Deploy metadata from a local directory
Deploy artifact from a local directory : Accepts either actual directory name or Metadata type File path can be specified as - to read from stdin; see examples
force push [flags]
force push -t StaticResource -n MyResource
force push -t ApexClass
force push -f metadata/classes/MyClass.cls
force push -checkonly -test MyClass_Test metadata/classes/MyClass.cls
force push -n MyApex -n MyObject__c
git diff HEAD^ --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | force push -f -
-m, --allowmissingfiles set allow missing files
-u, --autoupdatepackage set auto update package
-c, --checkonly check only deploy
-f, --filepath strings Path to resource(s)
-h, --help help for push
-w, --ignorecoverage suppress code coverage warnings
-i, --ignorewarnings ignore warnings
-I, --interactive interactive mode
-n, --name strings name of metadata object
-p, --purgeondelete purge metadata from org on delete
-q, --quiet only output failures
--reporttype string report type format (text or junit) (default "text")
-r, --rollbackonerror roll back deployment on error
--runalltests run all tests (equivalent to --testlevel RunAllTestsInOrg)
-U, --suppressunexpected suppress "An unexpected error occurred" messages
--test strings Test(s) to run
-l, --testlevel string test level (default "NoTestRun")
-t, --type strings Metatdata type
-v, --verbose count give more verbose output
-a, --account username account username to use
-V, --apiversion string API version to use
--config string config directory to use (default: .force)
- force - force CLI