An all-in-one social media network + fitness tools like a workout and jogging tracker.
Written in SwiftUI and using the VODOO architecture:
In order to ensure better and more readable code ensure you have swiftformat and swiftlint installed:
$ brew install swiftformat
$ brew install swiftlint
# If you want firebase run the following commands
$ mkdir FlowUs/Firebase/Dev
$ mkdir FlowUs/Firebase/Production
$ mkdir FlowUs/Firebase/Staging
# For fastlane create the Appfile
$ touch fastlane/Appfile
# increase_build determines if build number should be raised or not
# [lane] e.g. ios dev
fastlane [lane]
FlowUs (c) 2021 Lucas Goldner and contributors
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0