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Run code

Guillem Puche edited this page Aug 28, 2022 · 2 revisions

Run Skia Wallet on your machine

Requirements for your computer

Follow the next steps to install all the necessary software:

  1. Install an IDE (a software to open the code). We recommend Visual Studio Code. If you don't want to install anything on your computer, you can use Gitpod or Stackblitz; if you do so, you don't need to do the next steps.
  2. Install NodeJS version 16 or later. There are two ways of installing it:
    • [Easiest] Install only NodeJS version downloading from
    • [Recommended] Having multiple NodeJS versions and switching between them with Node Version Manager or NVM.
  3. Download the Skia Wallet's code on a folder of your computer. Open the terminal and go to your choosen directory and run git clone
  4. Via terminal, go inside the new folder called running cd skia-wallet/ and install the dependencies with npm install or npm i.
  5. Install on your computer Nx with npm i -g nx.

Run the website

  1. Open your terminal and go to the main directory (the folder where you have the Skia Wallet's code). It sould have the name skia-wallet.
  2. Run nx run ui-wallet:serve. Nx should be running the website.
  3. Open this URL http://localhost:4200/ on your browser, a

Run code inside packages common, entities and repositories

If you want to test part of the code located in the core layers (in the packages called common, entities and repositories), it could be difficult, because it's used on outside layers (learn more about layers here).

To make your life easy, you have two ways:

  • [Work in progress][Recommended] Via tests
  • Via NPM. Steps:
    1. Create a file in any choosen package/layer. It needs to be:
      • inside the folder src that each package already has.
      • File name _dev.ts or __dev.ts.
      • Eg. File name _dev.ts located on the path packages/repositories/src/_dev.ts.
    2. Add a NPM command in the main package.json of the choosen package. Eg. located on packages/repositories/package.json
"name": "@skiawallet/repositories",
"scripts": {
   "dev": "ts-node src/_dev.ts"
  1. Open your terminal on the root folder of Skia Wallet code and run the command using Nx. Eg. nx <new_npm_command> <choosen_package>. Eg. nx dev repositories)

Advanced concepts for Nx

Nx ecosystem provides many plugins. Here are the ones you could find useful:

  • The plugin and command @nrwl/workspace for renaming, moving, removing... the packages. More info here.