This is one code example how to use react navigation 6 on expo web. I use for this example expo doc and React Navigation Hello doc. The result is the abilit to have on expo app on the web whit router path like http://localhost:19006/admin
I use:
- NodeJs v10.19.0
- Yarn v10.19.0
Clone the repo and cd into it for code access. Then.
To be able to run this project run on bash
yarn web
And the app will be available on http://localhost:19006
I will add some code text in the future. 😄
Create your branches and commits using the English language and following this guideline.
- Feature:
- Hotfix:
- POC:
- Chore:
chore(context): message
- Feat:
feat(context): message
- Fix:
fix(context): message
- Refactor:
refactor(context): message
- Tests:
tests(context): message
- Docs:
docs(context): message