Staked Frax is an ERC-4626 Vault
Rewards are distributed linearly over a rewards cycle.
Any excess assets available in the vault are queued as rewards for the next cycle upon calling syncRewardsAndDistributions()
function profile() {
FOUNDRY_PROFILE=$1 "${@:2}"}
To easily execute specific foundry profiles like profile test forge test -w
npm i && forge build
forge build
profile test forge test
profile test forge test -w
watch for file changes
profile test forge test -vvv
show stack traces for failed tests
git submodule update --init --remote lib/frax-standard-solidity
This repo uses the following tools:
- frax-standard-solidity for testing and scripting helpers
- forge fmt & prettier for code formatting
- lint-staged & husky for pre-commit formatting checks
- solhint for code quality and style hints
- foundry for compiling, testing, and deploying