Code examples for new APIs of iOS 10.
##How to build
Just build with Xcode 8.
It can NOT run on Simulator. (Because it uses Metal.)
###Speech Recognition
Speech Recognition demo using Speech Framework. All available languages can be selected.
Loop playback demo using AVPlayerLooper.
###Live Photo Capturing
Live Photo Capturing example using AVCapturePhotoOutput.
###Audio Fade-in/out
Audio fade-in/out demo using setVolume:fadeDuration
method which is added to AVAudioPlayer.
###Metal CNN Basic: Digit Detection
Hand-writing digit detection using CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) by Metal Performance Shaders.
###Metal CNN Advanced: Image Recognition
Real-time image recognition using CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) by Metal Performance Shaders.
###PropertyAnimator: Position
Animating UIView's center
& backgroundColor
using UIViewPropertyAnimator.
###PropertyAnimator: Blur
Animating blur effect using fractionComplete
property of UIViewPropertyAnimator.
###Preview Interaction
Peek & Pop interactions with 3D touch using UIPreviewInteraction.
###Notification with Image
Local notification with an image using UserNotifications framework.
###Sticker Pack
Example of Sticker Pack for iMessage.
###Core Data Stack (Created by nolili)
Simple Core Data stack using NSPersistentContainer.
###TabBar Customization
Customization sample for UITabBar's badge using text attributes.
###New filters
New filters of CIFilter in Core Image.
###New Fonts
New Fonts gallery
###Proactive: Location Suggestions
This sample demonstrates how to use new mapItem
property of NSUserActivity to integrate with location suggestions.
###Attributed Speech
Attributed Speech demo using attributedSpeechString
of AVSpeechUtterance.
But it seems NOT to affect the speech with this attribute. Anyone, please let me know how to use this new API.
###Haptic Feedback
Haptic Feedbacks using UIFeedbackGenerator.
Shuichi Tsutsumi
Freelance iOS programmer in Japan.
- PAST WORKS: My Profile Summary
- PROFILES: LinkedIn
- BLOGS: English / Japanese
- CONTACTS: Twitter / Facebook
##Special Thanks
The icon is designed by Okazu