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#707 Refactor Shard object by splitting it into smaller functions (#799)
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* #707 Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions

* #707 Updated Release notes

* #707 Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions

* #707 Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions

* #707 Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions

* #707 fixed PR comments

* #707 fixed PR comments

* #707 Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions

* #707 Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions

* #707 Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions

* #707 Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions

* #707 Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions

* #707 Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions

* #707 Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions
  • Loading branch information
piotradamczyk5 authored May 25, 2020
1 parent e95ac5c commit c5e7608
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Showing 14 changed files with 408 additions and 245 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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- [#807]( Fix Bugsnag being initialized during tests. ([piotradamczyk5](
- [#805]( Fix overlapping results. ([pawelpasterz](
- [#812]( Convert bitrise macOS workflow to github action. ([piotradamczyk5](
- [#799]( Refactor Shared object by splitting it into smaller functions. ([piotradamczyk5](

## v20.05.2

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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions test_runner/src/main/kotlin/ftl/args/ArgsHelper.kt
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Expand Up @@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ import ftl.config.FtlConstants.useMock
import ftl.gc.GcStorage
import ftl.gc.GcToolResults
import ftl.reports.xml.model.JUnitTestResult
import ftl.shard.Shard
import ftl.shard.StringShards
import ftl.shard.createShardsByShardCount
import ftl.shard.shardCountByTime
import ftl.shard.stringShards
import ftl.util.FlankFatalError
import ftl.util.FlankTestMethod
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,8 +239,8 @@ object ArgsHelper {
listOf( { it.testName }.toMutableList())
} else {
val oldTestResult = GcStorage.downloadJunitXml(args) ?: JUnitTestResult(mutableListOf())
val shardCount = forcedShardCount ?: Shard.shardCountByTime(filteredTests, oldTestResult, args)
Shard.createShardsByShardCount(filteredTests, oldTestResult, args, shardCount).stringShards()
val shardCount = forcedShardCount ?: shardCountByTime(filteredTests, oldTestResult, args)
createShardsByShardCount(filteredTests, oldTestResult, args, shardCount).stringShards()

return testMethodsAlwaysRun(shards, args)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test_runner/src/main/kotlin/ftl/reports/util/ReportManager.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import ftl.reports.api.processXmlFromApi
import ftl.reports.xml.model.JUnitTestResult
import ftl.reports.xml.parseAllSuitesXml
import ftl.reports.xml.parseOneSuiteXml
import ftl.shard.Shard
import ftl.shard.createTestMethodDurationMap
import ftl.util.Artifacts
import ftl.util.resolveLocalRunPath
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ object ReportManager {
args: IArgs,
testShardChunks: ShardChunks
): List<ShardEfficiency> {
val oldDurations = Shard.createTestMethodDurationMap(oldResult, args)
val newDurations = Shard.createTestMethodDurationMap(newResult, args)
val oldDurations = createTestMethodDurationMap(oldResult, args)
val newDurations = createTestMethodDurationMap(newResult, args)

return testShardChunks.mapIndexed { index, testSuite ->

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21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions test_runner/src/main/kotlin/ftl/shard/CacheReport.kt
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package ftl.shard

import ftl.util.FlankTestMethod
import kotlin.math.roundToInt

fun printCacheInfo(testsToRun: List<FlankTestMethod>, previousMethodDurations: Map<String, Double>) {
val allTestCount = testsToRun.size
val cacheHit = cacheHit(allTestCount, calculateCacheMiss(testsToRun, previousMethodDurations))
val cachePercent = cachePercent(allTestCount, cacheHit)
println(" Smart Flank cache hit: ${cachePercent.roundToInt()}% ($cacheHit / $allTestCount)")

private fun cacheHit(allTestCount: Int, cacheMiss: Int) = allTestCount - cacheMiss

private fun calculateCacheMiss(testsToRun: List<FlankTestMethod>, previousMethodDurations: Map<String, Double>): Int {
return testsToRun.count { !previousMethodDurations.containsKey(it.testName) }

private fun cachePercent(allTestCount: Int, cacheHit: Int): Double =
if (allTestCount == 0) 0.0 else cacheHit.toDouble() / allTestCount * 100.0
190 changes: 57 additions & 133 deletions test_runner/src/main/kotlin/ftl/shard/Shard.kt
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@@ -1,27 +1,16 @@
package ftl.shard

import ftl.args.AndroidArgs
import ftl.args.IArgs
import ftl.args.IosArgs
import ftl.reports.xml.model.JUnitTestCase
import ftl.reports.xml.model.JUnitTestResult
import ftl.util.FlankTestMethod
import ftl.util.FlankFatalError
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.min
import ftl.util.FlankTestMethod
import kotlin.math.roundToInt

data class TestMethod(
val name: String,
val time: Double

data class TestShard(
var time: Double,
val testMethods: MutableList<TestMethod>

/** List of shards containing test names as a string. */
typealias StringShards = List<MutableList<String>>

Expand All @@ -45,137 +34,72 @@ class

object Shard {
// When a test does not have previous results to reference, fall back to this run time.
const val DEFAULT_TEST_TIME_SEC = 120.0
private const val IGNORE_TEST_TIME = 0.0

private fun JUnitTestCase.androidKey(): String {
return "class $classname#$name"

private fun JUnitTestCase.iosKey(): String {
// FTL iOS XML appends `()` to each test name. ex: `testBasicSelection()`
// xctestrun file requires classname/name with no `()`
val testName = name?.substringBefore('(')
return "$classname/$testName"

// take in the XML with timing info then return the shard count based on execution time
fun shardCountByTime(
testsToRun: List<FlankTestMethod>,
oldTestResult: JUnitTestResult,
args: IArgs
): Int {
if (args.shardTime == -1) return -1
if (args.shardTime < -1 || args.shardTime == 0) throw FlankFatalError("Invalid shard time ${args.shardTime}")

val oldDurations = createTestMethodDurationMap(oldTestResult, args)
val testsTotalTime = testsToRun.sumByDouble { if (it.ignored) IGNORE_TEST_TIME else oldDurations[it.testName] ?: DEFAULT_TEST_TIME_SEC }

val shardsByTime = ceil(testsTotalTime / args.shardTime).toInt()

// Use a single shard unless total test time is greater than shardTime.
if (testsTotalTime <= args.shardTime) {
return 1
// take in the XML with timing info then return list of shards based on the amount of shards to use
fun createShardsByShardCount(
testsToRun: List<FlankTestMethod>,
oldTestResult: JUnitTestResult,
args: IArgs,
forcedShardCount: Int = -1
): List<TestShard> {
if (forcedShardCount < -1 || forcedShardCount == 0) throw FlankFatalError("Invalid forcedShardCount value $forcedShardCount")
val maxShards = maxShards(args.maxTestShards, forcedShardCount)

// If there is no limit, use the calculated amount
if (args.maxTestShards == -1) {
return shardsByTime
val previousMethodDurations = createTestMethodDurationMap(oldTestResult, args)
val testCases = createTestCases(testsToRun, previousMethodDurations)
.sortedByDescending(TestMethod::time) // We want to iterate over testcase going from slowest to fastest

val testCount = getNumberOfNotIgnoredTestCases(testCases)

// We need to respect the maxTestShards
val shardCount = min(shardsByTime, args.maxTestShards)

if (shardCount <= 0) throw FlankFatalError("Invalid shard count $shardCount")
return shardCount

// take in the XML with timing info then return list of shards based on the amount of shards to use
fun createShardsByShardCount(
testsToRun: List<FlankTestMethod>,
oldTestResult: JUnitTestResult,
args: IArgs,
forcedShardCount: Int = -1
): List<TestShard> {
if (forcedShardCount < -1 || forcedShardCount == 0) throw FlankFatalError("Invalid forcedShardCount value $forcedShardCount")

val maxShards = if (forcedShardCount == -1) args.maxTestShards else forcedShardCount
val previousMethodDurations = createTestMethodDurationMap(oldTestResult, args)

var cacheMiss = 0
val testCases: List<TestMethod> = testsToRun
.map {
name = it.testName,
time = if (it.ignored) IGNORE_TEST_TIME else previousMethodDurations[it.testName] ?: DEFAULT_TEST_TIME_SEC.also {
cacheMiss += 1
// We want to iterate over testcase going from slowest to fastest

// Ugly hotfix for case when all test cases are annotated with @Ignore
// we need to filter them because they have time == 0.0 which cause empty shards creation, few lines later
// and we don't need additional shards for ignored tests.
val testCount =
if (testCases.isEmpty()) 0
else testCases.filter { it.time > 0.0 }.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.size ?: 1

// If maxShards is infinite or we have more shards than tests, let's match it
val shardsCount = if (maxShards == -1 || maxShards > testCount) testCount else maxShards

// Create the list of shards we will return
if (shardsCount <= 0) {
val platform = if (args is IosArgs) "ios" else "android"
throw FlankFatalError(
"""Invalid shard count. To debug try: flank $platform run --dump-shards
// If maxShards is infinite or we have more shards than tests, let's match it
val shardsCount = matchNumberOfShardsWithTestCount(maxShards, testCount)

// Create the list of shards we will return
if (shardsCount <= 0) throw FlankFatalError(
"""Invalid shard count. To debug try: flank ${args.platformName} run --dump-shards
| args.maxTestShards: ${args.maxTestShards}
| forcedShardCount: $forcedShardCount
| testCount: $testCount
| maxShards: $maxShards
| shardsCount: $shardsCount""".trimMargin()
var shards = List(shardsCount) { TestShard(0.0, mutableListOf()) }

testCases.forEach { testMethod ->
val shard = shards.first()
val shards = createShardsForTestCases(testCases, shardsCount)

shard.time += testMethod.time
printCacheInfo(testsToRun, previousMethodDurations)
return shards

// Sort the shards to keep the most empty shard first
shards = shards.sortedBy { it.time }
private fun maxShards(maxShardsCount: Int, forcedShardCount: Int) =
if (forcedShardCount == -1) maxShardsCount else forcedShardCount

val allTests = testsToRun.size // zero when test targets is empty
val cacheHit = allTests - cacheMiss
val cachePercent = if (allTests == 0) 0.0 else cacheHit.toDouble() / allTests * 100.0
println(" Smart Flank cache hit: ${cachePercent.roundToInt()}% ($cacheHit / $allTests)")
println(" Shard times: " + shards.joinToString(", ") { "${it.time.roundToInt()}s" } + "\n")

return shards

fun createTestMethodDurationMap(junitResult: JUnitTestResult, args: IArgs): Map<String, Double> {
val junitMap = mutableMapOf<String, Double>()

// Create a map with information from previous junit run
junitResult.testsuites?.forEach { testsuite ->
testsuite.testcases?.forEach { testcase ->
if (!testcase.empty() && testcase.time != null) {
val key = if (args is AndroidArgs) testcase.androidKey() else testcase.iosKey()
val time = testcase.time.toDouble()
if (time >= 0) junitMap[key] = time
private fun getNumberOfNotIgnoredTestCases(testCases: List<TestMethod>): Int {
// Ugly hotfix for case when all test cases are annotated with @Ignore
// we need to filter them because they have time == 0.0 which cause empty shards creation, few lines later
// and we don't need additional shards for ignored tests.
return if (testCases.isEmpty()) 0 else testCases.filter { it.time > IGNORE_TEST_TIME }
.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.size ?: 1

private fun matchNumberOfShardsWithTestCount(maxShards: Int, testCount: Int) =
if (maxShards == -1 || maxShards > testCount) testCount else maxShards

return junitMap
private val IArgs.platformName get() = if (this is IosArgs) "ios" else "android"

private fun printShardsInfo(shards: List<TestShard>) {
println(" Shard times: " + shards.joinToString(", ") { "${it.time.roundToInt()}s" } + "\n")

private fun createShardsForTestCases(
testCases: List<TestMethod>,
shardsCount: Int
): List<TestShard> = testCases.fold(
initial = List(shardsCount) { TestShard(0.0, mutableListOf()) }
) { shards, testMethod ->
shards.apply {
first().apply {
testMethods += testMethod
time += testMethod.time
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions test_runner/src/main/kotlin/ftl/shard/ShardCount.kt
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package ftl.shard

import ftl.args.IArgs
import ftl.args.IArgs.Companion.AVAILABLE_SHARD_COUNT_RANGE
import ftl.reports.xml.model.JUnitTestResult
import ftl.util.FlankFatalError
import ftl.util.FlankTestMethod
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.min

private const val SINGLE_SHARD = 1
private const val NO_LIMIT = -1

// take in the XML with timing info then return the shard count based on execution time
fun shardCountByTime(
testsToRun: List<FlankTestMethod>,
oldTestResult: JUnitTestResult,
args: IArgs
): Int = when {
args.shardTime == NO_LIMIT -> NO_LIMIT
args.shardTime < NO_LIMIT || args.shardTime == 0 -> throw FlankFatalError("Invalid shard time ${args.shardTime}")
else -> calculateShardCount(testsToRun, oldTestResult, args)

private fun calculateShardCount(
testsToRun: List<FlankTestMethod>,
oldTestResult: JUnitTestResult,
args: IArgs
): Int = calculateShardCount(
args = args,
testsTotalTime = testTotalTime(testsToRun, createTestMethodDurationMap(oldTestResult, args)),
testsToRunCount = testsToRun.size

private fun testTotalTime(testsToRun: List<FlankTestMethod>, previousMethodDurations: Map<String, Double>): Double =
testsToRun.sumByDouble { flankTestMethod -> getTestMethodTime(flankTestMethod, previousMethodDurations) }

private fun calculateShardCount(
args: IArgs,
testsTotalTime: Double,
testsToRunCount: Int
): Int = when {
testsTotalTime <= args.shardTime -> SINGLE_SHARD
args.maxTestShards == NO_LIMIT -> min(AVAILABLE_SHARD_COUNT_RANGE.last, testsToRunCount)
else -> shardCount(testsTotalTime, args).also { count ->
if (count <= 0) throw FlankFatalError("Invalid shard count $count")

private fun shardCount(testsTotalTime: Double, args: IArgs) =
min(shardsByTime(testsTotalTime, args), args.maxTestShards)

private fun shardsByTime(testsTotalTime: Double, args: IArgs) = ceil(testsTotalTime / args.shardTime).toInt()
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions test_runner/src/main/kotlin/ftl/shard/TestCasesCreator.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package ftl.shard

import ftl.util.FlankTestMethod

data class TestMethod(
val name: String,
val time: Double

fun createTestCases(testsToRun: List<FlankTestMethod>, previousMethodDurations: Map<String, Double>): List<TestMethod> {
return { TestMethod(it.testName, getTestMethodTime(it, previousMethodDurations)) }
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions test_runner/src/main/kotlin/ftl/shard/TestMethodDuration.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package ftl.shard

import ftl.args.AndroidArgs
import ftl.args.IArgs
import ftl.reports.xml.model.JUnitTestCase
import ftl.reports.xml.model.JUnitTestResult

fun createTestMethodDurationMap(junitResult: JUnitTestResult, args: IArgs): Map<String, Double> {
val junitMap = mutableMapOf<String, Double>()

// Create a map with information from previous junit run

junitResult.testsuites?.forEach { testsuite ->
testsuite.testcases?.forEach { testcase ->
if (!testcase.empty() && testcase.time != null) {
val key = if (args is AndroidArgs) testcase.androidKey() else testcase.iosKey()
val time = testcase.time.toDouble()
if (time >= 0) junitMap[key] = time

return junitMap

private fun JUnitTestCase.androidKey(): String {
return "class $classname#$name"

private fun JUnitTestCase.iosKey(): String {
// FTL iOS XML appends `()` to each test name. ex: `testBasicSelection()`
// xctestrun file requires classname/name with no `()`
val testName = name?.substringBefore('(')
return "$classname/$testName"

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