library to handle many vue components like tabs in browser
Compatible with vue-router
Source code:
Online demo:
Demo source code:
yarn add vue-multi-view
# or
npm install vue-multi-view
key of object will be the view name, used in openView function
const views = {
counter: {
meta: { icon: 'calculate' }, // any meta info, default is blank object
component: () => import('pages/CounterView.vue')
image: {
title: 'Image view', // default title of view (if not specified - this is key of view)
component: () => import('pages/ImageView.vue')
entity: () => import('pages/EntityView.vue') // if all controlled by view component, you can pass only import
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createMultiView } from 'vue-multi-view'
import App from './App.vue'
const app = createApp(App)
app.use(createMultiView, {
componentName: 'MultiView', // Optional, this is default value
views // Object with views definitions, required!
<!-- default content, if current view is not specified-->
<router-view /> <!-- for example it can be router or any other component -->
default slot and all views keeps their state even they is not visible
You can switch between views by changing currentView.value (it's reactive)
Here is example with Quasar but you can use lib with any vue-based framework or even without framework at all
<q-tabs v-model="currentView" align="left" inline-label>
<q-tab :name="ZERO_VIEW_ID" icon="home" label="Router" /> <!-- to switch to default slot -->
<q-tab :name="view.viewId" :icon="view.meta.icon" v-for="view in viewList" :key="view.viewId">{{
view.title }} <q-btn round flat @click.stop="closeView(view.viewId)" icon="delete" dense></q-btn></q-tab>
<script setup>
import { viewList, currentView, closeView, ZERO_VIEW_ID } from 'vue-multi-view'
Simple open view (or activate if it is opened)
import { openView, getUniqueKey } from 'vue-multi-view'
const viewId = openView('view1') // check, if view is already opened, if it is - activates it, otherwise - opens it
// return id of activated view
Other options:
{ propName: 1 }, // pass props to the view. on reopen - change component props with this values
'viewKey', // search views not only by name, but also with specified key. after opened, view can change it's key
parentViewId: viewId, // if specified, opened view will be closed with closing of view with specified id,
// also searching of already opened views performed only in child views
inBackground: false // if true, do not activate opened/founded view
returns new unique key for open new view every time (this is simple counter)
Some view properties returned with useMultiView function:
import { useMultiView } from 'src/../vue-multi-view'
const {
viewId, // id of view. may be used to open child views
parentViewId, // id of parent views. may be used to open sibling views
uniqueKey // readonly computed unique key of opened view, just for info
} = useMultiView()
must be called in setup (or onCreate if you use options api), if called in other places it will do nothing
To change view properties you must pass params in useMultiView
const uniqueKey = computed(() => ??
const title = ref('title')
const useMultiView({ // passed data can be
title, // reactive
uniqueKey, // computed
meta: { // or static
icon: 'description'
If you change reactive uniqueKey, when new view is opened - it will search view with new value of key, look at 'entities' section of demo.
You can call useMultiView in child components of view, but it highly recommended not to pass any params in this case. See components/ViewInfo in demo
There are three hooks: onActivate, onDeactivate and onBeforeClose, that are triggered when view is activated, deactivated or when view is about to closed.
Also, if hook return false - active view will be not changed, closing will be canceled.
import { onActivate, onDeactivate } from 'vue-multi-view'
onActivate(async () => {
console.log('view activated with delay')
onDeactivate(async () => {
console.log('view deactivated with delay')
onBeforeClose(async () =>
!modified.value || await confirmDialog({ message: 'Entity is modified, continue?', cancel: true })
If activation hook of new view fails and then activation hook of previous view also fails - current view will be switched to zero view:
:currentView.value = newId;
if (onDeactivate\nnew view) then (false)
:do nothing;
if (onActivate\nnew view) then (false)
if (onActivate\nold view) then
:activate\nold view;
:currentView.value = oldId;
else (false)
:activate\ndefault view;
:currentView.value = ZERO_VIEW_ID;
:activate\nnew view;
Just call closeView(viewId)
and it triggers onBeforeClose
hook. If it return false
- nothing happened, otherwise view closed, onUnmount and other vue lifecycle hooks triggered.
View can close itself (with id from useMultiView).
Before close view all descendant views tries to close themselves. If they fails - nothing happened, even onBeforeClose
hook will not called.