This Unity project is used to simplify some aspects of the Counter Strike DS game project.
- Collisions
- Stairs
- Culling zones
- Shadow zones
- Bomb zones
- Path finding matrices and waypoints
- Open a map (Scenes/Maps)
- Enter in play mode
- Copy theses variables from the "Exporter" script : "Stairs code", "Collisions Code", "Triggers Code", "Shadows Triggers Code" and "Zones Code"
- Copy theses variables from the "Path Finding" script : "Waypoints code" and "All Matrices Code"
- Put copied code in the game code
- Open the "Gun_Renderer" scene
- Set the Unity game screen resolution to 96x96
- Set the save path folder in the "Gun Renderer" script on the "All Guns" gameobject
- Enter in play mode and wait some seconds
- Open the "AllCollisions" gameobject
- Add a "CollX" gameobject with a box collider and a "Collision" script
Note : X is a number, collisions needs to be from 0 to X, do not make missing number like 0,1,3,4. The collision Zone is the Mesh zone/part index.
Open the "AllStairs" gameobject
Add a "StairsX" gameobject with a "Stairs" Script
Add 4 gameobject in the new gameobject, ("xA", "xB", "zA", "zB")
put xA and xB at the bottom of the stairs
put zA and zB at the top of the stairs
Make a patern like this xA--------zA bottom | | Top xB--------zB
You can ajust Start and End Y Offset if needed Note : xA needs to be in front of zA and xb needs to be in front of zb.
- Create a gameobject named "ZoneA" or "ZoneB"
- Add a Box Collider and a "Bomb Trigger" script to it
- Set the nearest waypoint in the "Bomb Trigger" script
- Add the point in the "Exporter" script
- Open the "PathFinding" gameobject
- Add a "PX" gameobject
- Add the "Point" script to it
- Add all connected point in the "Edge" variable of the "Point" script
Note : X is a number, points needs to be from 0 to X, do not make missing number like 0,1,3,4.
- Open the "Zones triggers" gameobject
- Add a "TriggerX" gameobject
- Add a Box Collider and a "Trigger" script to it
- Open the "Shadows triggers" gameobject
- Add a "ShadowTriggerX" gameobject
- Add a Box Collider and a "Shadow Trigger" script to it
Note : X is a number, triggers needs to be from 0 to X, do not make missing number like 0,1,3,4.
- Export code by clicking a button instead of enter in play mode.