Augmented Reality Objects
npm install
npm install -g rnpm
rnpm link
react-native run-ios
open ios/findAR.xcodeproj
findAR/ # Root Directory
app/ # React file structure
actions/ # Redux actions
assets/ # Graphics
components/ # Custom react components
AR.js # Displays camera and 3D overlay
FriendList.js # Shows app-using friends, accepts onPress prop
FriendListItem.js # Renders individual friend in list
Map.js # Renders map view
PinCallout.js # Renders pin popout
PinEditButton.js # Renders edit button on clicking a pin on map
PinList.js # Renders list of saved locations
PinListItem.js # Renders individual location, handles click events
ViewContainer.js # Renders AR, Map, or PinList depending on mode
constants/ # Redux action types
containers/ # Redux smart containers
...dropNewPin.js # Handles logic to drop new pin
...FBLogin.js # Handles facebook login
...viewContainer.js # Maps redux store to props for ViewContainer.js
lib/ # Utility functions
db/ # Firebase helpers
orientation/ # Device orientation / compass direction helpers
threejs/ # THREE.js models and helpers
reducers/ # Redux reducers
ios/ # Xcode/native components
index.ios.js # Entry point for React Native app, handles routing
<Provider> # index.ios.js -- Redux
<Router> # index.ios.js -- react-native-router-flux
<Scene key="root">
<Scene initial key="login">
<LogIn />
<Scene key="view">
<ViewContainer> # container_viewContainer.js
<AR> # Conditionally rendered -- AR.js
<Camera /> # react-native-camera
<WebViewBridge /> # react-native-webview-bridge -- overlays threejs on transparent DOM
<Map> # Conditionally rendered -- Map.js
<MapView> # react-native-maps
<MapView.Marker> # Many of these! Each represents a location or friend, generated by
# renderMarkers() or renderFriends()
<PinCallout /> # PinCallout.js
<PinEditButton /> # Conditionally rendered -- PinEditButton.js
<Button /> # Centers on user's current location
<PinList> # Conditionally rendered -- PinList.js
<PinListItem> # Lots of these! Handles onPress for each item, renders distance and
# name of friend that shared. Uses react-redux-router-flux to switch
# to 'friends' scene when the 'share' option is pressed.
<ViewModeButton /> # Conditionally rendered
<DropNewPinButton /> # container_dropNewPin.js
<Scene key="friends">
<FriendList> # FriendList.js -- takes onPress as prop
<FriendListItem /> # FriendListItem.js -- handles onPress, routes back to previous scene
Variables starting with $ are not the actual variables used in the application, but refer to keys that may differ from object to object.
InterruptedLobster: {
$id: { # The facebook user ID of a given account.
email: STRING,
id: STRING # Matches $id
name: STRING,
picture: STRING,
pins: { # The locations this person has saved.
$pid: { # The ID of a given location
alertedYet: BOOL, # Not set unless pin is shared. False until user is notified.
friend: { # Not set unless pin is shared
email: STRING,
name: STRING,
id: STRING, # Facebook user ID of friend who shared the pin
picture: STRING, # URL path to profile picture
id: STRING, # Matches $pid
latitude: NUMBER,
longitude: NUMBER,
title: STRING,
recent: {
$n: STRING, # Key is array index, value is $pid referring to recently placed pin
currLoc: { # Denormalized to allow quick access to broadcasted friends' locations
$id: { # Facebook user ID of users broadcasting their current location
longitude: NUMBER,
latitude: NUMBER,
Variables starting with $ are not the actual variables used in the application, but refer to keys that may differ from object to object.
Store: {
pins: { # A hash table of pins
$pid: { # String representing a pin's ID.
alertedYet: BOOL, # Not set unless pin is shared. False until user is notified.
friend: { # Not set unless pin is shared
email: STRING,
name: STRING,
id: STRING, # Facebook user ID of friend who shared the pin
picture: STRING, # URL path to profile picture
id: STRING, # Matches $pid
latitude: NUMBER,
longitude: NUMBER,
title: STRING,
recent: [ # Array of IDs of recently placed pins
$pid # A pin's ID
user: {
name: STRING,
email: STRING,
id: STRING, # Facebook ID
picture: STRING, # URL path to profile picture
friends: {
$uid: { # String representing a friend's Facebook ID.
name: STRING,
id: STRING, # Matches $uid
picture: STRING, # URL path to friend's profile picture
targetPin: { # Defaults as { id: 0 } to resolve some edge cases.
id: STRING, # Matches a $pid
latitude: NUMBER,
longitude: NUMBER,
title: STRING,