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This project automates the setup of a Joomla development environment. It is capable of running a full featured LAMP stack with a single command so that you can start working on your Joomla projects quickly.


  1. Install VirtualBox

  2. Install Vagrant

  3. Run the following commands in a folder of your choice:

vagrant init joomlatools/box vagrant up ```

This will download the Vagrant box and get it running.
  1. Add the following line into your hosts file (/etc/hosts on Linux and MacOS, for other operating systems see here) ```

  1. The dashboard is now available at

There will be two new folders created called www and Projects. These folders act as shared folders between your host computer and the box.

Getting started

  1. Once you have installed the box as described above, SSH into the box:

vagrant ssh ```

  1. Create your first Joomla website with this command:

joomla site:create mysite ```

  1. Your new site is available at You can login using the credentials admin / admin.

  2. You can now symlink and install your custom extensions into the site, manage PHP versions and much more. Head over to our documentation pages to learn more about the box and its possibilities.

Sharing access to the box

One of the great features of Vagrant is Vagrant Share. Please note that Vagrant Share requires an account with HashiCorp's Atlas.

To share access, run this command and follow the instructions:

vagrant share --http 80

For more options please refer to the Vagrant docs.

For hacking on the box

If you want to make changes to the box's infrastructure, you can do so by building the box from scratch. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Clone this repository:

git clone ```

  1. Install required Vagrant plugins

vagrant plugin install vagrant-puppet-install vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest ```

  1. Go to the repository folder and provision the box:

cd joomla-vagrant vagrant up ```

  1. You can now edit the Puppet configuration. To apply your changes, provision the box again:

vagrant provision ```

Building and releasing using Packer

We use Packer to automatically build and deploy the box on Atlas. To launch a build, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository:

git clone ```

  1. Install Packer

  2. Generate a new token for your Atlas account.

  3. Make the token available to Packer in the current terminal session:

export ATLAS_TOKEN= ```

  1. Now edit the packer.json file. Look for the current version and increase the version number. The version number is defined in the post-processor section and can be found at the bottom of the file. It looks like this:

"post-processors": [ ... { "type": "atlas", ... "metadata": { "provider": "virtualbox", "version": "1.3.0" } }] ] ```

If you are not updating the `joomlatools/box` but want to create your own version, be sure to replace all occurences of `joomlatools/box` with your account and box name in the `packer.json` file.

*Note* A build cannot overwrite an existing version. If you want to replace an existing version, you will have to delete it on Atlas first!
  1. Commit the change and push back to GitHub.

  2. Instruct packer to start the build:

packer push packer.json ```

You can follow-up the build progress on the Builds page. Once it's finished, the new version will be automatically available on the your boxes section. Add a changelog and release it to the public.

Reporting issues

The box is a very complex piece of technology, based on many different open source tools and libraries many of which are far beyond our capabilities and understanding.

We therefor deliberately keep the Issues section on this specific Github repo closed as we want to encourage people to submit code to add features or fix bugs by opening up Pull Requests instead of report bug or problems through Issues.

If you do have a problem running the box please use either our forum or chat room to get in touch with us and we are most happy to try and help you.


Joomlatools Box is an open source, community-driven project. Contributions are welcome from everyone. We have contributing guidelines to help you get started.


See the list of contributors.


Joomlatools Box is free and open-source software licensed under the MPLv2 license.


Keep track of development and community news.


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  • Ruby 40.9%
  • Puppet 33.5%
  • PHP 11.0%
  • Shell 8.6%
  • Perl 3.5%
  • HTML 1.4%
  • Other 1.1%