Source code of the VirSorter App, available on iPlant (
Download the databases required by VirSorter, available as a tarball archive on iMicrobe: or /iplant/home/shared/imicrobe/VirSorter/virsorter-data.tar.gz through iPlant Discovery Environment
Untar this package in a directory, e.g. /host/path/to/virsorter-data
Pull VirSorter from dockerhub: $ docker pull discoenv/virsorter:v1.0.3
Create a working directory for VirSorter which includes the input fasta file, e.g. /host/path/to/virsorter-run
Then run VirSorter from docker, mounting the data directory as data, and the run directory as wdir:
$ docker run -v /host/path/to/virsorter-data:/data -v /host/path/to/virsorter-run:/wdir -w /wdir --rm discoenv/virsorter:v1.0.3 --db 2 --fna /wdir/Input_contigs.fna
After "virsorter:v1.0.3", the options correspond to the ones described in (here selecting the database "Viromes" and pointing VirSorter to the file "Input_contigs.fna").
Install the following into a "bin" directory:
- MCL (
- Metagene Annotator (
- BLAST (, not BLAST+)
The 12G of dependent data exists as a separate data container called "virsorter-data."
This is the Dockerfile for that:
FROM perl:latest
MAINTAINER Ken Youens-Clark <[email protected]>
COPY Generic_ref_file.refs /data/
COPY PFAM_27 /data/PFAM_27
COPY Phage_gene_catalog /data/Phage_gene_catalog
COPY Phage_gene_catalog_plus_viromes /data/Phage_gene_catalog_plus_viromes
COPY SUP05_SAGs_with_viruses.fna /data/
COPY VirSorter_Readme.txt /data
COPY VirSorter_Readme_viromes.txt /data
VOLUME ["/data"]
Then do:
$ docker build -t kyclark/virsorter-data .
$ docker create --name virsorter-data kyclark/virsorter-data /bin/true
$ docker build -t kyclark/virsorter .
A sample "run" command to use the current working directory for input/output:
$ docker run --rm --volumes-from virsorter-data -v $(pwd):/de-app-work \
-w /de-app-work kyclark/virsorter --fna Mic_1.fna --db 1
Simon Roux [email protected] is the author of Virsorter
Ken Youens-Clark [email protected] packaged this for Docker/iPlant.