The on-the-fly path planner for FRC
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Oxplorer is a realtime, dynamic, on-the-fly path generator designed for use with FRC robots. It can avoid any obstacles on a given field map and generate the optimal path in an instant.
Oxplorer is not finished, and will continue to be updated (For those worried it is too slow, I have several optimiziations implemented that just need some polishing and bug-fixing before a merge). You may have to play with the path settings a little to get them to look right. If there is a feature you want, please feel free to let me know!
For more info, you can read the wiki and you can explore the javadoc!
Take a look at the Roadmap for an idea of whats to come.
Add the folowing to the repositories section of your build.gradle
maven {
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = "3044-Packages-Bot"
password = "\u0067\u0068\u0070\u005f\u0038\u0055\u0068\u0037\u0061\u004f\u0062\u0049\u004a\u0041\u005a\u0045\u0059\u0073\u0041\u0055\u0033\u0063\u0041\u0037\u004f\u0065\u0070\u0037\u0053\u0074\u0073\u0058\u0058\u0059\u0031\u004e\u006e\u0056\u0030\u004a"
Then add this line to the dependencies section:
implementation 'me.nabdev.pathfinding:oxplorer:0.12.7'
Here's a basic example of usage (see more options for the builder on it's javadoc page)
Pathfinder pathfinder = new PathfinderBuilder(Field.CRESCENDO_2024).build();
try {
TrajectoryConfig config = new TrajectoryConfig(3 /* Max vel */, 3 /* Max accel */);
Trajectory myPath = pathfinder.generateTrajectory(m_robotDrive.getPose(), new Pose2d(8, 4, new Rotation2d()), config);
} catch (ImpossiblePathException e) {
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions, Bug reports, or anything of the sort? Feel free to reach out on any of these:
- Discord: 3044 Packages Discord
- Email: [email protected]
- ChiefDelphi: nab138
Or open a github issue/pr if that's more suitable.