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System Dependencies

T. H. Wright edited this page Oct 26, 2024 · 12 revisions

If you want to install your distro's dependencies outside of the script, please see the following.

NOTE: The following section is WIP.

Debian and Ubuntu

Install Dependencies

sudo apt install coreutils patch lsof wget findutils sed grep gawk winbind cabextract x11-apps binutils

If using wine from a repo, you must install wine staging. Run:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key
CODENAME=$(lsb_release -a | grep Codename | awk '{print $2}')
sudo wget -NP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/"${CODENAME}"/winehq-"${CODENAME}".sources
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-staging

See for help.

If using the AppImage, run:

sudo apt install fuse3


Install Dependencies

sudo pacman -S patch lsof wget sed grep gawk cabextract samba

If using wine from a repo, run:

sudo pacman -S wine


Install Dependencies

sudo pamac install patch lsof wget sed grep gawk cabextract samba 

If using wine from a repo, run:

sudo pamac install wine

You may need to install pamac if you are not using Manjaro GNOME:

sudo pacman -S pamac-cli


The steam deck has a locked down filesystem. There are some missing dependencies which cause irregular crashes in Logos. These can be installed following this sequence:

  1. Enter Desktop Mode
  2. Use passwd to create a password for the deck user, unless you already did this.
  3. Disable read-only mode: sudo steamos-readonly disable
  4. Initialize pacman keyring: sudo pacman-key --init
  5. Populate pacman keyring with the default Arch Linux keys: sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux
  6. Get package lists: sudo pacman -Fy
  7. Fix locale issues sudo pacman -Syu glibc
  8. then sudo locale-gen
  9. Install dependencies: sudo pacman -S samba winbind cabextract appmenu-gtk-module patch lib32-libjpeg-turbo

Packages you install may be overwritten by the next Steam OS update, but you can easily reinstall them if that happens.

After these steps you can go ahead and run the your install script.


Install Dependencies

sudo dnf install patch mod_auth_ntlm_winbind samba-winbind cabextract samba-winbind-clients

If using wine from a repo, run:

sudo dnf install winehq-staging

If using the AppImage, run:

sudo dnf install fuse3


sudo zypper install fuse patch wget sed grep gawk cabextract 7zip samba curl


The installer currently cannot run this itself. You will need to install the following software.

sudo apk add bash bash-completion gcompat fuse-common fuse3 patch wget sed grep gawk cabextract 7zip samba curl

You will have to run a few commands in the CLI and then run Ou Dedetai with the -K flag.

sudo modprobe fuse
sudo rc-update add fuse boot
sudo sed -i 's/#user_allow_other/user_allow_other/g' /etc/fuse.conf
sudo addgroup fuse
sudo adduser $YOURUSERNAME fuse
sudo rc-service fuse restart

Then you must log out and log back in again. These commands are supposed to add AppImage support, but for some reason AppImages continue to refuse to mount for some reason.

Unless this can be resolved, you will need to install the wine-dev package or else build wine-devel or wine-staging from source.


You will need to install Python 3.12, which as of 20241026, was unavailable in GhostBSD. You can build this using our ensure-python script, but will need to install the dev tools.

sudo pkg install -g 'GhostBSD*-dev'

Once installed, run ./scripts/ to build it.

You will also need to install the following packages.

sudo pkg install wget gsed gnugrep gawk cabextract 7-zip samba416 curl

Then switch your terminal to bash.

Until we can build it in GitHub, you will have to run from source or pip. Once you activate the Python virtual environment (see CONTRIBUTING), you will then need to install some Python modules.

pip install tk psutil packaging distro requests

If Wine is <9.10, you will need to install Wine-Devel ≥9.10 through ports. Additionally, BSD cannot run AppImages (yet). Until is fixed, you will be unable to use the program's AppImage installer.
