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akadlec edited this page Oct 19, 2024 · 2 revisions


To use Sonoff NS Panels devices with the FastyBird IoT ecosystem, you will need to configure at least one connector. The connector can be configured using the FastyBird IoT user interface or through the console.

There are three types of connectors available for selection:

  • Gateway - This connector uses NS Panels only as gateways and communicate with devices connected to NS Panels.
  • Device - This connector uses NS Panels only as control panels which could control mapped devices from FastyBird IoT ecosystem.
  • Both - This connector combines both modes.

Configuring the Connectors, Devices and Capabilities through the Console

To configure the connector through the console, run the following command:

php bin/fb-console fb:ns-panel-connector:install


The path to the console command may vary depending on your FastyBird application distribution. For more information, refer to the FastyBird documentation.

This command is interactive and easy to operate.

The console will show you basic menu. To navigate in menu you could write value displayed in square brackets or you could use arrows to select one of the options:

NS Panel connector - installer

 ! [NOTE] This action will create|update|delete connector configuration

 What would you like to do? [Nothing]:
  [0] Create connector
  [1] Edit connector
  [2] Delete connector
  [3] Manage connector
  [4] List connectors
  [5] Nothing
 > 0

Create connector

If you choose to create a new connector, you will be asked to choose the mode in which the connector will communicate with the devices:

 In what mode should this connector communicate with NS Panels? [Both modes]:
  [0] Only NS Panel gateway mode
  [1] Only NS Panel third-party devices mode
  [2] Both modes
 > Both modes

You will then be asked to provide a connector identifier and name:

 Provide connector identifier:
 > my-ns-panel-connector
 Provide connector name:
 > My NS Panel connector

After providing the necessary information, your new Sonoff NS Panel connector will be ready for use.

 [OK] Connector "My NS Panel connector" was successfully created.                                                       

Connect NS Panel

After new connector is created you will be asked if you want to connect new NS Panel:

 Would you like to configure connector NS Panel(s)? (yes/no) [yes]:

Or you could choose to manage connector devices from the main menu.

Now you will be asked to provide some device details:

 Provide device identifier:
 > panel-living-room
 Provide device name:
 > Living Room Panel

You have to get IP address of your panel. You could find it in you Sonoff NS Panel. Just open Sonoff NS Panel Settings go to About and find row IP.

 Provide NS Panel local IP address or domain:


If you enter wrong IP address, command will show you a warning message.

Now you have to prepare your Sonoff NS Panel for pairing. On you Sonoff NS Panel go to Settings and then to About and tap 7 times in a row on Name. An information message will popup on your Sonoff NS Panel screen.

 ! [NOTE] Now you have to prepare your NS Panel for pairing. Go to Settings, then to About and tap 7 times in a row on  
 !        Name.

 Is your NS Panel ready? (yes/no) [no]:
 > y

Now you could confirm command to proceed pairing process. If everything goes ok you will get a confirmation message

 [OK] NS Panel "Panel Living Room" was successfully created.

Create New Third-party device

When you have connected at least one Sonoff NS Panel you could create third-party devices and connect them with Sonoff NS Panel.

Choose NS Panel devices management:

  What would you like to do? [Nothing]:
  [0] Connect new NS Panel
  [1] Edit existing NS Panel
  [2] Delete existing NS Panel
  [3] List NS Panels
  [4] Manage NS Panel devices
  [5] Nothing
 > 4

You will have to select which connected Sonoff NS Panel you want to configure:

 Please select NS Panel to manage:
  [0] ns-panel-living-room [Panel Living Room]

You will then be prompted to select device management action. To create new device just select Create new device

 What would you like to do? [Nothing]:
  [0] Create device
  [1] Edit device
  [2] Delete device
  [3] Manage device
  [4] List devices
  [5] Nothing
 > 0

Now you will be asked to provide some device details:

 Provide identifier:
 > living-room-main-lamp
 Provide device name:
 > Living room main lamp

You are now required to select a device category, which will determine the specific capabilities and attributes of the device.

 Please select device category:
  [0] Button
  [1] Contact Sensor
  [2] Curtain
  [3] Light
  [4] Motion Sensor
  [5] Plug
  [6] Smoke Detector
  [7] Switch
  [8] Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  [9] Water Leak Detector
 > 3

If there are no errors, you will receive a success message.

 [OK] Device "Living room main lamp" was successfully created.

Each device have to have defined capabilities. So in next steps you will be prompted to configure device's capabilities.


The list of items may vary depending on the device category.

 What type of device capability you would like to add? [Power]:
  [0] Power
  [1] Brightness
  [2] Color Temperature
 > 1

Let's create Brightness capability:

 What type of capability attribute you would like to add? [Brightness]:
  [0] Brightness
 > Brightness

These attributes are mandatory and must be configured.

You have two options. Connect attributes with FastyBird device or configure it as static value.

Let's try static configuration value:

 Connect attribute with device? (yes/no) [yes]:
 > n

Some attributes have a defined set of allowed values, while others accept values from a range. Therefore, the next question will vary depending on the selected attribute.

 Provide attribute value:
 > 50

And if you choose to connect characteristic with device:

 Connect attribute with device? (yes/no) [yes]:
 > y
 Select device for mapping:
  [0] lighting-living-room [Living room lighting]
  [1] floor-heating-livin-room [Living room floor heating]
  [2] window-sensor-lifing-room [Living room window sensor]
 > 0

Now you have to choose device channel:

 Select device channel for mapping:
  [0] main_light [Main Light]

And channel's property:

 Select channel property for mapping:
  [0] brightness
  [1] temperature
  [2] state
 > 0

After all required attributes are configured you will be prompted with question if you want to configure optional attributes.

 What type of device capability you would like to add? [Color RGB]:
  [0] Color RGB
  [1] None
 > 1

The process is same as previous steps.

If there are no errors, you will be back in NS Panel management main menu:

 What would you like to do? [Nothing]:
  [0] Create new device
  [1] Edit existing device
  [2] Delete existing device
  [3] List devices
  [4] Manage device capabilities
  [5] Nothing
 > 5

You could configure as many devices as you want.

Connectors, Devices and Capabilities management

With this console command you could manage all your connectors, their devices and capabilities. Just use the main menu to navigate to proper action.

Configuring the Connector with the FastyBird User Interface

You can also configure the NS Panel connector using the FastyBird IoT user interface. For more information on how to do this, please refer to the FastyBird IoT documentation.