Ferrite v0.3.5
Closed issues:
- apply_rhs! doesn't work with affine constraints (#419)
- MixedDofHandler: Pushing mixed fields on a per field bases doesn't work (#429)
- project_to_nodes = true with quadratic elements. (#440)
Merged pull requests:
- Topology information in grid (#363) (@koehlerson)
- DofHandler with any <: AbstractGrid (#379) (@koehlerson)
- Update FEM Introduction Page (#408) (@termi-official)
- Update docs for affine constraints (#423) (@lijas)
- start docs for MixedDofHandler (#426) (@kimauth)
- PointEval: Mention NaNs in output for points that were not found. (#430) (@fredrikekre)
- AffineConstraints: Fix usage with get_rhs_data. (#431) (@fredrikekre)
- Error when pushing fields to cells which already are in
(#432) (@kimauth) - Delete an unused pirate-ish method of iterate(::Vector). (#437) (@fredrikekre)
- Use EnumX.at-enumx for scoping enums. (#438) (@fredrikekre)
- Polish hyperelasticity examples (#439) (@termi-official)
- allow node renumbering during vtk export (#441) (@kimauth)
- Rename internal curl to curl_from_gradient (#442) (@KnutAM)
- Remove the copy!! function and use copy! from Base (#443) (@KnutAM)
- Kam/assemble docs (#447) (@KnutAM)
- Apply (Cell|Face)Values docstring to (Cell|Face)(Scalar|Vector)Values too. (#450) (@fredrikekre)
- Set version to 0.3.5. (#452) (@fredrikekre)