The Python3 implementation of FUSION’s Web3 functions
All installation instructions, description of functions and examples of usage are described on the web3fsnpy readthedocs page
Install some dependencies (you will need > python3.6) :-
#> sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
#> sudo pip3 install web3fsnpy (or pip3 install web3fsnpy --user if you want to install a username only copy)
You can find some example python programs at
designed to demonstrate the API's functionality. These will be added to as new functions are developed.
You will probably need to set the environmental variable FSN_PRIVATE_KEY to be able to use any write transaction methods.
Get your private key from your Fusion wallet (click on 'View details') and then :-
To update (frequent updates available) just type :-
#> sudo pip3 install --upgrade web3fsnpy (or pip3 install --upgarde web3fsnpy --user)
For a developer setup, you will likely need to install Ethereum's according to the instructions at
Then install web3fsnpy :-
#> git clone
The dependencies are listed in the file requirements.txt
Now you need to update the PYTHONPATH environmental variable to your .bashrc file assuming that you are in the folder web3fsnpy :-
#> echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PWD:$PWD/web3fsnpy:$PYTHONPATH">>~/.bashrc
Now restart your shell to activate the PYTHONPATH. You can now try some of the scripts in the folder fusion_tests to make sure that it is working.
It is best practice to operate within a virtualenv when modifying code, so as to isolate dependency issues.
Please report bugs or suggest enhancements by creating a git pull request to