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Welcome to RustySAT, a SAT Solver written in Rust! This work is done by Andrew Gan and Fangjia Shen.


  • Boolean Constraint Propagation (Fangjia)
  • Variable Heuristics (Andrew)

How to Compile and Run

To Compile

The script file first installs a Rust toolchain then compiles the SAT solver. Nothing here requires sudo (you do need internet to download things). Run the command:


Note: At the beginning of installation, you will be prompted with a message that looks like this. Just choose the standard installation.

Current installation options:

   default host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
     default toolchain: stable (default)
               profile: default
  modify PATH variable: yes

1) Proceed with standard installation (default - just press enter)
2) Customize installation
3) Cancel installation

The last command in the script file compiles the solver: cargo build --release.

To Download Benchmark Files

The script file fetches CNF test files for benchmarking from SATLIB. Run the command:


To Run

CLI Interface

Our CLI interface follows the course project requirement (of course!)

  • Default configuration with BCP and VSIDS ./target/release/sat_solver <cnf_file>
  • To disable BCP: Add --no-bcp
  • To disabled VSIDS : Add --heuristics x
  • To confirm SAT/UNSAT : Add --check [--satisfiable]

Output format:

  • SAT
ASSIGNMENT: 1=0 2=1 3=1 4=0 5=0 ....

Code Structure

  • src/
    • Entry point of the solver. Definition of CLI argument parser.
    • Implementation of CNF file lexer and parser.
    • Top level file for module sat_solver. Definition of all data structures used by the DPLL algorithm (and the two-watch-literals data structure used by BCP).
    • sat_solver/
      • Auxiliary methods for the data structures (e.g. debug-print format and checking if a clause is unsatisfiable).
      • Routines for the DPLL algorithm. Routines for Boolean Constraint Propagation.
    • Top level file for the module heuristics.
    • heuristics/
      • Declaration of the Heuristics trait (heuristics for picking a variable to assign).
      • Implements Ascending, a baseline implementation of the Heuristics trait that recommends unassigned variables starting with the smallest index.
      • Implements Dynamic Largest Individual Sum, heuristics which recommends the literal
        that appears most frequently among unresolved clauses.
      • Implements Variable State Independent Decaying Sum, heuristics which prioritises literals that appeared in recently discovered conflict clauses.
    • Counters for the number of free/implied/backtracked/flipped decisions made during the solving of a problem. Timer for run time.

Data Structures


Aliased to a 32-bit unsigned integer.


  • A Variable;
  • A boolean field representing the polarity of a literal.

For example, a and a' have an identical Variable field but different polarities.


  • An enum field representing the status of a literal: Satisfied, Unsatisfied, or Unresolved (variable is not assigned yet);

  • A Vec of references (i.e. pointers) to heap-allocated Clause objects, each corresponding to a clause where this literal appears.

note: This object alone does not know which literal it is describing. Higher-level data structures are required to associate a Literal object with a LiteralInfo object.


  • A 32-bit unsigned integer id for a clause;

  • A Vec of Literal objects that make up the clause;

  • A Vec of references (i.e. pointers) to heap-allocated LiteralInfo objects, each corresponding to a Literal object that appears in this clause;

  • A two-element array of Literal objects, representing the two watch literals.


Purpose: Represents the sat problem and current states of each variable and literal in the solving process.

  • list_of_variables: A HashMap from Variable to a VariableState enum (Assigned/Unassigned).

  • list_of_literal_infos: A HashMap from Literal to a reference (i.e. pointer) to a heap-allocated LiteralInfo object

  • list_of_clauses: A Vec of references (i.e. pointers) to heap-allocated Clause objects.

  • list_of_clauses_to_check: A BTreeSet of references (i.e. pointers) to heap-allocated Clause objects.


  • A Variable object;

  • A boolean representing the polarity (on/off) of this assigned variable.


  • A Assignment object;

  • An enum representing the nature of this assignment:

    • Forced-at-Init: Implied in the beginning because this variable belongs to a unit clause.
    • Forced-at-BCP: Implied during Boolean Constraint Propagation.
    • First-try: The variable was picked at-will by some heuristics; haven't backtracked and flipped the polarity of this assignment.
    • Second-try: Converted from First-try after flipping the polarity during backtrack.


  • A Vec of SolutionStep objects that represents the solution stack of assignments so far.



Top-level function for the DPLL algorithm. Steps include:

  1. Pre-process the problem: identify Unit Clauses and force assign their variables.
    • If BCP is enabled, perform BCP for each forced assignment.
  2. Pick a variable to assign, using some heuristics.
  3. Update the problem
    1. Update list of variables: mark one as Assigned
    2. Update list of literals: mark one literal as Sat, and its complement as Unsat
    3. Update the state of each Clause associated with the literals touched in the last step
  4. Resolve conflicts by performing backtrack if any clause is unsatisfiable.
    • If BCP is enabled, first try to imply as many variables as possible. Only backtrack when a variable is implied to be both on and off. Repeat the "BCP-backtrack" loop until no more implications can be made.
  5. Repeat 2~4 until no variables are left to assign.


Called once at the beginning of the DPLL algorithm.

Scans the list of clauses to search for unit clauses. Put all involved literals in a set. Then iteratively push the forced assignments onto the solution stack while performing BCP after each assignment.


Called every time a variable changes state (being assigned/unassigned, or having its assigned polarity flipped), hence this method is used in many places: when we pick a variable to assign at-will, during BCP, during backtracking, and during the initial force-assignment of unit clause variables.

Aside from updating the state in LiteralInfo, it also inserts all Clause objects referenced by the Literal which becomes unsatisfied into list_of_clauses_to_check (when BCP is enabled, only insert if this literal is one of the two watch variables of a clause).


When BCP is not enabled, it pops every Clause object reference from list_of_clauses_to_check and calculates if it is satisfied, unresolved, or unsatisfiable. If no clause is unsatisfiable, then there is no need to backtrack.

In the case of a unsatisfiable clause, the solver drops all remaining Clause object references from list_of_clauses_to_check and starts backtracking. All implied assignments and already-flipped assignments are dropped; the last at-will assignment which has not been flipped is flipped, clauses which contain the subsequently unsatisfied literal are added to list_of_clauses_to_check, and this method is called in a tail-recursive fashion as long as one clause in the worklist proves to be unsatisfiable.

When BCP is enabled, only a portion of code in this method is run: it merely drops implied/"already-flipped" assignments on the stack till the last "first-try" assignment and flip. The method then returns without recursion. More on this in the description for boolean_constraint_propagation.


When BCP is enabled, this method takes over from udpate_clause_state_and_resolve_conflict the role of checking if each clause becomes unsatisfiable. It pops clauses from list_of_clauses_to_check and see if they has become unsatisfied. If a clause is still unresolved and more than one of its literals are unresolved, the current watch literals are updated; if a clause only has one unresolved literal remaining (it has to be one of the watch literals), force-assign that variable; if the clause is unsatisfiable, then transfer control to udpate_clause_state_and_resolve_conflict to perform backtracking.

This method also keeps a record of all implied assignments in each call. If it detects a variable being implied to be both on and off, it transfers control to udpate_clause_state_and_resolve_conflict to perform backtracking.

add_parsed_clause / add_conflict_clause

Allows the heuristics to keep track of available literals and update their scores if necessary. For Ascending, literals are simply registered with the heuristics to ensure all variables are assigned at the end. For DLIS, the frequency of literals during parsing of the input file is noted, but conflict clauses do not impact the DLIS recommendation. VSIDS is the only heuristics that updates the scores of literals when a conflict clause is encountered. To avoid runtime delay, instead of dividing all literal scores by a fixed value at every interval, we increase the amount to be added to the score after every recommendation to achieve the effect of depreciating current score values.


This method requests a recommendation to assign a variable to a specific polarity. Depending on the heuristics used, the recommendation differs. For Ascending, the variable with the lowest index is selected from the unassigned literal set. For DLIS, the most frequent variable is selected from the unassigned literal set. For VSIDS, the literal with the highest score due to frequency appearing in recently discovered conflict clauses, is selected for recommendation.


A DPLL SAT solver written in Rust



