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victor (aka Vector)

victor is the code name for the next iteration of the Cozmo product line. This repo contains code for the embedded firmware (syscon), robotics, animation, engine, and app layers.

If you're looking for the embedded OS that runs on victor hardware, there is not much in the way of formal documentation yet, but you can start by looking at our repo for vicos-oelinux.

If you need to work on Cozmo, you should look in cozmo-one.

For more information about the system architecture, components, organization at a high level, check out the Victor System Architecture page.

Getting Started

If you are new to Anki, please also see the New Hire Onboarding page.

More documentation related to development, building, and running is available under docs. See also the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Getting the code

You can fetch the code using git. Some assets currently require svn, which will be installed automatically.

Pro tip: You can organize directories however you want, but in practice it is useful to organize using a few subdirectories. If you're not sure what to do, we recommend organizing repos grouped by project under a top-level src dir in your home directory, for example:

├── src
│   └── victor
│       ├── victor  <- **This is your victor repo**
│       ├── <other victor-related repos>
mkdir -p src/victor
cd src/victor
git clone --recursive [email protected]:anki/victor.git

Note: If you see an error that "resource protected by organization SAML enforcement" or something similar while cloning, for example

Error downloading object: lib/crash-reporting-vicos/Breakpad/bin/armeabi-v7a/minidump_stackwalk (9254671): Smudge error: Error downloading lib/crash-reporting-vicos/Breakpad/bin/armeabi-v7a/minidump_stackwalk (92546712976a7f51bfe8b0c850e27b80c142893ffb9d3c57390d63101bacd4e7): batch response: Resource protected by organization SAML enforcement. Use a personal token that has been granted access to this organization.

Follow these steps to add a Personal Access Token to fix this error:

  1. Go to Github.

  2. Go to Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens.

  3. Generate a Personal access token.

  4. Give yourself repo permissions and click on the Generate Token button at the bottom.

  5. Copy and store the newly generated Personal Access Token in a local file because the string won't ever appear again.

  6. Click the grey SSO button on the left of the Delete button. This will take you through the Anki login portal. If successful, the SSO button will turn green.

  7. In the terminal, enter in the command git remote set-url origin https://<Github Username>:<Personal Access Token>

  8. Try cloning again.

Additional note: check the error very closely as it may direct you to a URL to authenticate your account, follow the URL as required.


Update the submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule update --recursive


We use a the git-lfs extension to handle large files in the source. To use it:

brew install git-lfs # initial config
cd <victor-dir>
git lfs install
git lfs pull

Miscellaneous setup

  1. To speed up builds, install ccache on your system and the build system will automatically start using it.

  2. Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc if you use zsh:

    source <PATH_TO_YOUR_VICTOR_REPO>/project/victor/scripts/

    This will give you access to very useful aliases for the various build/deploy scripts. These aliases will be referenced extensively in this doc.

Configure AWS

  1. Now that we have shifted from Anki servers to AWS S3 buckets, AWS command line needs to be set up on your system to download dependencies.
  2. Get your AWS credentials from your supervisor.
  3. Download and install AWS Command Line Interface on your system. OSX: brew install awscli Ubuntu: apt install awscli
  4. Open terminal and configure AWS using the command: aws configure
  5. Enter the various credentials and for region use: us-east-1
  6. Install Boto 3 to access S3 objects via Python: pip2 install boto3 && pip3 install boto3 Ubuntu 16.04: apt install python-pip && pip install boto3==1.3.1

Building Victor

If you're a developer, it is highly recommended that you check out the Victor Build System Walkthrough doc to familiarize yourself with the build system. The underlying build system for victor is CMake. The appropriate version of CMake and other dependencies required for building victor will be fetched automatically.

  1. Note that we often build in release mode, since debug mode is extremely slow on the robot. To build for vicos (the default), ensure you are in the victor directory and run


    If this command fails for some reason, try running victor_build_release -fX1.

    The release build is NOT the shipping build. The release build still includes developer tools like the webserver.

    The shipping build, which end consumers use, does not have these tools. To make the shipping build, do:


    We can also build in debug mode by running:


    Note if performance is a problem there is an option for a debug build with compiler optimizations enabled

  2. To build for mac, run

    project/victor/ -p mac

    If this command fails for some reason, try running project/victor/ -p mac -fX1.

  3. If you want to force a 'clean' build, the brute-force method is to run

    git clean -dffx _build EXTERNALS generated


    git clean -dffx .
    git submodule foreach --recursive 'git clean -dffx .'

    then rebuild. Note that it will now take 10-20 minutes to rebuild.

  4. To generate an Xcode project without building, run

    project/victor/ -p mac -g Xcode -C

1. Note about the -f and -X flags: We use a helper script to generate file lists to tell CMake what to build. Sometimes, when changing branches, CMake doesn't notice that it needs to regenerate build files. The -f flag forces it to do so. Also, asset files can be force-updated by using the -X flag.

For a more thorough description of build options, run project/victor/ -h or check out the build-instructions document.

Deploying Victor

Install shared victor ssh key

If your robot is >= 0.9.1 then it has a built-in ssh key. To interact with the robot you need to know its IP address and you must have the ssh key on your computer.

  1. Download the private key to ~/.ssh/id_rsa_victor_shared

    curl -sL -o ~/.ssh/id_rsa_victor_shared
    chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa_victor_shared
    ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa_victor_shared

    If you're on macOS Sierra you may want to add the ssh-add line to your .bashrc or .bash_profile since adding to keychain with -K is broken in Sierra.

  2. Optionally create a configuration for your Victor robot in ~/.ssh/config

    Host 192.168.42.*
      User root
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_victor_shared
      StrictHostKeyChecking no

    If you still get an ssh error that says "Too many authentication failures", try adding IdentitiesOnly=yes to the above entry.

  3. Build, deploy, and run commands as normal. You can specify the target robot with -s on most of the deploy and run commands or you can set the ANKI_ROBOT_HOST environment variable in your shell to a default host.

    export ANKI_ROBOT_HOST="<ip address>"
  4. You can open an ssh session on the robot as follows:

    ssh root@${ANKI_ROBOT_HOST}

    or execute remote commands. e.g. ssh root@${ANKI_ROBOT_HOST} "logcat -vthreadtime"

Connecting over WiFi

If Victor is in factory mode update Victor to the latest Dev version. Follow the instructions at:

Victor OTA update using Mac-Client tool to setup WiFi on your robot.

Alternatively, use an authorized iPhone/Android test phone and the Vector Robot app (aka Chewie) to configure Victor. On HockeyApp, see Vector-master-dev-os or Vector-master-dev-android.

Getting Victor's IP address

  1. Power on your robot and wait until the eyes appear on the screen.
  2. Place robot on charger.
  3. Double click his back button.
  4. Raise the lift fully, then lower it fully.
  5. The robot's IP address will appear in green if connected to a network. If the IP address appears in red, then the robot is not properly connected. Follow the steps here to get him connected to a network.

Deploying to a particular robot

  1. For convenience when working with multiple robots, or if you just want to be sure you're targeting a specific robot, almost all of the commands accept a robot IP with the -s option. For example:

    victor_deploy_release -s

    will deploy the release version to the robot at

    victor_deploy_debug -s

    will deploy the debug version to the robot at

Deploying binaries and assets to physical robot

  1. Run victor_stop to stop the processes running on the robot.

  2. Run victor_deploy_release to deploy the binaries and asset files to the robot. To deploy the debug version, use victor_deploy_debug.

  3. If the operation times out, power cycle the robot and try again.

Fixing rsync

If you get the error rsync: --chown=:2901: unknown option on a Mac run brew install rsync to get a version that supports this option.

Updating VICTOR_COMPAT_VERSION for breaking changes

If you are making breaking changes to the code here that require corresponding changes in the vicos-oelinux.git repository, then you will need to increment VICTOR_COMPAT_VERSION in both repositories. This will ensure that other developers cannot accidentally try to deploy on old robots that don't have your change. In addition, if someone is working on an outdated branch and they try to deploy onto a newer robot, they will fail and be prompted to rebase their branch.

Factory Reset Victor

In case you need a clean environment for troubleshooting. Follow the steps for a factory reset:

  1. Place your Victor on the charger
  2. Press and hold the backpack button
  3. Wait for the robot to shutdown and reboot
  4. Keep holding the backpack button until the little circle light comes on, then release. This should put your robot into factory mode
  5. After the robot finishes booting up into factory mode (you will see on the face), double click the backpack button
  6. Raise and lower the lift to get to the customer care screen
  7. Roll the tread to move the > from EXIT to CLEAR USER DATA
  8. Raise and lower the lift again
  9. Roll the tread to get the > to CONFIRM
  10. Raise and lower the lift again
  11. You should see REBOOTING....

Running Victor

Once the binaries and assets are deployed, Victor's face should be blank. You can run everything by running victor_start. At this point, Victor should wake up and not show an error code on his face.

You can view output from all processes by running victor_log. You can save the output to file while also viewing the live output by running victor_log | tee log.txt.

Connect to Victor with Webots

Note that we have floating licenses for Webots. Check with your friendly producers to see if it's OK for you to install and use Webots, since you may be taking a license from someone who really needs it.

  1. First, make sure you have built for mac (see instructions above) on the same branch as the binaries on the physical robot.

  2. Open the world cozmo2Viz.wbt in a text editor, and set the field engineIP to match your robot's IP address.

  3. Run the world to connect to the robot. The processes must be fully up and running before connecting with webots. If in doubt, stop the world and run victor_restart first.

Running Victor in Webots (simulated robot)

See simulator/

Updating syscon (body firmware)

Most developers shouldn't have to do this. If you think you need to update your syscon firmware, check with Al, Kevin Y, or Matt M.

Having trouble?

Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page. When you get new questions answered, consider adding them to the list to help others!

Victor Build Setup

Victor DVT3 ssh connection

Victor DVT3 OTA Instructions

Copyright (C) 2018 Anki Inc.