Lartify is a laravel starter project template.
The template is likley unstable and not everything is tested yet. Use at your own risk!
For easier install, you can use the ddev install
command to get started more quickly.
Benefits are:
- Ability to define a project name which is set in every relevant file
- Ability to automatically install frontend and backend dependencies
- Auto-Run migrations
- Auto-Generate app keys
git clone
cd lartify
ddev start
ddev ssh
cp .env.ddev .env
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan telescope:publish
php artisan passport:install
- Copy the folders of languages that you want, in the resources/lang folder of your Laravel application (Files of languages are in "vendor/caouecs/laravel-lang" directory)
cd frontend
yarn install
yarn serve
- Open http://localhost:8080 in your Browser