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Traits for ScalarValues / VectorValues (#404) + set version to 0.3.2
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* traits for ScalarValues & VectorValues

* remove outdated / wrong comments

* rename to ScalarValue/VectorValued

* replace isa(VectorValues)

* change version to 0.3.2
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kimauth authored Jan 18, 2022
1 parent bbd88a0 commit d1503b7
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Showing 4 changed files with 43 additions and 29 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "Ferrite"
uuid = "c061ca5d-56c9-439f-9c0e-210fe06d3992"
version = "0.3.1"
version = "0.3.2"

LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
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4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions src/FEValues/cell_values.jl
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function reinit!(cv::CellValues{dim}, x::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T}
n_geom_basefuncs = getngeobasefunctions(cv)
n_func_basefuncs = getn_scalarbasefunctions(cv)
n_func_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cv)
@assert length(x) == n_geom_basefuncs
isa(cv, CellVectorValues) && (n_func_basefuncs *= dim)

@inbounds for i in 1:length(cv.qr_weights)
w = cv.qr_weights[i]
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63 changes: 40 additions & 23 deletions src/FEValues/common_values.jl
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using Base: @propagate_inbounds

const ScalarValues{dim,T,shape} = Union{CellScalarValues{dim,T,shape},FaceScalarValues{dim,T,shape},PointScalarValues{dim,T,shape}}
const VectorValues{dim,T,shape} = Union{CellVectorValues{dim,T,shape},FaceVectorValues{dim,T,shape}}
abstract type FieldTrait end
struct VectorValued <: FieldTrait end
struct ScalarValued <: FieldTrait end

FieldTrait(::Type{<:CellScalarValues}) = ScalarValued()
FieldTrait(::Type{<:FaceScalarValues}) = ScalarValued()
FieldTrait(::Type{<:PointScalarValues}) = ScalarValued()
FieldTrait(::Type{<:CellVectorValues}) = VectorValued()
FieldTrait(::Type{<:FaceVectorValues}) = VectorValued()

getnbasefunctions(cv::Values) = size(cv.N, 1)
getngeobasefunctions(cv::Values) = size(cv.M, 1)

getn_scalarbasefunctions(cv::ScalarValues) = size(cv.N, 1)
getn_scalarbasefunctions(cv::VectorValues{dim}) where {dim} = size(cv.N, 1) ÷ dim
getn_scalarbasefunctions(cv::T) where T = getn_scalarbasefunctions(FieldTrait(T), cv)
getn_scalarbasefunctions(::ScalarValued, cv::Values) = size(cv.N, 1)
getn_scalarbasefunctions(::VectorValued, cv::Values{dim}) where {dim} = size(cv.N, 1) ÷ dim

reinit!(cv::CellValues, x::Vector)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,8 +93,9 @@ quadrature point `q_point`.
@propagate_inbounds shape_divergence(cv::CellVectorValues, q_point::Int, base_func::Int) = tr(cv.dNdx[base_func, q_point])
@propagate_inbounds shape_divergence(bv::FaceVectorValues, q_point::Int, base_func::Int) = tr(bv.dNdx[base_func, q_point, bv.current_face[]])

shape_curl(cv::T, q_point, base_func) where T = shape_curl(FieldTrait(T), cv, q_point, base_func)

function shape_curl(cv::VectorValues, q_point::Int, base_func::Int)
function shape_curl(::VectorValued, cv::Values, q_point::Int, base_func::Int)
return curl(shape_gradient(cv, q_point, base_func))
curl(∇v) = Vec{3}((∇v[3,2] - ∇v[2,3], ∇v[1,3] - ∇v[3,1], ∇v[2,1] - ∇v[1,2]))
Expand All @@ -103,9 +113,11 @@ where ``u_i`` are the value of ``u`` in the nodes. For a vector valued function
``\\mathbf{u}(\\mathbf{x}) = \\sum\\limits_{i = 1}^n N_i (\\mathbf{x}) \\mathbf{u}_i`` where ``\\mathbf{u}_i`` are the
nodal values of ``\\mathbf{u}``.
function function_value(fe_v::Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{T}, dof_range = eachindex(u)) where {dim,T}
n_base_funcs = getn_scalarbasefunctions(fe_v)
isa(fe_v, VectorValues) && (n_base_funcs *= dim)
function_value(fe_v::T, q_point, u, dof_range) where T = function_value(FieldTrait(T), fe_v, q_point, u, dof_range)
function_value(fe_v::T, q_point, u) where T = function_value(FieldTrait(T), fe_v, q_point, u)

function function_value(::FieldTrait, fe_v::Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{T}, dof_range = eachindex(u)) where {dim,T}
n_base_funcs = getnbasefunctions(fe_v)
@assert length(dof_range) == n_base_funcs
@boundscheck checkbounds(u, dof_range)
val = zero(_valuetype(fe_v, u))
Expand All @@ -115,7 +127,7 @@ function function_value(fe_v::Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{T}, d
return val

function function_value(fe_v::VectorValues{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T}
function function_value(::VectorValued, fe_v::Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T}
n_base_funcs = getn_scalarbasefunctions(fe_v)
@assert length(u) == n_base_funcs
val = zero(Vec{dim, T})
Expand All @@ -129,9 +141,10 @@ function function_value(fe_v::VectorValues{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector
return val

Base.@pure _valuetype(::ScalarValues{dim}, ::AbstractVector{T}) where {dim,T} = T
Base.@pure _valuetype(::ScalarValues{dim}, ::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T} = Vec{dim,T}
Base.@pure _valuetype(::VectorValues{dim}, ::AbstractVector{T}) where {dim,T} = Vec{dim,T}
_valuetype(t::T, v) where T = _valuetype(FieldTrait(T), t, v)
Base.@pure _valuetype(::ScalarValued, ::Values{dim}, ::AbstractVector{T}) where {dim,T} = T
Base.@pure _valuetype(::ScalarValued, ::Values{dim}, ::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T} = Vec{dim,T}
Base.@pure _valuetype(::VectorValued, ::Values{dim}, ::AbstractVector{T}) where {dim,T} = Vec{dim,T}
# Base.@pure _valuetype(::VectorValues{dim}, ::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T} = Vec{dim,T}

Expand All @@ -150,9 +163,11 @@ For a vector valued function with use of `ScalarValues` the gradient is computed
``\\mathbf{\\nabla} \\mathbf{u}(\\mathbf{x}) = \\sum\\limits_{i = 1}^n \\mathbf{u}_i \\otimes \\mathbf{\\nabla} N_i (\\mathbf{x})``
where ``\\mathbf{u}_i`` are the nodal values of ``\\mathbf{u}``.
function function_gradient(fe_v::Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{T}, dof_range = eachindex(u)) where {dim,T}
n_base_funcs = getn_scalarbasefunctions(fe_v)
isa(fe_v, VectorValues) && (n_base_funcs *= dim)
function_gradient(fe_v::T, q_point, u) where T = function_gradient(FieldTrait(T), fe_v, q_point, u)
function_gradient(fe_v::T, q_point, u, dof_range) where T = function_gradient(FieldTrait(T), fe_v, q_point, u, dof_range)

function function_gradient(::FieldTrait, fe_v::Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{T}, dof_range = eachindex(u)) where {dim,T}
n_base_funcs = getnbasefunctions(fe_v)
@assert length(dof_range) == n_base_funcs
@boundscheck checkbounds(u, dof_range)
grad = zero(_gradienttype(fe_v, u))
Expand All @@ -162,10 +177,11 @@ function function_gradient(fe_v::Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{T}
return grad

Base.@pure _gradienttype(::ScalarValues{dim}, ::AbstractVector{T}) where {dim,T} = Vec{dim,T}
Base.@pure _gradienttype(::VectorValues{dim}, ::AbstractVector{T}) where {dim,T} = Tensor{2,dim,T}
_gradienttype(values::T, v) where T = _gradienttype(FieldTrait(T), values, v)
Base.@pure _gradienttype(::ScalarValued, ::Values{dim}, ::AbstractVector{T}) where {dim,T} = Vec{dim,T}
Base.@pure _gradienttype(::VectorValued, ::Values{dim}, ::AbstractVector{T}) where {dim,T} = Tensor{2,dim,T}

function function_gradient(fe_v::ScalarValues{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T}
function function_gradient(::ScalarValued, fe_v::Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T}
n_base_funcs = getn_scalarbasefunctions(fe_v)
@assert length(u) == n_base_funcs
grad = zero(Tensor{2,dim,T})
Expand All @@ -175,7 +191,7 @@ function function_gradient(fe_v::ScalarValues{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVec
return grad

function function_gradient(fe_v::VectorValues{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T}
function function_gradient(::VectorValued, fe_v::Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T}
n_base_funcs = getn_scalarbasefunctions(fe_v)
@assert length(u) == n_base_funcs
grad = zero(Tensor{2,dim,T})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,7 +237,9 @@ The divergence of a vector valued functions in the quadrature point ``\\mathbf{x
``\\mathbf{\\nabla} \\cdot \\mathbf{u}(\\mathbf{x_q}) = \\sum\\limits_{i = 1}^n \\mathbf{\\nabla} N_i (\\mathbf{x_q}) \\cdot \\mathbf{u}_i``
where ``\\mathbf{u}_i`` are the nodal values of the function.
function function_divergence(fe_v::ScalarValues{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T}
function_divergence(fe_v::T, q_point, u) where T = function_divergence(FieldTrait(T), fe_v, q_point, u)

function function_divergence(::ScalarValued, fe_v::Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T}
n_base_funcs = getn_scalarbasefunctions(fe_v)
@assert length(u) == n_base_funcs
diverg = zero(T)
Expand All @@ -231,11 +249,10 @@ function function_divergence(fe_v::ScalarValues{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractV
return diverg

# See
function_divergence(fe_v::VectorValues{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{T}, dof_range = eachindex(u)) where {dim,T} =
function_divergence(::VectorValued, fe_v::Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{T}, dof_range = eachindex(u)) where {dim,T} =
tr(function_gradient(fe_v, q_point, u, dof_range))

function_divergence(fe_v::VectorValues{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T} =
function_divergence(::VectorValued, fe_v::Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}) where {dim,T} =
tr(function_gradient(fe_v, q_point, u))

function_curl(fe_v::Values, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector, dof_range = eachindex(u)) =
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/FEValues/face_values.jl
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function reinit!(fv::FaceValues{dim}, x::AbstractVector{Vec{dim,T}}, face::Int) where {dim,T}
n_geom_basefuncs = getngeobasefunctions(fv)
n_func_basefuncs = getn_scalarbasefunctions(fv)
n_func_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(fv)
@assert length(x) == n_geom_basefuncs
isa(fv, FaceVectorValues) && (n_func_basefuncs *= dim)

fv.current_face[] = face
cb = getcurrentface(fv)
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