This library implements a fully asynchronous ESP8266 WebServer
This library implements on ESP8266 a fully asynchronous Web server, with:
- MQTT connection
- Arduino and Web OTA
- local file system to host user and server files
- file and/or browser based settings
- full file editor/upload/download
- optional telnet or serial or MQTT debug commands
- optional serial and/or syslog trace
- optional external hardware watchdog
- optional Domoticz connectivity
This code is based on a highly modified version of, itself a fork of, not anymore maintained.
Can be used directly with Arduino IDE or PlatformIO.
The following libraries are used:
They are automatically loaded by PlatformIO, but you should install them manually if you want to compile some projects with Arduino IDE.
Clone repository somewhere on your disk.
cd <where_you_want_to_install_it>
git clone FF_WebServer
Go to code folder and pull new version:
cd <where_you_installed_FF_WebServer>
git pull
Note: if you did any changes to files and git pull
command doesn't work for you anymore, you could stash all local changes using:
git stash
git checkout <modified file>
Warning: as files in data folder should be downloaded on ESP file system, it may be a good idea to check if some of them have been changed be a new version, to update them on your ESP.
Remind also that config.json and userconfig.json are specific to your installation. Don't forget to download them from your ESP before making a global file system upload.
Documentation could be built using doxygen, either using (for Linux) or makedoc.bat (for Windows), or running
doxygen doxyfile
HTML and RTF versions will then be available in documentation
By design, library contains common part of code that implement standard function. Only few files should be modified to implement user's needs. These files are:
- index_user.html: contains user's specific part of index.html, which is the web server main page
- userconfigui.json: if user wants to permanently store parameters, this file describe fields to be displayed to input/modify them.
Have a look to example files to get an idea of what could be put inside them. FF_WebServerMinimal folder contains empty examples while FF_WebServerStandard shows full implementation.
Details of routines that are available in FF_WebServer are described at end of this document.
The following parameters are used at compile time: - REMOTE_DEBUG: (default=defined) Enable telnet remote debug (optional) - SERIAL_DEBUG: (default=defined) Enable serial debug (optional, only if REMOTE_DEBUG is disabled) - SERIAL_COMMAND_PREFIX: (default=no defined) Prefix of debug commands given on Serial (i.e. `command:). No commands are allowed on Serial if not defined - NO_SERIAL_COMMAND_CALLBACK: (default: not defined) Disable Serial command callback - HARDWARE_WATCHDOG_PIN: (default=D4) Enable watchdog external circuit on D4 (optional) - HARDWARE_WATCHDOG_ON_DELAY: (default=5000) Define watchdog level on delay (in ms) - HARDWARE_WATCHDOG_OFF_DELAY: (default=1) Define watchdog level off delay (in ms) - HARDWARE_WATCHDOG_INITIAL_STATE (default 0) Define watchdog initial state - FF_TRACE_KEEP_ALIVE: (default=5 * 60 * 1000) Trace keep alive timer (optional) - FF_TRACE_USE_SYSLOG: (default=defined) Send trace messages on Syslog (optional) - FF_TRACE_USE_SERIAL: (default=defined) Send trace messages on Serial (optional) - INCLUDE_DOMOTICZ:(default=defined) Include Domoticz support (optional) - CONNECTION_LED: (default=-1) Connection LED pin, -1 to disable - AP_ENABLE_BUTTON: (default=-1) Button pin to enable AP during startup for configuration, -1 to disable - AP_ENABLE_TIMEOUT: (default=240) If the device can not connect to WiFi it will switch to AP mode after this time (Seconds, max 255), -1 to disable - DEBUG_FF_WEBSERVER: (default=defined) Enable internal FF_WebServer debug - FF_DISABLE_DEFAULT_TRACE: (default=not defined) Disable default trace callback - FF_TRACE_USE_SYSLOG: (default=defined) SYSLOG to be used for trace
If you want to use Serial in your own application, and don't want WebServer to use it, you should: - Not define SERIAL_DEBUG - Not define SERIAL_COMMAND_PREFIX - Not define FF_TRACE_USE_SERIAL - Define NO_SERIAL_COMMAND_CALLBACK
The following parameters can be defined, either in json files before loading LittleFS file system, or through internal http server.
- ssid: Wifi SSID to connect to
- pass: Wifi key
- ip: this node's fix IP address (useless if DHCP is true)
- netmask: this node's netmask (useless if DHCP is true)
- gateway: this node's IP gateway (useless if DHCP is true)
- dns: this node's DHCP server (useless if DHCP is true)
- dhcp: use DHCP if true, fix IP address else
- ntp: NTP server to use
- NTPperiod: interval between two NTP updates (in minutes)
- timeZone: NTP time zone (use internal HTTP server to set)
- daylight: true if DST is used
- deviceName: this node name
- MQTTClientID: MQTT client ID, used during connection to MQTT
- MQTTUser: User to connect to MQTT server²
- MQTTPass: Password to connect to MQTT server
- MQTTTopic: base MQTT topic, used to set LWT topic of SMS server
- MQTTCommandTopic: topic to read debug commands to be executed
- MQTTHost: MQTT server to connect to
- MQTTPort: MQTT port to connect to
- MQTTInterval: Domoticz update interval (useless)
- SyslogServer: syslog server to use (empty if not to be used)
- SyslogPort: syslog port to use (empty if not to be used)
- mqttSendTopic: MQTT topic to write received SMS to
- mqttGetTopic: MQTT topic to read SMS messages to send
- mqttLwtTopic: root MQTT last will topic to to read application status
- allowedNumbers: allowed senders phone numbers, comma separated
Debug commands are available to help understanding what happens, and may be a good starting point to help troubleshooting.
Debug output is available on Telnet, Serial and Syslog. Note that settings can disable some of these outputs.
Debug is available through:
- Telnet: connect with a telnet tool on ESP's port 23, and strike commands on keyboard
- MQTT: send the raw command to mqttCommandTopic (don't set the retain flag unless you want the command to be executed at each ESP restart)
- Serial: send the command on Serial, prefixing it by SERIAL_COMMAND_PREFIX (i.e. command:vars`)
The following commands are allowed: - ? or h or help: display this message - m: display memory available - v: set debug level to verbose - d: set debug level to debug - i: set debug level to info - w: set debug level to warning - e: set debug level to errors - s: set debug silence on/off - cpu80 : ESP8266 CPU at 80MHz - cpu160: ESP8266 CPU at 160MHz - reset: reset the ESP8266 - vars: Dump standard variables - user: Dump user variables - debug: Toggle debug flag - trace: Toggle trace flag
- / and /index.htm -> index root file
- /admin.html -> administration menu
- /general.html -> general settings (device name)
- /ntp.html -> ntp settings
- /system.html -> system configuration (file system edit, HTTP OTA update, reboot, authentication parameters)
- /config.html -> network settings
- /user.html -> user specific settings
Three root URLs are defined to communicate with web server, namely /rest, /json and /post. /rest is used to pass/return information in an unstructured way, while /json uses JSON message format. They both are using GET HTTP format, while /post is using HTTP POST format.
WebServer answers to the following URLs. If authentication is turned on, some of them needs user to be authenticated before being served.
- /list?dir=/ -> list file system content
- /edit -> load editor (GET) , create file (PUT), delete file (DELETE)
- /admin/generalvalues -> return deviceName and userVersion in json format
- /admin/values -> return values to be loaded in index.html and indexuser.html
- /admin/connectionstate -> return connection state
- /admin/infovalues -> return network info data
- /admin/ntpvalues -> return ntp data
- /scan -> return wifi network scan data
- /admin/restart -> restart ESP
- /admin/wwwauth -> ask for authentication
- /admin -> return admin.html contents
- /update/updatepossible
- /setmd5 -> set MD5 OTA file value
- /update -> update system with OTA file
- /rconfig (GET) -> get configuration data
- /pconfig (POST) -> set configuration data
- /rest -> activate a rest request to get some (user's) values (*)
- /rest/values -> return values to be loaded in index.html and index_user.html (*)
- /json -> activate a rest request to get some (user's) values (*)
- /post -> activate a post request to set some (user's) values (*)
- /index_user.html -> user specific part of index.html (*)
- /favicon.ico -> icon to be displayed by browser
- /config.json -> system configuration data (!)
- /userconfig.json -> user's configuration data (!)
- /userconfigui.json -> user's specific configuration UI data (*)
- /microajax.js -> ajax minimalistic routines
- /browser.js -> FF_WebServer browser side JS functions
- /spark-md5.js -> md5 calculation function
- style.css -> CSS style file
(*) Should be adapted by user to specific configuration (!) Could be adapted by user to initially set configuration values (i.e. server's ip or port, SSID...)
- FF_WebServerMinimal: contains minimalistic data and routines to be provided to template
- FF_WebServerStandard: contains all data and routines to implement common functionalities
Files destination: FF_WebServerCFG.h should be copied in FF_WebServer library folder, other .h files should be moved into root folder, to be compiled. .json and .html files should be moved into data folder, to be loaded on ESP file system.
Note also that /data folder of FF_WebServer library should be copied into /data folder in user implementation code.
Initialize FF_WebServer class
To be called in setup()
Will try to connect to WiFi only during the first 10 seconds of life.
- [in] fs (Little) file system to use
- [in] version user's code version (used in trace)
- None
Set configuration change callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when a configuration change occurs
- None
Set help message callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called to load user's help message
- None
Set debug command callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when an unknown debug command is received
- None
Set serial command callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when a command has been received on Serial
- None
Set REST command callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when a REST (/rest) command is received
- None
Set JSON command callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when a JSON (/json) command is received
- None
Set POST command callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when a POST request command is received
- None
Set error 404 callback
User can add new URL/request intercepting commands that FF_WebServer can't serve
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when a 404 (file not found) error occur.
- None
Set WiFi connected callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when WiFi is connected
- None
Set WiFi disconnected callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when WiFi is disconnected
- None
Set WiFi got IP callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when WiFi receives anIp address
- None
Set MQTT connected callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when MQTT is connected
- None
Set MQTT disconnected callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when MQTT is disconnected
- None
Set MQTT message callback
- [in] Address of user routine to be called when an MQTT subscribed message is received
- None
Clear system configuration
- [in] reset reset ESP if true
- None
Clear user configuration
- [in] reset reset ESP if true
- None
Return this host name
- None
- This host name *const char * AsyncFFWebServer::getHostName ( void )
Get FF_WebServer version
- None
- FF_WebServer version
Handle FFWebServer stuff
Should be called from main loop to make Web server servicing
- None
- None
Load an user's configuration in a string, integer, long or float
- in] name item name to return
- [out] value returned value
- false if error detected, true else
Publish one MQTT subtopic (main topic will be prepended)
- [in] subTopic subTopic to send message to (main topic will be prepended)
- [in] value value to send to subTopic
- {in] retain True if message should be retained, false else Returns
- None
Publish one MQTT topic (main topic will NOT be prepended)
- [in] topic topic to send message to (main topic will NOT be prepended)
- [in] value value to send to topic
- {in] retain True if message should be retained, false else
- None
Subscribe to one MQTT subtopic (main topic will be prepended)
- [in] subTopic subTopic to send message to (main topic will be prepended)
- [in] qos quality of service associated with subscription (default to 0)
- true if subscription if successful, false else
Subscribe to one MQTT subtopic (main topic will NOT be prepended)
- [in] topic topic to send message to (main topic will be prepended)
- [in] qos quality of service associated with subscription (default to 0)
- true if subscription if successful, false else
Parse an URL parameters list and return each parameter and value in a given table.
Note WARNING! This function overwrites the content of this string. Pass this function a copy if you need the value preserved.
- [in,out] queryString parameters string which is to be parsed (will be overwritten)
- [out] results place to put the pairs of parameter name/value (will be overwritten)
- [in] resultsMaxCt maximum number of results, = sizeof(results)/sizeof(*results)
- [in] decodeUrl if this is true, then url escapes will be decoded as per RFC 2616
- Number of parameters returned in results
Reset trace keep alive timer
Automatically called by default trace callback. To be called by user's callback if automatic trace callback is disabled (FF_DISABLE_DEFAULT_TRACE defined).
- None
- None
Send a message to Domoticz for a dimmer
- [in] idx Domoticz device's IDX to send message to
- [in] level level value to send
- None
Send a message to Domoticz for an Energy meter
- [in] idx Domoticz device's IDX to send message to
- [in] power instant power value
- [in] energy total energy value
- None
Send a message to Domoticz for a switch
- [in] idx Domoticz device's IDX to send message to
- [in] isOn if true, sends device on, else device off
- None
Send a message to Domoticz with nValue and sValue
- [in] idx Domoticz device's IDX to send message to
- [in] values comma separated values to send to Domoticz as sValue
- [in] integer numeric value to send to Domoticz as nValue
- None
Start Wifi client
- None
- None
Start Wifi Access Point
- None
- None
Stop Wifi
- None
- None
This routine is called when permanent configuration data has been changed. User should call FF_WebServer.load_user_config to get values defined in userconfigui.json. Values in config.json may also be get here.
- none
- none
Adds user help commands to the standard debug command help list.
- None
- additional help commands, each line ended by \r\n (CR/LF)
This routine is called when a user's debug command is received.
User should analyze here debug command and execute them properly.
- Note that standard commands are already taken in account by server and never passed here.
- [in] command last debug command entered by user
- none
This routine is called when a Serial command is received.
User should analyze here Serial command and execute them properly.
- Note that standard Serial commands are already taken in account by server and never passed here.
- [in] command Serial command entered by user
- true if command is known, else false
This routine is called when a 404 error code is to be returned by server User can analyze request here, and add its own. In this case, it should answer using a request->send(, , ) and returning true.
If no valid answer can be found, should return false, to let template code returning an error message.
- [in] request AsyncWebServerRequest structure describing user's request
- true for valid answered by request->send command, false else
This routine analyze and execute JSON commands sent through /json GET command It should answer valid requests using a request->send(, , ) and returning true.
If no valid command can be found, should return false, to let template code returning an error message.
- [in] request AsyncWebServerRequest structure describing user's request
- true for valid answered by request->send command, false else
This routine is called each time MQTT is (re)connected
- none
- none
This routine is called each time MQTT receives a subscribed topic
- ** Take care of long payload that will arrive in multiple packets **
- [in] topic received message topic
- [in] payload (part of) payload
- [in] len length of (this part of) payload
- [in] index index of (this part of) payload
- [in] total total length of all payload parts
- None
This routine analyze and execute commands sent through POST command It should answer valid requests using a request->send(, , ) and returning true.
If no valid command can be found, should return false, to let template code returning an error message.
- [in] request AsyncWebServerRequest structure describing user's request
- true for valid answered by request->send command, false else
This routine analyze and execute REST commands sent through /rest GET command It should answer valid requests using a request->send(, , ) and returning true.
If no valid command can be found, should return false, to let server returning an error message.
- Note that minimal implementation should support at least /rest/values, which is requested by index.html to get list of values to display on root main page. This should at least contain "header" topic, displayed at top of page. Standard header contains device name, versions of user code, FF_WebServer template followed by device uptime. You may send something different. It should then contain user's values to be displayed by index_user.html file.
- [in] request AsyncWebServerRequest structure describing user's request
- true for valid answered by request->send command, false else
This routine is called each time a trace is requested by FF_TRACE.
It has to be declared in setup() by a "static trace_register(myTraceCallback);"
- _level: severity level of message (can be any FF_TRACE_LEVEL_xxxx value)
- _file: calling source file name with extension
- _line: calling source file line
- _function: calling calling source function name
- _message: text message to send
- None
- Note that defining FF_DISABLE_DEFAULT_TRACE will suppress default trace, if required. If you keep the default trace, you may add some other output media(s), like MQTT, file... This example code reproduce the default trace routine. Don't hesitate to change it, if it doesn't fit your needs.
This routine is called each time WiFi station is connected to an AP
- [in] data WiFiEventStationModeConnected event data
- none
This routine is called each time WiFi station is disconnected from an AP
- [in] data WiFiEventStationModeDisconnected event data
- none
This routine is called each time WiFi station gets an IP
- [in] data WiFiEventStationModeGotIP event data
- none
Easiest way is to have a look at "FF_WebServerStandard" example, which contains all available functions. You may want to copy it, and remove unused/not needed parts before adding your own code.