A repository of PowerShell scripts that I have written (or stolen, or sometimes stolen then edited.) If I stole your script without giving credit, maybe you should have given yourself credit in the comments.
Each script has a comment block at the top of it to describe its purpose and how it should be used. Some scripts may have parameters. Those parameters should be explained in the comment block.
Also included is a custom dark theme that I created for the Powershell ISE. To use this theme in the ISE, download the file locally and then select Tools -> Options... -> Manage Themes... -> Import...
and navigate to the downloaded file.
- Many of these were written without any type of error checking. If you plan on using these scripts, do not expect them to fail gracefully.
- Most of these scripts have variables in them that need to be set prior to using them. These variables will likely be dependent on your environment, and therefore are set as something generic (or not set at all) in the version provided here.
- Template was stolen from https://thesysadminchannel.com/powershell-template/
These scripts are provided with no warranty, implicit or otherwise. Use them at your own risk! I am not responsible if something unexpected happens as a result of running one of my scripts. Many of them are provided simply as a starting point, and require some modification in order to perform properly.
These scripts are provided free of cost, without restriction. You are free to make any changes to these scripts that you feel may be necessary. You may use them for any use case, and in any environment, be it personal or business.