Goose game is a game where two or more players move pieces around a track by rolling a die. The aim of the game is to reach square number sixty-three before any of the other players and avoid obstacles. (wikipedia)
- Java JDK/JRE >= 1.8
- Maven
- clone the repository or download as zip file
- move in base path
- type mvn clean install
- move in target folder
- open your shell/cmd and type "java -jar ./kata-1.0.0.jar" enjoy the game! :)
- "add player name" | adds player | -> ex: add player Mario
- "start game" | starts game | -> ex: start game
- "move playerName" | moves player with system's dice numbers | -> ex: move Mario
- "move playerName X, Y" | moves player from current position to x+y | -> ex: move Mario 2, 4
- "exit" | closes from game | -> ex: exit | closes from game | -> ex: exit