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akadlec edited this page Nov 25, 2024 · 3 revisions



This documentation is meant to be used by developers or users which has basic programming skills. If you are regular user please use FastyBird IoT documentation which is available on

Quick start

When a service within your extension requires the publication of messages to the data exchange bus for other extensions, a recommended approach is to implement the FastyBird\Core\Exchange\Publisher\Publisher interface. This allows seamless integration with the data exchange bus.

Following this implementation, you can register your custom publisher as a service. This structured approach ensures that your extension's services can efficiently communicate and share relevant information with other components in the FastyBird IoT ecosystem.

Creating custom publisher

If some service of your extension have to publish messages to data exchange bus for other extensions, you could just implement FastyBird\Core\Exchange\Publisher\Publisher interface and register your publisher as service

namespace Your\CoolApp\Publishers;

use FastyBird\Core\Exchange\Publisher\Publisher;
use FastyBird\Core\Application\Documents;
use FastyBird\Library\Metadata\Types;

class ModuleDataPublisher implements Publisher

    public function publish(
        Types\Sources\Module|Types\Sources\Plugin|Types\Sources\Connector $source,
        string $routingKey,
        Documents\Document|null $entity,
    ) : void {
        // Service logic here, e.g. publish message to RabbitMQ or Redis etc. 


You could create as many publishers as you need. Publisher proxy then will collect all of them.

Asynchronous publisher

As the FastyBird IoT ecosystem utilizes an asynchronous event-loop system within its services, it is recommended to implement asynchronous publishers. This ensures that code processing remains unblocked. These publishers have to follow a Promise-based approach when publishing messages.

namespace Your\CoolApp\Publishers;

use FastyBird\Core\Exchange\Publisher\Async\Publisher;
use FastyBird\Core\Application\Documents;
use FastyBird\Library\Metadata\Types;
use React\Promise\Deferred;
use React\Promise\PromiseInterface;

class ModuleDataPublisher implements Publisher

    * @return PromiseInterface<bool>
    public function publish(
        Types\Sources\Module|Types\Sources\Plugin|Types\Sources\Connector $source,
        string $routingKey,
        Documents\Document|null $entity,
    ) : PromiseInterface {
        $deferred  = new Deferred();

        // Service logic here, e.g. publish message to RabbitMQ or Redis etc.
        return $deferred->promise(); 


Publishing message

In your code you could just import one publisher - proxy publisher.

namespace Your\CoolApp\Actions;

use FastyBird\Core\Exchange\Publisher\Container;

class SomeHandler

    /** @var Container */
    private Container $publisher;

    public function __construct(
        Container $publisher
    ) {
        $this->publisher = $publisher;

    public function updateSomething()
        // Your interesting logic here...


And that is it, global publisher will call all your publishers and publish message to all your systems.

Creating custom consumer

One part is done, message is published. Now have to be consumed.

If some service of your extension have is waiting for messages from data exchange bus from other extensions, you could just implement FastyBird\Core\Exchange\Consumer\Consumer interface and register your consumer as service

namespace Your\CoolApp\Publishers;

use FastyBird\Core\Exchange\Consumers\Consumer;
use FastyBird\Core\Application\Documents;
use FastyBird\Library\Metadata\Types;

class DataConsumer implements Consumer

    public function consume(
        Types\Sources\Module|Types\Sources\Plugin|Types\Sources\Connector $source,
        string $routingKey,
        Documents\Document|null $entity,
    ) : void {
        // Do your data processing logic here 


You could create as many consumers as you need. Consumer proxy then will collect all of them.

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