Version 1.0.0, November, 2017 Author: Fabien Ferrero
This PCB was developed to ease connection between an Arduino Mini Pro, and RFM95 LoRa module, AA battery and a printed antenna.
Codes for the microcontroller for LoRa communications can be found on this link in the Arduino section :
I'm also including in this github some codes compatible with LoRaWan in the /Arduino_Code section.
This PCB has been designed to enable the connection of multiple sensors, few possibilities are listed in this figure :
- Arduino Mini Pro 3.3V 8MHz
- RFM95W
Optional :
DHT-22 ( temperature and humidity sensor)
BME280 ( temperature, barometer and humidity sensor)
Ultrasound distance sensor (pay attention that this sensor need 5V to work properly, and you will need some resistor divider to not damage your Arduino board)
Step-up voltage booster
3-axis accelerometer :
Arduino Mini LoRa RFM95W
Mini Pro Module
D8 <----> RST
MISO (D12) <----> MISO
MOSI (D11) <----> MOSI
SCK (D13) <----> CLK
SS (D10) <----> SEL (Chip Select)
D2 <----> DIO0
D7 <----> DIO1
D9 <----> DIO2
3.3V <----> Vcc
The layout of the PCB is available the gerber section. It has been designed to be fabricated on a 0.8mm-thick FR4 2 layer PCB. Depending of your need, it can be fabricated with different thickness, but the antenna has to be adjusted.
You will need some librairies to run the code, you can look in the libraries section to find the different libs needed for running the code.
All rights reserved. This Gerber, program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies this distribution, and is available at This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Maintained by Fabien Ferrero