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Server Setup Guide

Allen edited this page Feb 22, 2025 · 10 revisions


These steps are designed to work for the latest version of Local GPSS, please make sure you are running the latest version before following them.

To get started with Local GPSS, head to the latest release, and grab the zip file pertaining to your operating system or click one of them below to directly download the latest version:


Given these binaries are not signed, you may have an issue running this on a Mac, any executable that was not compiled on the Mac itself and that is not signed, will not be allowed to execute when downloaded from the internet, this is a security feature. To get around this you can clear the attributes on the executable that has it marked as downloaded from the internet.

To accomplish this, you can run xattr -c local-gpss && xattr -c *.dll && xattr -c *.dylib inside the directory where the local-gpss binary is located. Keep in mind that this is bypassing a security feature, so don't do this for random applications you get off the internet or ones you don't trust.

Alternatively, you could always pull down the source code and compile it yourself, that way you can be certain that what you're running is 100% safe.

Also the ARM64 build would not work, because it isn't signed so Apple's Security Daemon thing, kept killing the arm64 build, but the x64 build ran fine, thanks Apple >_<

Once you have it downloaded to the machine you intend to run it on, go ahead and extract the zip file, you should now have a folder that matches the name of the zip file you had downloaded (so for, the folder would be called win64).

Once extracted, you should be good to run the executable.


The working directory you are running the executable from, is where it will save the local configuration and database

If you drag the executable into the terminal/command prompt to get the absolute path, but the terminal's current directory is different from that path, then it will save it to your current directly and not the application's directory.

For Windows, you can just double-click on local-gpss.exe and it should run just fine, it'll open up a terminal with some output to indicate it is listening on the port you specified.


When you start the server for the first time on Windows, you'll likely get a firewall prompt asking you if you want to allow the application on the firewall, please click yes otherwise the firewall will block the application and PKSM won't be able to communicate with it.

For Linux/Mac, you may need to mark the local-gpss binary as executable, you can use the terminal for this and run the command chmod +x local-gpss, or in some cases, you may be able to right click on the binary, click on properties, and mark it as executable from there.

Additionally, it may not automatically open a terminal on Linux/Mac, so if you wanted to stop the server, you'd need to use something like htop to kill the process, to avoid having to do that, I recommend just launching the binary from the terminal.

Assuming you did everything right, you should be prompted with a set-up wizard in the terminal the first time you run it (or run a newer version than 1.0.0)

The wizard will walk you setting up Local GPSS, and then you should see output like this (and everytime presumably you run Local GPSS)

The API Url you should enter into PKSM is http://<IP>:<PORT>/
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
      Now listening on: http://<IP>:<PORT>
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Hosting environment: Development
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Content root path: /home/allen/RiderProjects/local-gpss
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application is shutting down...

If you don't, then you'll want to review the troubleshooting page

Make note of this line The API Url you should enter into PKSM is http://<IP>:<PORT>/ as this will be the value to enter as the API Url in PKSM.

Setup Guide


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