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support scatter for cuda gradient
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add count_indices for cuarray

add CUDA kernel for divide_by_counts!

add NNlib.∇scatter_src for cuda gradient

support scatter mean AD for CUDA

support scatter *,/ AD for CUDA
  • Loading branch information
yuehhua committed Jun 30, 2021
1 parent ba9a1c0 commit 5b53a86
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Showing 5 changed files with 166 additions and 99 deletions.
64 changes: 23 additions & 41 deletions Manifest.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/NNlibCUDA.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ include("activations.jl")
Expand Down
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions src/scatter.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,3 +46,75 @@ function NNlib.scatter!(op::typeof(mean), dst::AnyCuArray, src::AnyCuArray, idx:
dst .+= NNlib.safe_div.(dst_, Ns)
return dst

## Gradients

function ∇scatter_src_kernel!(op, Δsrc, src, idx, rev_idx, max_idx, T)
index = threadIdx().x + (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x

@inbounds if index <= max_idx
cart_j = CartesianIndices(idx)[index]
# get aggregating indeices, which is to be aggregated together, and itself index
inds = rev_idx[idx[cart_j]...]
# multiply all values to be aggregated but not itself
x = one(T)
for k in inds
x *= src[k]
x /= src[cart_j]
# apply `op` on `Δsrc[i, k]` and `x`
Δsrc[cart_j] = op(Δsrc[cart_j], x)
return nothing

function ∇scatter_src_kernel!(op, Δsrc, src, idx, rev_idx, ax, max_dims_idx, max_idx, T)
index = threadIdx().x + (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x

@inbounds if index <= max_idx
i, j = fldmod1(index, max_dims_idx)
cart_j = CartesianIndices(idx)[j]
cart_i = ax[i]
l = Tuple(cart_i)..., Tuple(cart_j)...
# get aggregating indeices, which is to be aggregated together, and itself index
inds = rev_idx[idx[cart_j]...]
# multiply all values to be aggregated but not itself
x = one(T)
for k in inds
x *= src[Tuple(cart_i)..., k]
x /= src[l]
# apply `op` on `Δsrc[i, k]` and `x`
Δsrc[l] = op(Δsrc[l], x)
return nothing

function NNlib.∇scatter_src(op::Union{typeof(*),typeof(/)}, Δ, dst,
idx::AnyCuArray{Tidx,Nidx}) where {Tsrc,Tidx,Nsrc,Nidx}
dims = Nsrc - Nidx
Δsrc = NNlib.modify_src(op, NNlib.gather(Δ, idx), src)
rev_idx = NNlib.reverse_indices(idx)
rev_idx = CuArray(map(CUDA.cudaconvert, rev_idx))

if dims == 0
max_idx = length(idx)
args = op, Δsrc, src, idx, rev_idx, max_idx, Tsrc
ax = CartesianIndices(axes(src)[1:dims])
max_dims_idx = length(ax)
max_idx = max_dims_idx * length(idx)
args = op, Δsrc, src, idx, rev_idx, ax, max_dims_idx, max_idx, Tsrc

kernel = @cuda launch=false ∇scatter_src_kernel!(args...)
config = launch_configuration(; max_threads=256)
threads = min(max_idx, config.threads)
blocks = cld(max_idx, threads)
kernel(args...; threads=threads, blocks=blocks)

return Δsrc
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions src/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
function NNlib.count_indices(idx::AnyCuArray)
dst_counts = length.(NNlib.reverse_indices(idx))
src_counts = NNlib.gather(cu(dst_counts), idx)
return src_counts

function divide_kernel!(xs, ys, max_idx)
index = threadIdx().x + (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x

@inbounds if index <= max_idx
xs[index] = xs[index] / ys[index]
return nothing

function divide_kernel!(xs, counts, max_idx, max_dims_idx, dims_size)
index = threadIdx().x + (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x

@inbounds if index <= max_idx
j, k = divrem(index-1, max_dims_idx)
dims_i = Tuple(CartesianIndices(dims_size)[k+1])
@atomic xs[dims_i..., j+1] = xs[dims_i..., j+1] / counts[j+1]
return nothing

function NNlib.divide_by_counts!(xs::AnyCuArray{T}, idx::AnyCuArray, dims) where {T}
counts = CuArray{T}(NNlib.count_indices(idx))
args = if dims == 0
max_idx = length(idx)
xs, counts, max_idx
dims_size = size(xs)[1:dims]
max_dims_idx = prod(dims_size)
max_idx = prod(size(xs))
xs, counts, max_idx, max_dims_idx, dims_size

kernel = @cuda launch=false divide_kernel!(args...)
config = launch_configuration(; max_threads=256)
threads = min(max_idx, config.threads)
blocks = cld(max_idx, threads)
kernel(args...; threads=threads, blocks=blocks)
return xs

function NNlib.reverse_indices(idx::AnyCuArray{<:Any,N}) where N
max_dims = maximum_dims(idx)
T = CartesianIndex{N}
rev = Array{Vector{T}}(undef, max_dims...)
for i in eachindex(rev)
rev[i] = T[]
NNlib.reverse_indices!(rev, idx)
return map(cu, rev)

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