This project illustrates how to use of virtual threads and structured concurrency with java version 23 in order to execute paralleled tasks on each file of a file tree.
The project provides a walker method (Traverser.browseFor
) which is responsible for executing the method
for each file of a file tree, given an initial instance of BrowseResult.
An instance of BrowseResult
is created for every directory which is browsed. So, walking through the content
of a root directory, if a file is found, the method processFile
is called, if a directory is found a new instance
of BrowseResult
is created to process the directory in a new structured task scope nested in the current task.
StructuredTaskScopes use virtual threads
As The Traverser is designed to produce an aggregated result so, after all the files and all the subdirectories
of a directory are processed, results can be aggregated with a call to aggregate()
The previous requirements are implemented in the method bibonne.filestree.traverser.InternalTraverser#call
To operate the project, one should supply an implementation of BrowseResult. This implementation is at least responsible for :
- processing a file to mutate its state and get a result from the given file
- supplying a new instance for a given directory
- returning the directory to which an instance is linked
- eventually, aggregating results for the linked directory and its subdirectories
The two following sections demonstrate :
- a BrowseResult to compute aggregated sizes of a file tree
- a BrowseResult to convert audio files from a format to another (external call to ffmpeg). This example does not use aggregation
Benchmark is done applying all the versions of the program which compute aggregate size of a file tree over my /home directory which sizes about 43 Gio and is about 362537 files large.
The program is applied in a bash prompt and we measure the real time
of execution returned by the time
command for many
executions of the program in the bash. The reference time is given by the standard implementation which uses the non blocking
parallel computing with the help of the structured concurrency : it takes about 1.8s
About 3.1s
Use parallel computation with a carrier threads pool. Every new computation is submitted as a new task to the thread pool
NB : With the same implementation, using a newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor()
gives better performances than with structured concurrency : cf. next section
The implementation of InternalTraverser with a newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor but without structured concurrency takes roughly the same time as the implementation with structurd concurrency to process.
See bibonne.filestree.onlyvirtualthreads.FileTreeSizeWithVirtualThreadOnly
The lighter implementation (without InternalTraverser) gives better results (about twice quicker) than the case with structured concurrency. Need to do a precise benchmark on this case
The basic principle of file tree traverser is to use recursive calls to the function which computes size every time we meet
a folder. Recursive calls are enabled with streams using mapMulti
: the BiConsumer method mapper
passed to the mapMulti
calls itself every time it meets a folder.
Benchmark give about 4s.
Compile the program into a native binary and run the binary to compute the size