After cloning the repository navigate to the directory and run the following commands
npm install
npm run start
When you want to add assets (i.e.: Images, SpriteSheets, TileMaps) Add your file to the assets folder. Then go into src/AssetManifest.json and add the filename to the appropriate list.
For instance, if you want to add any sort of image (for example: grass.png) first save the grass.png to the assets folder, then go to src/AssetManifest.json and add "grass.png" to the images list:
So heres what the manifest file looks like before adding the grass.png
"images": [],
"spriteSheets": [],
"tileMaps": []
now after adding grass.png
"images": [
"spriteSheets": [],
"tileMaps": []
same goes for tileMaps, you just add the tilemap.json file to the assets folder and update the "tileMaps" entry with the map. However spritesheets are a bit different.
SpriteSheets are typically an image containing 'frames' of a sprite and its various animations, so in order to import it to the game properly the game needs to know a few things about the Sprite Sheet
Phaser needs to know:
key: This is what the game references the sprite with basically its calling card
imageFile: the name of the actual sprite sheet (i.e. spriteSheet.png)
frameHeight: How tall each Frame is in pixels
frameWidth: How wide each Frame is in pixels
"images": [],
"spriteSheets": [
"key": "creep",
"imageFile": "creep.png",
"frameHeight": 31,
"frameWidth": 31
"tileMaps": []