amiibo™ parsing library
libamiibo expects a binary dump. It will not work with XMLs or hexadecimal text files. See the unix program xxd
to convert from hexadecimal to binary.
It offers support for encryption/decryption, figurine data, amiibo settings and AppData.
To parse a tag directly from a binary (encrypted) dump, use LibAmiibo.Data.AmiiboTag.FromNtagData()
When using an encrypted binary, the AmiiboSettings and AppData information will not contain any valid information.
- Decrypting a NTAG215 dump "mario.bin" with the "retail.bin" keys: Configure the paths for AmiiboKeys and CDNKeys in libamiibo.dll.config to direct to your key files.
byte[] encryptedNtagData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("mario.bin");
LibAmiibo.Data.AmiiboTag amiiboTag = LibAmiibo.Data.AmiiboTag.DecryptWithKeys(encryptedNtagData);
- Parsing a NTAG215 dump "mario.bin" only for the non-encrypted information:
byte[] encryptedNtagData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("mario.bin");
LibAmiibo.Data.AmiiboTag amiiboTag = LibAmiibo.Data.AmiiboTag.FromNtagData(encryptedNtagData);
The library is split into two parts: libamiibo and libamiibo.images
You can use both independently:
- To only use the parsing logic, it's enough to include the small libamiibo.dll and it's dependency BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll in your project and reference libamiibo.dll
- To also include images for the amiibos (using
), you need also include libamiibo.images.dll in your project. You don't need to reference it, just make sure the dll is copied
- Lucas "MacGuffen" Romo for his great work with
- N3vin and CheatFreak for their great work with
- The people over at for there work on and
- socram8888 for his great work on
- John "LouieGeetoo" Pray for his great work with
- HouseBreaker for the CDN parts I borrowed from
- for the image processing parts
- for the TGA processing part