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A blank starter theme that incorporates Bootstrap 5 with WordPress and Vite for frontend tooling.

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h5bs Theme


NVM (Node Version Manager)

NVM is not required but is recommended for installing different node versions for various projects.

# install / update nvm
curl -o- | bash

# install latest LTS node version
nvm install --lts

# install latest LTS node version and migrate existing installed packages
nvm install 'lts/*' --reinstall-packages-from=current

# use latest LTS version
nvm use --lts


From the console, change directories into the WordPress theme.

cd {path}/wp-content/themes/{theme_name}

Run npm install to install the dependencies from package.json

npm install

Local development

Vite is used as a build tool to handle the frontend tooling. When working locally you will run npm run dev to start the dev server and it will handle compiling the JavaScript and SCSS and will inject those changes automatically. It is also set up to auto-reload when any changes are made to the php files. If you need to add any extra php paths to watch, you can edit the vite.config.js file under plugins and liveReload.

# start dev server
npm run dev

The src/main.js is set up as the main entry point. This file will be used to import SCSS as well as JavaScript. This is pulled into the theme by the vite('main.js') function in the header.php file. If you need to add multiple entry points, you can edit the vite.config.js file under build: rollupOptions:. Once that is added you will then need to add an additional vite('secondary.js') function to the header.php file to pull in the new file.

// single entry point
// ...
build: {
  rollupOptions: {
    input: '/main.js',
// ...

// multiple entry points
// ...
build: {
  rollupOptions: {
    input: {
      main: '/main.js',
      secondary: '/secondary/js',
// ...

npm run build will compile all of the assets into the dist folder at the root. The dist folder will then need to be uploaded to the production server when ready. The is_development() function under lib/assets.php is used to determine if the app is running in a development environment or production environment. If you need to test the production assets in the dist folder you can temporarily update the is_development() function to return false.

# build for production
npm run build


There is an @images alias set up for the /src/assets/images path. This can be used in both SCSS and JS files. You can add additional path aliases in the vite.config.js file such as @fonts if needed.

body {
  background-image: url('@images/bg-image.jpg');
import bgImage from '@images/bg-image.jpg' = `url(${bgImage})`

External packages

Use npm to manage packages. For example if you wanted to add axios to a project you would run npm i axios which would add axios as a dependency to the package.json file and to your node_modules folder.

npm i axios

To include it in the project, at the top of your JavaScript file add an import.

import axios from 'axios'

Then use as intended.

  .then((response) => {
    // handle success
  .catch((error) => {
    // handle error


You can use the recommended VS Code extensions to have real-time linting errors and fixes in your editor. Search for @recommended in the extensions tab. Or you can run the following commands to lint the JavaScript or SCSS files.

# run eslint on JS files
npx eslint "src/**/*.js" --fix

# run stylelint on SCSS files
npx stylelint "src/**/*.scss" --fix