#####Zoom Into Image Details using 3D Touch Peek
######Companion project to http://flexmonkey.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/forcezoom-popup-image-detail-view-using.html
My experiments with 3D Touch on the iPhone 6s continue with ForceZoom, an extended UIImageView
that displays a 1:1 peek detail view of a touched point on a large image.
The demo (above) contains three large images, forest (1600 x 1200), pharmacy (4535 x 1823) and petronas (3264 x 4896). An initial touch on the image displays the preview frame around the touch location and a deep press pops up a square preview of the image at that point at full resolution. The higher the resolution, the smaller the preview frame will be.
##Installation & Implementation
ForceZoom consists of two files that need to be copied into a host application project:
- ForceZoomWidget.swift
- ForceZoomPreview.swift
To implement a ForceZoom component in an application, instantiate with a default image and view controller and add to a view:
class ViewController: UIViewController
var imageView: ForceZoomWidget!
override func viewDidLoad()
imageView = ForceZoomWidget(image: UIImage(named: "forest.jpg")!,
viewController: self)
##Displaying Preview Frame
Since the popup preview will be the largest square that can fit on the screen:
var peekPreviewSize: CGFloat
return min(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width,
The white preview box, which is a CAShapeLayer
, needs to be that size at the same scale as the image has been scaled on the screen. The maths to do this is in the displayPreviewFrame()
method which is invoked by touchesBegan
let previewFrameSize = peekPreviewSize * imageScale
Where imageScale
is simply the component's width or height divided by the image's width or height:
var imageScale: CGFloat
return min(bounds.size.width / image!.size.width, bounds.size.height / image!.size.height)
##Launching the Peek Preview
When previewingContext(viewControllerForLocation)
is invoked in response to the user's deep press, ForceZoom needs to pass to the previewing component the normalised position of the touch. This is because I use the pop up image view's layer's contentsRect
to position and clip the full resolution image and contentsRect
uses normalised image coordinates.
There are a few steps in previewingContext(viewControllerForLocation)
to do this. First off, I calculate the size of the preview frame as a normalised value. This will be used as an offset from the touch origin to form the clip rectangle's origin:
let offset = ((peekPreviewSize * imageScale) / (imageWidth * imageScale)) / 2
Next, I calculate the distance between the edge of the component and the edge of the image it contains:
let leftBorder = (bounds.width - (imageWidth * imageScale)) / 2
Then, with the location of the touch point and these two new values, I can create the normalised x origin of the clip rectangle:
let normalisedXPosition = ((location.x - leftBorder) / (imageWidth * imageScale)) - offset
I do the same for y and with those two normalised values create a preview point:
let topBorder = (bounds.height - (imageHeight * imageScale)) / 2
let normalisedYPosition = ((location.y - topBorder) / (imageHeight * imageScale)) - offset
let normalisedPreviewPoint = CGPoint(x: normalisedXPosition, y: normalisedYPosition)
...which is passed to my ForceZoomPreview:
let peek = ForceZoomPreview(normalisedPreviewPoint: normalisedPreviewPoint, image: image!)
##The Peek Preview
The previewing component now has very little work to do. It's passed the normalised origin in its constructor (above), so all it needs to do is use those values to set the contentsRect
of an image view:
imageView.layer.contentsRect = CGRect(
x: max(min(normalisedPreviewPoint.x, 1), 0),
y: max(min(normalisedPreviewPoint.y, 1), 0),
width: view.frame.width / image.size.width,
height: view.frame.height / image.size.height)
##Source Code
As always, the full source code for this project is available in my GitHub repository here. Enjoy!