Release 2.2.0, moving forward.
Usability, Utility, and Productivity.
Hey! Thanks for coming back to check out version 2.2.0~
A much smaller update, so I apologize for it taking so long to come out.
If you guys have more requests and features you'd like to see, feel free to DM me on discord! RainbowChild#2618
New Configuration Nodes and Translation Keys have been added within this release, the updated configurations have additionally been posted with the release jar. Either regenerate your files and make your modifications, or manually add the new keys.
See additions here wondertrades.conf and here
Bug Fixes:
- Temporary work-around Fix to "Custom-Texture" Pokemon sprites showing up as invalid textures (Pixelmon has fixed this for future versions and we will remove it/deactivate it in future versions.)
- Fixes small text bug regarding messages with hover-data not showing text after the last matched hover (Trade Broadcasts namely) Damned Regex!
- Fixed Pixelmon-Based strings not translating by default, now should support other Pixelmon langs appropriately
Updated Logic:
- Broadcasts for special Pokemon(Legendarys, Shinys, etc) have been moved to a list-based format ; Specifying a type means it will be broadcast when a user's trade involves said data. See config page for more!
- Under the edge-case where a trade failed, cooldowns have been moved to Post-Success to ensure player cooldowns aren't triggered if they are not successful trades.
New Features:
MainConfig Changes
- More Configuration, More Translation Support, Developer Events, and more...
Sponge-Based WonderTradeEvent and WonderTradeCooldownEvent for developers to hook into our systems
- See Events Page for inforation regarding available data
Ability to notify players when their cooldown has elapsed and they can trade again (Requested)
Most PokeSprite labels configurable via translations file to ensure maximum usability (Requested)
Non-MainConfig Features
Support for "Entity-Particles" Particle Aura Information (Broadcasts and Display) (Requested)
Support for Displaying RegionalForm Variants of Pokemon (Should now append "Alolan" or "Galarian")