Personal Gulp.js configuration
- Download and install Node.js.
- Clone the repo and install the dependencies:
$ cd gulp-config
$ npm i
- Then run the gulp:
$ gulp
Create a src directory with html, sass, js and img subdirectories inside like in Basic file structure
Enjoy your automated work. 😉
starts everything in background, you don't need to do anything elsegulp cleanDist
allows you to deletedist
Instead of putting .html files in src/html you should use .kit files. Check this website to get more info.
┣ 📂html
┣ 📂img
┣ 📂js
┗ 📂sass
┣ 📜gulpfile.js
┗ 📜package.json
- @babel/core (7.15.8)
- @babel/preset-env (7.15.8)
- autoprefixer (10.3.7)
- browser-sync (2.27.5)
- cssnano (5.0.8)
- gulp (4.0.2)
- gulp-babel (8.0.0)
- gulp-clean (0.4.0)
- gulp-htmlmin (5.0.1)
- gulp-imagemin (7.1.0)
- gulp-kit (0.3.0)
- gulp-load-plugins (2.0.7)
- gulp-postcss (9.0.1)
- gulp-rename (2.0.0)
- gulp-sass (5.0.0)
- gulp-uglify (3.0.2)
- postcss (8.3.9)
- sass (1.42.1)