The Felis Stack Compiler is a stack compiler for front web development. It's a simple and easy way to manage, compress, and compile Sass, Ec6, and Html.
- Html code is compressed down to optimize load time
- Scss is compiled to CSS, auto-prefixed, and then compressed
- And thanks to Babel, Ec6 Js is compiled to cross-browser friendly Js
npm install -g felis-stack-compiler
felis-stack w \
That's it!
The compiler will automatically watch for changes in the files and compile sources when they are changed.
Usage: felis-stack <verb> [<args>]
The verbs are:
h, help Dispalys help
w, watch Watches for changes and compiles. Arguments:
<SassDir> <BabelDir> <HtmlDir>
<SassDir> <CssOutDir> <BabelDir> <JsOutDir> <HtmlDir>
c, compile Compiles, doesn't listen.
<SassDir> <BabelDir> <HtmlDir>
<SassDir> <CssOutDir> <BabelDir> <JsOutDir> <HtmlDir>
The args are:
--debug <level>
Prints debug information while code is running. Level (0 - 2)
indicates how much debug info to print. 0(default) is least, 2 is most
--ignore [dir, dir, ...]
Ignores certian dirs
--check <n>
Checks for new files every n seconds.
0 = don't check
Default = 0
Compile files initially when felis-stack is called
".max.htm" and ".max.html" files are compressed
".babl" files are compressed
".scss" files are compressed
files are compiled and compressed
and .ec6
files are compiled and compressed
and .max.htm
files are compressed
is used to find files
is used to monitor files for changes
is used to compile the Scss.
and autoprefixer
are used to auto-prefix the CSS.
is used to minify the css.
is used to compile ec6 and the babili
preset is used to minify.
is used to minify the html.
... undecided