Cross-chain Lending Aggregator
- Clone repository with the following command:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Note: The 'protocol' workspace in this monorepo uses Git Submodules.
- Install Foundry
You can find the instructions here.
We want to establish rules over how our git commit messages can be formatted. This leads to more readable messages that are easy to follow when looking through the project history. Check conventions here. In general the pattern mostly looks like this:
type(package): subject #package should be one from "./packages/"
Branch titles have to follow a similar convention:
package/type/short-title #package should be one from "./packages/"
A pull request title have to include no more than 3-4 words describing what it's about. PR titles start with upper-case.
We are using Foundry built-in formatter (more details here). We have configured husky so that it runs before every commit.
We use eslint alongside with prettier to format our code.
Every time you commit files, they are automatically formatted thanks to hysky (pre commit hooks), but you may want to enable it in your editor, this way every time you save it'll format it.
To do it in visual code:
- Install ESlint extension
- Install Prettier extension
- Change default formatter and choose "prettier" as default
- (optionnal) Enable "format on save"
If you use another editor feel free to add it in this doc.