force CLI
-a, --account username account username to use
-V, --apiversion string API version to use
--config string config directory to use (default: .force)
-h, --help help for force
- force active - Show or set the active account
- force apex - Execute anonymous Apex code
- force apiversion - Display/Set current API version
- force bigobject - Manage big objects
- force bulk - Load csv file or query data using Bulk API
- force create - Creates a new, empty Apex Class, Trigger, Visualforce page, or Component.
- force datapipe - Manage DataPipes
- force deploys - Manage metadata deployments
- force describe - Describe the types of metadata available in the org
- force eventlogfile - List and fetch event log file
- force export - Export metadata to a local directory
- force fetch - Export specified artifact(s) to a local directory
- force field - Manage SObject fields
- force import - Import metadata from a local directory
- force limits - Display current limits
- force log - Fetch debug logs
- force login - Log into Salesforce and store a session token
- force logins - List logins used
- force logout - Log out from
- force notify - Should notifications be used
- force oauth - Manage ConnectedApp credentials
- force open - Open a browser window, logged into an authenticated Salesforce org
- force package - Manage installed packages
- force password - See password status or reset password
- force pubsub - Subscribe to a pub/sub channel
- force push - Deploy metadata from a local directory
- force query - Execute a SOQL statement
- force quickdeploy - Quick deploy validation id
- force record - Create, modify, or view records
- force rest - Execute a REST request
- force search - Execute a SOSL statement
- force security - Displays the OLS and FLS for a given SObject
- force sobject - Manage standard & custom objects
- force test - Run apex tests
- force trace - Manage trace flags
- force usedxauth - Authenticate with SFDX Scratch Org User
- force version - Display current version
- force whoami - Show information about the active account