDenyList: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'privet', 'description': 'Privet zeroconf-based protocol (deprecated).'}
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrintHeaderFooter: Print headers and footers.
printHeaderFooter: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Never print headers and footers.
TRUE: Always print headers and footers.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes: Background graphics printing restriction.
printingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes: TYPE_ENUM
ANY: Allow the user to decide.
ENABLED: Always require printing of background images.
DISABLED: Do not allow printing of background images.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrintingAllowedPinModes: Restrict PIN printing mode.
printingAllowedPinModes: TYPE_ENUM
ANY_PIN_PRINTING_MODE: Do not restrict PIN printing mode.
PIN_PRINTING_ONLY: Always require PIN printing.
NON_PIN_PRINTING_ONLY: Do not allow PIN printing.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault: Background graphics printing default.
printingBackgroundGraphicsDefault: TYPE_ENUM
DISABLED: Disable background graphics printing mode by default.
ENABLED: Enable background graphics printing mode by default.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrintingMaxSheetsAllowed: Maximum sheets.
value: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrintingPaperSizeDefault: Default printing page size.
printingPaperSizeEnum: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: No policy set.
NA_LETTER_8_5X11IN: Letter.
NA_LEGAL_8_5X14IN: Legal.
ISO_A4_210X297MM: A4.
NA_LEDGER_11X17IN: Tabloid.
ISO_A3_297X420MM: A3.
CUSTOM: Custom.
printingPaperSizeWidth: TYPE_STRING
Page width (in millimeters). Sets a custom page width (in millimeters).
printingPaperSizeHeight: TYPE_STRING
Page height (in millimeters). Sets a custom page height (in millimeters).
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrintingPinDefault: Default PIN printing mode.
printingPinDefault: TYPE_ENUM
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrintJobHistoryExpirationPeriodNew: Print job history retention period.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrintJobHistoryExpirationPeriodNewV2: Print job history retention period.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrintPdfAsImage: Print PDF as image.
printPdfAsImageAvailability: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to print PDF documents as images.
false: Do not allow users to print PDF documents as images.
printPdfAsImageDefault: TYPE_BOOL
true: Default to printing PDFs as images when available.
false: Default to printing PDFs without being rasterized.
value: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrivacyScreenEnabled: Privacy screen.
privacyScreenEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Always disable the privacy screen.
TRUE: Always enable the privacy screen.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PrivateNetworkAccessRestrictionsEnabled: Private Network Access restrictions.
privateNetworkAccessRestrictionsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Apply restrictions to requests to more-private network endpoints.
false: Use default behavior when determining if websites can make requests to network endpoints.
chrome.devices.managedguest.PromptForDownloadLocation: Download location prompt.
promptForDownloadLocation: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Do not ask the user (downloads start immediately).
TRUE: Ask the user where to save the file before downloading.
chrome.devices.managedguest.QrCodeGeneratorEnabled: QR Code Generator.
qrCodeGeneratorEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable QR Code Generator.
false: Disable QR Code Generator.
chrome.devices.managedguest.QuickAnswersEnabled: Quick Answers.
quickAnswersEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Quick Answers.
false: Disable Quick Answers.
quickAnswersDefinitionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Quick Answers definition.
false: Disable Quick Answers definition.
quickAnswersTranslationEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Quick Answers translation.
false: Disable Quick Answers translation.
quickAnswersUnitConversionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Quick Answers unit conversion.
false: Disable Quick Answers unit conversion.
chrome.devices.managedguest.QuicProtocol: QUIC protocol.
quicAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable.
false: Disable.
chrome.devices.managedguest.RemoteAccessHostAllowEnterpriseRemoteSupportConnections: Enterprise remote support connections.
remoteAccessHostAllowEnterpriseRemoteSupportConnections: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow remote support connections from enterprise admins.
false: Prevent remote support connections from enterprise admins.
chrome.devices.managedguest.RemoteAccessHostAllowRemoteSupportConnections: Remote support connections.
remoteAccessHostAllowRemoteSupportConnections: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow remote support connections.
false: Prevent remote support connections.
chrome.devices.managedguest.RemoteAccessHostClientDomainList: Remote access clients.
remoteAccessHostClientDomainList: TYPE_LIST
Remote access client domain. Configure the required domain names for remote access clients.
chrome.devices.managedguest.RemoteAccessHostClipboardSizeBytes: Clipboard sync max size.
value: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.managedguest.RemoteAccessHostDomainList: Remote access hosts.
remoteAccessHostDomainList: TYPE_LIST
Remote access host domain. Configure the required domain names for remote access hosts.
chrome.devices.managedguest.RemoteAccessHostFirewallTraversal: Firewall traversal.
remoteAccessHostFirewallTraversal: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable firewall traversal.
false: Disable firewall traversal.
remoteAccessHostAllowRelayedConnection: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable the use of relay servers.
false: Disable the use of relay servers.
remoteAccessHostUdpPortRange: TYPE_STRING
UDP port range. Format: minimum-maximum (e.g. 12400-12409). If unset, any port may be used.
chrome.devices.managedguest.RemoteDebuggingAllowed: Allow remote debugging.
remoteDebuggingAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow use of the remote debugging.
false: Do not allow use of the remote debugging.
chrome.devices.managedguest.RequireOnlineRevocationChecksForLocalAnchors: Require online OCSP/CRL checks for local trust anchors.
requireOnlineRevocationChecksForLocalAnchors: TYPE_BOOL
true: Perform revocation checking for successfully validated server certificates signed by locally installed CA certificates.
false: Use existing online revocation-checking settings.
chrome.devices.managedguest.RestrictPrintColor: Restrict color printing mode.
printingAllowedColorModes: TYPE_ENUM
ANY_COLOR_MODE: Do not restrict color printing mode.
COLOR_ONLY: Color only.
MONOCHROME_ONLY: Black and white only.
chrome.devices.managedguest.RestrictPrintDuplexMode: Restrict page sides.
printingAllowedDuplexModes: TYPE_ENUM
ANY_DUPLEX_MODE: Do not restrict duplex printing mode.
SIMPLEX_ONLY: One-sided only.
DUPLEX_ONLY: Two-sided only.
chrome.devices.managedguest.RsaKeyUsageForLocalAnchorsEnabled: Check RSA key usage.
rsaKeyUsageForLocalAnchorsEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Disable RSA key usage checking.
TRUE: Enable RSA key usage checking.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SafeBrowsingProtectionLevel: Safe Browsing protection.
safeBrowsingProtectionLevel: TYPE_ENUM
USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
NO_PROTECTION: Safe Browsing is never active.
STANDARD_PROTECTION: Safe Browsing is active in the standard mode.
ENHANCED_PROTECTION: Safe Browsing is active in the enhanced mode. This mode provides better security, but requires sharing more browsing information with Google.
safeBrowsingProxiedRealTimeChecksAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow higher-protection proxied lookups.
false: Don't allow higher-protection proxied lookups.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SafeBrowsingSurveysEnabled: Safe Browsing Surveys.
safeBrowsingSurveysEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Safe Browsing surveys to be sent to users.
false: Disable Safe Browsing surveys.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SafeSearchRestrictedMode: SafeSearch and Restricted Mode.
forceGoogleSafeSearch: TYPE_BOOL
true: Always use SafeSearch for Google Search queries.
false: Do not enforce SafeSearch for Google Search queries.
forceYoutubeRestrictedMode: TYPE_ENUM
OFF: Do not enforce Restricted Mode on YouTube.
MODERATE: Enforce at least Moderate Restricted Mode on YouTube.
STRICT: Enforce Strict Restricted Mode on YouTube.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SafeSitesFilterBehavior: SafeSites URL filter.
safeSitesFilterBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
SAFE_SITES_FILTER_DISABLED: Do not filter sites for adult content.
SAFE_SITES_FILTER_ENABLED: Filter top level sites (but not embedded iframes) for adult content.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SandboxExternalProtocolBlocked: iframe navigation.
sandboxExternalProtocolBlocked: TYPE_BOOL
true: Do not allow navigation to external protocols inside a sandboxed iframe.
false: Allow navigation to external protocols inside a sandboxed iframe.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ScreenBrightnessPercent: Screen brightness.
brightnessEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Set initial screen brightness.
false: Do not set initial screen brightness.
brightnessAc: TYPE_INT64
Screen brightness (ac power). Specifies the screen brightness percent when running on AC power.
brightnessBattery: TYPE_INT64
Screen brightness (battery power). Specifies the screen brightness percent when running on battery power.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ScreenCaptureAllowed: Screen video capture.
screenCaptureAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow sites to prompt the user to share a video stream of their screen.
false: Do not allow sites to prompt the user to share a video stream of their screen.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins: Media picker without user gesture.
screenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Allow screen capture without prior user gesture. Urls to allow screencapture without user gesture.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ScreenMagnifierType: Screen magnifier.
screenMagnifierType: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
DISABLED: Disable screen magnifier.
FULL_SCREEN: Enable full-screen magnifier.
DOCKED: Enable docked magnifier.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ScreensaverLockScreenEnabled: Screen saver.
screensaverLockScreenEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Display screen saver on lock screen when idle.
false: Don't display screen saver on lock screen when idle.
screensaverLockScreenImages: TYPE_LIST
Screen saver image URLs. Enter one URL per line. Images must be in JPG format(.jpg or .jpeg files.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.managedguest.Screenshot: Screenshot.
disableScreenshots: TYPE_BOOL
true: Do not allow users to take screenshots or video recordings.
false: Allow users to take screenshots and video recordings.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ScrollToTextFragmentEnabled: Scroll to text fragment.
scrollToTextFragmentEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow sites to scroll to specific text fragments via URL.
false: Do not allow sites to scroll to specific text fragments via URL.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SearchSuggest: Search suggest.
searchSuggestEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Never allow users to use Search Suggest.
TRUE: Always allow users to use Search Suggest.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SecurityTokenSessionSettings: Security token removal.
securityTokenSessionBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
IGNORE: Nothing.
LOGOUT: Log the user out.
LOCK: Lock the current session.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.managedguest.SecurityTokenSessionSettingsV2: Security token removal.
securityTokenSessionBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
IGNORE: Nothing.
LOGOUT: Log the user out.
LOCK: Lock the current session.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.managedguest.SelectToSpeakEnabled: Select to speak.
selectToSpeakEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable select to speak.
TRUE: Enable select to speak.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SendMouseEventsDisabledFormControlsEnabled: Disabled element MouseEvents.
sendMouseEventsDisabledFormControlsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Dispatch most MouseEvents from disabled control elements.
false: Do not dispatch MouseEvents from disabled control elements.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls: Web Serial API allowed devices.
device: TYPE_LIST
chrome.devices.managedguest.SessionLength: Maximum user session length.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.managedguest.SessionLengthV2: Maximum user session length.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.managedguest.SessionLocale: Session locale.
sessionLocalesRepeatedString: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'ar', 'description': 'Arabic - \u202bالعربية\u202c.'}
chrome.devices.managedguest.SetTimeoutWithoutOneMsClampEnabled: Javascript setTimeout() minimum.
setTimeoutWithoutOneMsClampEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Javascript setTimeout() with a timeout of 0ms will clamp to 1ms.
TRUE: Javascript setTimeout() with a timeout of 0ms will not clamp to 1ms.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SharedArrayBufferUnrestrictedAccessAllowed: SharedArrayBuffer.
sharedArrayBufferUnrestrictedAccessAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow sites that are not cross-origin isolated to use SharedArrayBuffers.
false: Prevent sites that are not cross-origin isolated from using SharedArrayBuffers.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ShelfAlign: Shelf position.
shelfAlignmentMgs: TYPE_ENUM
BOTTOM: Bottom.
LEFT: Left.
RIGHT: Right.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ShoppingListEnabled: Shopping list.
shoppingListEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable the shopping list feature.
false: Disable the shopping list feature.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ShortcutCustomizationAllowed: Customization of system shortcuts.
shortcutCustomizationAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow the user to customize system shortcuts.
false: Disallow the user to customize system shortcuts.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ShowAccessibilityOptionsInSystemTrayMenu: Accessibility options in the system tray menu.
showAccessibilityOptionsInSystemTrayMenu: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Hide accessibility options in the system tray menu.
TRUE: Show accessibility options in the system tray menu.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ShowCastSessionsStartedByOtherDevices: Show media controls for Google Cast sessions started by other devices on the local network.
showCastSessionsStartedByOtherDevices: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not show media controls for Google Cast sessions started by other devices.
TRUE: Show media controls for Google Cast sessions started by other devices.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ShowFullUrlsInAddressBar: URLs in the address bar.
showFullUrlsInAddressBar: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Display the default URL.
TRUE: Display the full URL.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ShowLogoutButton: Show logout button in tray.
showLogoutButtonInTray: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show logout button in tray.
false: Do not show logout button in tray.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SignedHttpExchangeEnabled: Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG) support.
signedHttpExchangeEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Accept web content served as Signed HTTP Exchanges.
false: Prevent Signed HTTP Exchanges from loading.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SimpleProxySettings: Proxy mode.
simpleProxyMode: TYPE_ENUM
USER_CONFIGURED: Allow user to configure.
DIRECT: Never use a proxy.
SYSTEM: Use system proxy settings.
AUTO_DETECT: Always auto detect the proxy.
FIXED_SERVERS: Always use the proxy specified in 'simpleProxyServerUrl'.
PAC_SCRIPT: Always use the proxy auto-config specified in 'simpleProxyPacUrl'.
simpleProxyServerUrl: TYPE_STRING
Proxy server URL. Specifies the URL of a proxy server to uesr on administered devices.
simpleProxyPacUrl: TYPE_STRING
Proxy server auto configuration file URL. URL of the .pac file that should be used for network connections.
proxyBypassList: TYPE_LIST
URLs which bypass the proxy. Specifies a list of URLs that will not user the configured proxy server.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SpellcheckEnabled: Spell check.
spellcheckEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable spell check.
TRUE: Enable spell check.
spellcheckLanguage: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'af', 'description': 'Afrikaans.'}
spellcheckLanguageBlocklist: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'af', 'description': 'Afrikaans.'}
chrome.devices.managedguest.SpellCheckService: Spell check service.
spellCheckServiceEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable the spell checking web service.
TRUE: Enable the spell checking web service.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SpokenFeedbackEnabled: Spoken feedback.
spokenFeedbackEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable spoken feedback.
TRUE: Enable spoken feedback.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SslErrorOverrideAllowed: SSL error override.
sslErrorOverrideAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to click through SSL warnings and proceed to the page.
false: Block users from clicking through SSL warnings.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SslErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins: SSL error override allowed domains.
sslErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Domains that allow clicking through SSL warnings. Enter a list of domain names.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SslVersionMin: Minimum SSL version enabled.
sslVersionMin: TYPE_ENUM
TL_SV_1: TLS 1.0.
TL_SV_1_1: TLS 1.1.
TL_SV_1_2: TLS 1.2.
SSL_V_3: SSL3.
chrome.devices.managedguest.StandardizedBrowserZoomEnabled: Zoom Behavior.
standardizedBrowserZoomEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Standard CSS zoom.
false: Legacy CSS zoom.
chrome.devices.managedguest.StartupBrowserLaunch: Browser launch on startup.
startupBrowserWindowLaunchSuppressed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Do not launch the browser on startup.
false: Automatically launch the browser on startup.
chrome.devices.managedguest.StartupPages: Pages to load on startup.
restoreOnStartupUrls: TYPE_LIST
Startup pages. Example: https://example.com.
restoreOnStartup: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
NEW_TAB: Open New Tab page.
RESTORE_SESSION: Restore the last session.
LIST_OF_URLS: Open a list of URLs.
LIST_OF_URLS_AND_RESTORE_SESSION: Open a list of URLs and restore the last session.
chrome.devices.managedguest.StickyKeysEnabled: Sticky keys.
stickyKeysEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable sticky keys.
TRUE: Enable sticky keys.
chrome.devices.managedguest.StrictMimetypeCheckForWorkerScriptsEnabled: Strict MIME type checking for worker scripts.
strictMimetypeCheckForWorkerScriptsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Require a JavaScript MIME type for worker scripts.
false: Use lax MIME type checking for worker scripts.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SuggestedContentEnabled: Suggested content.
suggestedContentEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable suggested content.
false: Disable suggested content.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SuggestLogoutAfterClosingLastWindow: Display the logout confirmation dialog.
suggestLogoutAfterClosingLastWindow: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show logout dialog when the last window is closed.
false: Do not show logout dialog when the last window is closed.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SuppressCrossOriginIframeDialogs: Cross-origin JavaScript dialogs.
suppressCrossOriginIframeDialogs: TYPE_BOOL
true: Block JavaScript dialogs triggered from a cross-origin iframe.
false: Allow JavaScript dialogs triggered from a cross-origin iframe.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SuppressUnsupportedOsWarning: Unsupported system warning.
suppressUnsupportedOsWarning: TYPE_BOOL
true: Suppress warnings when Chrome is running on an unsupported system.
false: Allow Chrome to display warnings when running on an unsupported system.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SystemFeaturesDisableList: Disabled system features.
systemFeaturesDisableList: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'camera', 'description': 'Camera.'}
chrome.devices.managedguest.SystemFeaturesDisableMode: Disabled system features visibility.
systemFeaturesDisableMode: TYPE_ENUM
BLOCKED: Show disabled app icons.
HIDDEN: Hide app icons.
chrome.devices.managedguest.SystemShortcutBehavior: Override system shortcuts.
systemShortcutBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Do not override system shortcuts.
SHOULD_IGNORE_COMMON_VDI_SHORTCUTS: Override some system shortcuts.
SHOULD_IGNORE_COMMON_VDI_SHORTCUTS_FULLSCREEN_ONLY: Override some system shortcuts while in fullscreen.
chrome.devices.managedguest.TabDiscardingExceptions: Exceptions to tab discarding.
tabDiscardingExceptions: TYPE_LIST
URL pattern exceptions to tab discarding. Specifies URL patterns where any URL matching one or more of these patterns will never be discarded by the browser.
chrome.devices.managedguest.TargetBlankImpliesNoOpener: Pop-up interactions.
targetBlankImpliesNoOpener: TYPE_BOOL
true: Block pop-ups opened with a target of _blank from interacting with the page that opened the pop-up.
false: Allow pop-ups opened with a target of _blank to interact with the page that opened the pop-up.
chrome.devices.managedguest.TaskManager: Task manager.
taskManagerEndProcessEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to end processes with the Chrome task manager.
false: Block users from ending processes with the Chrome task manager.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSettings: Third-party storage partitioning.
defaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_PARTITIONING: Allow third-party storage partitioning to be enabled.
BLOCK_PARTITIONING: Block third-party storage partitioning from being enabled.
thirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Block third-party storage partitioning for these origins. Specifies top-level origins which block third-party storage partitioning.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ThrottleNonVisibleCrossOriginIframesAllowed: Throttling of non-visible, cross-origin iframes.
throttleNonVisibleCrossOriginIframesAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable throttling.
false: Disable throttling.
chrome.devices.managedguest.TouchVirtualKeyboardEnabled: Touch on-screen keyboard.
touchVirtualKeyboardEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Enable touch on-screen keyboard in tablet mode.
FALSE: Don't enable touch on-screen keyboard in tablet mode.
TRUE: Enable touch on-screen keyboard in both tablet and laptop modes.
chrome.devices.managedguest.Translate: Google Translate.
translateEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Never offer translation.
TRUE: Always offer translation.
chrome.devices.managedguest.TrashEnabled: Trashed files.
trashEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow files to be sent to the Trash bin in the Files app.
false: Do not allow files to be sent to the Trash bin in the Files app.
chrome.devices.managedguest.UnifiedDesktop: Unified Desktop (BETA).
unifiedDesktopEnabledByDefault: TYPE_BOOL
true: Make Unified Desktop mode available to user.
false: Do not make Unified Desktop mode available to user.
chrome.devices.managedguest.UnthrottledNestedTimeoutEnabled: JavaScript setTimeout() clamping.
unthrottledNestedTimeoutEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: JavaScript setTimeout() will be clamped after a normal nesting threshold.
TRUE: JavaScript setTimeout() will not be clamped as aggressively.
chrome.devices.managedguest.UrlBlocking: URL blocking.
urlBlocklist: TYPE_LIST
Blocked URLs. Any URL in this list will be blocked, unless it also appears in the list of exceptions specified in 'urlAllowlist'. Maximum of 1000 URLs. Note: to block OS and browser settings set the 'chrome.users.SystemFeaturesDisableList' policy instead of blocking 'chrome://' URLs.
urlAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Blocked URL exceptions. Any URL that matches an entry in this exception list will be allowed, even if it matches an entry in the blocked URLs. Wildcards ("*") are allowed when appended to a URL, but cannot be entered alone. Maximum of 1000 URLs. .
chrome.devices.managedguest.UrlKeyedAnonymizedDataCollectionEnabled: Enable URL-keyed anonymized data collection.
urlKeyedAnonymizedDataCollectionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Data collection is always active.
false: Data collection is never active.
chrome.devices.managedguest.UrlParamFilterEnabled: URL parameter filtering.
urlParamFilterEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow the browser to filter URL parameters.
false: Disallow any filtering of URL parameters.
chrome.devices.managedguest.UsbDetectorNotificationEnabled: USB device detected notification.
usbDetectorNotificationEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show notifications when USB devices are detected.
false: Do not show notifications when USB devices are detected.
chrome.devices.managedguest.UseMojoVideoDecoderForPepperAllowed: Use a new decoder for hardware accelerated video decoding.
useMojoVideoDecoderForPepperAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Pepper to use the new video decoder.
false: Force Pepper to use the legacy video decoder.
chrome.devices.managedguest.UserAgentClientHintsEnabled: User-Agent client hints.
userAgentClientHintsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow User-Agent client hints.
false: Disable User-Agent client hints.
chrome.devices.managedguest.UserAgentReduction: User-Agent Reduction.
userAgentReduction: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Allow reduction controlled via Field-Trials and Origin-Trials.
FORCE_DISABLED: Disable reduction for all origins.
FORCE_ENABLED: Enable reduction for all origins.
chrome.devices.managedguest.UserBorealisAllowed: Steam on ChromeOS.
userBorealisAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Steam on ChromeOS.
false: Do not allow Steam on ChromeOS.
chrome.devices.managedguest.UserFeedbackAllowed: Allow user feedback.
userFeedbackAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow user feedback.
false: Do not allow user feedback.
chrome.devices.managedguest.UserPrintersAllowed: Printer management.
userPrintersAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to add new printers.
false: Do not allow users to add new printers.
chrome.devices.managedguest.VideoCaptureAllowedUrls: Video input allowed URLs.
videoCaptureAllowedUrls: TYPE_LIST
URL patterns to allow. URLs that will be granted access to the video input device without a prompt. Prefix domain with [*.] to include subdomains.
chrome.devices.managedguest.VideoInput: Built-in camera access.
videoCaptureAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable camera input for websites and apps.
false: Disable camera input for websites and apps.
chrome.devices.managedguest.VirtualKeyboardEnabled: Accessibility on-screen keyboard.
virtualKeyboardEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Don't enable accessibility on-screen keyboard.
TRUE: Enable accessibility on-screen keyboard.
chrome.devices.managedguest.Wallpaper: Custom wallpaper.
downloadUri: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.managedguest.WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls: WebHID API allowed devices.
device: TYPE_LIST
chrome.devices.managedguest.WebRtcAllowLegacyTlsProtocols: Legacy TLS/DTLS downgrade in WebRTC.
webRtcAllowLegacyTlsProtocols: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable WebRTC peer connections downgrading to obsolete versions of the TLS/DTLS (DTLS 1.0, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1) protocols.
false: Disable WebRTC peer connections downgrading to obsolete versions of the TLS/DTLS (DTLS 1.0, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1) protocols.
chrome.devices.managedguest.WebRtcIpHandling: WebRTC IP handling.
webRtcIpHandling: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: WebRTC will use all available interfaces when searching for the best path.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_AND_PRIVATE_INTERFACES: WebRTC will only use the interface connecting to the public Internet, but may connect using private IP addresses.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_INTERFACE_ONLY: WebRTC will only use the interface connecting to the public Internet, and will not connect using private IP addresses.
DISABLE_NON_PROXIED_UDP: WebRTC will use TCP on the public-facing interface, and will only use UDP if supported by a configured proxy.
chrome.devices.managedguest.WebSerialPortAccess: Web Serial API.
defaultSerialGuardSetting: TYPE_ENUM
BLOCK_SERIAL: Do not allow any site to request access to serial ports via the Web Serial API.
ALLOW_ASK_SERIAL: Allow sites to ask the user to grant access to a serial ports via the Web Serial API.
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
serialAskForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow the Web Serial API on these sites. List of URLs that specify websites that will be allowed to ask users to grant them access to the serial ports. Prefix domain with [*.] to include subdomains.
serialBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block the Web Serial API on these sites. List of URLs patterns that specify which websites can't ask users to grant them access to a serial port. Prefix domain with [*.] to include subdomains.
chrome.devices.managedguest.WebSqlAccess: Force WebSQL to be enabled.
webSqlAccess: TYPE_BOOL
true: Force WebSQL to be enabled.
false: Allow WebSQL to be disabled by a Chrome flag.
chrome.devices.managedguest.WebSqlInThirdPartyContextEnabled: WebSQL in third-party context.
webSqlInThirdPartyContextEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow WebSQL in third-party contexts.
false: Do not allow WebSQL in third-party contexts.
chrome.devices.managedguest.WebSqlNonSecureContextEnabled: WebSQL in non-secure contexts.
webSqlNonSecureContextEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable WebSQL in non-secure contexts.
false: Disable WebSQL in non-secure contexts unless enabled by Chrome flag.
chrome.devices.managedguest.WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls: WebUSB API allowed devices.
devices: TYPE_LIST
chrome.devices.managedguest.WebUsbPortAccess: Controls which websites can ask for USB access.
defaultWebUsbGuardSetting: TYPE_ENUM
BLOCK_WEB_USB: Do not allow any site to request access.
ASK_WEB_USB: Allow sites to ask the user for access.
UNSET: Allow the user to decide if sites can ask.
webUsbAskForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow these sites to ask for USB access. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see URL patterns at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
webUsbBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block these sites from asking for USB access. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see URL patterns at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
chrome.devices.managedguest.WpadQuickCheckEnabled: WPAD optimization.
wpadQuickCheckEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) optimization.
false: Disable Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) optimization.
chrome.devices.managedguest.ZstdContentEncodingEnabled: Zstd compression.
zstdContentEncodingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow zstd-compressed web content.
false: Do not allow zstd-compressed web content.
chrome.devices.MetricsReporting: Metrics reporting.
metricsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Always send metrics to Google.
false: Never send metrics to Google.
chrome.devices.MobileDataRoaming: Mobile data roaming.
dataRoamingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow mobile data roaming.
false: Do not allow mobile data roaming.
chrome.devices.PowerManagement: Power management.
loginScreenPowerManagement: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow device to sleep/shut down when idle on the sign-in screen.
false: Do not allow device to sleep/shut down when idle on the sign-in screen.
chrome.devices.PowerPeakShift: Peak shift power management.
powerPeakShiftEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: None
false: None
powerPeakShiftBatteryThreshold: TYPE_INT64
Sets the battery threshold for power peak shift.
startTime: TYPE_INT32
endTime: TYPE_INT32
chargeTime: TYPE_INT32
chrome.devices.QuirksDownloadEnabled: Hardware profiles.
deviceQuirksDownloadEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow hardware profiles to be downloaded from Google servers.
false: Disable hardware profile downloads from Google servers.
chrome.devices.RebootOnShutdown: Allow shutdown.
rebootOnShutdown: TYPE_BOOL
true: Only allow users to turn off the device using the physical power button.
false: Allow users to turn off the device using either the shut down icon or the physical power button.
chrome.devices.RestrictedManagedGuestSessionExtensionCleanupExemptList: Shared apps & extensions.
restrictedManagedGuestSessionExtensionCleanupExemptList: TYPE_LIST
Extension IDs. Enter a list of extension IDs. Each extension ID must be exactly 32 characters.
chrome.devices.ScheduledRebootDuration: Reboot after uptime limit.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.ScheduledRebootDurationV2: Reboot after uptime limit.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.devices.ShowLowDiskSpaceNotification: Low disk space notification.
showLowDiskSpaceNotification: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show notification when disk space is low.
false: Do not show notification when disk space is low.
chrome.devices.SignInKeyboard: Login screen keyboard.
keyboardIds: TYPE_LIST
chrome.devices.SignInLanguage: Sign-in language.
signInLanguageString: TYPE_STRING
{'value': 'ar', 'description': 'Arabic - \u202bالعربية\u202c.'}
chrome.devices.SignInRestriction: Sign-in restriction.
deviceAllowNewUsers: TYPE_ENUM
RESTRICTED_LIST: Restrict sign-in to a list of users.
ANY_USER: Allow any user to sign in.
NO_USERS: Do not allow any user to sign in.
userAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Allowed users. Enter a list of usernames who can sign in to the device. You can also allow all email addresses in a domain with the wildcard symbol (e.g. *@example.com).
chrome.devices.SignInRestrictionsOffHours: Device off hours.
timezone: TYPE_STRING
dayOfWeek: TYPE_ENUM
hours: TYPE_INT32
minutes: TYPE_INT32
chrome.devices.SignInWallpaperImage: Device wallpaper image.
downloadUri: TYPE_STRING
chrome.devices.SsoCameraPermissions: Single sign-on camera permissions.
loginVideoCaptureAllowedUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allowed single sign-on camera permissions. By enabling this policy, you are granting third parties access to your users' cameras on your users' behalf. Please ensure you read the help center articles for more clarifications around single sign-on and camera permissions.
chrome.devices.SsoCookieBehavior: Single sign-on cookie behavior.
transferSamlCookies: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable transfer of SAML SSO Cookies into user session during sign-in.
false: Disable transfer of SAML SSO Cookies into user session during sign-in.
chrome.devices.SsoIdpRedirection: Single sign-on IdP redirection.
loginAuthenticationBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
GAIA: Take users to the default Google sign-in screen.
SAML_INTERSTITIAL: Allow users to go directly to SAML SSO IdP page.
chrome.devices.SystemProxySettings: Authenticated Proxy Traffic.
systemProxyEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow system traffic to go through a proxy with authentication.
false: Block system traffic from going through a proxy with authentication.
systemServicesUsername: TYPE_STRING
Username. Sets the username for authenticating system services to the remote proxy.
systemServicesPassword: TYPE_STRING
Password. You can choose to provide service account credentials (username and password). These credentials will only be used for system traffic. Browser traffic will still require the user to authenticate to the proxy with their own credentials.
chrome.devices.SystemUseTwentyFourHourClock: System clock format.
systemUseTwentyFourHourClock: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Automatic, based on current language.
FALSE: 12 hour clock format.
TRUE: 24 hour clock format.
chrome.devices.ThrottleDeviceBandwidth: Throttle device bandwidth.
networkThrottlingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable network throttling.
false: Disable network throttling.
downloadRateKbits: TYPE_INT64
Download rate (kbits). Sets the maximum download rate if network bandwidth throttling is enabled on a ChromeOS device.
uploadRateKbits: TYPE_INT64
Upload rate (kbits). Sets the maximum upload rate if network bandwidth throttling is enabled on a ChromeOS device.
chrome.devices.Timezone: Timezone.
timezoneDetectionType: TYPE_ENUM
USERS_DECIDE: Let users decide.
DISABLED: Never auto-detect timezone.
IP_ONLY: Always use coarse timezone detection.
SEND_WIFI_ACCESS_POINTS: Always send wifi access points to server while resolving timezone.
SEND_ALL_LOCATION_INFO: Send all location information.
chrome.devices.TpmFirmwareUpdate: TPM firmware update.
tpmFirmwareUpdateEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to perform TPM firmware update.
false: Block users from performing TPM firmware update.
chrome.devices.UnaffiliatedArcAllowed: Android apps for unaffiliated users.
unaffiliatedArcAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow unaffiliated users to use Android apps.
false: Do not allow unaffiliated users to use Android apps.
chrome.devices.UsbDetachableAllowlist: USB access.
usbDetachableAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Allowed USB devices. A list of USB devices that Chrome apps may access via the chrome.usb API. To identify a specific hardware, enter colon separated hexadecimal pairs of USB Vendor Identifier and Product Identifier. .
chrome.devices.UsbPowerShare: USB Powershare.
usbPowerShareEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable USB Powershare.
false: Disable USB Powershare.
chrome.devices.Variations: Variations.
deviceVariationsEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
ENABLED: Enable Chrome variations.
CRITICAL_FIXES_ONLY: Enable variations for critical fixes only.
DISABLED: Disable variations.
chrome.devices.VirtualMachineAndroidAdbSideloadingAllowed: Android apps from untrusted sources.
virtualMachinesAndroidAdbSideloadingAllowed: TYPE_ENUM
DISALLOW: Prevent users of this device from using ADB sideloading.
DISALLOW_WITH_POWERWASH: Prevent users of this device from using ADB sideloading and force a device powerwash if sideloading was enabled before.
ALLOW_FOR_AFFILIATED_USERS: Allow affiliated users of this device to use ADB sideloading.
chrome.devices.VirtualMachinesAllowedUnaffiliatedUser: Linux virtual machines for unaffiliated users.
virtualMachinesAllowedForUnaffiliatedUser: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow usage for virtual machines needed to support Linux apps for unaffiliated users.
false: Block usage for virtual machines needed to support Linux apps for unaffiliated users.
chrome.devices.WilcoScheduledUpdate: Scheduled updates.
wilcoScheduledUpdateEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: None
false: None
wilcoScheduledUpdateTimeOfDay: TYPE_INT64
{'value': '0', 'description': '12:00\u202fAM.'}
wilcoScheduledUpdateFrequency: TYPE_ENUM
wilcoScheduledUpdateDayOfWeek: TYPE_ENUM
wilcoScheduledUpdateDayOfMonth: TYPE_INT64
{'value': '1', 'description': 'The 1st day of the month.'}
chrome.devices.WipeUserData: Allows admins to make managed ChromeOS devices wipe user data after sign-out.
ephemeralUsersEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Erase all local user data.
false: Do not erase local user data.
chrome.networks.cellular.AllowForChromeDevices: Allow chrome devices to use this network.
allowForChromeDevices: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow chrome devices to use this network.
false: Do not allow chrome devices to use this network.
chrome.networks.cellular.Details: Cellular network configuration details.
smdpAddress: TYPE_STRING
chrome.networks.certificates.AllowForChromeDevices: Allow chrome users to use this certificate.
allowForChromeDevices: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow chrome devices to use this certificate.
false: Do not allow chrome devices to use this certificate.
chrome.networks.certificates.AllowForChromeImprivata: Allow the Imprivata app to use this certificate.
allowForChromeImprivata: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow the Imprivata app to use this certificate.
false: Do not allow the Imprivata app to use this certificate.
chrome.networks.ethernet.AllowForChromeDevices: Allow chrome devices to use this network.
allowForChromeDevices: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow chrome devices to use this network.
false: Do not allow chrome devices to use this network.
chrome.networks.ethernet.AllowForChromeUsers: Allow this network to be used by chrome users.
allowForChromeUsers: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow chrome users to use this network.
false: Do not allow chrome users to use this network.
chrome.networks.ethernet.Details: Ethernet network configuration details.
authentication: TYPE_STRING
allowIpConfiguration: TYPE_BOOL
allowNameServersConfiguration: TYPE_BOOL
nameServerSelection: TYPE_ENUM
customNameServers: TYPE_LIST
outerProtocol: TYPE_STRING
innerProtocol: TYPE_STRING
useSystemCas: TYPE_BOOL
serverCaRef: TYPE_STRING
identity: TYPE_STRING
password: TYPE_STRING
anonymousIdentity: TYPE_STRING
tlsVersionMax: TYPE_STRING
domainSuffixMatch: TYPE_LIST
enrollmentUrls: TYPE_LIST
commonName: TYPE_STRING
locality: TYPE_STRING
organization: TYPE_STRING
organizationalUnit: TYPE_STRING
excludeDomains: TYPE_LIST
automaticProxyConfigurationUrl: TYPE_STRING
port: TYPE_INT32
chrome.networks.globalsettings.AllowedNetworkInterfaces: Allow users to connect to network interfaces by type.
ethernet: TYPE_BOOL
cellular: TYPE_BOOL
wimax: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.networks.globalsettings.AllowedNetworkInterfacesV2: Allow users to connect to network interfaces by type.
ethernet: TYPE_BOOL
cellular: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.networks.globalsettings.AutoConnect: Restrict users to only auto-connect to managed networks.
autoConnectRestricted: TYPE_BOOL
true: Restrict users to only auto-connect to managed networks.
false: Allow all networks to auto-connect.
chrome.networks.globalsettings.BlockedSsids: Restrict users to connect to WiFi SSIDs in the list.
blockedSsids: TYPE_LIST
Sets WiFi SSIDs that should be blocked.
chrome.networks.globalsettings.CellularNetworks: Restrict users to only connect to cellular networks configured for this organizational unit.
cellularNetworksRestricted: TYPE_BOOL
true: Restrict users to only connect to cellular networks configured for this organizational unit.
false: Allow all cellular networks to connect.
chrome.networks.globalsettings.RestrictWifiNetworks: Restrict users to only connect to the Wi-Fi networks configured for this organizational unit.
restrictWifiNetworks: TYPE_ENUM
NO_RESTRICTION: Allow users to connect to networks not configured in this organizational unit.
ONLY_POLICY_NETWORKS: Restrict users to only connect to Wi-Fi networks configured for this organizational unit.
ONLY_POLICY_NETWORKS_IF_AVAILABLE: Restrict users to only connect to Wi-Fi networks configured for this organizational unit, but only if such networks are in range of the device.
chrome.networks.globalsettings.SimLock: Restrict users from PIN locking SIM(s) on the device.
simLockRestricted: TYPE_BOOL
true: Restrict users from PIN locking SIM(s) on the device.
false: Allow users to PIN lock SIM(s).
chrome.networks.vpn.AllowForChromeDevices: Allow chrome devices to use this network.
allowForChromeDevices: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow chrome devices to use this network.
false: Do not allow chrome devices to use this network.
chrome.networks.vpn.AllowForChromeUsers: Allow this network to be used by chrome users.
allowForChromeUsers: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow chrome users to use this network.
false: Do not allow chrome users to use this network.
chrome.networks.vpn.Details: Vpn network configuration details.
remoteHost: TYPE_STRING
automaticallyConnect: TYPE_BOOL
allowIpConfiguration: TYPE_BOOL
allowNameServersConfiguration: TYPE_BOOL
nameServerSelection: TYPE_ENUM
customNameServers: TYPE_LIST
username: TYPE_STRING
password: TYPE_STRING
saveCredentials: TYPE_BOOL
remoteHostPort: TYPE_INT32
protocol: TYPE_STRING
authenticationAlgorithm: TYPE_STRING
encryptionAlgorithm: TYPE_STRING
compressionAlgorithm: TYPE_STRING
tlsAuthenticationKey: TYPE_STRING
keyDirection: TYPE_STRING
serverVpnAuthority: TYPE_STRING
enrollmentUrls: TYPE_LIST
commonName: TYPE_STRING
locality: TYPE_STRING
organization: TYPE_STRING
organizationalUnit: TYPE_STRING
excludeDomains: TYPE_LIST
automaticProxyConfigurationUrl: TYPE_STRING
port: TYPE_INT32
chrome.networks.wifi.AllowForChromeDevices: Allow managed devices to use this network.
allowForChromeDevices: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow chrome devices to use this network.
false: Do not allow chrome devices to use this network.
chrome.networks.wifi.AllowForChromeUsers: Allow this network to be used by chrome users.
allowForChromeUsers: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow chrome users to use this network.
false: Do not allow chrome users to use this network.
chrome.networks.wifi.Details: Wifi network configuration details.
hiddenSsid: TYPE_BOOL
automaticallyConnect: TYPE_BOOL
security: TYPE_STRING
passphrase: TYPE_STRING
allowIpConfiguration: TYPE_BOOL
allowNameServersConfiguration: TYPE_BOOL
nameServerSelection: TYPE_ENUM
customNameServers: TYPE_LIST
outerProtocol: TYPE_STRING
innerProtocol: TYPE_STRING
useSystemCas: TYPE_BOOL
serverCaRef: TYPE_STRING
clientCertRef: TYPE_STRING
identity: TYPE_STRING
password: TYPE_STRING
anonymousIdentity: TYPE_STRING
tlsVersionMax: TYPE_STRING
domainSuffixMatch: TYPE_LIST
enrollmentUrls: TYPE_LIST
commonName: TYPE_STRING
locality: TYPE_STRING
organization: TYPE_STRING
organizationalUnit: TYPE_STRING
excludeDomains: TYPE_LIST
automaticProxyConfigurationUrl: TYPE_STRING
port: TYPE_INT32
chrome.printers.AllowForDevices: Allows a printer for devices in a given organization.
allowForDevices: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.printers.AllowForManagedGuest: Allows a printer for Managed Guest in a given organization.
allowForManagedGuest: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.printers.AllowForUsers: Allows a printer for users in a given organization.
allowForUsers: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.printservers.AllowForDevices: Allows a print server for devices in a given organization.
allowForDevices: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.printservers.AllowForManagedGuest: Allows a print server for Managed Guest in a given organization.
allowForManagedGuest: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.printservers.AllowForUsers: Allows a print server for users in a given organization.
allowForUsers: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.users.AbusiveExperienceInterventionEnforce: Abusive Experience Intervention.
abusiveExperienceInterventionEnforce: TYPE_BOOL
true: Prevent sites with abusive experiences from opening new windows or tabs.
false: Allow sites with abusive experiences to open new windows or tabs.
chrome.users.AccessCodeCast: Cast moderator.
accessCodeCastEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable cast moderator.
false: Disable cast moderator.
accessCodeCastDeviceDuration: TYPE_ENUM
INSTANT: Remove immediately.
ONE_HOUR: 1 hour.
ONE_DAY: 1 day.
ONE_MONTH: 1 month.
ONE_YEAR: 1 year.
chrome.users.AccessControlAllowMethodsInCorsPreflightSpecConformant: CORS Access-Control-Allow-Methods conformance.
accessControlAllowMethodsInCorsPreflightSpecConformant: TYPE_BOOL
true: Do not uppercase request methods except for DELETE/GET/HEAD/OPTIONS/POST/PUT.
false: Always uppercase request methods.
chrome.users.AccessibilityImageLabelsEnabled: Image descriptions.
accessibilityImageLabelsEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Do not use Google services to provide automatic image descriptions.
TRUE: Use an anonymous Google service to provide automatic descriptions for unlabeled images.
chrome.users.AccessibilityPerformanceFilteringAllowed: Accessibility Performance Filtering.
accessibilityPerformanceFilteringAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Accessibility Performance Filtering to be used.
false: Disallow Accessibility Performance Filtering to be used.
chrome.users.AccessibilityShortcutsEnabled: Accessibility shortcuts.
accessibilityShortcutsEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable accessibility shortcuts.
TRUE: Enable accessibility shortcuts.
chrome.users.AdditionalDnsQueryTypesEnabled: DNS queries for additional DNS record types.
additionalDnsQueryTypesEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow additional DNS query types.
false: Prevent additional DNS query types.
chrome.users.AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites: Sites with intrusive ads.
adsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_ADS: Allow ads on all sites.
BLOCK_ADS: Block ads on sites with intrusive ads.
chrome.users.AdvancedProtectionAllowed: Advanced Protection program.
advancedProtectionAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Users enrolled in the Advanced Protection program will receive extra protections.
false: Users enrolled in the Advanced Protection program will only receive standard consumer protections.
chrome.users.AllowBackForwardCacheForCacheControlNoStorePageEnabled: No-store header back/forward cache.
allowBackForwardCacheForCacheControlNoStorePageEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow pages with CCNS header to be stored in back/forward cache.
false: Disallow pages with CCNS header from being stored in back/forward cache.
chrome.users.AllowChromeDataInBackups: Backup of Google Chrome data.
allowChromeDataInBackups: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Google Chrome data to be included in backups.
false: Prevent Google Chrome data from being included in backups.
chrome.users.AllowDinosaurEasterEgg: Dinosaur game.
allowDinosaurEasterEgg: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow users to play the dinosaur game when the device is offline on Chrome browser, but not on enrolled ChromeOS devices.
FALSE: Do not allow users to play the dinosaur game when the device is offline.
TRUE: Allow users to play the dinosaur game when the device is offline.
chrome.users.AllowedInputMethods: Allowed input methods.
allowedInputMethods: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'xkb:jp::jpn', 'description': 'Alphanumeric with Japanese keyboard.'}
chrome.users.AllowedLanguages: Allowed ChromeOS languages.
allowedLanguages: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'ar', 'description': 'Arabic - \u202bالعربية\u202c.'}
chrome.users.AllowFileSelectionDialogs: File selection dialogs.
allowFileSelectionDialogs: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to open file selection dialogs.
false: Block file selection dialogs.
chrome.users.AllowPopulateAssetIdentifier: Asset identifier during enrollment.
allowToUpdateDeviceAttribute: TYPE_BOOL
true: Users in this organization can provide asset ID and location during enrollment.
false: Do not allow for users in this organization.
chrome.users.AllowPrinting: Printing.
printingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable printing.
false: Disable printing.
chrome.users.AllowSystemNotifications: System notifications.
allowSystemNotifications: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow system notifications to be used.
false: Do not allow system notifications to be used.
chrome.users.AllowWakeLocks: Wake locks.
allowScreenWakeLocks: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow screen wake locks for power management.
false: Demote screen wake lock requests to system wake lock requests.
allowWakeLocks: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow wake locks.
false: Do not allow wake locks.
chrome.users.AllowWebAuthnWithBrokenTlsCerts: Web Authentication requests on sites with broken TLS certificates.
allowWebAuthnWithBrokenTlsCerts: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow WebAuthn API requests on sites with broken TLS certificates.
false: Do not allow WebAuthn API requests on sites with broken TLS certificates.
chrome.users.AlternateErrorPages: Alternate error pages.
alternateErrorPagesEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Never use alternate error pages.
TRUE: Always use alternate error pages.
chrome.users.AlternativeBrowserParameters: Alternative browser parameters.
alternativeBrowserParameters: TYPE_LIST
Command-line parameters. Parameters for the alternative browser. If a parameter contains {"${url}"}, it gets replaced with the URL. Otherwise, the URL is appended at the end of the command line.
chrome.users.AlternativeBrowserPath: Alternative browser path.
alternativeBrowserPath: TYPE_STRING
Path to the alternative browser. If this policy is unset, a platform-specific default is used. Only some values are supported, such as: {"${ie}"}, {"${edge}"}, and the path to iexplore.exe.
chrome.users.AlwaysOnVpn: Always on VPN.
alwaysOnVpnApp: TYPE_STRING
Activate Always-on VPN for all user traffic with an app from a list of force installed Android VPN apps. Please make sure the configured app is force installed.
vpnConfigAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow user to disconnect from a VPN manually (VPN will reconnect on log in).
false: Do not allow user to disconnect from a VPN manually.
chrome.users.AlwaysOnVpnPreConnectUrlAllowlist: Always on VPN URL exceptions.
alwaysOnVpnPreConnectUrlAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
URL exceptions. Allow the user to navigate to any URL in this list while an Android Always on VPN is set to strict mode and the VPN is not connected. Maximum of 1000 URLs.
chrome.users.AlwaysOpenPdfExternally: PDF files.
alwaysOpenPdfExternally: TYPE_BOOL
true: Open PDF files with the system default app.
false: Open PDF files in Chrome.
chrome.users.AmbientAuthenticationInPrivateModesEnabled: Ambient authentication.
ambientAuthenticationInPrivateModesEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: No policy set.
REGULAR_ONLY: Enable in regular sessions only.
INCOGNITO_AND_REGULAR: Enable in regular and incognito sessions.
GUEST_AND_REGULAR: Enable in regular and guest sessions.
ALL: Enable in regular, incognito and guest sessions.
chrome.users.AndroidBackupRestoreServiceEnabled: Control Android backup and restore service.
arcBackupRestoreServiceEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
BACKUP_AND_RESTORE_DISABLED: Backup and restore disabled.
BACKUP_AND_RESTORE_UNDER_USER_CONTROL: Let user decides whether to enable backup and restore.
chrome.users.AndroidGoogleLocationServicesEnabled: Google location services.
arcGoogleLocationServicesEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DISABLED: Disable location services during initial setup for Android apps on ChromeOS.
UNDER_USER_CONTROL: Allow the user to decide whether to use location services for Android apps on ChromeOS during initial setup.
chrome.users.AppCacheForceEnabled: AppCache.
appCacheForceEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow websites to use the deprecated AppCache feature.
false: Do not allow websites to use the deprecated AppCache feature.
chrome.users.ApplicationBoundEncryptionEnabled: Application bound encryption.
applicationBoundEncryptionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable application bound encryption.
false: Disable application bound encryption.
chrome.users.ApplicationLocaleValue: Browser locale.
applicationLocaleValue: TYPE_STRING
{'value': '', 'description': 'Use the language specified by user or system.'}
chrome.users.AppRecommendationZeroStateEnabled: Previously installed app recommendations.
appRecommendationZeroStateEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show app recommendations in the ChromeOS launcher.
false: Do not show app recommendations in the ChromeOS launcher.
chrome.users.apps.AccessToKeys: Allows setting of whether the app can access client keys.
allowAccessToKeys: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.users.apps.AppInstallationUrl: Specifies the url from which to install a self hosted Chrome Extension.
installationUrl: TYPE_STRING
The url from which to install a self hosted Chrome Extension.
chrome.users.apps.CertificateManagement: Allows setting of certificate management related permissions.
allowAccessToKeys: TYPE_BOOL
allowEnterpriseChallenge: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.users.apps.DefaultLaunchContainer: Allows setting of the default launch container for web apps.
defaultLaunchContainer: TYPE_ENUM
TAB: Browser tab.
WINDOW: Separate window.
chrome.users.apps.EnterpriseChallenge: Allows setting of whether the app can challenge enterprise keys.
allowEnterpriseChallenge: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.users.apps.IncludeInChromeWebStoreCollection: Specifies whether the Chrome Application should appear in the Chrome Web Store collection.
includeInCollection: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.users.apps.InstallationUrl: Specifies the url from which to install a self hosted Chrome Extension.
installationUrl: TYPE_STRING
The url from which to install a self hosted Chrome Extension.
overrideInstallationUrl: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.users.apps.InstallType: Specifies the manner in which the app is to be installed. Note: It's required in order to add an App or Extension to the set of managed apps & extensions of an Organizational Unit.
appInstallType: TYPE_ENUM
BLOCKED: Block installation of the app. Note: Web apps can't be Blocked, which means setting this option for Web Apps is disallowed.
ALLOWED: Allow installation of the app.
FORCED: Force install the app.
FORCED_AND_PIN_TO_TOOLBAR: Force install and pin the app to the toolbar.
chrome.users.apps.ManagedConfiguration: Allows setting of the managed configuration.
managedConfiguration: TYPE_STRING
Sets the managed configuration JSON format.
chrome.users.apps.MandatoryForIncognitoNavigation: Sets the chrome app as mandatory for incognito navigation. User will have to install the app in order to access Incognito Mode in Chrome. Note: The policy is only applicable if the Incognito mode is enabled for the user.
mandatoryForIncognitoNavigation: TYPE_BOOL
true: Set the chrome app as mandatory for incognito navigation.
false: Set the chrome app as not mandatory for incognito navigation.
chrome.users.apps.OverrideInstallationUrl: Allows overriding of the url from which to install a self hosted Chrome Extension.
overrideInstallationUrl: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use URL provided by AppInstallationUrl.
false: Use URL provided in the extension manifest.
chrome.users.apps.PermissionsAndUrlAccess: Allows setting of allowed and blocked hosts.
blockedPermissions: TYPE_LIST
{'value': '', 'description': 'Allow all permissions. If empty string is set, it must be the only value set for the policy.'}
allowedPermissions: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'activeTab', 'description': 'Active tab.'}
blockedHosts: TYPE_LIST
Sets extension hosts that should be blocked.
allowedHosts: TYPE_LIST
Sets extension hosts that should be allowed. Allowed hosts override blocked hosts.
chrome.users.apps.SkipDocumentScanConfirmation: Allows the app to skip the confirmation dialog when using the Document Scan API.
skipDocumentScanConfirmation: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.users.apps.SkipPrintConfirmation: Allows the app to skip the confirmation dialog when sending print jobs via the Chrome Printing API.
skipPrintConfirmation: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.users.appsconfig.AllowedAppTypes: Allowed types of apps and extensions.
extensionAllowedTypes: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'extension', 'description': 'Extension.'}
chrome.users.appsconfig.AllowedInstallSources: Allows setting of the allowed install sources for apps. Note these must be set together.
chromeWebStoreInstallSources: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_ALL_APPS: All apps allowed, admin manages blocklist.
BLOCK_ALL_APPS: All apps blocked, admin manages allowlist.
BLOCK_ALL_APPS_USER_EXTENSION_REQUESTS_ALLOWED: All apps blocked, admin manages allowlist, users may request extensions.
chrome.users.appsconfig.AllowInsecureUpdates: Allow insecure extension packaging.
extensionAllowInsecureUpdates: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow insecurely packaged extensions.
false: Do not allow insecurely packaged extensions.
chrome.users.appsconfig.AndroidAppsEnabled: Android apps on Chrome devices.
arcEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to install Android apps on ChromeOS devices.
false: Do not allow users to install Android apps on a ChromeOS devices.
ackNoticeForArcEnabledSetToTrue: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.users.appsconfig.AppExtensionInstallSources: App and extension install sources.
extensionInstallSources: TYPE_LIST
Sources URL patterns. Chrome will offer to install app and extension packages from URLs that match the listed patterns.
chrome.users.appsconfig.BlockExtensionsByPermission: Permissions and URLs.
extensionBlockedPermissions: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'activeTab', 'description': 'Active tab.'}
runtimeBlockedHosts: TYPE_LIST
Runtime blocked hosts. This is a list of patterns for matching against hostnames. URLs that match one of these patterns cannot be modified by apps and extensions. This includes injecting Javascript, altering and viewing webRequests / webNavigation, viewing and altering cookies, exceptions to the same-origin policy, etc. The format is similar to full URL patterns except no paths may be defined. e.g. "*://*.example.com". Maximum of 100 URLs.
runtimeAllowedHosts: TYPE_LIST
Runtime allowed hosts. Hosts that an extension can interact with regardless of whether they are listed in "Runtime blocked hosts". This is the same format as "Runtime blocked hosts". Maximum of 100 URLs.
chrome.users.appsconfig.BlockExternalExtensions: External extensions.
blockExternalExtensions: TYPE_BOOL
true: Block external extensions from being installed.
false: Allow external extensions to be installed.
chrome.users.appsconfig.ChromeAppsEnabled: Extend support for Chrome Apps.
chromeAppsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Chrome Apps will be allowed to run on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
false: Chrome Apps may not be allowed to run, depending on the status of the deprecation rollout.
chrome.users.appsconfig.ChromeWebStoreHomepage: Chrome Web Store homepage.
cwsHomePage: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Use the default homepage.
COLLECTION: Use the Chrome Web Store collection.
CUSTOM: Use a custom page.
cwsHomePageCollectionName: TYPE_STRING
Collection name. Specifies the name of the collection of apps on the Chrome Web Store homepage.
cwsHomePageCustomUrl: TYPE_STRING
Collection URL. Specifies the URL of the collection of apps on the Chrome Web Store homepage.
cwsHomePageCollectionIncludePrivateApps: TYPE_BOOL
true: Include all private apps from this domain.
false: Choose which apps are included in this collection.
chrome.users.appsconfig.ChromeWebStorePermissions: Chrome Web Store permissions.
allowWebstorePublish: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to publish private apps that are restricted to your domain on Chrome Web Store.
false: Do not allow users to publish private apps that are restricted to your domain on Chrome Web Store.
allowWebstorePublishUnverified: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to publish private hosted apps even if the domain name of the app's {print "launch_web_url"} or {print "app_url"} is not owned by the organization.
false: Do not allow users to publish private hosted apps if the domain name of the app's {print "launch_web_url"} or {print "app_url"} is not owned by the organization.
chrome.users.appsconfig.ExtensionInstallTypeBlocklist: Blocklist for install types of extensions.
extensionInstallTypeBlocklist: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'command_line', 'description': 'Command line.'}
chrome.users.appsconfig.ExtensionUnpublishedAvailability: Chrome Web Store unpublished extensions.
extensionUnpublishedAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_UNPUBLISHED: Allow unpublished extensions.
DISABLE_UNPUBLISHED: Disable unpublished extensions.
chrome.users.appsconfig.FullRestoreEnabled: Restore apps on startup.
fullRestoreEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Restore all apps and app windows.
false: Only restore Chrome browser.
fullRestoreMode: TYPE_ENUM
ASK_EVERY_TIME: Ask user every time.
ALWAYS: Always restore.
DO_NOT_RESTORE: Do not restore.
chrome.users.appsconfig.GhostWindowEnabled: Android ghost windows.
ghostWindowEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Create ghost windows while restoring Android apps.
false: Do not create ghost windows while restoring Android apps.
chrome.users.appsconfig.HideWebStoreIcon: Chrome Web Store app icon.
hideWebStoreIcon: TYPE_BOOL
true: Do not show the Chrome Web Store icon in the ChromeOS launcher or on the new tab page.
false: Show the Chrome Web Store icon in the ChromeOS launcher and on the new tab page.
chrome.users.appsconfig.PinCreateApps: Pin Create apps.
pinCreateApps: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'canvas', 'description': 'Canvas.'}
chrome.users.appsconfig.ReportAndroidStatus: Android reporting for users and devices.
reportArcStatusEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Android reporting.
false: Disable Android reporting.
chrome.users.appsconfig.UnaffiliatedDeviceArcAllowed: Android apps on unaffiliated devices.
unaffiliatedDeviceArcAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users on unaffiliated devices to use Android apps.
false: Do not allow users on unaffiliated devices to use Android apps.
chrome.users.AppStoreRatingEnabled: iOS App Store Rating promo.
appStoreRatingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow the App Store Rating promo to be displayed.
false: Do not allow the App Store Rating promo to be displayed.
chrome.users.ArcAppToWebAppSharingEnabled: Sharing from Android apps to Web apps.
arcAppToWebAppSharingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Android to Web Apps sharing.
false: Disable Android to Web Apps sharing.
chrome.users.ArcVmDataMigrationStrategy: Android VM Update.
arcVmDataMigrationStrategy: TYPE_ENUM
DO_NOT_PROMPT: Do not allow users to manually update Android apps.
PROMPT: Allow users to manually update Android apps.
chrome.users.AssistantWebEnabled: Allow using Google Assistant on the web.
assistantWebEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Do not allow using Google Assistant on the web.
TRUE: Allow using Google Assistant on the web.
chrome.users.AudioCaptureAllowedUrls: Audio input allowed URLs.
audioCaptureAllowedUrls: TYPE_LIST
URL patterns to allow. URLs that will be granted access to the audio input device without a prompt. Prefix domain with [*.] to include subdomains.
chrome.users.AudioInput: Audio input (microphone).
audioCaptureAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Prompt user to allow each time.
false: Disable audio input.
chrome.users.AudioOutput: Audio output.
audioOutputAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable audio output.
false: Disable audio output.
chrome.users.AudioProcessHighPriorityEnabled: Audio process priority.
audioProcessHighPriorityEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Use normal priority for the Chrome audio process.
TRUE: Use high priority for the Chrome audio process.
chrome.users.AudioSandboxEnabled: Audio sandbox.
audioSandboxEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Never sandbox the audio process.
TRUE: Always sandbox the audio process.
chrome.users.AuthAndroidNegotiateAccountType: Account type for HTTP Negotiate authentication.
authAndroidNegotiateAccountType: TYPE_STRING
Account type. Specifies the account type of the accounts provided by the Android authentication app that supports HTTP Negotiate authentication. If no setting is provided, HTTP Negotiate authentication is disabled on Android.
chrome.users.AuthenticationServerAllowlist: Integrated authentication servers.
authServerAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Allowed authentication servers. Enter a list of servers for integrated authentication.
chrome.users.AuthenticationServerDelegationAllowlist: Kerberos delegation servers.
authNegotiateDelegateAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Allowed servers for delegation. Enter a list of servers that Chrome may delegate to for Kerberos authentication.
chrome.users.AuthSchemes: Supported authentication schemes.
authSchemes: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'basic', 'description': 'Basic.'}
chrome.users.AutoclickEnabled: Auto-click enabled.
autoclickEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable auto-click.
TRUE: Enable auto-click.
chrome.users.AutofillAddressEnabled: Address form Autofill.
autofillAddressEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow user to configure.
false: Never Autofill address forms.
chrome.users.AutofillCreditCardEnabled: Credit card form Autofill.
autofillCreditCardEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow user to configure.
false: Never Autofill credit card forms.
chrome.users.AutomaticFullscreen: Automatic fullscreen.
automaticFullscreenAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow automatic fullscreen on these sites. Supersedes users' personal settings and allows matching origins to call the API without a prior user gesture.
automaticFullscreenBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block automatic fullscreen on these sites. Supersedes users' personal settings and blocks matching origins from calling the API without a prior user gesture.
chrome.users.AutoOpen: Auto open downloaded files.
autoOpenAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Auto open URLs. If this policy is set, only downloads that match these URLs and have an auto open type will be auto opened. If this policy is left unset, all downloads matching an auto open type will be auto opened. Wildcards ("*") are allowed when appended to a URL, but cannot be entered alone.
autoOpenFileTypes: TYPE_LIST
Auto open files types. Do not include the leading separator when listing the type. For example, use "txt", not ".txt".
chrome.users.AutoplayAllowlist: Autoplay video.
autoplayAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Allowed URLs. URL patterns allowed to autoplay. Prefix domain with [*.] to include all subdomains. Use * to allow all domains.
chrome.users.AutoUpdateCheckPeriodNew: Auto-update check period.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.AutoUpdateCheckPeriodNewV2: Auto-update check period.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.Avatar: Custom avatar.
downloadUri: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.BackForwardCacheEnabled: Back-forward cache.
backForwardCacheEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable the back-forward cache.
false: Disable the back-forward cache.
chrome.users.BackgroundModeEnabled: Background mode.
backgroundModeEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable background mode.
TRUE: Enable background mode.
chrome.users.BasicAuthOverHttpEnabled: Allow Basic authentication for HTTP.
basicAuthOverHttpEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Basic authentication scheme is allowed on HTTP connections.
false: HTTPS is required to use Basic authentication scheme.
chrome.users.BatterySaverModeAvailability: Battery Saver Mode.
batterySaverModeAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
DISABLED: Disable Battery Saver Mode.
ENABLED_BELOW_THRESHOLD: Enable when the device is on battery power and battery level is low.
ENABLED_ON_BATTERY: (deprecated) Enable when the device is on battery power.
UNSET: End user can control this setting.
chrome.users.BeforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefaultEnabled: Behavior of event.preventDefault() for beforeunload event.
beforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefaultEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not show cancel dialog when event.preventDefault() is called for beforeunload event.
TRUE: Show cancel dialog when event.preventDefault() is called for beforeunload event.
chrome.users.BlockTruncatedCookies: Block truncated cookies.
blockTruncatedCookies: TYPE_BOOL
true: Block truncated cookies.
false: Allow truncated cookies.
chrome.users.BookmarkBarEnabled: Bookmark bar.
bookmarkBarEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable bookmark bar.
TRUE: Enable bookmark bar.
chrome.users.BookmarkEditing: Bookmark editing.
editBookmarksEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable bookmark editing.
false: Disable bookmark editing.
chrome.users.BoundSessionCredentialsEnabled: Device Bound Session Credentials.
boundSessionCredentialsEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Disable Device Bound Session Credentials.
TRUE: Enable Device Bound Session Credentials.
chrome.users.BrowserAddPersonEnabled: Add profiles.
browserAddPersonEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable adding new profiles.
false: Disable adding new profiles.
chrome.users.BrowserGuestModeEnabled: Browser guest mode.
browserGuestModeEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow guest browser logins.
false: Prevent guest browser logins.
browserGuestModeEnforced: TYPE_BOOL
true: Only allow guest browser logins.
false: Allow guest browser logins and profile logins.
chrome.users.BrowserHistory: Browser history.
savingBrowserHistoryDisabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Never save browser history.
false: Always save browser history.
chrome.users.BrowserIdleTimeout: Browser idle timeout.
idleTimeoutActions: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'close_browsers', 'description': 'Close Browsers.'}
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.BrowserLabsEnabled: Browser experiments icon in toolbar.
browserLabsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to access browser experimental features through an icon in the toolbar.
false: Do not show browser experimental features icon in the toolbar.
chrome.users.BrowserLegacyExtensionPointsBlocked: Browser Legacy Extension Points.
browserLegacyExtensionPointsBlocked: TYPE_BOOL
true: Block legacy extension points in the Browser process.
false: Do not block legacy extension points in the Browser process.
chrome.users.BrowserNetworkTimeQueriesEnabled: Google time service.
browserNetworkTimeQueriesEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow queries to a Google server to retrieve an accurate timestamp.
false: Do not allow queries to Google servers to retrieve timestamps.
chrome.users.BrowserSignin: Browser sign-in settings.
browserSignin: TYPE_ENUM
DISABLE: Disable browser sign-in.
ENABLE: Enable browser sign-in.
FORCE: Force users to sign-in to use the browser.
chrome.users.BrowserSwitcher: Legacy Browser Support.
browserSwitcherEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Legacy Browser Support.
false: Disable Legacy Browser Support.
chrome.users.BrowserSwitcherChromeParameters: Chrome parameters.
browserSwitcherChromeParameters: TYPE_LIST
Command-line parameters. Windows-only. Parameters for launching Chrome from the alternative browser. If a parameter contains {"${url}"}, it gets replaced with the URL. Otherwise, the URL is appended at the end of the command line.
chrome.users.BrowserSwitcherChromePath: Chrome path.
browserSwitcherChromePath: TYPE_STRING
Path to the Chrome executable. Windows-only. Path to the Chrome executable to launch when switching from the alternative browser to Chrome. If unset, the alternative browser will auto-detect the path to Chrome.
chrome.users.BrowserSwitcherDelayDuration: Delay before launching alternative browser.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.BrowserSwitcherDelayDurationV2: Delay before launching alternative browser.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.BrowserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrl: URL to list of websites to open in either browser.
browserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrl: TYPE_STRING
URL to site list XML file. Specifies the URL to an XML file that contains a list of sites that can be opened in either Chrome or the alternative browser for Legacy Browser Support.
chrome.users.BrowserSwitcherExternalSitelistUrl: Legacy Browser Support site list.
browserSwitcherExternalSitelistUrl: TYPE_STRING
URL to site list XML file. Specifies the URL to an XML file that contains a list of sites to be used with Legacy Browser Support.
chrome.users.BrowserSwitcherKeepLastChromeTab: Keep last Chrome tab.
browserSwitcherKeepLastChromeTab: TYPE_BOOL
true: Keep at least one Chrome tab open.
false: Close Chrome completely.
chrome.users.BrowserSwitcherParsingMode: Sitelist parsing mode.
browserSwitcherParsingMode: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Default.
IE_SITE_LIST_MODE: Enterprise Mode IE/Edge compatible.
chrome.users.BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist: Websites to open in either browser.
browserSwitcherUrlGreylist: TYPE_LIST
URLs to websites to open in either browser. Specifies the list of websites that can be opened in either Chrome or the alternative browser.
chrome.users.BrowserSwitcherUrlList: Websites to open in alternative browser.
browserSwitcherUrlList: TYPE_LIST
URLs to websites to open in alternative browser. Specifies the list of websites that should be opened in the alternative browser.
chrome.users.BrowserSwitcherUseIeSitelist: Use Internet Explorer site list.
browserSwitcherUseIeSitelist: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use Internet Explorer's SiteList policy as a source of rules.
false: Do not use Internet Explorer's SiteList policy as a source of rules.
chrome.users.BrowserThemeColor: Custom theme color.
browserThemeColor: TYPE_STRING
Hex color. Enter a valid hex color, for instance #FFFFFF.
chrome.users.BrowsingDataLifetime: Browsing Data Lifetime.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.BrowsingDataLifetimeV2: Browsing Data Lifetime.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.BuiltInDnsClientEnabled: Built-in DNS client.
builtInDnsClientEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Never use the built-in DNS client.
TRUE: Always use the built-in DNS client if available.
chrome.users.CaCertificateManagementAllowed: User management of installed CA certificates.
caCertificateManagementAllowed: TYPE_ENUM
ALL: Allow users to manage all certificates.
USER_ONLY: Allow users to manage user certificates.
NONE: Disallow users from managing certificates.
chrome.users.CalendarIntegrationEnabled: Google Calendar Integration.
calendarIntegrationEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Google Calendar Integration.
false: Disable Google Calendar Integration.
chrome.users.CaptivePortalAuthenticationIgnoresProxy: Ignore proxy on captive portals.
captivePortalAuthenticationIgnoresProxy: TYPE_BOOL
true: Ignore policies for captive portal pages.
false: Keep policies for captive portal pages.
chrome.users.CaretHighlightEnabled: Caret highlight.
caretHighlightEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable caret highlight.
TRUE: Enable caret highlight.
chrome.users.Cecpq2Enabled: CECPQ2 post-quantum key-agreement for TLS.
cecpq2Enabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable default CECPQ2 rollout process.
false: Disable CECPQ2.
chrome.users.CertificateSynchronization: Certificate synchronization.
arcCertificatesSyncMode: TYPE_ENUM
SYNC_DISABLED: Disable usage of ChromeOS CA Certificates in Android apps.
COPY_CA_CERTS: Enable usage of ChromeOS CA Certificates in Android apps.
chrome.users.CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls: Allowed certificate transparency URLs.
certificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allowed certificate transparency URLs. Any URL listed will be exempt from Certificate Transparency enforcement. Learn more at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/?policy=CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls.
chrome.users.CertTransparencyCas: Certificate transparency CA allowlist.
certificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas: TYPE_LIST
Certificate transparency CA allowlist. Any subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes listed will be exempt from Certificate Transparency enforcement. These hashes must be listed in a particular format. Learn more at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/?policy=CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas.
chrome.users.CertTransparencyLegacyCas: Certificate transparency legacy CA allowlist.
certificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas: TYPE_LIST
Certificate transparency legacy CA allowlist. Any subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes listed will be exempt from Certificate Transparency enforcement. These hashes must be listed in a particular format and must match a recognized Legacy Certificate Authority. Enter Learn more at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/?policy=CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas.
chrome.users.ChromeAppsWebViewPermissiveBehaviorAllowed: Restore permissive Chrome Apps behavior.
chromeAppsWebViewPermissiveBehaviorAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow permissive behavior.
false: Use default navigation protections.
chrome.users.ChromeBrowserDmtokenDeletionEnabled: Device Token Management.
chromeBrowserDmtokenDeletionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Delete Token.
false: Invalidate Token.
chrome.users.ChromeBrowserUpdates: Chrome browser updates.
rollbackToTargetVersionEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
ROLLBACK_TO_TARGET_VERSION_DISABLED: Do not rollback to target version.
ROLLBACK_TO_TARGET_VERSION_ENABLED: Rollback to target version.
targetVersionPrefixSetting: TYPE_STRING
Target version prefix. Specifies which version the Chrome browser should be updated to. When a value is set, Chrome will be updated to the version prefixed with this value. For example, if the value is '55.', Chrome will be updated to any minor version of 55 (e.g. or If the value is '55.2.', Chrome will be updated to any minor version of 55.2 (e.g. or If the value is '', Chrome will be updated to that specific version only. Chrome may stop updating or not rollback if the specified version is more than three major milestones old.
updateSetting: TYPE_ENUM
UPDATES_ENABLED: Allow updates.
AUTOMATIC_UPDATES_ONLY: Allow updates when Chrome checks for them automatically.
MANUAL_UPDATES_ONLY: Allow updates when the user checks for them manually.
UPDATES_DISABLED: Disable updates.
targetChannelSetting: TYPE_ENUM
STABLE: Stable channel.
DEV: Dev channel.
BETA: Beta channel.
EXTENDED_STABLE: Extended stable channel.
chrome.users.ChromeCleanupEnabled: Chrome Cleanup.
chromeCleanupEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Chrome Cleanup to periodically scan the system and allow manual scans.
false: Prevent Chrome Cleanup from periodical scans and disallow manual scans.
chromeCleanupReportingEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Results from a Chrome Cleanup are never shared with Google.
TRUE: Results from a Chrome Cleanup are always shared with Google.
chrome.users.ChromeForTestingAllowed: Chrome for Testing.
chromeForTestingAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow use of the Chrome for Testing.
false: Do not allow use of the Chrome for Testing.
chrome.users.ChromeOnIos: Chrome on iOS.
enableIosChromePolicies: TYPE_BOOL
true: Apply supported user settings to Chrome on iOS.
false: Do not apply supported user settings to Chrome on iOS.
chrome.users.ChromeRootStoreEnabled: Chrome Root Store and certificate verifier.
chromeRootStoreEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not use the Chrome Root Store.
TRUE: Use the Chrome Root Store.
chrome.users.ClearBrowserHistory: Clear browser history.
allowDeletingBrowserHistory: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow clearing history in settings menu.
false: Do not allow clearing history in settings menu.
chrome.users.ClickToCall: Click to Call.
clickToCallEnabledTristate: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Do not allow users to send phone numbers from Chrome to their phone.
TRUE: Allow users to send phone numbers from Chrome to their phone.
chrome.users.ClientCertificateManagementAllowed: User management of installed client certificates.
clientCertificateManagementAllowed: TYPE_ENUM
ALL: Allow users to manage all certificates.
USER_ONLY: Allow users to manage user certificates.
NONE: Disallow users from managing certificates.
chrome.users.ClientCertificates: Client certificates.
autoSelectCertificateForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Automatically select for these sites. If a site matching a pattern specified here requests a client certificate, Chrome will automatically select one for it. More information and example values can be found in https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/2657289#AutoSelectCertificateForUrls.
chrome.users.ClipboardSettings: Clipboard.
defaultClipboardSetting: TYPE_ENUM
BLOCK_CLIPBOARD: Do not allow any site to use the clipboard site permission.
ASK_CLIPBOARD: Allow sites to ask the user to grant the clipboard site permission.
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
clipboardAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow these sites to access the clipboard. Urls to allow clipboard access.
clipboardBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block these sites from accessing the clipboard. Urls to block clipboard access.
chrome.users.CloudApAuthEnabled: Azure Cloud Authentication.
cloudApAuthEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DISABLED: Disable Azure cloud authentication.
ENABLED: Enable Azure cloud authentication.
chrome.users.CloudReportingUploadFrequency: Managed browser reporting upload frequency.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.CloudReportingUploadFrequencyV2: Managed browser reporting upload frequency.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.CloudUserPolicyMerge: User cloud policy merge.
cloudUserPolicyMerge: TYPE_BOOL
true: Merge user cloud policies with machine policies.
false: Do not merge user cloud policies with machine policies.
chrome.users.ColorCorrectionEnabled: Color Correction.
colorCorrectionEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable color correction accessibility.
TRUE: Enable color correction accessibility.
chrome.users.CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled: Command-line flags.
commandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show security warnings when potentially dangerous command-line flags are used.
false: Hide security warnings when potentially dangerous command-line flags are used.
chrome.users.ComponentUpdates: Component updates.
componentUpdatesEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable updates for all components.
false: Disable updates for components.
chrome.users.CompressionDictionaryTransportEnabled: Compression dictionary transport support.
compressionDictionaryTransportEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow to use previous responses as compression dictionaries for future requests.
false: Do not allow to use compression dictionary transport.
chrome.users.ConnectorsEnabled: Allow enterprise connectors.
connectorsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to enable Enterprise Connectors.
false: Do not allow users to enable Enterprise Connectors.
chrome.users.ContextMenuPhotoSharingSettings: Google Photos in iOS context menu.
contextMenuPhotoSharingSettings: TYPE_ENUM
ENABLED: Allow sharing to Google Photos in the context menu.
DISABLED: Prevent sharing to Google Photos in the context menu.
chrome.users.ContextualGoogleIntegrationsEnabled: Contextual integrations of Google services.
contextualGoogleIntegrationsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow integrations.
false: Disable integrations.
contextualGoogleIntegrationsConfiguration: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'GoogleCalendar', 'description': 'Google Calendar.'}
chrome.users.ContextualSearchEnabled: Touch to search.
contextualSearchEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to use touch to search.
false: Disable touch to search.
chrome.users.Cookies: Cookies.
cookiesAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow cookies for URL patterns. Urls to allow cookies.
defaultCookiesSetting: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
ALLOW_COOKIES: Allow cookies.
BLOCK_COOKIES: Block cookies.
SESSION_ONLY: Session only.
cookiesBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block Cookies for URL Patterns. Urls to block cookies.
cookiesSessionOnlyForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow session-only cookies for URL patterns. Urls to allow session-only cookies.
chrome.users.CorsNonWildcardRequestHeadersSupport: CORS non-wildcard request headers support.
corsNonWildcardRequestHeadersSupport: TYPE_BOOL
true: Support CORS non-wildcard request headers.
false: Do not support CORS non-wildcard request headers.
chrome.users.CpuTaskScheduler: CPU task scheduler.
schedulerConfiguration: TYPE_ENUM
USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
CONSERVATIVE: Optimize for stability.
PERFORMANCE: Optimize for performance.
chrome.users.CreatePasskeysInICloudKeychain: iCloud Keychain.
createPasskeysInICloudKeychain: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Default to creating passkeys in other stores (such as the Google Chrome profile).
TRUE: Default to creating passkeys in iCloud Keychain when possible.
chrome.users.CreateThemesSettings: Create themes with AI.
createThemesSettings: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOWED: Allow using create themes with AI.
ALLOWED_WITHOUT_LOGGING: Allow using create themes with AI without data collection.
DISABLED: Fully disable create themes with AI.
chrome.users.CredentialProviderPromoEnabled: Credential provider extension promo.
credentialProviderPromoEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow the Credential Provider Extension promo to be displayed.
false: Do not allow the Credential Provider Extension promo to be displayed.
chrome.users.CrossOriginAuthentication: Cross-origin authentication.
allowCrossOriginAuthPrompt: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow cross-origin authentication.
false: Block cross-origin authentication.
chrome.users.CrossOriginWebAssemblyModuleSharingEnabled: Allow WebAssembly cross-origin.
crossOriginWebAssemblyModuleSharingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow WebAssembly modules to be sent cross-origin.
false: Prevent WebAssembly modules to be sent cross-origin.
chrome.users.CssCustomStateDeprecatedSyntaxEnabled: CSS custom state deprecated syntax.
cssCustomStateDeprecatedSyntaxEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow deprecated syntax.
false: Do not allow deprecated syntax.
chrome.users.CursorHighlightEnabled: Cursor highlight.
cursorHighlightEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable cursor highlight.
TRUE: Enable cursor highlight.
chrome.users.DataCompressionProxy: Data compression proxy.
dataCompressionProxyEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Always disable data compression proxy.
TRUE: Always enable data compression proxy.
chrome.users.DataLeakPreventionReportingEnabled: Data controls reporting.
dataLeakPreventionReportingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable reporting of data control events.
false: Disable reporting of data control events.
chrome.users.DataUrlInSvgUseEnabled: Data URL support for SVGUseElement.
dataUrlInSvgUseEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Data URL support in SVGUseElement.
false: Disable Data URL support in SVGUseElement.
chrome.users.DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled: Default browser check.
defaultBrowserSettingEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Prevent Chrome from checking if it is the default browser and turn off user controls to make it the default browser.
TRUE: Attempt to register Chrome as the default browser during startup if it is not already.
chrome.users.DefaultInsecureContentSetting: Control use of insecure content exceptions.
defaultInsecureContentSetting: TYPE_ENUM
BLOCK_INSECURE_CONTENT: Do not allow any site to load blockable mixed content.
ALLOW_EXCEPTIONS_INSECURE_CONTENT: Allow users to add exceptions to allow blockable mixed content.
chrome.users.DefaultPrintColor: Default color printing mode.
printingColorDefault: TYPE_ENUM
COLOR: Color.
MONOCHROME: Black and white.
chrome.users.DefaultPrintDuplexMode: Default page sides.
printingDuplexDefault: TYPE_ENUM
SIMPLEX: One-sided.
SHORT_EDGE_DUPLEX: Short-edge two-sided printing.
LONG_EDGE_DUPLEX: Long-edge two-sided printing.
chrome.users.DefaultPrinters: Print preview default.
specifyDefaultPrinter: TYPE_BOOL
true: Define the default printer.
false: Use default print behavior.
printerTypes: TYPE_ENUM
CLOUD_AND_LOCAL: Cloud and local.
CLOUD: Cloud only.
LOCAL: Local only.
printerMatching: TYPE_ENUM
MATCH_BY_NAME: Match by name.
MATCH_BY_ID: Match by ID.
defaultPrinterPattern: TYPE_STRING
Default printer. Enter a regular expression that matches the desired default printer selection. The print preview will default to the first printer to match the regular expression. For example, to match a printer named "Initech Lobby", use "Initech Lobby". To match any of {print "initech-lobby-1"}, {print "initech-lobby-2"}, etc. you could use {print "initech-lobby-.$"}. To match {print "initech-lobby-guest"} or {print "initech-partner-guest"}, you could use {print "initech-.*-guest"}.
chrome.users.DefaultSensorsSetting: Sensors.
defaultSensorsSetting: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_SENSORS: Allow sites to access sensors.
BLOCK_SENSORS: Do not allow any site to access sensors.
UNSET: Allow the user to decide if a site may access sensors.
sensorsAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow access to sensors on these sites. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
sensorsBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block access to sensors on these sites. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
chrome.users.DeleteKeyModifier: Control the shortcut used to trigger the Delete "six pack" key.
deleteKeyModifier: TYPE_ENUM
NONE: Setting a shortcut for the "Delete" action is disabled.
ALT: Delete shortcut setting uses the shortcut that contains the alt modifier.
SEARCH: Delete shortcut setting uses the shortcut that contains the search modifier.
chrome.users.DeletePrintJobHistoryAllowed: Print job history deletion.
deletePrintJobHistoryAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow print job history to be deleted.
false: Do not allow print job history to be deleted.
chrome.users.DeletingUndecryptablePasswordsEnabled: Delete undecryptable passwords.
deletingUndecryptablePasswordsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable deleting undecryptable passwords.
false: Disable deleting undecryptable passwords.
chrome.users.DeskApi: Desk API for third-party ChromeOS desk control.
deskApiThirdPartyAccessEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Desk API for third-party ChromeOS desk control.
false: Do not enable Desk API for third-party ChromeOS desk control.
deskApiThirdPartyAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Enable Desk API for a list of third-party domains. Specifies an allowlist of third-party domains for which Desk API is enabled.
chrome.users.DesktopSharingHubEnabled: Desktop sharing in the omnibox and 3-dot menu.
desktopSharingHubEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable desktop sharing hub.
false: Disable desktop sharing hub.
chrome.users.DeveloperTools: Developer tools.
developerToolsAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
ALWAYS_ALLOW_DEVELOPER_TOOLS: Always allow use of built-in developer tools.
ALLOW_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_EXCEPT_FORCE_INSTALLED: Allow use of built-in developer tools except for force-installed extensions and component extensions.
NEVER_ALLOW_DEVELOPER_TOOLS: Never allow use of built-in developer tools.
extensionDeveloperModeSettings: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use 'developer tools availability' selection.
ALLOW: Allow use of developer tools on extensions page.
DISALLOW: Do not allow use of developer tools on extensions page.
chrome.users.DeviceEnrollment: Device enrollment.
autoDevicePlacementEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Place Chrome device in user organization.
false: Keep Chrome device in current location.
chrome.users.DevicePowerAdaptiveChargingEnabled: Adaptive charging model.
devicePowerAdaptiveChargingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable adaptive charging model.
false: Disable adaptive charging model.
chrome.users.DevToolsGenAiSettings: DevTools AI features.
devToolsGenAiSettings: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOWED: Allow using DevTools AI features.
ALLOWED_WITHOUT_LOGGING: Allow using DevTools AI features without data collection.
DISABLED: Fully disable DevTools AI features.
chrome.users.DictationEnabled: Dictation.
dictationEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable dictation.
TRUE: Enable dictation.
chrome.users.DisableSafeBrowsingProceedAnyway: Disable bypassing Safe Browsing warnings.
disableSafeBrowsingProceedAnyway: TYPE_BOOL
true: Do not allow user to bypass Safe Browsing warning.
false: Allow user to bypass Safe Browsing warning.
chrome.users.DiskCacheDir: Disk cache directory.
diskCacheDir: TYPE_STRING
Disk cache directory. Sets the disk cache directory.
chrome.users.DiskCacheSize: Disk cache size.
diskCacheSize: TYPE_INT64
Disk cache size in bytes. Sets the disk cache size in bytes.
chrome.users.DisplayCapturePermissionsPolicyEnabled: Insecure Media Capture.
displayCapturePermissionsPolicyEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Deny insecure requests to access display.
false: Allow requests to access display from non-allowlisted contexts.
chrome.users.DnsInterceptionChecksEnabled: DNS interception checks enabled.
dnsInterceptionChecksEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Perform DNS interception checks.
false: Do not perform DNS interception checks.
chrome.users.DnsOverHttps: DNS over HTTPS.
dnsOverHttpsMode: TYPE_ENUM
OFF: Disable DNS over HTTPS.
AUTOMATIC: Prefer DNS over HTTPS, allow insecure fallback.
SECURE: Require DNS over HTTPS.
UNSET: Use system default behavior.
dnsOverHttpsTemplates: TYPE_LIST
DNS over HTTPS templates. URI templates of desired DNS over HTTPS resolvers. If the URI template contains a '{?dns}' variable, requests to the resolver will use GET; otherwise requests will use POST.
chrome.users.DnsOverHttpsTemplatesWithIdentifiers: DNS-over-HTTPS with identifiers.
dnsOverHttpsSalt: TYPE_STRING
Salt for hashing identifiers in the URI templates. Salt used for hashing user and device identifiers in the template URIs. Optional starting Chrome version 114.
dnsOverHttpsTemplatesWithIdentifiers: TYPE_LIST
DNS-over-HTTPS templates with identifiers. URI templates of desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolvers which contain user or device identifiers. If the URI template contains a '{?dns}' variable, requests to the resolver will use GET; otherwise requests will use POST. If both DNS-over-HTTPS templates and DNS-over-HTTPS templates with identifiers are set, ChromeOS will default to DNS-over-HTTPS templates with identifiers.
chrome.users.DomainReliabilityAllowed: Allow reporting of domain reliability related data.
domainReliabilityAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Domain Reliability data may be sent to Google depending on Chrome User Metrics (UMA) policy.
false: Never send domain reliability data to Google.
domainReliabilityAllowedSettingGroupPolicyMode: TYPE_ENUM
MANDATORY: Do not allow users to override.
RECOMMENDED: Allow users to override.
chrome.users.DownloadBubbleEnabled: Download bubble.
downloadBubbleEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable download bubble.
false: Disable download bubble.
chrome.users.DownloadManagerSaveToDriveSettings: Save files directly to Google Drive.
downloadManagerSaveToDriveSettings: TYPE_ENUM
ENABLED: The download manager will have an option to save files to Google Drive.
DISABLED: The download manager will not have an option to save files to Google Drive.
chrome.users.DownloadPreference: Cacheable URLs.
downloadPreference: TYPE_ENUM
NO_PREFERENCE: No preference.
CACHEABLE: Attempt to provide cache-friendly download URLs.
chrome.users.DownloadRestrictions: Download restrictions.
safeBrowsingDownloadRestrictions: TYPE_ENUM
NO_SPECIAL_RESTRICTIONS: No special restrictions.
BLOCK_ALL_MALICIOUS_DOWNLOAD: Block malicious downloads.
BLOCK_DANGEROUS_DOWNLOAD: Block malicious downloads and dangerous file types.
BLOCK_POTENTIALLY_DANGEROUS_DOWNLOAD: Block malicious downloads, uncommon or unwanted downloads and dangerous file types.
BLOCK_ALL_DOWNLOAD: Block all downloads.
chrome.users.DriveFileSyncAvailable: ChromeOS file sync.
driveFileSyncAvailable: TYPE_ENUM
DISABLED: Do not show the ChromeOS file sync feature.
VISIBLE: Show the ChromeOS file sync feature.
chrome.users.DynamicCodeSettings: Dynamic Code.
dynamicCodeSettings: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Use the default Chrome setting.
DISABLED_FOR_BROWSER: Do not create dynamic code.
chrome.users.EcheAllowed: App Streaming.
echeAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to launch App Streaming.
false: Do not allow users to launch App Streaming.
chrome.users.EmojiPickerGifSupportEnabled: GIF Support in Emoji Picker.
emojiPickerGifSupportEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not allow GIFs to be selected in the Emoji picker.
TRUE: Allow GIFs to be selected in the Emoji picker.
chrome.users.EmojiSuggestionEnabled: Emoji suggestions.
emojiSuggestionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable emoji suggestions when users type.
false: Disable emoji suggestions when users type.
chrome.users.EnableCaptureAllowedSettings: Screen video capture allowed by sites.
screenCaptureAllowedByOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Allow tab, window, and desktop video capture by these sites. Sites set in this list will be ignored in the 'screenCaptureAllowed' field.
windowCaptureAllowedByOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Allow tab and window video capture by these sites. Sites set in this list will be ignored in the 'screenCaptureAllowedByOrigins' and 'screenCaptureAllowed' fields.
tabCaptureAllowedByOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Allow tab video capture by these sites. Sites set in this list will be ignored in the 'windowCaptureAllowedByOrigins', 'screenCaptureAllowedByOrigins', and 'screenCaptureAllowed' fields.
sameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Allow tab video capture (same site only) by these sites. Sites set in this list will be ignored in the 'tabCaptureAllowedByOrigins', 'windowCaptureAllowedByOrigins', 'screenCaptureAllowedByOrigins', and 'screenCaptureAllowed' fields.
chrome.users.EnableDeprecatedPrivetPrinting: Deprecated privet printing.
enableDeprecatedPrivetPrinting: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable deprecated privet printing.
false: Disable deprecated privet printing.
chrome.users.EncryptedClientHelloEnabled: TLS encrypted ClientHello.
encryptedClientHelloEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable the TLS Encrypted ClientHello experiment.
false: Disable the TLS Encrypted ClientHello experiment.
chrome.users.EnforceLocalAnchorConstraintsEnabled: Enforce local anchor constraints.
enforceLocalAnchorConstraintsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enforce constraints in locally added trust anchors.
false: Do not enforce constraints in locally added trust anchors.
chrome.users.EnrollPermission: Enrollment permissions.
deviceEnrollPermission: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_ENROLL_RE_ENROLL: Allow users in this organization to enroll new or re-enroll existing devices.
ALLOW_RE_ENROLL: Only allow users in this organization to re-enroll existing devices (cannot enroll new or deprovisioned devices).
DISALLOW_ENROLL_RE_ENROLL: Do not allow users in this organization to enroll new or re-enroll existing devices.
chrome.users.EnterpriseHardwarePlatformApiEnabled: Enterprise Hardware Platform API.
enterpriseHardwarePlatformApiEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API.
false: Do not allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API.
chrome.users.EventPathEnabled: Re-enable the Event.path API until Chrome 115.
eventPathEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Enable Event.path API until Chrome 108.
FALSE: Disable Event.path API.
TRUE: Enable Event.path API until Chrome 115.
chrome.users.ExplicitlyAllowedNetworkPorts: Allowed network ports.
explicitlyAllowedNetworkPorts: TYPE_LIST
{'value': '554', 'description': 'port 554 (expires 2021/10/15).'}
chrome.users.ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls: Extended background lifetime.
extensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls: TYPE_LIST
Origins that grant extended background lifetime to connecting extensions. Enter a list of origins. Extensions that connect to one of these origins will be be kept running as long as the port is connected. One URL per line.
chrome.users.ExtensionManifestVTwoAvailability: Manifest V2 extension availability.
extensionManifestVTwoAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Default browser behavior.
DISABLE: Disable manifest V2 extensions.
ENABLE: Enable manifest V2 extensions.
ENABLE_FOR_FORCED_EXTENSIONS: Enable force-installed manifest V2 extensions.
chrome.users.ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox: Show "Always open" checkbox in external protocol dialog.
externalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox: TYPE_BOOL
true: User may select "Always allow" to skip all future confirmation prompts.
false: User may not select "Always allow" and will be prompted each time.
chrome.users.ExternalStorage: External storage devices.
externalStorageDevices: TYPE_ENUM
READ_WRITE: Allow external storage devices.
READ_ONLY: Allow external storage devices (read only).
DISALLOW: Disallow external storage devices.
chrome.users.FastPairEnabled: Fast Pair (fast Bluetooth pairing).
fastPairEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable Fast Pair.
TRUE: Enable Fast Pair.
chrome.users.FeedbackSurveysEnabled: Google Chrome surveys.
feedbackSurveysEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable in-product surveys.
false: Disable in-product surveys.
chrome.users.FElevenKeyModifier: Control the shortcut used to trigger F11.
fElevenKeyModifier: TYPE_ENUM
DISABLED: F11 settings are disabled.
ALT: F11 settings use the shortcut that contains the alt modifier.
SHIFT: F11 settings use the shortcut that contains the shift modifier.
CTRL_SHIFT: F11 settings use the shortcut that contains the modifiers ctrl and shift.
chrome.users.FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdown: Keepalive duration.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdownV2: Keepalive duration.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins: File/directory picker without user gesture.
fileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Allow file or directory picker APIs to be called without prior user gesture. Urls to allow file or directory pickers without user gesture.
chrome.users.FileSystemRead: File system read access.
defaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
ASK_FILE_SYSTEM_READ: Allow sites to ask the user to grant read access to files and directories.
BLOCK_FILE_SYSTEM_READ: Do not allow sites to request read access to files and directories.
fileSystemReadAskForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow file system read access on these sites. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see URL patterns at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
fileSystemReadBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block read access on these sites. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see URL patterns at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
chrome.users.FileSystemSyncAccessHandleAsyncInterfaceEnabled: File System Access API async interface.
fileSystemSyncAccessHandleAsyncInterfaceEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Re-enable the deprecated async interface for FileSystemSyncAccessHandle.
false: Disable the deprecated async interface for FileSystemSyncAccessHandle.
chrome.users.FileSystemWrite: File system write access.
defaultFileSystemWriteGuardSetting: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
ASK_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE: Allow sites to ask the user to grant write access to files and directories.
BLOCK_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE: Do not allow sites to request write access to files and directories.
fileSystemWriteAskForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow write access to files and directories on these sites. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see URL patterns at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
fileSystemWriteBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block write access to files and directories on these sites. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see URL patterns at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
chrome.users.FirstPartySetsEnabled: First-Party Sets.
firstPartySetsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable First-Party Sets for all affected users.
false: Disable First-Party Sets for all affected users.
chrome.users.ForcedLanguages: Preferred languages.
forcedLanguages: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'af', 'description': 'Afrikaans.'}
chrome.users.ForceEnablePepperVideoDecoderDevApi: PPB_VideoDecoder(Dev) API support.
forceEnablePepperVideoDecoderDevApi: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable PPB_VideoDecoder(Dev) API.
false: Let the browser decide.
chrome.users.ForceEphemeralMode: Force ephemeral mode.
forceEphemeralProfiles: TYPE_BOOL
true: Erase all local user data.
false: Do not erase local user data.
chrome.users.ForceMajorVersionToMinorPositionInUserAgent: Freeze User-Agent string version.
forceMajorVersionToMinorPositionInUserAgent: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Default to browser settings for User-Agent string.
FORCE_DISABLED: Do not freeze the major version.
FORCE_ENABLED: Freeze the major version as 99.
chrome.users.ForceMaximizeOnFirstRun: Maximize window on first run.
forceMaximizeOnFirstRun: TYPE_BOOL
true: Maximize the first browser window on first run.
false: Default system behavior (depends on screen size).
chrome.users.ForcePermissionPolicyUnloadDefaultEnabled: Unload event handlers.
forcePermissionPolicyUnloadDefaultEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable unload event handlers.
false: Do not enable unload event handlers.
chrome.users.FTwelveKeyModifier: Control the shortcut used to trigger F12.
fTwelveKeyModifier: TYPE_ENUM
DISABLED: F12 settings are disabled.
ALT: F12 settings use the shortcut that contains the alt modifier.
SHIFT: F12 settings use the shortcut that contains the shift modifier.
CTRL_SHIFT: F12 settings use the shortcut that contains the modifiers ctrl and shift.
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
chrome.users.FullscreenAlertEnabled: Fullscreen alert.
fullscreenAlertEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable fullscreen alert when waking the device.
false: Disable fullscreen alert when waking the device.
chrome.users.FullscreenAllowed: Fullscreen mode.
fullscreenAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow fullscreen mode.
false: Do not allow fullscreen mode.
chrome.users.GaiaLockScreenOfflineSigninTimeLimitDays: Google online unlock frequency.
value: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.GaiaOfflineSigninTimeLimitDays: Google online login frequency.
value: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.GenAiLocalFoundationalModelSettings: Local foundational model settings.
genAiLocalFoundationalModelSettings: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOWED: Download model automatically.
DISABLED: Do not download model.
chrome.users.Geolocation: Geolocation.
defaultGeolocationSetting: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_GEOLOCATION: Allow sites to detect users' geolocation.
BLOCK_GEOLOCATION: Do not allow sites to detect users' geolocation.
ASK_GEOLOCATION: Always ask the user if a site wants to detect their geolocation.
USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
chrome.users.GloballyScopeHttpAuthCacheEnabled: Globally scoped HTTP authentication cache.
globallyScopeHttpAuthCacheEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: HTTP authentication credentials entered in the context of one site will automatically be used in the context of another.
false: HTTP authentication credentials are scoped to top-level sites.
chrome.users.GoogleCast: Cast.
showCastIconInToolbar: TYPE_BOOL
true: Always show the Cast icon in the toolbar.
false: Do not show the Cast icon in the toolbar by default, but let users choose.
enableMediaRouter: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to Cast.
false: Do not allow users to Cast.
mediaRouterCastAllowAllIps: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Enable restrictions, unless the CastAllowAllIPs feature is turned on.
FALSE: Enable restrictions.
TRUE: Disable restrictions (allow all IP addresses).
chrome.users.GoogleDriveSyncing: Google Drive syncing.
driveDisabledBool: TYPE_BOOL
true: Disable Google Drive syncing.
false: Enable Google Drive syncing.
chrome.users.GoogleDriveSyncingOverCellular: Google Drive syncing over cellular.
driveDisabledOverCellular: TYPE_BOOL
true: Disable Google Drive syncing over cellular connections.
false: Enable Google Drive syncing over cellular connections.
chrome.users.GoogleSearchSidePanelEnabled: Side Panel search.
googleSearchSidePanelEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Side Panel search on all web pages.
false: Disable Side Panel search on all web pages.
chrome.users.GssapiLibraryName: GSSAPI library name.
gssapiLibraryName: TYPE_STRING
Library name or full path. Specify which GSSAPI library to use for HTTP authentication. You can set either just a library name, or a full path. Leave empty for default.
chrome.users.HardwareAccelerationModeEnabled: GPU.
hardwareAccelerationModeEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable graphics acceleration.
false: Disable graphics acceleration.
chrome.users.HelpMeWriteSettings: Help me write.
helpMeWriteSettings: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOWED: Allow using "Help me write".
ALLOWED_WITHOUT_LOGGING: Allow using "Help me write" without data collection.
DISABLED: Fully disable "Help me write".
chrome.users.HighContrastEnabled: High contrast.
highContrastEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable high contrast.
TRUE: Enable high contrast.
chrome.users.HighEfficiencyModeEnabled: High efficiency mode.
highEfficiencyModeEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable high efficiency mode.
TRUE: Enable high efficiency mode.
chrome.users.HistorySearchSettings: History search settings.
historySearchSettings: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOWED: Allow using AI-powered history search.
ALLOWED_WITHOUT_LOGGING: Allow using AI-powered history search without data collection.
DISABLED: Fully disable AI-powered history search.
chrome.users.HomeAndEndKeysModifier: Control the shortcut used to trigger the Home/End "six pack" keys.
homeAndEndKeysModifier: TYPE_ENUM
NONE: Home/End settings are disabled.
ALT: Home/End settings use the shortcut that contains the alt modifier.
SEARCH: Home/End settings use the shortcut that contains the search modifier.
chrome.users.HomeButton: Home button.
showHomeButton: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Never show "Home" button.
TRUE: Always show "Home" button.
chrome.users.Homepage: Homepage.
homepageIsNewTabPage: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Homepage is always the URL set in 'homepageLocation'.
TRUE: Homepage is always the new tab page.
homepageLocation: TYPE_STRING
Homepage URL. Specifies the URL that should be used as the home page in managed Chrome.
chrome.users.HstsPolicyBypassList: HSTS policy bypass list.
hstsPolicyBypassList: TYPE_LIST
List of hostnames that will bypass the HSTS policy check . Enter a list of hostnames that will be exempt from the HSTS policy check.
chrome.users.HttpAllowlist: HTTP Allowlist.
httpAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Allowed HTTP URLs. Configures support of HTTPS allowlist.
chrome.users.HttpsOnlyMode: Allow HTTPS-Only Mode to be enabled.
httpsOnlyMode: TYPE_ENUM
USER_CHOICE: Allow users to enable HTTPS-Only Mode.
DISALLOWED: Do not allow users to enable HTTPS-Only Mode.
FORCE_ENABLED: Force enable HTTPS-Only Mode.
chrome.users.HttpsUpgradesEnabled: Automatic HTTPS upgrades.
httpsUpgradesEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow HTTPS upgrades.
false: Do not allow HTTPS upgrades.
chrome.users.IdleSettingsExtended: Idle settings.
lidCloseAction: TYPE_ENUM
SLEEP: Sleep.
LOGOUT: Logout.
SHUTDOWN: Shutdown.
DO_NOTHING: Do nothing.
idleActionAc: TYPE_ENUM
SLEEP: Sleep.
LOGOUT: Logout.
SHUTDOWN: Shut down.
DO_NOTHING: Do nothing.
idleActionBattery: TYPE_ENUM
SLEEP: Sleep.
LOGOUT: Logout.
SHUTDOWN: Shut down.
DO_NOTHING: Do nothing.
lockOnSleepOrLidClose: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow user to configure.
FALSE: Don't lock screen.
TRUE: Lock screen.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.Images: Images.
defaultImagesSettings: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
ALLOW_IMAGES: Allow all sites to show all images.
BLOCK_IMAGES: Do not allow any site to show images.
imagesAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Show images on these sites. Urls to allow images.
imagesBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block images on these sites. Urls to block images.
chrome.users.ImportAutofillFormData: Import autofill data.
importAutofillFormData: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable imports of autofill data.
TRUE: Enable imports of autofill data.
chrome.users.ImportBookmarks: Import bookmarks.
importBookmarks: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable imports of bookmarks.
TRUE: Enable imports of bookmarks.
chrome.users.ImportHistory: Import browsing history.
importHistory: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable imports of browsing history.
TRUE: Enable imports of browsing history.
chrome.users.ImportHomepage: Import homepage.
importHomepage: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable imports of homepage.
TRUE: Enable imports of homepage.
chrome.users.ImportSavedPasswords: Import saved passwords.
importSavedPasswords: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable imports of saved passwords.
TRUE: Enable imports of saved passwords.
chrome.users.ImportSearchEngine: Import search engines.
importSearchEngine: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable imports of search engines.
TRUE: Enable imports of search engines.
chrome.users.InactiveBrowserDeletion: Inactive period for browser deletion.
inactiveBrowserTtlDays: TYPE_INT64
Number of days. Shortening this period can cause more enrolled browsers to be considered inactive and, therefore, be irreversibly deleted. Before lowering the value of this policy, make sure you understand the impact. The allowable range is 28-730 days.
chrome.users.IncognitoMode: Incognito mode.
incognitoModeAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
AVAILABLE: Allow incognito mode.
UNAVAILABLE: Disallow incognito mode.
FORCED: Force incognito mode.
chrome.users.InsecureContentAllowedForUrls: Allow insecure content on these sites.
insecureContentAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
URL patterns to allow. Specifies which sites should allow insecure (HTTP) content to be shown.
chrome.users.InsecureContentBlockedForUrls: Block insecure content on these sites.
insecureContentBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
URL patterns to block. Specifies which sites should block insecure (HTTP) content from being shown.
chrome.users.InsecureFormsWarningsEnabled: Insecure forms.
insecureFormsWarningsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show warnings and disable autofill on insecure forms.
false: Do not show warnings or disable autofill on insecure forms.
chrome.users.InsecureHashesInTlsHandshakesEnabled: Insecure hashes in TLS handshakes.
insecureHashesInTlsHandshakesEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not allow insecure hashes in TLS handshakes.
TRUE: Allow insecure hashes in TLS handshakes.
chrome.users.InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed: Requests from insecure websites to more-private network endpoints.
insecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Insecure websites are allowed to make requests to any network endpoint.
false: Allow the user to decide.
insecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
URL patterns to allow. Network requests to more-private endpoints, from insecure origins not covered by the patterns specified here, will use the global default value.
chrome.users.InsertKeyModifier: Control the shortcut used to trigger the Insert "six pack" key.
insertKeyModifier: TYPE_ENUM
NONE: Setting a shortcut for the "Insert" action is disabled.
SEARCH: Insert shortcut setting uses the shortcut that contains the search modifier.
chrome.users.IntegratedWebAuthenticationAllowed: Login credentials for network authentication.
integratedWebAuthenticationAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use login credentials for network authentication to a managed proxy.
false: Don't use login credentials for network authentication.
chrome.users.IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingEnabled: Javascript IntensiveWakeUpThrottling.
intensiveWakeUpThrottlingEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Force no throttling of background JavaScript timers.
TRUE: Force throttling of background JavaScript timers.
chrome.users.IntranetRedirectBehavior: Intranet Redirection Behavior.
intranetRedirectBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Use default browser behavior.
DISABLE_INTERCEPTION_CHECKS_DISABLE_INFOBAR: Disable DNS interception checks and did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars.
DISABLE_INTERCEPTION_CHECKS_ENABLE_INFOBAR: Disable DNS interception checks; allow did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars.
ENABLE_INTERCEPTION_CHECKS_ENABLE_INFOBAR: Allow DNS interception checks and did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars.
chrome.users.IpVersionSixReachabilityOverride: IPv6 reachability check override.
ipVersionSixReachabilityOverride: TYPE_BOOL
true: Override the IPv6 reachability check.
false: Do not override the IPv6 reachability check.
chrome.users.Javascript: JavaScript.
defaultJavascriptSetting: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
ALLOW_JAVASCRIPT: Allow sites to run JavaScript.
BLOCK_JAVASCRIPT: Do not allow any site to run JavaScript.
javascriptAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow these sites to run JavaScript. Urls to allow JavaScript.
javascriptBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block JavaScript on these sites. Urls to block JavaScript.
chrome.users.JavaScriptJitSettings: JavaScript JIT.
defaultJavaScriptJitSetting: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_JAVA_SCRIPT_JIT: Allow sites to run JavaScript JIT.
BLOCK_JAVA_SCRIPT_JIT: Do not allow sites to run JavaScript JIT.
javaScriptJitAllowedForSites: TYPE_LIST
Allow JavaScript to use JIT on these sites. Specifies the site allowlist for JavaScript to use JIT.
javaScriptJitBlockedForSites: TYPE_LIST
Block JavaScript from using JIT on these sites. Specifies the site blocklist for JavaScript to be blocked from using JIT.
chrome.users.KeepFullscreenWithoutNotificationUrlAllowList: Fullscreen after unlock.
keepFullscreenWithoutNotificationUrlAllowList: TYPE_LIST
Keep full screen after unlock without warning for the following URLs. Enter a list of URL patterns, one per line.
chrome.users.KerberosAddAccountsAllowed: Kerberos accounts.
kerberosAddAccountsAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to add Kerberos accounts.
false: Do not allow users to add Kerberos accounts.
chrome.users.KerberosCustomPrefilledConfigSettingGroup: Kerberos ticket default configuration.
kerberosCustomPrefilledConfig: TYPE_STRING
Custom configuration. Kerberos ticket prefilled config.
kerberosUseCustomPrefilledConfig: TYPE_BOOL
true: Customize Kerberos configuration.
false: Use recommended Kerberos configuration.
chrome.users.KerberosDomainAutocomplete: Autocomplete Kerberos domain.
kerberosDomainAutocomplete: TYPE_STRING
Kerberos domain. Autocomplete Kerberos domain.
chrome.users.KerberosRememberPasswordEnabled: Remember Kerberos passwords.
kerberosRememberPasswordEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to remember Kerberos passwords.
false: Do not allow users to remember Kerberos passwords.
chrome.users.KerberosServicePrincipalName: Kerberos service principal name.
disableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use original name entered.
false: Use canonical DNS name.
chrome.users.KerberosSpnPort: Kerberos SPN port.
enableAuthNegotiatePort: TYPE_BOOL
true: Include non-standard port.
false: Do not include non-standard port.
chrome.users.KerberosTicketDelegation: Kerberos ticket delegation.
authNegotiateDelegateByKdcPolicy: TYPE_BOOL
true: Respect KDC policy.
false: Ignore KDC policy.
chrome.users.KerberosTickets: Kerberos tickets.
kerberosEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable kerberos.
false: Disable kerberos.
kerberosPrincipal: TYPE_STRING
Principal name. Define a Kerberos account to be added on behalf of user. The following placeholders are supported: - ${LOGIN_ID}: Username part of principal, e.g. "user" if the user logs in as "user@REALM"- ${LOGIN_EMAIL}: Full principal, e.g. "user@REALM" if the user logs in as "user@REALM".
kerberosConfiguration: TYPE_LIST
Kerberos configuration.
kerberosAutoAccountEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Automatically add a Kerberos account.
false: Do not automatically add a Kerberos account.
kerberosCustomConfigurationEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Customize Kerberos configuration.
false: Use default Kerberos configuration.
chrome.users.KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled: Keyboard focusable scrollers.
keyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow scrollers to be focusable by default.
false: Do not allow scrollers to be focusable by default.
chrome.users.KeyboardFocusHighlightEnabled: Keyboard focus highlighting.
keyboardFocusHighlightEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable keyboard focus highlighting.
TRUE: Enable keyboard focus highlighting.
chrome.users.KeyboardFunctionKeys: Keyboard.
keyboardDefaultToFunctionKeys: TYPE_BOOL
true: Treat top-row keys as function keys, but allow user to change.
false: Treat top-row keys as media keys, but allow user to change.
chrome.users.LargeCursorEnabled: Large cursor.
largeCursorEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable large cursor.
TRUE: Enable large cursor.
chrome.users.LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled: Default legacy SameSite cookie behavior.
legacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT_TO_LEGACY_SAME_SITE_COOKIE_BEHAVIOR: Revert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on all sites.
DEFAULT_TO_SAME_SITE_BY_DEFAULT_COOKIE_BEHAVIOR: Use SameSite-by-default behavior for cookies on all sites.
DEFAULT_TO_USER_PERSONAL_CONFIGURATION: Use the user's personal configuration for SameSite features.
chrome.users.LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList: Per-site legacy SameSite cookie behavior.
legacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList: TYPE_LIST
Revert to legacy SameSite cookie behavior on these sites. Prefix domain with [*.] to include all subdomains.
chrome.users.LensCameraAssistedSearchEnabled: Google Lens camera assisted search.
lensCameraAssistedSearchEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow enterprise user to use Google Lens camera assisted search.
false: Do not allow enterprise user to use Google Lens camera assisted search.
chrome.users.LensDesktopNtpSearchEnabled: New Tab page Google Lens button.
lensDesktopNtpSearchEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show the Google Lens button in the search box on the New Tab page.
false: Do not show the Google Lens button in the search box on the New Tab page.
chrome.users.LensOnGalleryEnabled: Lens Gallery App integration.
lensOnGalleryEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Lens integration.
false: Disable Lens integration.
lensOnGalleryEnabledSettingGroupPolicyMode: TYPE_ENUM
MANDATORY: Do not allow users to override.
RECOMMENDED: Allow users to override.
chrome.users.LensRegionSearchEnabled: Google Lens region search.
lensRegionSearchEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Google Lens region search.
false: Disable Google Lens region search.
chrome.users.ListenToThisPageEnabled: Read aloud for web pages.
listenToThisPageEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow read aloud.
false: Block read aloud.
chrome.users.LoadCryptoTokenExtension: Re-enable CryptoToken component extension until Chrome 107.
loadCryptoTokenExtension: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable the CryptoToken component extension until Chrome 107.
false: Enable the CryptoToken component extension until Chrome 105.
chrome.users.LockIconInAddressBarEnabled: Lock icon in the omnibox for secure connections.
lockIconInAddressBarEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use the lock icon for secure connections.
false: Use default icons for secure connections.
chrome.users.LockScreen: Lock screen.
allowScreenLock: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow locking screen.
false: Do not allow locking screen.
chrome.users.LockScreenAutoStartOnlineReauth: Lock screen online reauthentication.
lockScreenAutoStartOnlineReauth: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show users the online reauthentication screen.
false: Show users interstitial screens prior to online reauthentication.
chrome.users.LockScreenMediaPlaybackEnabled: Lock screen media playback.
lockScreenMediaPlaybackEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to play media when the device is locked.
false: Do not allow users to play media when the device is locked.
chrome.users.LoginDisplayPasswordButtonEnabled: Display password button.
loginDisplayPasswordButtonEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show the display password button on the login and lock screen.
false: Do not show the display password button on the login and lock screen.
chrome.users.LookalikeWarningAllowlistDomains: Suppress lookalike domain warnings on domains.
lookalikeWarningAllowlistDomains: TYPE_LIST
Allowlisted Domains. Enter list of domains where Chrome should prevent the display of lookalike URL warnings.
chrome.users.ManagedAccountsSigninRestriction: Separate profile for managed Google Identity.
managedAccountsSigninRestriction: TYPE_ENUM
PRIMARY_ACCOUNT: Force separate profile.
PRIMARY_ACCOUNT_STRICT: Force separate profile and forbid secondary managed accounts.
NONE: Do not force separate profile.
PRIMARY_ACCOUNT_KEEP_EXISTING_DATA: Let users choose to have a separate profile.
PRIMARY_ACCOUNT_STRICT_KEEP_EXISTING_DATA: Let users choose to have a separate profile but forbid secondary managed accounts.
chrome.users.ManagedBookmarksSetting: Managed bookmarks.
toplevelName: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.MaxConnectionsPerProxy: Max connections per proxy.
maxConnectionsPerProxy: TYPE_INT64
Maximum number of concurrent connections to the proxy server. Specifies the maximal number of simultaneous connections to the proxy server. The value of this policy should be lower than 100 and higher than 6 and the default value is 32.
chrome.users.MaxInvalidationFetchDelay: Policy fetch delay.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.MaxInvalidationFetchDelayV2: Policy fetch delay.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.MediaRecommendationsEnabled: Media Recommendations.
mediaRecommendationsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show personalized media recommendations.
false: Do not show personalized media recommendations.
chrome.users.MetricsReportingEnabled: Metrics reporting.
metricsReportingEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Do not send anonymous reports of usage and crash-related data to Google.
TRUE: Send anonymous reports of usage and crash-related data to Google.
chrome.users.MixedContentAutoupgradeEnabled: Mixed content autoupgrading.
mixedContentAutoupgradeEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable mixed content autoupgrading.
false: Disable mixed content autoupgrading.
chrome.users.MobileManagement: Chrome on Android.
enableMobileChromePolicies: TYPE_BOOL
true: Apply supported user settings to Chrome on Android.
false: Do not apply supported user settings to Chrome on Android.
chrome.users.MonoAudioEnabled: Mono audio.
monoAudioEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable mono audio.
TRUE: Enable mono audio.
chrome.users.MultipleSignInAccess: Multiple sign-in access.
newChromeOsMultiProfileUserBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
PRIMARY_ONLY: Managed user must be the primary user (secondary users are allowed).
UNRESTRICTED: Unrestricted user access (allow any user to be added to any other user's session).
NOT_ALLOWED: Block multiple sign-in access for users in this organization.
chrome.users.MutationEventsEnabled: Mutation Events.
mutationEventsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Temporarily re-enable mutation events.
false: Mutation events stop firing after the removal date.
chrome.users.NativeClientForceAllowed: Allow Native Client (NaCl).
nativeClientForceAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Native Client to run even if it is disabled by default.
false: Use default behavior.
chrome.users.NativeHostsExecutablesLaunchDirectly: Native messaging hosts.
nativeHostsExecutablesLaunchDirectly: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Force Windows native messaging hosts to launch via Command Prompt.
TRUE: Directly launch executable native messaging hosts on Windows.
chrome.users.NativeMessagingAllowed: Native Messaging allowed hosts.
nativeMessagingAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Native Messaging hosts not subject to the blocklist. Domains to allow native messaging.
chrome.users.NativeMessagingBlocked: Native Messaging blocked hosts.
nativeMessagingBlocklist: TYPE_LIST
Prohibited Native Messaging hosts. Domains to block native messaging. A pattern of "*" will block all hosts not specified in the allowlist.
chrome.users.NativeMessagingUserHosts: Native Messaging user-level hosts.
nativeMessagingUserLevelHosts: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow usage of Native Messaging hosts installed at the user level.
false: Only allow usage of Native Messaging hosts installed at the system level.
chrome.users.NearbyShareAllowed: Nearby Share.
nearbyShareAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to enable Nearby Share.
false: Prevent users from enabling Nearby Share.
chrome.users.NetworkFileShares: Network file shares.
networkFileSharesAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow network file shares.
false: Block network file shares.
netBiosShareDiscoveryEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use NetBIOS discovery.
false: Do not allow NetBIOS discovery.
ntlmShareAuthenticationEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use NTLM authentication.
false: Do not use NTLM authentication.
chrome.users.NetworkServiceSandboxEnabled: Network service sandbox.
networkServiceSandboxEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Disable the network service sandbox.
TRUE: Enable the network service sandbox.
chrome.users.NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehaviorAllowed: Enable the feature NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior.
newBaseUrlInheritanceBehaviorAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior feature available.
false: NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior feature disabled.
chrome.users.NewTabPageLocation: New tab page.
newTabPageLocation: TYPE_STRING
New tab URL (leave empty for default). Specifies the URL of the page that should load when Chrome opens a new tab.
chrome.users.Notifications: Notifications.
defaultNotificationsSetting: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
ALLOW_NOTIFICATIONS: Allow sites to show desktop notifications.
BLOCK_NOTIFICATIONS: Do not allow sites to show desktop notifications.
ASK_NOTIFICATIONS: Always ask the user if a site can show desktop notifications.
notificationsAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow these sites to show notifications. Urls to allow notifications. Prefix domain with [*.] to include all subdomains.Maximum of 1000 URLs. .
notificationsBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block notifications on these sites. Urls to block notifications. Prefix domain with [*.] to include all subdomains.Maximum of 1000 URLs. .
chrome.users.NtlmV2Enabled: NTLMv2 authentication.
ntlmV2Enabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable NTLMv2 authentication.
false: Disable NTLMv2 authentication.
chrome.users.NtpCardsVisible: Show cards on the New Tab Page.
ntpCardsVisible: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Do not show cards on the New Tab Page.
TRUE: Show cards on the New Tab Page if content is available.
chrome.users.NtpContentSuggestionsEnabled: New Tab page content suggestions.
ntpContentSuggestionsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show content suggestions on the New Tab page.
false: Do not show content suggestions on the New Tab page.
chrome.users.NtpCustomBackgroundEnabled: New Tab page background.
ntpCustomBackgroundEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to customize the background on the New Tab page.
false: Do not allow users to customize the background on the New Tab page.
chrome.users.NtpMiddleSlotAnnouncementVisible: Middle slot announcement on the New Tab Page.
ntpMiddleSlotAnnouncementVisible: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show the middle slot announcement on the New Tab Page if it is available.
false: Do not show the middle slot announcement on the New Tab Page even if it is available.
chrome.users.OffsetParentNewSpecBehaviorEnabled: Enable legacy HTMLElement offset behavior.
offsetParentNewSpecBehaviorEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use new offset behavior.
false: Use legacy offset behavior.
chrome.users.OmahaCloudPolicyOverridesPlatformPolicy: Google Updater policy precedence.
omahaCloudPolicyOverridesPlatformPolicy: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Google Updater policy precedence.
FALSE: Platform Google Updater policy overrides cloud policy.
TRUE: Cloud Google Updater policy overrides platform policy.
chrome.users.OnlineRevocationChecks: Online revocation checks.
enableOnlineRevocationChecks: TYPE_BOOL
true: Perform online OCSP/CRL checks.
false: Do not perform online OCSP/CRL checks.
chrome.users.OopPrintDriversAllowed: Out-of-process print drivers.
oopPrintDriversAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use a separate service process for platform printing calls.
false: Use the browser process for platform printing calls.
chrome.users.OptimizationGuideFetchingEnabled: Optimization Guide Fetching.
optimizationGuideFetchingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable fetching of page load metadata and machine learning models to enhance the browsing experience.
false: Disable fetching of page load metadata and machine learning models that enhance the browsing experience.
chrome.users.OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled: Origin-keyed agent clustering.
originAgentClusterDefaultEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use origin-keyed agent clusters.
false: Use site-keyed agent clusters.
chrome.users.OsColorMode: ChromeOS color mode.
osColorMode: TYPE_ENUM
LIGHT: Recommend the light theme.
DARK: Recommend the dark theme.
AUTO: Recommend auto mode.
chrome.users.OutOfProcessSystemDnsResolutionEnabled: Network process system DNS resolution.
outOfProcessSystemDnsResolutionEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Run system DNS resolution in, out of, or partially in and partially out of the network process.
FALSE: Run system DNS resolution in the network process.
TRUE: Run system DNS resolution in or out of the network process.
chrome.users.OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin: Override insecure origin restrictions.
overrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin: TYPE_LIST
Origin or hostname patterns to ignore insecure origins security restrictions. Specifies the origin or hostname patterns for which restrictions on insecure origins should not apply.
chrome.users.PageUpAndPageDownKeysModifier: Control the shortcut used to trigger the PageUp/PageDown "six pack" keys.
pageUpAndPageDownKeysModifier: TYPE_ENUM
NONE: PageUp/PageDown settings are disabled.
ALT: PageUp/PageDown settings use the shortcut that contains the alt modifier.
SEARCH: PageUp/PageDown settings use the shortcut that contains the search modifier.
chrome.users.ParcelTrackingEnabled: Parcel tracking.
parcelTrackingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Parcel Tracking on Chrome.
false: Do not allow Parcel Tracking on Chrome.
chrome.users.PasswordAlert: Password alert.
passwordProtectionWarningTrigger: TYPE_ENUM
NO_WARNING: No password protection warning.
WARN_ON_PASSWORD_REUSE: Trigger on password reuse.
WARN_ON_PHISHING_REUSE: Trigger on password reuse on phishing page.
passwordProtectionChangePasswordUrl: TYPE_STRING
URL for password change. Enter the URL of the webpage where users can change their password.
passwordProtectionLoginUrls: TYPE_LIST
Login URLs. Enter list of enterprise login URLs where password protection service should capture fingerprint of password.
chrome.users.PasswordDismissCompromisedAlertEnabled: Compromised password alerts.
passwordDismissCompromisedAlertEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow dismissing compromised password alerts.
false: Prevent dismissing compromised password alerts.
chrome.users.PasswordLeakDetection: Enable leak detection for entered credentials.
passwordLeakDetection: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable Leak detection for entered credentials.
TRUE: Enable Leak detection for entered credentials.
chrome.users.PasswordManager: Password manager.
passwordManagerEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Never allow use of password manager.
TRUE: Always allow use of password manager.
chrome.users.PaymentMethodQueryEnabled: Payment methods.
paymentMethodQueryEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow websites to check if the user has payment methods saved.
false: Always tell websites that no payment methods are saved.
chrome.users.PdfAnnotationsEnabled: PDF Annotations.
pdfAnnotationsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow the PDF viewer to annotate PDFs.
false: Do not allow the PDF viewer to annotate PDFs.
chrome.users.PdfLocalFileAccessAllowedForDomains: Local file access to file:// URLs in the PDF Viewer.
pdfLocalFileAccessAllowedForDomains: TYPE_LIST
Allowed URLs. List of file URLs with local access enabled in the PDF viewer.
chrome.users.PdfUseSkiaRendererEnabled: Renderer for PDF files.
pdfUseSkiaRendererEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Use AGG renderer for PDF files.
TRUE: Use Skia renderer for PDF files.
chrome.users.PdfViewerOutOfProcessIframeEnabled: PDF viewer.
pdfViewerOutOfProcessIframeEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: PDF viewer uses out-of-process iframe.
false: PDF viewer uses guest view.
chrome.users.PersistentQuotaEnabled: Persistent quota for webkitRequestFileSystem.
persistentQuotaEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable persistent quota.
false: Disable persistent quota.
chrome.users.PhoneHub: Phone Hub.
phoneHubAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Phone Hub to be enabled.
false: Do not allow Phone Hub to be enabled.
phoneHubNotificationsAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Phone Hub notifications to be enabled.
false: Do not allow Phone Hub notifications to be enabled.
phoneHubTaskContinuationAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Phone Hub task continuation to be enabled.
false: Do not allow Phone Hub task continuation to be enabled.
chrome.users.PhysicalKeyboardAutocorrect: Physical keyboard autocorrect.
physicalKeyboardAutocorrect: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable physical keyboard autocorrect.
false: Disable physical keyboard autocorrect.
chrome.users.PhysicalKeyboardPredictiveWriting: Physical keyboard predictive writing.
physicalKeyboardPredictiveWriting: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable physical keyboard predictive writing.
false: Disable physical keyboard predictive writing.
chrome.users.PinUnlockAutosubmitEnabled: PIN auto-submit.
pinUnlockAutosubmitEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable PIN auto-submit on the lock and login screen.
false: Disable PIN auto-submit on the lock and login screen.
chrome.users.PluginVmAllowed: Parallels Desktop.
pluginVmAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to use Parallels Desktop.
false: Do not allow users to use Parallels Desktop.
ackNoticeForPluginVmAllowedSetToTrue: TYPE_BOOL
chrome.users.PluginVmDataCollection: Diagnostic information.
pluginVmDataCollectionAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable sharing diagnostics data to Parallels.
false: Disable sharing diagnostics data to Parallels.
chrome.users.PluginVmImage: Parallels Desktop Windows image.
pluginVmImageUrl: TYPE_STRING
Specifies the URL for the Windows image for plugin virtual machine.
pluginVmImageHash: TYPE_STRING
SHA-256 hash. Enter the SHA-256 hash of the Windows image for Parallels Desktop.
chrome.users.PluginVmRequiredDiskSpace: Required disk space.
pluginVmRequiredFreeDiskSpace: TYPE_INT64
Required free disk space (GB). Sets the minimum free space needed to run PluginVM app.
chrome.users.PolicyMergelist: Policy mergelist.
policyMergelist: TYPE_LIST
On-device policy names. The values of each policy will be merged when set from different sources.
chrome.users.PolicyPrecedence: Policy precedence.
policyPrecedence: TYPE_ENUM
PRECEDENCE_DEFAULT: Machine > Machine cloud > OS user > Chrome profile.
PRECEDENCE_CLOUD_MACHINE: Machine cloud > Machine > OS user > Chrome profile.
PRECEDENCE_CLOUD_USER: Machine > Chrome profile > Machine cloud > OS user.
PRECEDENCE_BOTH: Chrome profile > Machine cloud > Machine > OS user.
chrome.users.Popups: Pop-ups.
defaultPopupsSetting: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
ALLOW_POPUPS: Allow all pop-ups.
BLOCK_POPUPS: Block all pop-ups.
popupsAllowedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow pop-ups on these sites. Urls to allow pop-ups.
popupsBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block pop-ups on these sites. Urls to block pop-ups.
chrome.users.PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled: Post-quantum TLS.
postQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not allow post-quantum key agreement in TLS connections.
TRUE: Allow post-quantum key agreement in TLS connections.
chrome.users.PpapiSharedImagesForVideoDecoderAllowed: Allow Pepper to use shared images for video decoding.
ppapiSharedImagesForVideoDecoderAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow new implementation.
false: Force old implementation.
chrome.users.PpApiSharedImagesSwapChainAllowed: Modern buffer allocation for Graphics3D APIs PPAPI plugin.
ppApiSharedImagesSwapChainAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow new implementation.
false: Force old implementation.
chrome.users.PrefixedStorageInfoEnabled: Re-enable window.webkitStorageInfo API.
prefixedStorageInfoEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable window.webkitStorageInfo.
false: Disable window.webkitStorageInfo.
chrome.users.PrefixedVideoFullscreenApiAvailability: Prefixed video fullscreen API.
prefixedVideoFullscreenApiAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
RUNTIME_ENABLED: Use the default Chrome setting.
DISABLED: Disable prefixed video fullscreen API.
ENABLED: Enable prefixed video fullscreen API.
chrome.users.PrimaryMouseButtonSwitch: Primary mouse button.
primaryMouseButtonSwitch: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Left button is primary.
TRUE: Right button is primary.
chrome.users.PrinterTypeDenyList: Blocked printer types.
printerTypeDenyList: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'privet', 'description': 'Privet zeroconf-based protocol (deprecated).'}
chrome.users.PrintHeaderFooter: Print headers and footers.
printHeaderFooter: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Never print headers and footers.
TRUE: Always print headers and footers.
chrome.users.PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes: Background graphics printing restriction.
printingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes: TYPE_ENUM
ANY: Allow the user to decide.
ENABLED: Always require printing of background images.
DISABLED: Do not allow printing of background images.
chrome.users.PrintingAllowedPinModes: Restrict PIN printing mode.
printingAllowedPinModes: TYPE_ENUM
ANY_PIN_PRINTING_MODE: Do not restrict PIN printing mode.
PIN_PRINTING_ONLY: Always require PIN printing.
NON_PIN_PRINTING_ONLY: Do not allow PIN printing.
chrome.users.PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault: Background graphics printing default.
printingBackgroundGraphicsDefault: TYPE_ENUM
DISABLED: Disable background graphics printing mode by default.
ENABLED: Enable background graphics printing mode by default.
chrome.users.PrintingLpacSandboxEnabled: Printing LPAC Sandbox.
printingLpacSandboxEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Run printing services in LPAC sandbox when available.
false: Run printing services in a less secure sandbox.
chrome.users.PrintingMaxSheetsAllowed: Maximum sheets.
value: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.PrintingPaperSizeDefault: Default printing page size.
printingPaperSizeEnum: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: No policy set.
NA_LETTER_8_5X11IN: Letter.
NA_LEGAL_8_5X14IN: Legal.
ISO_A4_210X297MM: A4.
NA_LEDGER_11X17IN: Tabloid.
ISO_A3_297X420MM: A3.
CUSTOM: Custom.
printingPaperSizeWidth: TYPE_STRING
Page width (in millimeters). Sets a custom page width (in millimeters).
printingPaperSizeHeight: TYPE_STRING
Page height (in millimeters). Sets a custom page height (in millimeters).
chrome.users.PrintingPinDefault: Default PIN printing mode.
printingPinDefault: TYPE_ENUM
chrome.users.PrintingSendUsernameAndFilenameEnabled: CUPS Print job information.
printingSendUsernameAndFilenameEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Include user account and filename in print job.
false: Do not include user account and filename in print job.
chrome.users.PrintJobHistoryExpirationPeriodNew: Print job history retention period.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.PrintJobHistoryExpirationPeriodNewV2: Print job history retention period.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.PrintPdfAsImage: Print PDF as image.
printPdfAsImageAvailability: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to print PDF documents as images.
false: Do not allow users to print PDF documents as images.
printPdfAsImageDefault: TYPE_BOOL
true: Default to printing PDFs as images when available.
false: Default to printing PDFs without being rasterized.
value: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.PrintPostScriptMode: PostScript printer mode.
printPostScriptMode: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Default.
TYPE_42: Type 42.
chrome.users.PrintPreview: Print preview.
disablePrintPreview: TYPE_BOOL
true: Always use the system print dialog instead of print preview.
false: Allow using print preview.
chrome.users.PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter: System Default Printer.
printPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter: TYPE_BOOL
true: Use the system default printer as the default choice in Print Preview.
false: Use the most recently used printer as the default choice in Print Preview.
chrome.users.PrintRasterizationMode: Print rasterization mode.
printRasterizationMode: TYPE_ENUM
FULL: Full.
FAST: Fast.
chrome.users.PrivacySandboxPromptEnabled: Privacy Sandbox.
privacySandboxPromptEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Google Chrome to determine whether to show the Privacy Sandbox prompt.
false: Do not show the Privacy Sandbox prompt to users.
privacySandboxAdTopicsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to turn on or off the Privacy Sandbox Ad topics setting on their device.
false: Disable Privacy Sandbox Ad topics setting for your users.
privacySandboxSiteEnabledAdsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to turn on or off the Privacy Sandbox Site-suggested ads setting on their device.
false: Disable Privacy Sandbox Site-suggested ads setting for your users.
privacySandboxAdMeasurementEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to turn on or off the Privacy Sandbox Ad measurement setting on their device.
false: Disable Privacy Sandbox Ad measurement setting for your users.
chrome.users.PrivacyScreenEnabled: Privacy screen.
privacyScreenEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Always disable the privacy screen.
TRUE: Always enable the privacy screen.
chrome.users.PrivateNetworkAccessRestrictionsEnabled: Private Network Access restrictions.
privateNetworkAccessRestrictionsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Apply restrictions to requests to more-private network endpoints.
false: Use default behavior when determining if websites can make requests to network endpoints.
chrome.users.ProfilePickerOnStartupAvailability: Profile picker availability on browser startup.
profilePickerOnStartupAvailability: TYPE_ENUM
ENABLED: Allow the user to decide.
DISABLED: Do not show profile picker at browser startup.
FORCED: Always show profile picker at browser startup.
chrome.users.ProjectorEnabled: Screencast.
projectorEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to create and view screencasts.
false: Do not allow users to create and view screencasts.
chrome.users.PromotionalTabsEnabled: Promotional content.
promotionalTabsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable showing full-tab promotional content.
false: Disable showing full-tab promotional content.
chrome.users.PromptForDownloadLocation: Download location prompt.
promptForDownloadLocation: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Do not ask the user (downloads start immediately).
TRUE: Ask the user where to save the file before downloading.
chrome.users.PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates: Prompt when multiple certificates match.
promptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates: TYPE_BOOL
true: Prompt the user to select the client certificate whenever the auto-selection policy matches multiple certificates.
false: Only prompt the user when no certificate matches the auto-selection.
chrome.users.QrCodeGeneratorEnabled: QR Code Generator.
qrCodeGeneratorEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable QR Code Generator.
false: Disable QR Code Generator.
chrome.users.QuickAnswersEnabled: Quick Answers.
quickAnswersEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Quick Answers.
false: Disable Quick Answers.
quickAnswersDefinitionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Quick Answers definition.
false: Disable Quick Answers definition.
quickAnswersTranslationEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Quick Answers translation.
false: Disable Quick Answers translation.
quickAnswersUnitConversionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Quick Answers unit conversion.
false: Disable Quick Answers unit conversion.
chrome.users.QuickUnlockModeAllowlist: Quick unlock.
quickUnlockModeAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'PIN', 'description': 'PIN.'}
chrome.users.QuicProtocol: QUIC protocol.
quicAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable.
false: Disable.
chrome.users.RecoveryFactorBehavior: Account recovery.
recoveryFactorBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Defer activation of account recovery until migration phase (see help center).
ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY: Activate account recovery.
ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_RECOMMENDED: Activate account recovery and allow users to override.
DEACTIVATE_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY: Deactivate account recovery.
chrome.users.RegisteredProtocolHandlersSetting: Custom Protocol Handlers.
handler: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.RelaunchNotificationWithDuration: Relaunch notification.
relaunchNotificationEnum: TYPE_ENUM
NO_NOTIFICATION: No relaunch notification.
RECOMMENDED: Show notification recommending relaunch.
REQUIRED: Force relaunch after a period.
duration: TYPE_STRING
hours: TYPE_INT32
minutes: TYPE_INT32
seconds: TYPE_INT32
nanos: TYPE_INT32
chrome.users.RelaunchNotificationWithDurationV2: Relaunch notification.
relaunchNotificationEnum: TYPE_ENUM
NO_NOTIFICATION: No relaunch notification.
RECOMMENDED: Show notification recommending relaunch.
REQUIRED: Force relaunch after a period.
duration: TYPE_INT64
hours: TYPE_INT32
minutes: TYPE_INT32
seconds: TYPE_INT32
nanos: TYPE_INT32
chrome.users.RemoteAccessHostAllowEnterpriseRemoteSupportConnections: Enterprise remote support connections.
remoteAccessHostAllowEnterpriseRemoteSupportConnections: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow remote support connections from enterprise admins.
false: Prevent remote support connections from enterprise admins.
chrome.users.RemoteAccessHostAllowRemoteSupportConnections: Remote support connections.
remoteAccessHostAllowRemoteSupportConnections: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow remote support connections.
false: Prevent remote support connections.
chrome.users.RemoteAccessHostClientDomainList: Remote access clients.
remoteAccessHostClientDomainList: TYPE_LIST
Remote access client domain. Configure the required domain names for remote access clients.
chrome.users.RemoteAccessHostClipboardSizeBytes: Clipboard sync max size.
value: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.RemoteAccessHostDomainList: Remote access hosts.
remoteAccessHostDomainList: TYPE_LIST
Remote access host domain. Configure the required domain names for remote access hosts.
chrome.users.RemoteAccessHostFirewallTraversal: Firewall traversal.
remoteAccessHostFirewallTraversal: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable firewall traversal.
false: Disable firewall traversal.
remoteAccessHostAllowRelayedConnection: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable the use of relay servers.
false: Disable the use of relay servers.
remoteAccessHostUdpPortRange: TYPE_STRING
UDP port range. Format: minimum-maximum (e.g. 12400-12409). If unset, any port may be used.
chrome.users.RemoteDebuggingAllowed: Allow remote debugging.
remoteDebuggingAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow use of the remote debugging.
false: Do not allow use of the remote debugging.
chrome.users.RendererAppContainerEnabled: Renderer App Container.
rendererAppContainerEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable the Renderer App Container sandbox.
false: Disable the Renderer App Container sandbox.
chrome.users.RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled: Enable renderer code integrity.
rendererCodeIntegrityEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Renderer code integrity enabled.
false: Renderer code integrity disabled.
chrome.users.ReportAppUsage: App usage reporting.
reportAppUsage: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'chrome_apps_and_extensions', 'description': 'Chrome apps and extensions.'}
chrome.users.RequireOnlineRevocationChecksForLocalAnchors: Require online OCSP/CRL checks for local trust anchors.
requireOnlineRevocationChecksForLocalAnchors: TYPE_BOOL
true: Perform revocation checking for successfully validated server certificates signed by locally installed CA certificates.
false: Use existing online revocation-checking settings.
chrome.users.RestrictAccountsToPatterns: Visible Accounts.
restrictAccountsToPatterns: TYPE_LIST
Restrict accounts that are visible in Chrome to those matching one of the patterns specified. Use the wildcard character '*' to match zero or more arbitrary characters. The escape character is '', so to match actual '*' or '' characters, put a '' in front of them.
chrome.users.RestrictPrintColor: Restrict color printing mode.
printingAllowedColorModes: TYPE_ENUM
ANY_COLOR_MODE: Do not restrict color printing mode.
COLOR_ONLY: Color only.
MONOCHROME_ONLY: Black and white only.
chrome.users.RestrictPrintDuplexMode: Restrict page sides.
printingAllowedDuplexModes: TYPE_ENUM
ANY_DUPLEX_MODE: Do not restrict duplex printing mode.
SIMPLEX_ONLY: One-sided only.
DUPLEX_ONLY: Two-sided only.
chrome.users.RestrictSigninToPattern: Restrict sign-in to pattern.
restrictSigninToPattern: TYPE_STRING
Pattern. A regular expression which is used to determine which Google accounts can be set as browser primary accounts in Google Chrome (i.e. the account that is chosen during the Sync opt-in flow). For example, the value .*@example.com would restrict sign in to accounts in the example.com domain.
chrome.users.RsaKeyUsageForLocalAnchorsEnabled: Check RSA key usage.
rsaKeyUsageForLocalAnchorsEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Disable RSA key usage checking.
TRUE: Enable RSA key usage checking.
chrome.users.SafeBrowsingAllowlistDomain: Safe Browsing allowed domains.
safeBrowsingAllowlistDomains: TYPE_LIST
Allowed domains. Enter the list of domains that you want to be excluded from Safe Browsing checks.
chrome.users.SafeBrowsingDeepScanningEnabled: Allow download deep scanning for Safe Browsing-enabled users.
safeBrowsingDeepScanningEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Safe Browsing download deep scans.
false: Disable Safe Browsing download deep scans.
chrome.users.SafeBrowsingExtendedReporting: Help improve Safe Browsing.
safeBrowsingExtendedReportingEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable sending extra information to help improve Safe Browsing.
TRUE: Enable sending extra information to help improve Safe Browsing.
chrome.users.SafeBrowsingForTrustedSourcesEnabled: Safe Browsing for trusted sources.
safeBrowsingForTrustedSourcesEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Perform Safe Browsing checks on all downloaded files.
false: Skip Safe Browsing checks for files downloaded from trusted sources.
chrome.users.SafeBrowsingProtectionLevel: Safe Browsing protection.
safeBrowsingProtectionLevel: TYPE_ENUM
USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
NO_PROTECTION: Safe Browsing is never active.
STANDARD_PROTECTION: Safe Browsing is active in the standard mode.
ENHANCED_PROTECTION: Safe Browsing is active in the enhanced mode. This mode provides better security, but requires sharing more browsing information with Google.
safeBrowsingProxiedRealTimeChecksAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow higher-protection proxied lookups.
false: Don't allow higher-protection proxied lookups.
chrome.users.SafeBrowsingSurveysEnabled: Safe Browsing Surveys.
safeBrowsingSurveysEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Safe Browsing surveys to be sent to users.
false: Disable Safe Browsing surveys.
chrome.users.SafeSearchRestrictedMode: SafeSearch and Restricted Mode.
forceGoogleSafeSearch: TYPE_BOOL
true: Always use SafeSearch for Google Search queries.
false: Do not enforce SafeSearch for Google Search queries.
forceYoutubeRestrictedMode: TYPE_ENUM
OFF: Do not enforce Restricted Mode on YouTube.
MODERATE: Enforce at least Moderate Restricted Mode on YouTube.
STRICT: Enforce Strict Restricted Mode on YouTube.
chrome.users.SafeSitesFilterBehavior: SafeSites URL filter.
safeSitesFilterBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
SAFE_SITES_FILTER_DISABLED: Do not filter sites for adult content.
SAFE_SITES_FILTER_ENABLED: Filter top level sites (but not embedded iframes) for adult content.
chrome.users.SamlLockScreenOfflineSigninTimeLimitDays: SAML single sign-on unlock frequency.
value: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.SamlLockScreenReauthenticationEnabled: SAML single sign-on password synchronization flows.
samlLockScreenReauthenticationEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enforce online logins on the login and lock screen.
false: Only enforce online logins on the login screen.
chrome.users.SandboxExternalProtocolBlocked: iframe navigation.
sandboxExternalProtocolBlocked: TYPE_BOOL
true: Do not allow navigation to external protocols inside a sandboxed iframe.
false: Allow navigation to external protocols inside a sandboxed iframe.
chrome.users.ScreenBrightnessPercent: Screen brightness.
brightnessEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Set initial screen brightness.
false: Do not set initial screen brightness.
brightnessAc: TYPE_INT64
Screen brightness (ac power). Specifies the screen brightness percent when running on AC power.
brightnessBattery: TYPE_INT64
Screen brightness (battery power). Specifies the screen brightness percent when running on battery power.
chrome.users.ScreenCaptureAllowed: Screen video capture.
screenCaptureAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow sites to prompt the user to share a video stream of their screen.
false: Do not allow sites to prompt the user to share a video stream of their screen.
chrome.users.ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins: Media picker without user gesture.
screenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Allow screen capture without prior user gesture. Urls to allow screencapture without user gesture.
chrome.users.ScreenMagnifierType: Screen magnifier.
screenMagnifierType: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
DISABLED: Disable screen magnifier.
FULL_SCREEN: Enable full-screen magnifier.
DOCKED: Enable docked magnifier.
chrome.users.Screenshot: Screenshot.
disableScreenshots: TYPE_BOOL
true: Do not allow users to take screenshots or video recordings.
false: Allow users to take screenshots and video recordings.
chrome.users.ScrollToTextFragmentEnabled: Scroll to text fragment.
scrollToTextFragmentEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow sites to scroll to specific text fragments via URL.
false: Do not allow sites to scroll to specific text fragments via URL.
chrome.users.SearchSuggest: Search suggest.
searchSuggestEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Never allow users to use Search Suggest.
TRUE: Always allow users to use Search Suggest.
chrome.users.SecondaryGoogleAccountSignin: Sign-in to secondary accounts.
secondaryGoogleAccountSigninAllowed: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow users to sign in to any secondary Google Accounts.
FALSE: Block users from signing in to or out of secondary Google Accounts.
TRUE: Allow users to only sign in to the Google Workspace domains set in 'allowedDomainsForApps'.
allowedDomainsForApps: TYPE_LIST
Whether the OS version updates will be set to a version defined in the manifest of a kiosk app.
chrome.users.SecurityKeyAttestation: Security key attestation.
securityKeyPermitAttestation: TYPE_LIST
Enter URL or domain. Specifies URLs and domains for which no prompt will be shown when attestation certificates from security keys are requested. Additionally, a signal will be sent to the security key indicating that individual attestation may be used. Without this, users will be prompted in Chrome 65+ when sites request attestation of security keys. URLs (like "https://example.com/some/path") will only match as U2F AppIDs. Domains (like "example.com") only match as WebAuthn RP IDs. Thus, to cover both U2F and WebAuthn APIs for a given site, both the AppID URL and domain would need to be listed.
chrome.users.SecurityTokenSessionSettings: Security token removal.
securityTokenSessionBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
IGNORE: Nothing.
LOGOUT: Log the user out.
LOCK: Lock the current session.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.SecurityTokenSessionSettingsV2: Security token removal.
securityTokenSessionBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
IGNORE: Nothing.
LOGOUT: Log the user out.
LOCK: Lock the current session.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.SelectToSpeakEnabled: Select to speak.
selectToSpeakEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable select to speak.
TRUE: Enable select to speak.
chrome.users.SendMouseEventsDisabledFormControlsEnabled: Disabled element MouseEvents.
sendMouseEventsDisabledFormControlsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Dispatch most MouseEvents from disabled control elements.
false: Do not dispatch MouseEvents from disabled control elements.
chrome.users.SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls: Web Serial API allowed devices.
device: TYPE_LIST
chrome.users.SessionLength: Maximum user session length.
duration: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.SessionLengthV2: Maximum user session length.
duration: TYPE_INT64
chrome.users.SetTimeoutWithoutOneMsClampEnabled: Javascript setTimeout() minimum.
setTimeoutWithoutOneMsClampEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Javascript setTimeout() with a timeout of 0ms will clamp to 1ms.
TRUE: Javascript setTimeout() with a timeout of 0ms will not clamp to 1ms.
chrome.users.SharedArrayBufferUnrestrictedAccessAllowed: SharedArrayBuffer.
sharedArrayBufferUnrestrictedAccessAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow sites that are not cross-origin isolated to use SharedArrayBuffers.
false: Prevent sites that are not cross-origin isolated from using SharedArrayBuffers.
chrome.users.SharedClipboardEnabled: Shared clipboard.
sharedClipboardEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable the shared clipboard feature.
false: Disable the shared clipboard feature.
chrome.users.ShelfAlign: Shelf position.
shelfAlignment: TYPE_ENUM
USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
BOTTOM: Bottom.
LEFT: Left.
RIGHT: Right.
chrome.users.ShelfAutoHideBehavior: Shelf auto-hiding.
shelfAutoHideBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
USER_CHOICE: Allow the user to decide.
ALWAYS_AUTO_HIDE_SHELF: Always auto-hide the shelf.
NEVER_AUTO_HIDE_SHELF: Never auto-hide the shelf.
chrome.users.ShoppingListEnabled: Shopping list.
shoppingListEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable the shopping list feature.
false: Disable the shopping list feature.
chrome.users.ShortcutCustomizationAllowed: Customization of system shortcuts.
shortcutCustomizationAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow the user to customize system shortcuts.
false: Disallow the user to customize system shortcuts.
chrome.users.ShowAccessibilityOptionsInSystemTrayMenu: Accessibility options in the system tray menu.
showAccessibilityOptionsInSystemTrayMenu: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Hide accessibility options in the system tray menu.
TRUE: Show accessibility options in the system tray menu.
chrome.users.ShowAppsShortcutInBookmarkBar: Apps shortcut in the bookmark bar.
showAppsShortcutInBookmarkBar: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Hide the apps shortcut from the bookmark bar.
TRUE: Show the apps shortcut in the bookmark bar.
chrome.users.ShowCastSessionsStartedByOtherDevices: Show media controls for Google Cast sessions started by other devices on the local network.
showCastSessionsStartedByOtherDevices: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not show media controls for Google Cast sessions started by other devices.
TRUE: Show media controls for Google Cast sessions started by other devices.
chrome.users.ShowDisplaySizeScreenEnabled: Display size setting during sign-in.
showDisplaySizeScreenEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Do not display the display size setting screen during sign-in.
TRUE: Display the display size setting screen during sign-in.
chrome.users.ShowFullUrlsInAddressBar: URLs in the address bar.
showFullUrlsInAddressBar: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Display the default URL.
TRUE: Display the full URL.
chrome.users.ShowLogoutButton: Show sign-out button in tray.
showLogoutButtonInTray: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show sign-out button in tray.
false: Do not show sign-out button in tray.
chrome.users.ShowTouchpadScrollScreenEnabled: Touchpad scroll setting during sign-in.
showTouchpadScrollScreenEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Display the touchpad scroll direction screen during sign-in.
false: Do not display the touchpad scroll direction screen during sign-in.
chrome.users.SideSearchEnabled: Side Panel search history.
sideSearchEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable showing the most recent Google Search results in a Browser side panel.
false: Disable showing the most recent Google Search results in a Browser side panel.
chrome.users.SignedHttpExchangeEnabled: Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG) support.
signedHttpExchangeEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Accept web content served as Signed HTTP Exchanges.
false: Prevent Signed HTTP Exchanges from loading.
chrome.users.SigninInterceptionEnabled: Signin interception.
signinInterceptionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable signin interception.
false: Disable signin interception.
chrome.users.SimpleProxySettings: Proxy mode.
simpleProxyMode: TYPE_ENUM
USER_CONFIGURED: Allow user to configure.
DIRECT: Never use a proxy.
SYSTEM: Use system proxy settings.
AUTO_DETECT: Always auto detect the proxy.
FIXED_SERVERS: Always use the proxy specified in 'simpleProxyServerUrl'.
PAC_SCRIPT: Always use the proxy auto-config specified in 'simpleProxyPacUrl'.
simpleProxyServerUrl: TYPE_STRING
Proxy server URL. Specifies the URL of a proxy server to uesr on administered devices.
simpleProxyPacUrl: TYPE_STRING
Proxy server auto configuration file URL. URL of the .pac file that should be used for network connections.
proxyBypassList: TYPE_LIST
URLs which bypass the proxy. Specifies a list of URLs that will not user the configured proxy server.
chrome.users.SingleSignOn: Single sign-on.
idpRedirectEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable SAML-based single sign-on for Chrome devices.
false: Disable SAML-based single sign-on for Chrome devices.
chrome.users.SingleSignOnLoginFrequency: SAML single sign-on login frequency.
samlOfflineSigninTimeLimit: TYPE_ENUM
SAML_ONE_DAY: Every day.
SAML_THREE_DAYS: Every 3 days.
SAML_ONE_WEEK: Every week.
SAML_TWO_WEEKS: Every 2 weeks.
SAML_THREE_WEEKS: Every 3 weeks.
SAML_FOUR_WEEKS: Every 4 weeks.
EVERY_TIME: Every Time.
chrome.users.SingleSignOnPasswordSynchronization: SAML single sign-on password synchronization.
samlInSessionPasswordChangeEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Trigger authentication flows to synchronize passwords with SSO providers.
false: Do not trigger authentication flows for password synchronization.
samlPasswordExpirationAdvanceWarningDays: TYPE_INT64
How many days in advance to notify SAML users when their password is due to expire. 0–90 days. A value of 0 means users will not be notified in advance, but will only be notified once the password has already expired.
chrome.users.SiteIsolationAndroid: Site isolation (Chrome on Android).
sitePerProcessAndroid: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Turn on site isolation only for login sites, as well as any origins specified in 'isolateOriginsAndroid'.
FALSE: Turn off site isolation for all websites, except those set in 'isolateOriginsAndroid'.
TRUE: Turn on site isolation for all websites, as well as any origins specified in 'isolateOriginsAndroid'.
isolateOriginsAndroid: TYPE_LIST
Isolated origins (Android). Enter a list of origins to isolate within a website on Android, for instance https://login.example.com or https://[*.]example.com.
chrome.users.SiteIsolationBrowser: Site isolation.
isolateOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Isolated origins. Enter a list of origins to isolate within a website, for instance https://login.example.com or https://[*.]example.com. .
sitePerProcess: TYPE_BOOL
true: Require site isolation for all websites, as well as any origins specified in 'isolateOrigins'.
false: Turn off site isolation for all websites, except those set in 'isolateOrigins'.
chrome.users.SmartLockAllowed: Smart Lock.
smartLockAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Smart Lock.
false: Do not allow Smart Lock.
chrome.users.SpellcheckEnabled: Spell check.
spellcheckEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable spell check.
TRUE: Enable spell check.
spellcheckLanguage: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'af', 'description': 'Afrikaans.'}
spellcheckLanguageBlocklist: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'af', 'description': 'Afrikaans.'}
chrome.users.SpellCheckService: Spell check service.
spellCheckServiceEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable the spell checking web service.
TRUE: Enable the spell checking web service.
chrome.users.SpokenFeedbackEnabled: Spoken feedback.
spokenFeedbackEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable spoken feedback.
TRUE: Enable spoken feedback.
chrome.users.SslErrorOverrideAllowed: SSL error override.
sslErrorOverrideAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to click through SSL warnings and proceed to the page.
false: Block users from clicking through SSL warnings.
chrome.users.SslErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins: SSL error override allowed domains.
sslErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Domains that allow clicking through SSL warnings. Enter a list of domain names.
chrome.users.SslVersionMin: Minimum SSL version enabled.
sslVersionMin: TYPE_ENUM
TL_SV_1: TLS 1.0.
TL_SV_1_1: TLS 1.1.
TL_SV_1_2: TLS 1.2.
SSL_V_3: SSL3.
chrome.users.StandardizedBrowserZoomEnabled: Zoom Behavior.
standardizedBrowserZoomEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Standard CSS zoom.
false: Legacy CSS zoom.
chrome.users.StartupPages: Pages to load on startup.
restoreOnStartupUrls: TYPE_LIST
Startup pages. Example: https://example.com.
restoreOnStartup: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
NEW_TAB: Open New Tab page.
RESTORE_SESSION: Restore the last session.
LIST_OF_URLS: Open a list of URLs.
LIST_OF_URLS_AND_RESTORE_SESSION: Open a list of URLs and restore the last session.
chrome.users.StickyKeysEnabled: Sticky keys.
stickyKeysEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Disable sticky keys.
TRUE: Enable sticky keys.
chrome.users.StrictMimetypeCheckForWorkerScriptsEnabled: Strict MIME type checking for worker scripts.
strictMimetypeCheckForWorkerScriptsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Require a JavaScript MIME type for worker scripts.
false: Use lax MIME type checking for worker scripts.
chrome.users.SuggestedContentEnabled: Suggested content.
suggestedContentEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable suggested content.
false: Disable suggested content.
chrome.users.SuppressCrossOriginIframeDialogs: Cross-origin JavaScript dialogs.
suppressCrossOriginIframeDialogs: TYPE_BOOL
true: Block JavaScript dialogs triggered from a cross-origin iframe.
false: Allow JavaScript dialogs triggered from a cross-origin iframe.
chrome.users.SuppressUnsupportedOsWarning: Unsupported system warning.
suppressUnsupportedOsWarning: TYPE_BOOL
true: Suppress warnings when Chrome is running on an unsupported system.
false: Allow Chrome to display warnings when running on an unsupported system.
chrome.users.SyncSettingsCbcm: Chrome Sync and Roaming Profiles (Chrome Browser - Cloud Managed).
syncTypeCbcm: TYPE_ENUM
SYNC_ROAMING_PROFILES: Allow Roaming Profiles.
SYNC_DISABLED: Disallow Sync.
syncTypesListDisabledCbcm: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'apps', 'description': 'Apps.'}
clearBrowsingDataOnExitListCbcm: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'browsing_history', 'description': 'Browsing history.'}
roamingProfileLocationCbcm: TYPE_STRING
Roaming profile directory. Configures the directory that Google Chrome will use for storing the roaming copy of the profiles.
profileReauthPrompt: TYPE_ENUM
DO_NOT_PROMPT: Do not prompt for re-authentication after authentication expiration.
PROMPT_IN_TAB: Prompt for re-authentication in a tab after authentication expiration.
chrome.users.SyncSettingsCros: Chrome Sync (ChromeOS).
syncDisabledCros: TYPE_BOOL
true: Disable Chrome Sync.
false: Allow Chrome Sync.
syncTypesListDisabledCros: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'apps', 'description': 'Apps.'}
clearBrowsingDataOnExitListCros: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'browsing_history', 'description': 'Browsing history.'}
chrome.users.SystemFeaturesDisableList: Disabled system features.
systemFeaturesDisableList: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'camera', 'description': 'Camera.'}
chrome.users.SystemShortcutBehavior: Override system shortcuts.
systemShortcutBehavior: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Do not override system shortcuts.
SHOULD_IGNORE_COMMON_VDI_SHORTCUTS: Override some system shortcuts.
SHOULD_IGNORE_COMMON_VDI_SHORTCUTS_FULLSCREEN_ONLY: Override some system shortcuts while in fullscreen.
chrome.users.SystemTerminalSshAllowed: SSH in terminal system app.
systemTerminalSshAllowed: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Disable SSH in Terminal System App.
TRUE: Enable SSH in Terminal System App.
chrome.users.TabDiscardingExceptions: Exceptions to tab discarding.
tabDiscardingExceptions: TYPE_LIST
URL pattern exceptions to tab discarding. Specifies URL patterns where any URL matching one or more of these patterns will never be discarded by the browser.
chrome.users.TabOrganizerSettings: Tab organizer.
tabOrganizerSettings: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOWED: Allow using tab organizer.
ALLOWED_WITHOUT_LOGGING: Allow using tab organizer without data collection.
DISABLED: Fully disable tab organizer.
chrome.users.TargetBlankImpliesNoOpener: Pop-up interactions.
targetBlankImpliesNoOpener: TYPE_BOOL
true: Block pop-ups opened with a target of _blank from interacting with the page that opened the pop-up.
false: Allow pop-ups opened with a target of _blank to interact with the page that opened the pop-up.
chrome.users.TaskManager: Task manager.
taskManagerEndProcessEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to end processes with the Chrome task manager.
false: Block users from ending processes with the Chrome task manager.
chrome.users.ThirdPartyBlockingEnabled: Third party code.
thirdPartyBlockingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Prevent third party code from being injected into Chrome.
false: Allow third party code to be injected into Chrome.
chrome.users.ThirdPartyCookieBlocking: Third-party cookie blocking.
blockThirdPartyCookies: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Allow third-party cookies.
TRUE: Disallow third-party cookies.
chrome.users.ThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSettings: Third-party storage partitioning.
defaultThirdPartyStoragePartitioningSetting: TYPE_ENUM
ALLOW_PARTITIONING: Allow third-party storage partitioning to be enabled.
BLOCK_PARTITIONING: Block third-party storage partitioning from being enabled.
thirdPartyStoragePartitioningBlockedForOrigins: TYPE_LIST
Block third-party storage partitioning for these origins. Specifies top-level origins which block third-party storage partitioning.
chrome.users.ThreeDContent: 3D content.
disableThreeDApis: TYPE_BOOL
true: Never allow display of 3D content.
false: Always allow display of 3D content.
chrome.users.ThrottleNonVisibleCrossOriginIframesAllowed: Throttling of non-visible, cross-origin iframes.
throttleNonVisibleCrossOriginIframesAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable throttling.
false: Disable throttling.
chrome.users.TotalMemoryLimitMb: Chrome browser memory limit.
totalMemoryLimitMb: TYPE_INT64
Memory consumption limit in MB (minimum 1024). Sets a limit on megabytes of memory a single Chrome instance can use.
chrome.users.TouchVirtualKeyboardEnabled: Touch on-screen keyboard.
touchVirtualKeyboardEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Enable touch on-screen keyboard in tablet mode.
FALSE: Don't enable touch on-screen keyboard in tablet mode.
TRUE: Enable touch on-screen keyboard in both tablet and laptop modes.
chrome.users.Translate: Google Translate.
translateEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Never offer translation.
TRUE: Always offer translation.
chrome.users.TrashEnabled: Trashed files.
trashEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow files to be sent to the Trash bin in the Files app.
false: Do not allow files to be sent to the Trash bin in the Files app.
chrome.users.TripleDesEnabled: 3DES cipher suites in TLS.
tripleDesEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Disable 3DES cipher suites in TLS.
TRUE: Enable 3DES cipher suites in TLS.
chrome.users.UiAutomationProviderEnabled: UI Automation accessibility provider.
uiAutomationProviderEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: Disable the UI Automation provider.
TRUE: Enable the UI Automation provider.
chrome.users.UnifiedDesktop: Unified Desktop (BETA).
unifiedDesktopEnabledByDefault: TYPE_BOOL
true: Make Unified Desktop mode available to user.
false: Do not make Unified Desktop mode available to user.
chrome.users.UnmanagedDeviceSignalsConsentFlowEnabled: User consent to share device signals.
unmanagedDeviceSignalsConsentFlowEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Ask for consent to share signals on unmanaged devices.
false: Do not ask for consent to share signals on unmanaged devices.
chrome.users.UnthrottledNestedTimeoutEnabled: JavaScript setTimeout() clamping.
unthrottledNestedTimeoutEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Use the default Chrome setting.
FALSE: JavaScript setTimeout() will be clamped after a normal nesting threshold.
TRUE: JavaScript setTimeout() will not be clamped as aggressively.
chrome.users.UpdatesSuppressed: Suppress auto-update check.
updatesSuppressedDurationMin: TYPE_INT64
Duration (minutes). Auto-update checks will begin to be suppressed at the start time specified in 'updatesSuppressedStartTime', for the duration specified here, in minutes. This duration does not take into account daylight savings time.
hours: TYPE_INT32
minutes: TYPE_INT32
seconds: TYPE_INT32
nanos: TYPE_INT32
chrome.users.UrlBlocking: URL blocking.
urlBlocklist: TYPE_LIST
Blocked URLs. Any URL in this list will be blocked, unless it also appears in the list of exceptions specified in 'urlAllowlist'. Maximum of 1000 URLs. Note: to block OS and browser settings set the 'chrome.users.SystemFeaturesDisableList' policy instead of blocking 'chrome://' URLs.
urlAllowlist: TYPE_LIST
Blocked URL exceptions. Any URL that matches an entry in this exception list will be allowed, even if it matches an entry in the blocked URLs. Wildcards ("*") are allowed when appended to a URL, but cannot be entered alone. Maximum of 1000 URLs. .
chrome.users.UrlKeyedAnonymizedDataCollectionEnabled: Enable URL-keyed anonymized data collection.
urlKeyedAnonymizedDataCollectionEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Data collection is never active.
TRUE: Data collection is always active.
chrome.users.UrlParamFilterEnabled: URL parameter filtering.
urlParamFilterEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow the browser to filter URL parameters.
false: Disallow any filtering of URL parameters.
chrome.users.UsbDetectorNotificationEnabled: USB device detected notification.
usbDetectorNotificationEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show notifications when USB devices are detected.
false: Do not show notifications when USB devices are detected.
chrome.users.UseMojoVideoDecoderForPepperAllowed: Use a new decoder for hardware accelerated video decoding.
useMojoVideoDecoderForPepperAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Pepper to use the new video decoder.
false: Force Pepper to use the legacy video decoder.
chrome.users.UserAgentClientHintsEnabled: User-Agent client hints.
userAgentClientHintsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow User-Agent client hints.
false: Disable User-Agent client hints.
chrome.users.UserAgentClientHintsGreaseUpdateEnabled: User-Agent Client Hints GREASE Update.
userAgentClientHintsGreaseUpdateEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow the updated User-Agent GREASE algorithm to be run.
false: Force the prior User-Agent GREASE algorithm to be used.
chrome.users.UserAgentReduction: User-Agent Reduction.
userAgentReduction: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: Allow reduction controlled via Field-Trials and Origin-Trials.
FORCE_DISABLED: Disable reduction for all origins.
FORCE_ENABLED: Enable reduction for all origins.
chrome.users.UserAvatarCustomizationSelectorsEnabled: Customization of user avatar image using Google profile image or local images.
userAvatarCustomizationSelectorsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow user avatar selection from local filesystem, camera and Google profile.
false: Prevent user avatar selection from local filesystem, camera and Google profile.
chrome.users.UserBorealisAllowed: Steam on ChromeOS.
userBorealisAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Steam on ChromeOS.
false: Do not allow Steam on ChromeOS.
chrome.users.UserDataSnapshotRetentionLimit: User data snapshot limits.
userDataSnapshotRetentionLimit: TYPE_INT64
The maximum number of user data snapshots retained. Set to 0 to disable taking snapshots.
chrome.users.UserDownloadDirectory: Download location.
downloadDirectory: TYPE_ENUM
LOCAL_FOLDER_DEFAULT: Set local Downloads folder as default, but allow user to change.
GOOGLE_DRIVE_DEFAULT: Set Google Drive as default, but allow user to change.
GOOGLE_DRIVE_FORCED: Force Google Drive.
chrome.users.UserEnrollmentNudging: Initial sign-in.
userEnrollmentNudging: TYPE_ENUM
NONE: Don't require users to enroll device.
ENROLLMENT_REQUIRED: Require users to enroll device.
chrome.users.UserFeedbackAllowed: Allow user feedback.
userFeedbackAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow user feedback.
false: Do not allow user feedback.
chrome.users.UserPrintersAllowed: Printer management.
userPrintersAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to add new printers.
false: Do not allow users to add new printers.
chrome.users.UTwoFSecurityKeyApiEnabled: U2F Security Key API.
uTwoFSecurityKeyApiEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow use of the deprecated U2F Security Key API.
false: Apply default settings for U2F API deprecation.
chrome.users.Variations: Variations.
variationsEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
ENABLED: Enable Chrome variations.
CRITICAL_FIXES_ONLY: Enable variations for critical fixes only.
DISABLED: Disable variations.
chrome.users.VerifiedMode: Verified Mode.
userVerifiedModeRequired: TYPE_BOOL
true: Require verified mode boot for Verified Access.
false: Skip boot mode check for Verified Access.
servicesWithFullAccess: TYPE_LIST
Service accounts which are allowed to receive user data. Service accounts allowed to receive user data.
servicesWithLimitedAccess: TYPE_LIST
Service accounts which can verify users but do not receive user data. Service accounts which can verify users but do not receive user data.
chrome.users.VideoCaptureAllowedUrls: Video input allowed URLs.
videoCaptureAllowedUrls: TYPE_LIST
URL patterns to allow. URLs that will be granted access to the video input device without a prompt. Prefix domain with [*.] to include subdomains.
chrome.users.VideoInput: Built-in camera access.
videoCaptureAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable camera input for websites and apps.
false: Disable camera input for websites and apps.
chrome.users.VirtualKeyboardEnabled: Accessibility on-screen keyboard.
virtualKeyboardEnabled: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
FALSE: Don't enable accessibility on-screen keyboard.
TRUE: Enable accessibility on-screen keyboard.
chrome.users.VirtualKeyboardResizesLayoutByDefault: Virtual keyboard resizes the viewport.
virtualKeyboardResizesLayoutByDefault: TYPE_BOOL
true: The layout viewport is resized by the virtual keyboard.
false: The viewport is not modified by the virtual keyboard.
chrome.users.VirtualMachinesAllowed: Linux virtual machines.
virtualMachinesAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow usage for virtual machines needed to support Linux apps for users.
false: Block usage for virtual machines needed to support Linux apps for users.
chrome.users.VirtualMachinesAndroidAdbSideloadingAllowed: Android apps from untrusted sources.
virtualMachinesAndroidAdbSideloadingAllowed: TYPE_ENUM
DISALLOW: Prevent the user from using Android apps from untrusted sources.
ALLOW: Allow the user to use Android apps from untrusted sources.
chrome.users.VirtualMachinesBackupRestoreUiAllowed: Linux virtual machine backup and restore.
virtualMachinesBackupRestoreUiAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Linux virtual machine backup and restore.
false: Disable Linux virtual machine backup and restore.
chrome.users.VirtualMachinesCommandLineAccessAllowed: Command line access.
virtualMachinesCommandLineAccessAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable VM command line access.
false: Disable VM command line access.
chrome.users.VirtualMachinesPortForwardingAllowed: Port forwarding.
virtualMachinesPortForwardingAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow users to enable and configure port forwarding into the VM container.
false: Do not allow users to enable and configure port forwarding into the VM container.
chrome.users.Wallpaper: Custom wallpaper.
downloadUri: TYPE_STRING
chrome.users.WallpaperGooglePhotosIntegrationEnabled: Wallpaper selection from Google Photos.
wallpaperGooglePhotosIntegrationEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Google Photos access from personalization app.
false: Prevent Google Photos access from personalization app.
chrome.users.WarnBeforeQuittingEnabled: Warn before quitting.
warnBeforeQuittingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Show a warning dialog when the user is attempting to quit.
false: Do not show a warning dialog when the user is attempting to quit.
chrome.users.WebAuthnFactors: WebAuthn.
webAuthnFactors: TYPE_LIST
{'value': 'PIN', 'description': 'PIN.'}
chrome.users.WebBluetoothAccess: Web Bluetooth API.
defaultWebBluetoothGuardSetting: TYPE_ENUM
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
BLOCK_WEB_BLUETOOTH: Do not allow sites to request access to Bluetooth devices via the Web Bluetooth API.
ASK_WEB_BLUETOOTH: Allow sites to request access to Bluetooth devices via the Web Bluetooth API.
chrome.users.WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls: WebHID API allowed devices.
device: TYPE_LIST
chrome.users.WebRtcAllowLegacyTlsProtocols: Legacy TLS/DTLS downgrade in WebRTC.
webRtcAllowLegacyTlsProtocols: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable WebRTC peer connections downgrading to obsolete versions of the TLS/DTLS (DTLS 1.0, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1) protocols.
false: Disable WebRTC peer connections downgrading to obsolete versions of the TLS/DTLS (DTLS 1.0, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1) protocols.
chrome.users.WebrtcEventLogCollectionAllowed: WebRTC event log collection.
webRtcEventLogCollectionAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow WebRTC event log collection.
false: Do not allow WebRTC event log collection.
chrome.users.WebRtcIpHandling: WebRTC IP handling.
webRtcIpHandling: TYPE_ENUM
DEFAULT: WebRTC will use all available interfaces when searching for the best path.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_AND_PRIVATE_INTERFACES: WebRTC will only use the interface connecting to the public Internet, but may connect using private IP addresses.
DEFAULT_PUBLIC_INTERFACE_ONLY: WebRTC will only use the interface connecting to the public Internet, and will not connect using private IP addresses.
DISABLE_NON_PROXIED_UDP: WebRTC will use TCP on the public-facing interface, and will only use UDP if supported by a configured proxy.
chrome.users.WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls: WebRTC ICE candidate URLs for local IPs.
webRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls: TYPE_LIST
URLs for which local IPs are exposed in WebRTC ICE candidates. . Patterns in this list will be matched against the security origin of the requesting URL. If a match is found the local IP addresses are shown in WebRTC ICE candidates. Otherwise, local IP addresses are concealed with mDNS hostnames. Please note that this policy weakens the protection of local IPs if needed by administrators. .
chrome.users.WebRtcTextLogCollectionAllowed: WebRTC text logs collection from Google Services.
webRtcTextLogCollectionAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow WebRTC text log collection from Google Services.
false: Do not allow WebRTC text log collection from Google Services.
chrome.users.WebRtcUdpPortRange: WebRTC UDP ports.
webRtcUdpPortsEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Specify range of UDP ports allowed for WebRTC.
false: Allow WebRTC to pick any UDP port (1024-65535).
webRtcUdpPortsMin: TYPE_INT64
Minimum value for allowed UDP ports. This setting can only be set after setting web_rtc_udp_ports_enabled = true.
webRtcUdpPortsMax: TYPE_INT64
Maximum value for allowed UDP ports. This setting can only be set after setting web_rtc_udp_ports_enabled = true.
chrome.users.WebSerialPortAccess: Web Serial API.
defaultSerialGuardSetting: TYPE_ENUM
BLOCK_SERIAL: Do not allow any site to request access to serial ports via the Web Serial API.
ALLOW_ASK_SERIAL: Allow sites to ask the user to grant access to a serial ports via the Web Serial API.
UNSET: Allow the user to decide.
serialAskForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow the Web Serial API on these sites. List of URLs that specify websites that will be allowed to ask users to grant them access to the serial ports. Prefix domain with [*.] to include subdomains.
serialBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block the Web Serial API on these sites. List of URLs patterns that specify which websites can't ask users to grant them access to a serial port. Prefix domain with [*.] to include subdomains.
chrome.users.WebSqlAccess: Force WebSQL to be enabled.
webSqlAccess: TYPE_BOOL
true: Force WebSQL to be enabled.
false: Allow WebSQL to be disabled by a Chrome flag.
chrome.users.WebSqlInThirdPartyContextEnabled: WebSQL in third-party context.
webSqlInThirdPartyContextEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow WebSQL in third-party contexts.
false: Do not allow WebSQL in third-party contexts.
chrome.users.WebSqlNonSecureContextEnabled: WebSQL in non-secure contexts.
webSqlNonSecureContextEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable WebSQL in non-secure contexts.
false: Disable WebSQL in non-secure contexts unless enabled by Chrome flag.
chrome.users.WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls: WebUSB API allowed devices.
devices: TYPE_LIST
chrome.users.WebUsbPortAccess: Controls which websites can ask for USB access.
defaultWebUsbGuardSetting: TYPE_ENUM
BLOCK_WEB_USB: Do not allow any site to request access.
ASK_WEB_USB: Allow sites to ask the user for access.
UNSET: Allow the user to decide if sites can ask.
webUsbAskForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Allow these sites to ask for USB access. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see URL patterns at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
webUsbBlockedForUrls: TYPE_LIST
Block these sites from asking for USB access. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see URL patterns at https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Note: using only the "*" wildcard is not valid.
chrome.users.WebXrImmersiveArEnabled: WebXR immersive-ar sessions.
webXrImmersiveArEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow creating WebXR immersive-ar sessions.
false: Prevent creating WebXR immersive-ar sessions.
chrome.users.WifiSyncAndroidAllowed: Wi-Fi network configurations sync.
wifiSyncAndroidAllowed: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow Wi-Fi network configurations to be synced across Google ChromeOS devices and a connected Android phone.
false: Do not allow Wi-Fi network configurations to be synced across Google ChromeOS devices and a connected Android phone.
chrome.users.WindowOcclusionEnabled: Occluded window rendering.
windowOcclusionEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow detection of window occlusion.
false: Disable detection of window occlusion.
chrome.users.WpadQuickCheckEnabled: WPAD optimization.
wpadQuickCheckEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Enable Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) optimization.
false: Disable Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) optimization.
chrome.users.ZstdContentEncodingEnabled: Zstd compression.
zstdContentEncodingEnabled: TYPE_BOOL
true: Allow zstd-compressed web content.
false: Do not allow zstd-compressed web content.
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oUpdate History
- How to Install GAM7
- How to Upgrade GAMADV-XTD3 to GAM7
- How to Upgrade Legacy GAM to GAM7
- How to Update GAM7
- Verifying a GAM7 Build is Legitimate and Official
- Install GAM as Python Library
- GAM7 on Chrome OS Devices
- GAM7 on Android Devices
- Google Network Addresses
- HTTPS Proxy
- SSL Root CA Certificates
- How to Uninstall GAM7
- Authorization
- GAM Configuration
- Running GAM7 securely on a Google Compute Engine
- Using GAM7 with a delegated admin service account
- Using GAM7 with a YubiKey
- GAM with minimal GCP rights
Notes and Information
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Service Account Access
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- Users - Drive - Transfer
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- Users - Gmail - Delegates
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- Users - Gmail - Labels
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