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Setup Dependencies (Composition Root)

Mitch Ferrer edited this page Mar 5, 2015 · 1 revision

To ensure the framework is extensible and allow for the consumer to override or decorate the behavior of the framework, we require a bit of setup. We use a thin DI container abstraction with a few implementations out of the box it can be found here.

	// Create your container, here we are using SimpleInjector.
	var container = new SimpleInjectorContainer(new Container());
	ContainerRegistry.DefaultContainer = container;

	// Wire-up the helper services services, here is your opportunity to tweak behavior.
	container.Bind<ISignalRSerializer, CamelCaseSignalRSerializer>(true);
	container.Bind<IMessagingContext, SignalRMessagingContext>(true);
	container.Bind<ISignalRConnectionLookupService, SignalRConnectionLookupService>(true);

	// Groups allow you to target broadcasts at a subset of your users.
	var groupService = new SignalRGroupService();

	// You will need to implement a Group Registrar for the event hub to put your users into groups automatically upon connection.
	container.Bind<ISignalRGroupRegistrar, GroupRegistrar>(true);

	// You will register your handler's in the handler repository so that the Event Hub can invoke them.
	var handlerRepository = new DIHandlerRepository(container);

	// Example Registration
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