pip install git+https://github.com/TINF21CS1/python-campusnet@dev
This docker container will check your grade every hour and send a notification mail, if something has changed. Currently this docker container is very tailored for DHBW-Mannheim students. But feel free to broaden its usability with a PR.
3 Environment variables are needed:
: Your student mail address with the domain part. That is also used to login to CampusNet (Dualis)VPNUSERNAME
: Your username without the domain part. Used for the login with Anyconnect VPN, to send mails.PASSWORD
: Your account password. Used for VPN, Campusnet and Mail authentication.- Optional
: Mail address that will receive notifications. By default the same asUSERNAME
docker run --privileged -e "[email protected]" -e "VPNUSERNAME=s212689" -e "PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ghcr.io/tinf21cs1/campusnet-grade-notifier
The module can be used directly to get information about all exams
$ python -m campusnet -h
usage: python -m campusnet [-h] [-b BASE_URL] [-o {table,json,csv}] username [password]
Get exams from CampusNet instance.
positional arguments:
username Username (including domain)
password Password (will be read from stdin if not supplied)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BASE_URL, --base-url BASE_URL
Base URL of the CampusNet instance (default: https://dualis.dhbw.de/)
-o {table,json,csv}, --output {table,json,csv}
Output format of the data (default: table)
$ python -m campusnet s*******@student.dhbw-mannheim.de -b https://dualis.dhbw.de
Module Name Exam Semester Description Grade
--------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------ -------------------------------------------- -------
T3_1000 Praxisprojekt I T3_1000.1 Projektarbeit 1 (MA-TINF21CS1) SoSe 2022 Projektarbeit (1%)
T3_1000 Praxisprojekt I T3_1000.2 Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten 1 (MA-TINF21CS1) SoSe 2022 Ablauf- und Reflexionsbericht (1%)
T3INF1001 Mathematik I T3INF1001.1 Lineare Algebra (MA-TINF21CS1) WiSe 2021/22 Klausurarbeit (50%) *.*
T3INF1001 Mathematik I T3INF1001.2 Analysis (MA-TINF21CS1) SoSe 2022 Klausurarbeit (50%) *.*
T3INF1002 Theoretische Informatik I (MA-TINF21CS1) Modulabschlussleistungen SoSe 2022 Klausurarbeit (100%)
T3INF1003 Theoretische Informatik II Modulabschlussleistungen SoSe 2022 Klausurarbeit (100%)
T3INF1004 Programmieren Modulabschlussleistungen SoSe 2022 Programmentwurf (100%)
T3INF1005 Schlüsselqualifikationen Modulabschlussleistungen SoSe 2022 Klausurarbeit (< 50 %) (100%)
T3INF4102 Einführung in die Kryptologie Modulabschlussleistungen SoSe 2022 Klausur 75 % und Laborarbeit 25 % (100%)
T3INF9000 Web and App Engineering Modulabschlussleistungen SoSe 2022 Klausur 50 % und Programmentwurf 50 % (100%)
T3INF1006 Technische Informatik I Modulabschlussleistungen WiSe 2021/22 Klausurarbeit (100%) *.*
T3INF9001 Cyber Security Basics Modulabschlussleistungen WiSe 2021/22 Hausarbeit (100%) *.*
```--------------------------------------- ---
You can also use campusnet
as a package to interact with CampusNet from Python.
$ python
>>> from campusnet import CampusNetSession
>>> s = CampusNetSession("s***REMOVED***@student.dhbw-mannheim.de", "***REMOVED***")
>>> s.modules
[Module(num='T3_1000', name='Praxisprojekt I', credits=20.0, status='', semesters=['SoSe 2022'], id='381683598069776', grade=None), Module(num='T3INF1001', name='Mathematik I', credits=8.0, status='', semesters=['SoSe 2022', 'WiSe 2021/22'], id='380685560144022', grade=None), Module(num='T3INF1002', name='Theoretische Informatik I (MA-TINF21CS1)', credits=5.0, status='', semesters=['SoSe 2022'], id='382855008624547', grade=None), Module(num='T3INF1003', name='Theoretische Informatik II', credits=5.0, status='', semesters=['SoSe 2022'], id='382214102615788', grade=None), Module(num='T3INF1004', name='Programmieren', credits=9.0, status='', semesters=['SoSe 2022'], id='379974839816701', grade=None), Module(num='T3INF1005', name='Schlüsselqualifikationen', credits=5.0, status='', semesters=['SoSe 2022'], id='379974840574866', grade=None), Module(num='T3INF4102', name='Einführung in die Kryptologie', credits=5.0, status='', semesters=['SoSe 2022'], id='382214104541196', grade=None), Module(num='T3INF9000', name='Web and App Engineering', credits=5.0, status='', semesters=['SoSe 2022'], id='379974842066225', grade=None), Module(num='T3INF1006', name='Technische Informatik I', credits=5.0, status='bestanden', semesters=['WiSe 2021/22'], id='380703425164844', grade=1.2), Module(num='T3INF9001', name='Cyber Security Basics', credits=3.0, status='bestanden', semesters=['WiSe 2021/22'], id='379974841329087', grade=1.6)]
>>> s.get_exams_for_module(s.modules[9])
[Exam(semester='WiSe 2021/22', description='Hausarbeit (100%)', grade=1.6)]
This package is still work in progress. If you need data from CampusNet, that is currently not retrieved by it, please feel free to open an Issue or even PR for it.
We are studying at DHBW Mannheim, so this package is tested with https://dualis.dhbw.de. But it should also be compatible with other CampusNet instances from other universities. If you have acess to another CampusNet instance and use our script, let us know how it goes :).