The application can be deployed with either of the following commands, run in the project root:
sudo ./
sudo bash
The deployment script will build the Android application as an APK file, which can then be installed to a device. The APK file is saved to TOCR-mobileUI/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk.
The script will also deploy the backend as a clustered application in Google Container Engine, under the project mcc-2016-g13-p2. By default, the script deploys 3 backend application pods and 3 database pods.
Superuser permissions are required for the deployment. Note: Google Cloud SDK, Docker and Kubernetes are set up as the root user by the script. Thus, all following commands related to these features must be run with sudo, to be able to access needed configuration files.
You can either authenticate with an internal username and password or using any Facebook account. The precreated internal users are listed in the table below.
Username | Password |
test1 | secret1 |
test2 | secret2 |
test3 | secret3 |
To re-deploy the backend in Google Cloud, the previous deployment must be removed. This can be done with the following commands:
cd server
sudo ./
Besides the Android application fully working according to the project description, we have implemented two of the proposed challenges:
- Facebook authentication.
- Context-awareness, in case the user loses the internet connection after login.
The backend server is implemented with Python 3, using Tornado as the HTTP server framework. The main backend application is in, and some helper functions are in and
The backend runs in a Docker container, which is defined in Dockerfile. The container uses the official Python image. The Docker container is deployed in a Kubernetes cluster on Google Container Engine. The cluster components are defined in server/cluster/backend.yaml.
The backend uses MongoDB as a database. The MongoDB cluster deployment functionality is in server/cluster/sidecar. The Makefile and .yaml definitions have been copied and slightly altered from The official MongoDB image is used in the cluster containers, along with the mongo-k8s-sidecar image, which controls the replica set.
The certificate files used for HTTPS communication are stored in server/cert and the key used for accessing the Google Cloud project is in server/key
This is where the Android application source code is. Under app/src/main/java/com/temerarious/mccocr13/temerariousocr/ you can find the classes. They are separated in four groups: activities, with the actual activities of the application; fragments, basically with the fragment to handle the Facebook authentication; helpers, with several classes and methods to support the activities; and tasks, with the local and async tasks to run the OCR and communicate with the server.
In this folder you can find the file cluster_commands.txt, which describes some commands for controlling the cluster, and the file remote_ocr_processing.txt with detailed information on how some of the REST communication works in this application.